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Wrap plugs and other advanced functions will be used.Task Selection(Diagnostics, Advanced Diagnostics, Service Aids, etc.) This selection will list the tasks supported by these procedures. Once a task is selected, a resource menu may be presented showing all resources supported by the task.Resource Selection This selection will list the resources in the system that are supported by these procedures. Once a resource is selected, a task menu will be presented showing all tasks that can be run on the resource(s).Quick Analysis Path This selection runs diagnostics on all devices found in the system. This selection is intended for those who want a quick analysis of the system. Error log analysis is performed with this selection.99 Exit Diagnostics NOTE: The terminal is not properly initialized. You will be prompted to initialize the terminal after selecting one of the above options. To make a selection, type the number and press Enter. [1 ]Select this choice when you want to run Diagnostics on a resource (device).Select this choice when you want to run Advanced Diagnostics on a resource (device).Selecting this choice will give you a list of actions that can be performed. Some tasks require the selection of a resource to perform an action on, other tasks do not require a resource. The Shell Prompt is one example of a task that does not require a resource selection.Selecting this choice will give you a list of resources (devices) that can be selected to perform a task (action) on. Tasks include actions such as running diagnostics. You select resources by moving the cursor to the item and pressing the 'Enter' key. Once you have selected all the desired resources, press the 'Commit' key. This screen is equivalent to the Advanced Diagnostic Selection and the Diagnostic Selection screens of earlier versions of the diagnostics programs.Task Selection (Diagnostics, Advanced Diagnostics, Service Aids, etc.) This selection will list the tasks supported by these procedures. Once a task is selected, a resource menu may be presented showing all resources supported by the task.DIAGNOSTIC SELECTION From the list below, select any number of resources by moving the cursor to the resource and pressing 'Enter'. To cancel the selection, press 'Enter' again. To list the supported tasks for the resource highlighted, press 'List'.ADVANCED DIAGNOSTIC SELECTION From the list below, select any number of resources by moving the cursor to the resource and pressing 'Enter'. To cancel the selection, press 'Enter' again. To list the supported tasks for the resource highlighted, press 'List'.RESOURCE SELECTION LIST From the list below, select any number of resources by moving the cursor to the resource and pressing 'Enter'. To cancel the selection, press 'Enter' again. To list the supported tasks for the resource highlighted, press 'List'.Once all selections have been made, press 'Commit'. To exit without selecting a resource, press the 'Exit' key. All Resources This selection will select all the resources currently displayed.DIAGNOSTIC SELECTION Select one or more resources. ADVANCED DIAGNOSTIC SELECTION Select one or more resources. RESOURCE SELECTION LIST Select one or more resources. When finished, use 'Commit' to continue. All Resources This selection will select all resources that can be tested.Once all selections have been made, press 'Commit'. To avoid selecting a resource, press 'Previous Menu'. TASKS SELECTION LIST From the list below, select a task by moving the cursor to the task and pressing 'Enter'. To list the resources for the task highlighted, press 'List'.Run DiagnosticsThis selection will test the hardware resource. A problem will be indicated by a SRN (Service Request Number).Display or Change Diagnostic Run Time OptionsThis selection will allow various test mode options to be set, such as Advanced Mode, Error Log analysis, etc.Add Resource to Resource ListThis selection allows a resource that has previously been deleted from the Resource List to be added back.Delete Resource from Resource ListThis selection allows a resource to be deleted from the Resource List. NOTE: Once a resource has been deleted, it is not put back into the list unless done so by the 'Add Resource to Resource List'.Configure Dials and LpfkeysThis selection invokes SMIT to allow configuring dials and/or lpfkeys to the serial ports.Add or Delete Drawer ConfigurationThis selection invokes SMIT to allow drawers to be added or deleted from the configuration.Update Disk Based DiagnosticsThis selection invokes SMIT to aid in the installation of diagnostic software.Configure ISA AdapterThis selection invokes SMIT to help in the identification and configuration of ISA adapters in the system. This should be run whenever ISA adapters are added to or removed from the system. NOTE: If available, set the option 'Define device only, do not configure' to 'yes'.Shell PromptThis selection provides a Bourne Shell for the root user. The root password must be entered to get to the shell prompt. When finished, enter 'exit' to return.Process Supplemental MediaThis selection will process Supplemental Diagnostic Media.DISPLAY/CHANGE DIAGNOSTIC RUN TIME OPTIONSUse the 'List' or 'Tab' key to select values for the options below. When finished, press 'Commit' to save and exit.Display Diagnostic Mode Selection MenusInclude Advanced DiagnosticsInclude Error Log AnalysisRun Tests Multiple TimesOnOffRun Error Log AnalysisThis selection will run Error Log Analysis on the selected resource(s).DisketteTapeNetworkProcess Supplemental MediaSelect the Supplemental Media type. Press Enter to continue.Select the resource to mount your Supplemental Media on. Press Enter to continue.Bad diskette. Insert another diskette and press Enter to continue.Processing Supplemental Diagnostic Diskette. Please stand by.Incorrect diskette. Insert another diskette and press Enter to continue.Incorrect tape. Mount another media and press Enter to continue.Insert the Supplemental Diagnostic Diskette. Mount the Supplemental Diagnostic Media on %s. No tape devices are found in the system.%1$s at location %2$sPress Enter to continue.Restoring file(s) from tape device %s. Please stand by.An error was received during the restore operation. The following service procedures are recommended. CLEAN..........the tape drive read/write head and tape path. For instructions on cleaning, refer to the Setup and Operator Guide for this tape drive. OBTAIN.........a new diagnostic tape. NOTE: An old or worn out diagnostic tape may cause media errors. RUN............Advanced Diagnostics, to ensure this drive is functioning properly. Press Enter to continue. Make selection, use Enter to continue. Select values for the options below. When finished, use 'Commit' to continue.Select the Supplemental Media type. Use Enter to continue.Select the resource to mount your Supplemental Media on. Use Enter to continue.Bad diskette. Insert another diskette and use Enter to continue.Incorrect diskette. Insert another diskette and use Enter to continue.Incorrect tape. Mount another media and use Enter to continue.Use Enter to continue.An error was received during the restore operation. The following service procedures are recommended. CLEAN..........the tape drive read/write head and tape path. For instructions on cleaning, refer to the Setup and Operator Guide for this tape drive. OBTAIN.........a new diagnostic tape. NOTE: An old or worn out diagnostic tape may cause media errors. RUN............Advanced Diagnostics, to ensure this drive is functioning properly. Use Enter to continue.Number of days used to search error logSave changes to the database?YESNODisplay Progress IndicatorsDisplay or Change Diagnostic Run Time Options Diagnostic Event LoggingDiagnostic Event Log file sizeLog Repair ActionThe Log Repair Action Task logs a repair action in the Error log. A Repair Action log indicates that a FRU has been replaced and error log analysis should not be done for any errors logged before the Repair Action.Process Supplemental Media Supplemental media for %1$s is requiredCD-ROMInsert the Supplemental Diagnostic CD in the drive. No CD-ROM devices are found in the system.%1$s at location %2$sCopying file(s) from the device %s. Please stand by.This is not a supplemental media. Mount another media and use Enter to continue.An error was received while copying files from the drive. The following service procedures are recommended. BUSY...........The drive may be in use or active. Ensure the selected drive is not mounted. or in use. RUN............Advanced Diagnostics, to ensure this drive is functioning properly. Use Enter to continue.No media was found in CD-ROM drive chosen. Please ensure the supplemental media is loaded.DIAGNOSTIC OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS VERSION %s LICENSED MATERIAL and LICENSED INTERNAL CODE - PROPERTY OF IBM (C) COPYRIGHTS BY IBM AND BY OTHERS %s. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.These programs contain diagnostics, service aids, and tasks for the system. These procedures should be used whenever problems with the system occur which have not been corrected by any software application procedures available. In general, the procedures will run automatically. However, sometimes you will be required to select options, inform the system when to continue, and do simple tasks. Several keys are used to control the procedures: - The Enter key continues the procedure or performs an action. - The Backspace key allows keying errors to be corrected. - The cursor keys are used to select an option.Press the F3 key to exit or press Enter to continue. DIAGNOSTIC OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS VERSION %s LICENSED MATERIAL and LICENSED INTERNAL CODE - PROPERTY OF IBM (C) COPYRIGHTS BY IBM AND BY OTHERS %s. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These programs contain diagnostics, service aids, and tasks for the system. These procedures should be used whenever problems with the system occur which have not been corrected by any software application procedures available. In general, the procedures will run automatically. However, sometimes you will be required to select options, inform the system when to continue, and do simple tasks. Several keys are used to control the procedures: - The Enter key continues the procedure or performs an action. - The Backspace key allows keying errors to be corrected. - The cursor keys are used to select an option. To continue, press Enter. DIAGNOSTIC MODE SELECTIONProblem Determination This selection tests the system and analyzes the error log if one is available. Use this option when a problem is suspected on the machine.System Verification This selection will test the system, but will not analyze the error log. Use this option to verify that the machine is functioning correctly after completing a repair or an upgrade.Move cursor to selection, then press Enter.System Verification Use this option to verify that the machine is functioning correctly after completing a repair or an upgrade.Problem Determination This selection tests the system. Use this option when a problem is suspected on the machine. NOTE: Error log analysis is only performed when running from the hard file or an error is logged in NVRAM.System Verification Use this option to verify that the system is functioning correctly after completing a repair or an upgrade. Do NOT use this option if the system has been rebooted following a repair or an upgrade.Problem Determination This selection tests the system. Use this option when the system has been rebooted following a repair or an upgrade. Use this option when a problem is suspected on the system. SHUTDOWN A system shutdown is about to occur. Type 99 again and press to continue the shutdown process. --or-- Press the key to abort the shutdown and return to Diagnostics. DIAGNOSTICS SHUTDOWN The system is now ready to be powered off. OR Press to return to Diagnostics. DIAGNOSTICS SHUTDOWN The system is now ready to be powered off. OR Press to return to Diagnostics. SHUTDOWN A system shutdown is about to occur. Press to continue the shutdown. Press or to abort the shutdown and return to Diagnostics. DIAGNOSTICS SHUTDOWN To eject the CD-Rom, press , then power off the system. If the CD-ROM is not ejected, power off the system then eject the CD-ROM after power has been applied to the system. Press to eject the CD-ROM now. Press or to abort the operation and return to Diagnostics. DIAGNOSTICS SHUTDOWN To eject the CD-ROM, type 99 again and press . If the CD-ROM is not ejected, power off the system then eject the CD-ROM after power has been applied to the system. Type 99 again and Press to eject the CD-ROM now. --or-- Press the key to return to Diagnostics. Diagnostics will now terminate. Click on 'Enter' to terminate Diagnostics. To restart Web Browser Diagnostics, you will have to issue 'diag -w' again. Click 'Cancel' or 'Exit' to abort the termination and return to Diagnostics. DIAGNOSTICS SHUTDOWN Press to exit standalone diagnostics. Press or to abort the operation and return to Diagnostics. DEFINE TERMINAL The terminal is not properly initialized. The following are some of the terminal types that are supported. ibm3101 tvi912 vt330 ibm3151 tvi925 vt340 ibm3161 tvi920 wyse30 ibm3162 tvi950 wyse50 ibm3163 vs100 wyse60 ibm3164 vt100 wyse100 ibmpc vt320 wyse350 lft sun NOTE: If you are using a Graphics Display, such as a 5081 or 6091 display, enter 'lft' as the terminal type. If the next screen is unreadable, press C. Please enter a terminal type, or press Enter to return. ERROR: UNDEFINED TERMINAL The terminal type that was entered is not valid on this system. Please re-enter your terminal type. The following are some of the terminal types that are supported. ibm3101 tvi912 vt330 ibm3151 tvi925 vt340 ibm3161 tvi920 wyse30 ibm3162 tvi950 wyse50 ibm3163 vs100 wyse60 ibm3164 vt100 wyse100 ibmpc vt320 wyse350 lft sun NOTE: If you are using a Graphics Display, such as a 5081 or 6091 display, enter 'lft' as the terminal type. If the next screen is unreadable, press C. Please enter a terminal type, or press Enter to return. MISSING RESOURCEThe resource has NOT been removed from the system, moved to another location or address, or turned off. This selection will determine why the resource was not detected.The resource has been removed from the system and should be removed from the system configuration.The resource has been moved to another location and should be removed from the system configuration.The resource has been turned off and should be removed from the system configuration.The resource has been turned off but should remain in the system configuration.The following resource was detected previously, but is not detected now: %s Has the resource been removed from the system, moved to another location or address, or turned off?The following resources were detected previously, but are not detected now: These resources do not have Diagnostic support and cannot be resolved by the Missing Option Resolution Procedure. Press Enter to continue. The 'F4=List' key will display a popup of all siblings of the selected device that are in the same container along with their chgstatus value (NEW, SAME, MISSING, NOT APPLICABLE) The list below shows all the missing resources. Make a selection, then press Enter to process missing options resolutions. To list all siblings of a resource, use 'List'. When finished processing devices, use 'Exit'. MISSING AND NEW RESOURCES AT THE SAME LOCATION%sThe following resource(s) were detected in the same location as the previously reported missing resource. These resources may be invalid due to the hardware problem that caused the previous resource to become missing. Press Enter to remove these resources from the configuration. The resource has been turned off. This selection will leave the resource in the system configuration.The resource has been removed from the system. This selection will remove the resource and all of its children from the system configuration.The resource has been moved to another location within the system. This selection will associate any children of this resource with the new location. It will then remove the resource from the system configuration.The resource is present and turned on. This selection will determine why the resource is shown as missing.MISSING PATH SELECTIONThe paths to the following resource were detected previously, but are not detected now:Select a path for processing. Use Enter to continue.MISSING PATHSThe path selected to the following resource is missing:The resource has the following alternate paths:Select an option to resolve the missing path.Continue to run diagnostics on the selected resource. This selection will leave the path in the system configuration.The path has been removed. This selection will remove the path from the system configuration.The path has not been removed. This selection will determine why the path is shown as missing.Diagnostics did not find any missing resources or resource paths. The path between the following resources is missing:TESTING COMPLETE on %s No trouble was found. The resources tested were:TESTING COMPLETE on %s No trouble was found. Additional testing can be done if additional resources are freed. The resources tested were:To continue, press Enter.REMINDER: The Product Topology Service Aid should be performed whenever you have completed one of the following: 1. Device Installation (EC's, MES's, or RPQ) 2. Repair Action 3. System Installation To continue, press Enter.RESOURCE REPAIR ACTION The following list of resources have errors logged against them in the error log. Select a resource if it has been replaced recently or has had corrective actions performed against it. This will update the error log to prevent diagnostics from performing Error Log Analysis on the obsolete error log entries for the resource.To select a resource, move the cursor to the resource and press 'Enter'. To cancel the selection, press 'Enter' again. Once all selections have been made, press 'Commit'. To exit without selecting a resource, press 'Exit'.Use Enter to continue.LOG REPAIR ACTION Select a resource if it has been replaced recently or has had corrective actions performed against it. This will update the error log to prevent diagnostics from performing Error Log Analysis on the obsolete error log entries for the resource.REPAIR ACTION COMPLETED A repair action for each of the following resources have been logged. Obsolete error log entries for these resources will no longer be analyzed by diagnostics.TESTING COMPLETE on %1$s No trouble was found. However, while testing %2$s, a request was received to remove the resource from the system configuration. If the resource was successfully removed from the system configuration, %3$s will not appear in subsequent diagnostic resource selection menus.To select a resource, move the cursor to the resource and press 'Enter'. To cancel the selection, press 'Enter' again. Once all selections have been made, press 'Commit'. To avoid selecting a resource, press 'Previous Menu'.NEW RESOURCE%sThe following new resource(s) were detected. Some resources may require software installation or supplemental media processing to appear on the list. ISA resources require configuration before they will appear on the list. Select an option from the bottom of the list, then press Enter.The following new resource(s) were detected. Some resources may require software installation or supplemental media processing to appear on the list. Select an option from the bottom of the list, then press Enter.1. Continue. The list contains all resources that should appear.2. A resource that should appear on the list is missing.3. Invoke the ISA Device Configuration Service Aid.3. The list contains resources that are not installed.4. Invoke the ISA Device Configuration Service Aid.NEW RESOURCESDevice is not listed.The following new resource or resources are similar in type to the missing resource. Please select the entry where the missing resource was moved. Move cursor to selection, then press Enter.ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ARE REQUIRED FOR TESTING A problem has been detected that can not be isolated without freeing additional resources. The resource needed is %s To test this resource, you can: Free this resource and continue testing. Shut down the system and run in maintenance mode. Run Diagnostics from the Diagnostic Standalone package.Testing should stop.The resource is now free and testing can continue.Move cursor to selection, then press Enter.ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ARE REQUIRED FOR TESTING A problem has been detected that can not be isolated without freeing additional resources. The resource needed is %s To test this resource, you can do one of the following: Free this resource and continue testing. Shut down the system and reboot in Service mode.A PROBLEM WAS DETECTED ON The Service Request Number or Numbers: Probable Cause or Causes: Additional isolation may be obtained by running more tests. To continue, press Enter.To continue, press Enter.The Service Request Number(s)/Error Code(s). Additional isolation may be obtained by running more tests. Use Enter to continue.Use Enter to continue.The Service Request Number(s)/Probable Cause or Causes: The Service Request Number(s)/Probable Cause or Cause(s): A PROBLEM WAS DETECTED ON %sThe Service Request Number(s)/Probable Cause(s) (causes are listed in descending order of probability): The Service Request Number(s)/Probable Cause(s) (causes are listed in descending order of probability): Use the SRN to determine the FRU part number.unknownError identifier is %1$08X. Sequence number is %2$u.Error log information: Date: %s Sequence number: %u Label: %sReplaced on %sDo you want this problem reported to the Service Focal Point?PREVIOUS DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS One or more errors are logged that have already been reported and do not have a corresponding repair action. If a repair has been made, run the Log Repair Action Service Aid for the resource that reported the problem. Do you want to review these previously reported errors? PREVIOUS DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS One or more errors are logged that have already been reported to the Service Focal Point (SFP). Use the SFP to resolve these problems. If the problems have been closed on the SFP, run the Log Repair Action Service Aid for the resource that reported the problem. Do you want to review these previously reported errors? PREVIOUSLY REPORTED PROBLEMSAdditional Words:ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ARE REQUIRED FOR TESTING No trouble was found. However, the resource was not tested because the device driver indicated that the resource was in use. The resource needed is %s To test this resource, you can: Free this resource and continue testing. Shut down the system and run in maintenance mode. Run Diagnostics from the Diagnostic Standalone package.ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ARE REQUIRED FOR TESTING No trouble was found. However, the resource was not tested because the device driver indicated that the resource was in use. The resource needed is %s To test this resource, you can do one of the following: Free this resource and continue testing. Shut down the system and reboot in Service mode.ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ARE REQUIRED FOR TESTING No trouble was found. Additional testing can be done if additional resources are freed. The resource needed is %s To test this resource, you can: Free this resource and continue testing. Shut down the system and run in maintenance mode. Run Diagnostics from the Diagnostic Standalone package.ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ARE REQUIRED FOR TESTING No trouble was found. Additional testing can be done if additional resources are freed. The resource needed is %s To test this resource, you can do one of the following: Free this resource and continue testing. Shut down the system and reboot in Service mode.MISSING RESOURCENone of the devices listed should be reconfigured.All of the devices listed should be reconfigured.Select the device or devices to be reconfigured. Move cursor to selection, then press Enter.RESOURCE NOT SUPPORTED IN CONCURRENT MODE The resource %s is not supported by diagnostic tests in concurrent mode. You may perform error log analysis on the resource or exit. NOTE: If you have replaced this resource, do not perform error log analysis.Perform error log analysis.Exit to Diagnostic Selection Menu.Move cursor to selection, then press Enter.Starting diagnostics TestingA problem was detected. Run diagnostics. Ending diagnostics. Must specify a device to test. Usage: diag -c -d resource-name Processing Supplemental media. Please stand by.INFORMATION MESSAGE Move the cursor to the bottom of the list of resources and select option 1 or 2. To continue, press Enter.No Tasks have been selected.No Resources have been selected.The following resources support the current task: (A '*' in front of a resource indicates that it has been selected) %sThe following tasks are supported by the resource: (A '*' in front of a task indicates that it has been selected: %sThis menu lists all resources supported by diagnostics. To view all tasks supported by the resource highligted, press the 'List' key.The task does not require resource selection, OR, no resources were found to support the task.No resources were found to support the selected task.No Function Selection Menu(s) were found.Selecting System Verification will not perform Error Log Analysis. Select this mode when you have just performed a repair action. Selecting Problem Determination will enable Error Log Analysis. To prevent this menu from being displayed each time you run diagnostics, select the task 'DISPLAY/CHANGE DIAGNOSTIC RUN TIME OPTIONS' to change the default value.To change a Diagnostic option, move cursor to the option, then use the 'Tab' key to toggle the value of the option. Press the 'Commit' key when you're done. NOTE: The changes will NOT be saved when exiting the diagnostic session.Task completed.Invalid Task selected.Resource(s) added to test list.Resource(s) deleted from test list.Resource(s) already in test list.Resource(s) already deleted from test list.Use the Display Hardware Error Report task to view errors in the Error log.Permanent Hardware errors were logged against the resources listed in this menu. These errors were logged during the last 72 hours and may have resulted from a problem that has been corrected. If this is the case, selecting a resource from this menu will cause the error log to be updated to prevent diagnostics from performing Error Log Analysis on the obsolete error log entries for the resource.This menu lists all resources supported by diagnostics. Must specify a device to test. Usage: diag -c -d resource-name OR diag -v -d resource-name To change a Diagnostic option, move cursor to the option, then click on it to select. When finished, use 'Commit' to continue. NOTE: The changes will NOT be saved when exiting the diagnostic session.Ref. Code: The following devices are siblings of the resource: %sThe resource does not have any siblings. To change a Diagnostic option, move cursor to the option, then use the 'Tab' key to toggle the value of the option. Press the 'Commit' key when you're done.To change a Diagnostic option, move cursor to the option, then click on it to select. When finished, use 'Commit' to continue.The 'Test Multiple Times' option can only be enabled when the 'Include Advanced Diagnostics' option is enabled.Starting diagnostics for missingEnding diagnostics for missingA problem was detected. Run 'diag -a' A problem was detected. This menu lists all resources supported by diagnostics. To view all tasks supported by the resource highlighted, press the 'List' key.No resources were found to support the selected task.The following resources have been removed from the diagnostic test list because their diagnostics are not supported with the 64-bit kernel. %s Must specify a device to test. Usage: diag [-c][-v][-A] -d resource-name A hardware resource has been dynamically removed from the system configuration. Exit out of the Resource Selection Menu and reenter to display a refreshed list of resources.A hardware resource has been dynamically added to the system configuration. Exit out of the Resource Selection Menu and reenter to display a refreshed list of resources.Resources preceded by an 'M' are missing. Resources preceded by a 'P' have at least one missing path. The location code of each resource is composed of two parts: the unit identifier "Utttt.mmm.sssssss" (machine type, model and serial number), and the resource's location within the unit, for example P1-C1. The two parts are joined to form the location code: Utttt.mmm.sssssss-P1-C1. The unit identifier is shown on a separate line in this menu, followed by the resource locations of resources within the same unit identifier, for example: Utttt.mmm.sssssss- proc0 P1-C1 Processor proc1 P1-C2 ProcessorUsage: diag -c -d resource-name -L pending | complete Use pending if the part has been replaced, but it is not yet known if this part will remain in the system. Use complete if the part has been replaced and it is known that this part will remain in the system.The device pointer is not valid.Cannot find device.Error obtaining data for display.Abnormal stop of Diagnostic Application %sCannot start process %1$s %2$s%1$s Object Class errorThe parent or child relationship in CuDv is not valid. Error initializing Diagnostic Database. No new resource was found similar in type to the missing resource %sInternal error occured in %s. Cannot initialize ODM.INFORMATION MESSAGE Move the cursor to the bottom of the list of resources and select option 1 or 2. To continue, press Enter. DIAG requires a minimum of 24 line by 80 column output display. Check terminal or window size and try again. The current environment does not allow testing of theThe current environment does not allow testing of the %s device.The diagnostic lock file (/etc/lpp/diagnostics/data/dctrl.lck) indicates that another diagnostic session (pid %s) is currently active. If this pid is no longer active, the lock file can be deleted. Then restart diagnostics to continue. Unable to create lock file: %s Device does not have diagnostics support.Diagnostics is not supported on this system. Usage: Dctrl [[-a] | [[-d device][-c][[-C] | [-A]]]] No more resources can be added.No more resources can be deleted.Bad Media. Insert another media and press Enter to continue.Internal error occured in %1$s. Cannot initialize ODM.Cannot run %s.Cannot start process %s.Error obtaining System Configuration.Error obtaining diagnostic function, given the selection made during IPL.No resources can be found for the selected task.Cannot load kernel extension %sCannot find task specifiedCannot specify -w with -dInvalid value for -E flag. Valid values are 1-%1$d. The resource is not missing.User is not authorized to run diagnostics.Internal error occurred in %s. Cannot initialize ODM.Internal error occurred in %1$s. Cannot initialize ODM.Device or task does not have diagnostics support in the 64-bit kernel environment.Could not remove the missing resource. For more information execute the following from command line: %sCould not remove the missing path. For more information execute the following from command line: %sNEWNOT APPLICABLESAMEMISSINGAttempting to Build Resource Database. Please stand by.Building Resource Database. Please stand by.Attempting to start a Run Diagnostic Task. Please stand by.Starting Run Diagnostic Task. Please stand by.A Run Diagnostic Task is currently in progress. Press CANCEL or EXIT to return to previous menu, or Finish processing the other Run Diagnostic Task, then Press ENTER to continue processing this Task.A Run Diagnostic Task is currently in progress. This command will retry for up to 1 hour to complete. If unsuccessful, this command will stop. The size of the Diagnostic Event Log cannot be increased unless the size of the /var filesystem is increased.There is not enough free space in the /var filesystem to update the Diagnostic Event Log. The filesystem size needs to be increased.The size of the Diagnostic Event Log cannot be increased unless the size of the /var file system is increased.There is not enough free space in the /var file system to update the Diagnostic Event Log. The file system size needs to be increased.