ISO8859-1, - p 3 : : = .K l P P N Z G 2 L $S q@ =$Di ;nj)}):@B~ : yP  Q u2H^ cn"] )7.a4LE+ Mq!M" #C!$Ke%J&' (I)_*pd+,-E. %//0 1 2b3 ;4G56`%7 8I9:;J<?=WO> ? @ABC:D  EF &GE0HvI~J K>L M7NO#P6,Q cRqSuTzUV;WXYZ[\]^_`a5 b CcNdie:fghiBj 5k Kl Mm Pn SX V y !5!F<!Ny!" :" y"S " P" |#4###$Q$g$p$&$$\$%#%55%S:%;%K&&LL&e T&!L'"'T#N'h$V'%E(&(T'(d(D(m)(*s(+)+,)3-);.E)D/ )0M)1 )2+)3 *4b*&5 *6*7+a8+q9 ,:E,;,<,=,>I,?-C@W-SA -B -C-D-E-F:-G .H.I./JE.>K.L.M.N>.O .P7/Q/;R/@S6/IT /U/V/W/X/Y;/Z/[/\/]0^0_0 `0a0b0c0#d50*e 0`f0kg0h:0i0j0k1lB1(m1kn1o1p1q1r1s 1t1u1v1w1x1y1z1{1| 1}1~"22&O2F/2"2.23 3' 343@3U3j3~<33334 V4M4j#44C4 5/5: 5O%5[#5%5&55 6 66(6?H6U6 666 6<6e7m7{f7h8P88 82637-000 Attribute identifier is not valid. 2637-001 Error from registry call %s, rc=%d. 2637-002 Attribute "%s" cannot be specified as part of the definition of a new resource but is otherwise valid. 2637-003 Resource handle specified does not exist. 2637-004 Error %1$d returned from registry function %2$s. 2637-005 Attribute "%1$s" is read-only and cannot be set. 2637-006 Attribute "%1$s" appears in request more than once. 2637-007 The value specified for attribute "%1$s" has the wrong data type. 2637-008 Resource class name "%1$s" is not recognized by this resource manager. 2637-009 The control point for resource class "%1$s" cannot not be initialized. 2637-010 The control point for the target resource cannot not be initialized. 2637-011 An unexpected exception %1$s was caught with error code %2$d. 2637-012 An unexpected exception %1$s was caught. 2637-013 Attribute "%1$s" must be specified when a new resource is defined. 2637-014 The values for the NodeList attribute must be less than or equal to 4096. 2637-015 The value for the ManualMode attribute must be 0 or 1. 2637-016 Action identifier %1$d is invalid for class "%2$s". 2637-017 No such file or directory. 2637-018 Resource busy. 2637-019 Not a Directory. 2637-020 Invalid argument. 2637-021 Read only file system. 2637-022 A file system can not be forced to offline state. The JFS (Journaled File System) resource class monitors the attributes and mount status of JFS resources.Journaled File System (JFS or Jfs or jfs)Whenever a JFS resource is created either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource DefinedGeneralAn event is generated whenever a new JFS resource is discovered.Whenever an JFS resource is deleted either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource UndefinedAn event is generated whenever an JFS resource is removed.This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedAn event is generated whenever a persistent class or resource attribute changes.Identifies the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class JFS.VarietyInternalWhenever (a) one or more persistent attribute values change or (b) an ACL (access control list) changes, this dynamic attribute is asserted.Configuration ChangedNoneAttributesAccess control listAttributes and access control listGeneralWhenever the operational state of a resource is changed, this dynamic attribute is asserted.Operational StateOperational state unknownOperational state online (JFS is mounted)Operational state offline (JFS is not mounted)Example expression for OpState in resource class JFSThis dynamic attribute gives the percentage total space used in a resource.Percent Total Space UsedExample expression of attribute PercentTotUsed in resource class JFS.Example re-arm expression of attribute PercentTotUsed in resource class JFS.This dynamic attribute gives the percentage total I-Node used in a resource.Percent I-Node UsedExample expression of attribute PercentINode in resource class JFS.Example re-arm expression of attribute PercentINode in resource class JFS.An internally assigned handle that uniquely identifies this JFS resource.Resource HandleInternalA name that uniquely identifies this JFS resource; for example, "/home".NameIdentifies the specific defined resource attributes for the JFS resource class that apply to this JFS resource.Variety1A list that contains all the nodes to which this resource can attach.Node ListDefines the classification of the resource as Fixed, Floating, or Concurrent. The resource class JFS is classified as Fixed in this variation.Resource Type1 (Fixed)Specifies the mount point of a resource, usually the same as resource name; for example, "/home".Mount PointSpecifies the actual directory over which a resource is mounted; for example, "/UserSpecifiedDirrectory". Note: this attribute usually, but not always, has the same value as that of attribute MountPoint.Mount DirectorySpecifies the device name on which a resource resides; for example, "/dev/hd1". Note: there is a unique one-to-one correspondence between a device and a JFS. Only one JFS can be defined in a logical volume and only one logical volume can reside on a device. For example, file system "/home" is defined in logical volume "hd1" on device "/dev/hd1".Device NameSpecifies the virtual file system name. For this JFS class, it is "jfs".Virtual File SystemjfsSpecifies the log device name for this resource; for example, "/dev/hd8".Log Device NameSpecifies if this resource should be automatically mounted at the start of the system.Auto MountautomatictruefalsereadonlySpecifies the read and write permissions of this resource.PermissionsRead and writeRead-onlySpecifies if the system should start the accounting of this resource.AccountAccounting offAccounting onSpecifies the mount group of resources; for example, "bootfs".Mount GroupSpecifies the size of this resource in 512-byte blocks.SizeAdvancedSpecifies the fragment size of this resource in bytes.Fragment Size512102420484096Specifies the number of bytes per I-Node for this resource.Number of Bytes per I-Node.5121024204840968192163843276865536131072Indicates whether this resource is compressed or not.CompressedFile system not compressedFile system compressedIndicates whether this resource is big-file-enabled or notBig File EnabledBig file not enabledBig file enabledSpecifies the allocation group size of this resource in megabytes.Allocation Group Size8163264The FileSystem resource class monitors the attributes and mount status of all resources.File SystemWhenever a resource is created either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource DefinedGeneralAn event is generated whenever a new resource is discovered.Whenever a resource is deleted either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource UndefinedAn event is generated whenever an JFS resource is removed.This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedAn event is generated whenever a persistent class or resource attribute changes.Identifies the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class FileSystem.VarietyInternalWhenever (a) one or more persistent attribute values change or (b) an ACL (access control list) changes, this dynamic attribute is asserted.Configuration Changed0 - None1 - Attributes2 - Access control list3 - Attributes and access control listGeneralWhenever the operational state of a resource is changed, this dynamic attribute is asserted.Operational State0 - Operational state unknown1 - Operational state online (file system is mounted)2 - Operational state offline (file system is not mounted)Example expression for OpState in resource class FileSystemThis dynamic attribute gives the percentage total space used in a resource.Percent Total Space UsedExample expression of attribute PercentTotUsed in resource class FileSystem.Example re-arm expression of attribute PercentTotUsed in resource class FileSystem.This dynamic attribute gives the percentage total I-Node used in a resource.Percent I-Node UsedExample expression of attribute PercentINodeUsed in resource class FileSystem.Example re-arm expression of attribute PercentINodeUsed in resource class FileSystem.An internally assigned handle that uniquely identifies this resource.Resource HandleInternalA name that uniquely identifies this resource; for example, "/home".NameIdentifies the specific defined resource attributes for the FileSystem resource class that apply to this resource.Variety1 - JFS2 - JFS2A list that contains all the nodes to which this resource can attach.Node ListDefines the classification of the resource as Fixed, Floating, or Concurrent.Resource Type0 - Non-Fixed, i.e., floating or concurrent1 - FixedSpecifies the mount point of a resource, usually the same as resource name; for example, "/home".Mount PointSpecifies the actual directory over which a resource is mounted; for example, "/UserSpecifiedDirrectory". Note: this attribute usually, but not always, has the same value as that of attribute MountPoint.Mount DirectorySpecifies the device name on which a resource resides; for example, "/dev/hd1". Note: there is a unique one-to-one correspondence between a device and a resource. Only one file system can be defined in a device. For example, file system "/home" is defined in device "/dev/hd1".Device NameSpecifies the virtual file system name. For example, "jfs" or "jfs2".Virtual File Systemjfsjfs2Specifies the log device name for this resource; for example, "/dev/hd8".Log Device NameSpecifies if this resource should be automatically mounted at the start of the system.Auto MountautomatictruefalsereadonlySpecifies the read and write permissions of this resource.Permissionsrw - Read and writero - Read onlySpecifies if the system should start the accounting of this resource.Accountfalse - Accounting offtrue - Accounting onSpecifies the mount group of resources; for example, "bootfs".Mount GroupSpecifies the size of this resource in 512-byte blocks.SizeAdvancedSpecifies the fragment size of this resource in bytes.Fragment Size512102420484096Specifies the number of bytes per I-Node for this resource.Number of Bytes per I-Node.5121024204840968192163843276865536131072Indicates whether this resource is compressed or not.Compressedno - File system not compressedLZ - File system compressedIndicates whether this resource is big-file-enabled or notBig File Enabledfalse - Big file not enabledtrue - Big file enabledSpecifies the allocation group size of this resource in megabytes.Allocation Group Size8163264Block size in bytes.Block Size512102420484096ext23 - EXT2File system state.File System State.not cleancleanBehavior when errors are detected.Behavior When Detecting Errors.continue - Ignore errors and just mark the file system erroneous and continue.remount-ro - Remount the file system read-only.panic - Panic and halt the system.Number of blocks reserved for super user only.Reserved BlockMount count.Mount CountMaximum mount count.Maximum Mount Count.Mount option Nodev.Nodev.nodev - Doesn't allow device nodes on the system to be - Allows device nodes on the system to be used.Mount option Nosuid.Nosuid.nosuid - Doesn't allow the set user ID and set group ID file mode bits to take effect.suid - Allows the set user ID and set group ID file mode bits to take effect.Dump interval used by command dump.Dump Interval.FSCK pass, indicates which file systems can be checked in parallel.FSCK Pass.Block size in bytes.Block Size.3 - Operational state failed_offline.4 - Operational state stuck_online.5 - Operational state pending_online.6 - Operational state pending_offline.7 - Operational state mixed.Manual mode.Manual Mode0 - Manual mode false.1 - Manual mode true.A list contains all the nodes to which this resource can be operated on.Node Identifiersext2/ext34 - JFS5 - JFS26 - EXT2/EXT3An event will be generated when the filesystem goes offline.An event will be generated when more than 90 percent of the total space of the filesystem is in use.The event will be rearmed when the percent of the total space used in the filesystem falls below 85 percent.An event will be generated when more than 90 percent of the total inodes in the filesystem is in use.The event will be rearmed when the percent of the inodes used in the filesystem falls below 85 percent.ext3reiserfs7 - reiserfs