ISO8859-1g5X)/s0\$7B F- @t G P 3N465:$$_2C`%\0!,/ . 23 a1 $ < > )!> h"? #5 $0 %q N&[ '7 (< T)9 *[ +9 ',< a-9 .Y /720:j172/37 4;E586<798Z198:;FH<G=2>E ?P@5mA.B5C'D'0E/XF)G0H2I"Ja9KLHMMN[MO'P9Q> RTJS;T4U$V\5W\X8YC(ZAl[\]6^_/2`baGbc%d  e(.f?Wg?Usage: usrck [ -p | -n | -y | -t ] [ user ... | ALL ]3001-602 The user name %s is not unique. 3001-603 The UID %d is duplicated for user %s. 3001-604 Error getting user "%1$s"'s attribute %2$s. You must add this attribute with the chuser command. 3001-605 Error updating user %s's attribute %s. 3001-606 Unable to allocate memory. 3001-607 User %s has a non-existent primary group %lu. 3001-608 User %s has a non-existent concurrent group %s. 3001-609 User %s has a non-existent administrative group %s. 3001-610 User %s has a non-existent sugroups entry %s. 3001-611 User %s has a non-existent or nonexecutable login shell %s. 3001-612 User %s has a non-existent or inaccessible home directory %s. 3001-613 User %s has a non-existent login port %s. 3001-614 User %s has a non-existent audit class %s. 3001-615 User %s does not have a trusted login shell. 3001-616 User %s has resource limit %s less than %d. 3001-617 "%s" is an invalid password file entry. 3001-618 %s is a non-existent user. 3001-619 Unable to open the system password file. 3001-620 User %s has an invalid authentication method %s. 3001-621 The authentication program %s for user %s does not exist or is nonexecutable. 3001-622 User %s is an invalid name. 3001-623 User %s has an invalid tpath value %s. 3001-624 Disable account for %s? 3001-625 Remove non-existent groups for %s? 3001-626 Remove non-existent admgroups for %s? 3001-627 Remove non-existent sugroups for %s? 3001-628 Remove non-existent audit classes for %s? 3001-629 Remove non-existent login ports for %s? 3001-630 Reset %s to default value? 3001-631 Invalid or missing user name on password line %s. 3001-632 Invalid or missing UID on password line %s. 3001-633 Invalid or missing GID on password line %s. 3001-634 Invalid or missing HOME on password line %s. 3001-635 Remove the line beginning with %s? 3001-636 Error re-opening the file /etc/passwd. 3001-637 The DBM files for /etc/passwd are out of date. Use the mkpasswd command to update these files. 3001-638 The user name %s appears in /etc/security/limits but not in /etc/passwd. 3001-639 The file /etc/security/limits does not exist. 3001-640 The user %s has no stanza in /etc/security/limits. 3001-641 Add stanza for user %s to /etc/security/limits? 3001-642 The user name %s appears in /etc/security/passwd but not in /etc/passwd. 3001-643 The file /etc/security/passwd cannot be opened. 3001-644 The user %s has no stanza in /etc/security/passwd. 3001-645 Add stanza for user %s to /etc/security/passwd? 3001-646 The user name %s appears in /etc/security/user but not in /etc/passwd. 3001-647 The file /etc/security/user cannot be opened. 3001-648 The user %s has no stanza in /etc/security/user. 3001-649 Add stanza for user %s to /etc/security/user? 3001-650 Unable to open the system group file. 3001-651 Missing group name on group line %s. 3001-652 Invalid or missing GID on group line %s. 3001-653 The file /etc/security/group cannot be opened. 3001-654 The group %s has no stanza in /etc/security/group. 3001-655 Add stanza for group %s to /etc/security/group? 3001-656 The group name %s appears in /etc/security/group but not in /etc/group. 3001-657 Unable to set process credentials for user %s. 3001-658 User %s has a group %s that does not exist, assuming the group to be a Network Information Services group name. 3001-658 User %s has an invalid authentication grammar "%s". 3001-659 User %s has an invalid authentication registry "%s". 3001-660 User %s has an invalid logintimes value. 3001-661 There have been too many invalid login attempts by user %s. 3001-662 User %s is locked. 3001-663 User %s has an invalid expires value of %s. 3001-664 The account for user %s has expired. 3001-665 User %s's pwdwarntime occurs before minage. 3001-666 Reduce pwdwarntime to minage? 3001-667 User %s's %s is less than %d. 3001-668 Reset %s to the lowest allowed value? 3001-669 User %s's %s is larger than %d. 3001-670 Reset %s to the highest allowed value? 3001-671 User %s's minage is greater than maxage. 3001-672 Reduce minage to maxage? 3001-673 User %s's minother is greater than the maximum password length minus minalpha. 3001-674 Reduce minother? 3001-675 User %s's %s attribute contains a bad file name "%s". 3001-676 User %s's %s attribute contains an inaccessible file "%s". 3001-677 User %s's %s attribute contains "%s" which is not an absolute path name. 3001-678 Remove the file name from %s? 3001-679 The file /etc/security/mac_user does not exist. 3001-680 The user %s has no stanza in /etc/security/mac_user. 3001-681 The user name %s appears in /etc/security/mac_user ut not in /etc/passwd. 3001-682 Add stanza for user %s to /etc/security/mac_user? 3001-683 The user %s has an invalid MAC security %s 3001-684 Reset %s to default value? 3001-685 User %s uses a non-UNIX registry This /etc/security/user stanza is being ignored. 3001-686 The user name %s appears in /etc/security/lastlog but not in /etc/passwd. 3001-687 The file /etc/security/lastlog does not exist. 3001-688 Remove the stanza for user %s from /etc/security/lastlog? 3001-689 The system is inaccessible to %s, due to the following: User account is locked. User account is expired. User has too many consecutive failed login attempts. User has no password. User not allowed to login for this date/time. The /etc/nologin file exists. User password is expired and only system administrator can change it. User denied login to host. User denied access by applications. User denied login to terminal. User denied access by %s applications. Usage: usrck [ -l [-b] | -p | -n | -y | -t ] [ user ... | ALL ]Usage: usrck { -l [-b] | -p | -n | -y | -t } { user ... | ALL }