ISO8859-1'/X;'08 V!w% (   2 Ke&{#%-+*F*q/9#**:U3($q6 !"##>$/E%u&:}'/Message from %1$s on %2$s (%3$s) [%4$s] ... write: 0803-024 Cannot find your user name or user number. write: Cannot determine your tty line. write: 0803-026 Cannot determine your host name.write: 0803-027 Your reply must be %1$s, %2$s, or %3$s. write: 0803-028 Cannot open %s. write: 0803-029 Cannot continue. write: 0803-025 %s is not logged on. %s is logged on at more than one place. You are connected to %s. Other locations are: %1$s on %2$s is logged on at more that one place. You are connected to %s. Other locations are: write: 0803-030 There is no such tty. write: 0803-031 Permission denied. write: Cannot create another process.write: 0803-032 This is not a known service. write: Cannot make the correct connections.write: 0803-034 This is not a known host. write: Cannot make the correct connection.write: 0803-036 %1$s is not logged on at %2$s. write: 0803-037 There is no such tty on the remote host. write: 0803-038 Permission denied. write: 0803-039 Cannot open %1$s on %2$s. write: 0803-040 There is not enough memory available now. write: 0803-041 The -h value on %s is not correct. write: 0803-042 Could not send a reply. Usage: write -q [-n host] write -h handle,{ok|cancel|query} [-n host] write [-r] {[-n host] user|user@host} [line] write: 0803-044 Cannot get a reply. write: 0803-045 Cannot communicate with the writesrv. write: malloc write: 0803-047 %s is not running. write: 0803-048 The writesrv cannot provide this service now. write: 0803-049 The writesrv is shutting down. UNKNOWNwrite: 0803-050 Error in multibyte character conversion. write: 0803-051 %1$s is not logged in on %2$s.