ùISO8859-1)´4ÞI]z:˜XÓ,=A4´-É÷2 I?B‰Virtual FC Host Adapter detected an errorVirtual FC Host Adapter Driver is an Undefined StateRemove Virtual FC Host Adapter Instance, then Configure the same instanceMisbehaved Virtual FC ClientBad IU, or Protocol ViolationRemove Virtual FC Client, then Configure the same instanceLogging an informational error on behalf of a Client related to failed I/O on the ServerFailed I/O operationAction described by corresponding I/O error in this partitionLogging an informational error on behalf of a ClientThis is not an errorLogging an informational error for VIO serverThis is not an errorVirtual FC Client connection lost with I/O pendingClient Timed out I/O or moved to another server during partition mobilityNone if the client moved or check for I/O issues in the error logs