ùISO8859-1˜-¬-Ú?:H-ƒA±(ó . 3K A HÁ / .:5iUsage: uname [-%s] uname: 0551-027 The uname system call failed.uname: 0551-028 Must be root to use -S flag. uname: 0551-029 The node name cannot be greater than %d bytes. uname: 0551-030 There is not enough memory available now. uname: 0551-031 The copy to setuname failed. uname: 0551-032 The -S flag cannot be used with any other flags. uname: 0551-033 The failed error is %d. uname: 0551-026 The unamex system call failed.uname: 0551-034 Must be root to use -S or -T flag. uname: 0551-035 The system name cannot be greater than %d bytes. uname: 0551-036 The -S or -T flags cannot be used with any other flags. uname: 0551-037 Can not initialize odm databaseuname: 0551-038 Sysconfig failed error is %d. uname: 0551-039 s and V are mutually exclusive flag.