ISO8859-1:7t ) #!9[ o    %4 & 8$ _- ( * "  )U F*   ] 6 I+ + - ) !. 0"+ _#& $ % &) '$ (* ))K T*I +. ,--QG./;0"1"2,;3(h4;5)6A7#98-]9':UP2 <!Vx,'  + D .c '2Hf !A!yc'2'8 ,`!"#$%#&'-( G) h*'+,--./600/g1V243#4%?5e6789':-;%-<S=n>0?P@ A$BAC6]D1EBF GH7/I0gJ&K&LMB!N #/O$<P>$Xusage: To manage the TNCPM Daemon: tncpmconsole mktncpm [pmport=] tncserver= tncpmconsole rmtncpm tncpmconsole start tncpmconsole stop To manage the TNCPM Service Pack Fix Repositories: tncpmconsole init -i -l tncpmconsole add -l tncpmconsole add -s tncpmconsole delete -l tncpmconsole delete -s To list the managed Service Packs: tncpmconsole list -s [c][q] To list the lslpp output of a Service Pack: tncpmconsole list -l To list the TNC Client update history: tncpmconsole hist -u To list the Service Pack download history: tncpmconsole hist -d To manage the TNCPM Certificate tncpmconsole list -c tncpmconsole import -f -k tncpmconsole export -f TNCPM Server is not configured Failed to add interval %s to tncpm.conf Initializing %s Failed to initialize %s Failed to delete %s Did not find gencopy.out for %s No update history No download history File exists: %s File does not exist: %s Import of %s failed Export of %s failed usage: To manage the TNCPM Daemon: To manage the TNCPM Service Pack Fix Repositories: To modify the tncpm.conf attributes: To list the managed Service Packs: To list the lslpp output of a Service Pack: To list the TNC Client update history: To list the TNC Client download history: To manage the TNCPM Certificate: Parsing config file failed Invalid APAR type The format should be a comma separated list of the following: %s Invalid TL The format should be: RE00-TL Invalid Number Invalid Interval /etc/tncpm.conf does not exist Please run "tncpmconsole init" to initialize /etc/tncpm.conf accept_all_licenses for TNC Clients update set to %s New Service Pack interval check set to %s Specify absolute user fix repository path Fix repository download directory set to %s User fix repository path does not exist Invalid fix_repository directory: must be %s SP already defined in /etc/tncpm.conf: %s User defined SP has been created: %s Skipping: %s Failed Creating SP: %s Failed to add SP to /etc/tncpm.conf: %s Fix repository path does not exist SP is not defined in tncpm.conf file: %s Inconsistan tncpm.conf file: %s is defined as a User SP and Downloaded SP Cannot remove latest SP, you must delete the TL to remove the latest SP Failed to remove SP from /etc/tncpm.conf: %s Invalid SP The format should be: RE00-TL-SP tncpmconsole init -i -l [-A] [-P ] tncpmconsole add -l tncpmconsole add -p [-U ] tncpmconsole delete -l tncpmconsole delete -p tncpmconsole modify -i tncpmconsole modify -P tncpmconsole modify -g tncpmconsole modify -t tncpmconsole import -f -k tncpmconsole export -f tncpmconsole log loglevel= tncpmconsole chserver attribute=value tncpmconsole mktncpm [pmport=] tncserver= Server usage: %s Client usage: %s IPRef usage: %s Host %s does not exists Error updating the attribute %s Error opening database IP could not be determined for the host %s Invalid IP %s Unable to delete attribute %s's value %s is already running Port value not in range %s File %s already exists TNC component not configured Attibute %s value exceeds 255 character limit Value cannot be empty Invalid attribute %s Expecting a positive integer value %s Invalid value %s Error adding the attribute %s Invalid FSPOLICY %s Invalid IP group %s FSPOLICY %s does not exists IP group %s does not exits Error removing the policy %s Error creating the database IP group %s is in use by policy FSPOLICY %s is in use by policy Invalid entry in the file %s Not a VIOS system. IPREF can be configured only on a VIOS system Invalid buildinfo %s, it should be in follwoing format REL00-TL-SP for example 6100-03-01 where REL=6100 TL=03 and SP=01 %s cannot be setup on the same system TNC Server and TNCPM should have different ports Error updating the configuartion file TNC Server and %s must be on the same port Error: %s is not setup Import of %s failed Export of %s failed Error reading the file %s File or directory not existing: %s Error opening the file %s Memory allocation failed Unable to read the certificate Unable to retrieve attribute %s %s cannot be configured on VIOS system Policy %s does not exists IP %s does not exist Attibute %s value exceeds 16 character limit Unable to create certificate Could not find /dev/svm. Please configure SVM driver. Host %s is not registered with the TNC Server. Host %s can be installed only with SP of its current TL. Current version of %s is %s. Invalid date %s. Date format should be yyyy-mm-dd. TNC SERVER is not running. TNC SERVER and %s IP cannot be same. IP %s is in ignore list. APAR %s does not exists APAR Group %s does not exists APAR %s installation FAILED Apar group %s is in use by FS policy. Attibute %s value exceeds 64 character limit Successfully added the attribute %s %s daemon is not running %s daemon pid %s Cannot change attribute. Please stop %s daemon Port set successfully. Please make sure client and server are set to same port %s daemon stopped successfully Cannot terminate %s daemon %s daemon failed to start Verification operation initiated in background for %s Update operation initiated in background for %s Cannot configure TNC component. Only TNC client setup is allowed Client usage: %s Invalid host: %s Cannot add entry.Corresponding hostname found for %s Cannot add entry.Corresponding ip found for %s %s daemon started successfully pid %s %s daemon started successfully pid %s Server Usage: tncconsole mkserver [tncport=] pmserver= [recheck_interval=