ùISO8859-1‚Ð=S$‘=¶Gô%<"b<… 1Â ?ô 44 6i 0 :Ñ0 6=1tE¦)ì 37†k1480-200 Usage: attachrset [-P][-F] rsetname pid attachrset [-P][-F] -c cpuNum [cpuNum] [-m memNum [memNum]] pid 1480-202 The pid parameter contains an invalid character %c. 1480-203 Specify the pid parameter. 1480-204 Specify either the rsetname parameter or -c option. 1480-205 Do not specify both the rsetname parameter and the %s option. 1480-206 rset %s attached to pid %d. 1480-207 rset attached to pid %d. 1480-208 The %s parameter contains an invalid character %c. 1480-209 The %s parameter value %d is too large. 1480-210 The range specified by the %s parameter is not valid. 1480-211 The %s parameter range %s-%s is not valid. 1480-212 Do not specify the %s option multiple times. 1480-213 Specify a CPU list with the -c option. 1480-214 Specify a memory region list with the -m option. 1480-215 The %s option is not a defined option. 1480-216 The %s parameter is not a defined parameter. 1480-217 The rsetname parameter %s is not valid. 1480-218 The rsetname parameter %s contains an invalid character %c. 1480-219 The rsetname %s does not exist. 1480-220 pid %d does not exist. 1480-221 The requested operation is not permitted. 1480-200 Usage: attachrset [-P][-S][-F] rsetname pid attachrset [-P][-F] -c cpuNum [cpuNum] [-m memNum [memNum]] pid