ùISO8859-1 '€9¨<â3)S-}.«)Ú . .3 &b 5‰Usage: bdiff File1 File2 [Number] [-s] bdiff: 0653-001 Specify only one file as standard input. bdiff: 0653-002 Specify file segment size as a line number. bdiff: 0653-003 Cannot create another process now. bdiff: 0653-005 The diff command failed. bdiff: 0653-004 Cannot run the diff command. bdiff: 0653-006 Error writing temporary file. bdiff: 0653-007 The pipe command failed. bdiff: 0653-008 Cannot unlink temporary file. bdiff: 0653-009 Cannot create temporary file. bdiff: 0653-010 Cannot open file %s . bdiff : 0653-011 No Space Left on /tmp File System .