ISO8859-1+ ?  T5 t: 0 ()? &i ^ \ 7L D=%+-nY < KWs !"!0# R$s%&3'2(  )**#H+l,-'.'/-0. 1'O2-w3"456!7$8;:9$v:A;6<'=&<>Hc?(@*A)B%*C,PD1}E)F(G*H*-I"XJ.{K$L#MNO,PHQ$eR ST"UV&W)-X WY eZs[%\](^*_%$`*Ja%ub)c,d0eC#fggkh:ni=jCk?+lDkmEnFo*=phqnr$ts tDu3v03w.dx!y0z#{P |H [}S ~Y ^!RJ!K!#"H"l'"$"K"#!-#50#c+# #'#6$ @$@$$$I$:% :%D%+&)&U&t&'&&&/( (())#):)J)RU)Z;)9)5*&\*\)*,*(+$+96+^>+=+!,?,43,t,p,;--V-i.-<-..,A.[@.,.*/ 7/6/n"///!/%0$08#0] 02030w1 #1=1"1&2<2-%2j$2"2P203)43Z2353,3/4%.4U94043425#:5V154535'6,6T6d66666,7$70(7U/7~(7%717&8/8V8s858)85969F(9};919:+:2.:^':#:1:$; %;0<;V);1;4; +<$ (<-=%5=S+=(===>>.>M1>l/>B>0?-?B6?pE?6?=@$ 0@b!"@"8@#5@$aA%%$A&'A')A(*A)HB)*DBr+AB,"B-+C.9CH/MC0IC1,D2"DG33Dj4 D5,D6/D73E83EP9E:TE;,E<6F&=>F]><F?'F@:GAG<BGCRHGD&HE(HF%HGDIH(IUIQI~JKIKPJLQJmMJN)KUOKP=KQ!KRKS(LT<LAUL~V&LWLX2LYUMZ4Mj[ M\M] M^M_*M`!N#aENEbNcNdNe-Nf+NgO%h1OBiOtjFOk*Ol*PmP+n&P:oPap&P}q5PrPs(Pt*Q#uQNv"Qnw2Qx6QyQz#R{R:|ZRS}R~5R/S0S2*Sc1S+SSTT"TBTWT!T.U`UKUcV4aVV&W6W;1Wr W?W,X.X2XaXUsage: setsenv [-] ["variable=value" ... ] Usage: setgroups [-] [[[ -a | -d ] groupset ] | [ -r [group]]] Usage: newgrp [-] [-l] [group] Usage: chuser [-R load_module] "attr=value" ... user Usage: chgrpmem {{ -a | -m } { + | - | = } members} group Usage: chsh [-R load_module] [username [shell]] Usage: chfn [-R load_module] [username] Usage: rmuser [-R load_module] [-p] user Usage: rmgroup [-R load_module] group Usage: lsgroup [-R load_module] [ -c | -f ] [ -a attr attr .. ] { "ALL" | group1,group2 ... } Usage: lsuser [-R load_module] [ -c | -f ] [ -a attr attr ... ] { "ALL" | user1,user2 ... } Usage: chgroup [-R load_module] "attr=value" ... group Usage: mkgroup [-R load_module] [-a] [-A] "attr=value" ... newgroup Usage: mkuser [-R load_module] [-a] "attr=value" ... newuser Usage: pwdadm [ -f flags | -q ] user Usage: mkpasswd [-v] {-f|-d|-c|index name} Usage: passwd [ -f | -s ] [username] Where: -f changes your finger information -s changes your login shell. %s's current gecos: "%s" Change (%s) or (%s)? > To?> Current available shells: %s's current login shell: members = %s adms = %s Changing password for "%s" user groups = %s process groups = %s : Name is too long. : You do not have permission. : Not enough memory. : Value is invalid. : Attribute is invalid. : Must run from tty. Setting "%s's" password to NULL. Gecos information not changed. Login shell not changed. : Account exists. 3004-625 Cannot drop "%s" from primary group "%s". 3004-626 Cannot remove "%s's" primary group "%s". 3004-627 Could not get user id. 3004-628 Error execing "%s". 3004-629 "%s" already administrator3004-630 Cannot open "%s" 3004-631 Couldn't get ids 3004-632 Error getting gecos for "%s". 3004-634 Error getting shell for "%s". 3004-635 Error setting shell for "%s" to "%s"3004-640 Error getting attribute "%s" for "%s"3004-641 User "%s" not in member list. 3004-655 Could not get user name from id "%d"3004-657 Terminating from signal. 3004-658 Keyword "%s" 3004-660 Flag "%s" 3004-661 Error getting "%s" value3004-662 Username "%s" is too long. 3004-664 You are not authorized to change "%s's" password. 3004-665 User "%lu" does not exist. 3004-667 "%s" does not exist or could not be opened for reading. 3004-668 The DBM files for "%s" could not be created. 3004-669 The DBM write to "%s" failed. 3004-670 Storing user "%s" as UID %u. 3004-671 There were %d password entries, the longest was %d characters. 3004-672 Error setting lock on file "%s"3004-673 Error setting process environment3004-674 Error getting memory for process3004-675 Groupname "%s" is too long. 3004-676 "%s" not in current user groupset. 3004-677 "%s" already in current process groupset3004-678 Group "%s" is already real group3004-679 Error getting groups for "%s". 3004-680 Error getting process credentials3004-681 Error setting process credentials3004-682 Error getting environment3004-683 Exceeds maximum number of groups "%s"3004-686 Group "%s" does not exist. 3004-687 User "%s" does not exist. 3004-688 Group "%s" exists. 3004-689 User "%s" exists. 3004-690 No default group. 3004-691 Error changing "%s"3004-692 Error changing "%s" to "%s"3004-693 Cannot set "%s" to "%s"3004-694 Error adding "%s"3004-695 Error adding "%s" to "%s"3004-696 Error removing "%s"3004-697 Attribute "%s" is not valid. 3004-698 Error committing changes to "%s"3004-699 "%d"3004-700 "%s"3004-701 Error listing "%s"3004-702 Cannot set process privilege3004-703 Check "%s" file. 3004-704 Error adding administrator "%s"3004-705 Error adding "%s" to group "%s". 3004-706 Cannot remove keyword "%s". 3004-707 Error removing administrator "%s"3004-708 Cannot remove "%s" from "%s"3004-709 Error changing password for "%s"3004-710 "%s" must be run from a valid tty. 3004-711 You must use yppasswd on a NIS server. 3004-712 You can only change account attributes on the NIS master. yesno3004-719 Warning: %s does not update %s with the new gid. 3004-713 You can only change the User ID on the name server. 3004-714 You can only change the PRIMARY group on the name server. 3004-715 You can only change the Group SET on the name server. 3004-716 You can only change the HOME directory on the name server. 3004-717 You can only change the Initial PROGRAM on the name server. 3004-718 You can only change the User INFORMATION on the name server. Usage: pwdadm [ -f flags | -q | -c ] user flagsADMIN3004-720 No default home directory. 3004-721 Could not create user. 3004-684 Current process group set must contain at least one group. Usage: chsec -f file -s stanza -a "attr=value" ... Usage: lssec [-c] -f file -s stanza -a attr ... 3004-722 Only one file name can be specified. 3004-723 Invalid file name "%s". 3004-724 Only one stanza name can be specified. 3004-725 Invalid stanza name "%s". 3004-726 Cannot update the DBM files. Run "mkpasswd" to correct the DBM files. 3004-727 Error reading file "%s", line %d is not in the correct format. 3004-728 You must manually edit the alternate password file to change the User ID. 3004-729 You must manually edit the alternate password file to change the PRIMARY group. 3004-730 You must manually edit the alternate password file to change the the HOME directory. 3004-731 You must use the yppasswd command to change the Initial PROGRAM. 3004-732 You must use the yppasswd command to change the User INFORMATION. 3004-733 Role "%s" does not exist. 3004-774 Role "%s" exists. Usage: mkrole "attr=value" ... newrole Usage: chrole "attr=value" ... role Usage: lsrole [ -c | -f ] [ -a attr attr ... ] { "ALL" | role1,role2 ... } Usage: rmrole role 3004-775 Not authorized to administer roles. 3004-776 Not authorized to make change to "%s". Usage: smitacl [ -r ] [ -u ] [ -g ] [ -f ] 3004-777 Entries processed: %d 3004-778 Index operation failed. "%s" Could not create user with these MAC Security levels. Could not create the home directory with the l_level MAC label. 3004-779 Duplicate key found. "%s" Invalid -R option "%s" Usage: chsh [-R load_module username [shell]] chsh [username [shell]] Usage: chfn [-R load_module username] chfn [username] Usage: chpasswd [-R load_module] [-e] [ -f flags | -c ] Usage: passwd [-R load_module] [ -f | -s | -a ] [username] Where: -f changes your finger information -s changes your login shell. -a changes password in all modules. 3004-780 -R is mutually exclusive with -a. Could not load User Policies. Could not load Group Policies. Invalid Project list %s. Not authorized to administer projects. Non-existing project list %s. Usage: chcore [-R load_module] [|-d] where is one or more of the following: -c {on|off|default} : setting for core compression -p {on|off|default} : setting for core location -l {|default} : specify directory to use -n {on|off|default} : setting for core naming The -d option will set the default value for the system. The path specified by -l must be fully qualified (e.g., /tmp/cores) Usage: lscore [-R load_module] [|-d] compression: path specification: corefile location: naming specification: corefile name: unknownnot setUsage: chgrpmem [-R load_module] [ { -a | -m } { + | - | = } user1,user2 ... ] group Usage: pwdadm [-R load_module] [ -f flags | -q | -c ] user Usage: mkauth [-R load_module] "attr=value" ... newauth Usage: chauth [-R load_module] "attr=value" ... auth Usage: lsauth [-R load_module] [ -C | -f ] [ -a attr attr ... ] { "ALL" | auth1,auth2 ... } Usage: rmauth [-R load_module] [-h] auth 1420-001 Authorization "%s" does not exist. 1420-002 Privilege "%s" does not exist. 1420-003 Authorization "%s" exists. 1420-004 Authorization hierarchy "%s" does not exist. 1420-005 Authorization hierarchies are limited to %d parents. 1420-006 "%s" is reserved for system-defined authorizations. : the following children exist: 1420-007 Specify the -h option to remove the entire hierarchy. 1420-008 Authorization "%1$s" is in use by "%2$s". Usage: lspriv [-v] Usage: lssecattr [-R load_module] {-c | -d | -f | -o | -p [-h|-A]} [-C | -F] [-a List] {ALL | Name [,Name] ...} Usage: rmsecattr [-R load_module] {-c | -d | -f | -o} Name Usage: setsecattr [-R load_module] {-c | -d | -f | -o | -p} Attribute=Value ... Name 1420-009 Options "%s" are mutually exclusive. 1420-010 The "%1$s" option must be used with "%2$s" option. 1420-011 One of the options "%s" is required. 1420-012 "%s" does not exist in the privileged command database. 1420-013 "%s" does not exist in the privileged device database. 1420-014 Error getting attributes for "%s". 1420-015 Error setting attributes for "%s"1420-016 Attribute "%1$s" has an invalid value "%2$s". 1420-017 Path "%s" is invalid. 1420-018 Error accessing file "%s"1420-019 Full path is required1420-020 Symlink is not allowed1420-021 Directory is not allowed1420-022 ".." and "." are not allowed1420-023 Path must be a command file1420-024 Path must be a device file1420-025 Value "%s"is too long. 1420-026 User account with id "%d" does not exit. 1420-027 Group account with id "%d" does not exit. 1420-028 Valid value format for attribute "authprivs" is: [+|-]=++...[,=++...]... 1420-029 Error getting privileges. 1420-030 Error getting privilege name for privilege id "%d". 1420-031 Invalid process id "%s". 1420-032 Process "%d" does not exist. 1420-033 Attribute "%s" cannot be specified more than once. 1420-034 You do not have permission. 1420-035 Entry "%s" does not exist. 1420-036 Error getting processes. Usage: lsrole [ -c | -C | -f ] [ -a attr attr ... ] { "ALL" | role1,role2 ... } Usage: setkst [-q] [-b | -t table1,table2,... ] Usage: lskst -t table [ -C | -f ] [Name1,Name2,...] 1420-037 The system is not in Enhanced RBAC Mode. Successfully updated the Kernel Authorization Table. Successfully updated the Kernel Role Table. Successfully updated the Kernel Command Table. Successfully updated the Kernel Device Table. 1420-040 Failed to build the Kernel Authorization Table. 1420-041 Failed to build the Kernel Role Table. 1420-042 Failed to build the Kernel Command Table. 1420-043 Failed to build the Kernel Device Table. 1420-044 Failed to update the Kernel Authorization Table. 1420-045 Failed to update the Kernel Role Table. 1420-046 Failed to update the Kernel Command Table. 1420-047 Failed to update the Kernel Device Table. 1420-048 Invalid table "%s" specified. Ignoring "%s". 1420-049 Failed to build "%s". Skipping authorization "%s". Skipping role "%s". Skipping command "%s". Skipping device "%s". Warning: No ID value found. Warning: ID %1$d already exists for "%2$s". Warning: Entry "%s" already exists. Warning: Failed to retrieve attributes. Warning: Failed to retrieve "%1$s" for "%2$s". Warning: The ID value of %d is invalid. Warning: Invalid authorization name. Warning: Authorization has more than %d parents. Warning: Authorization name too long. Warning: Invalid role name. Warning: Role name too long. Warning: Role is not visible. Warning: Invalid authorization in "%1$s" for "%2$s". Warning: More then %1$d %2$s for "%3$s". Warning: Duplicate authorization in %1$s for "%2$s". Warning: Invalid privilege "%1$s" in %2$s for "%3$s". Warning: Invalid %1$s value for "%2$s". Warning: No privileges specified in %1$s value for "%2$s". Warning: Invalid flag "%1$s" in %2$s for "%3$s". Warning: Path name too long. Warning: Failed to set the value for "%s". Warning: Path name must be the absolute path. Warning: Path name is a symbolic link. Warning: Path name is a directory. Warning: Path name is not an executable command. Warning: Path name is not a device. Warning: Unable to access path name. Usage: swrole { ALL | Role [ ,Role ] ... } [ Argument ... ] swrole: 1420-050 %s is not a valid role. swrole: 1420-051 Unable to get attribute for %s. swrole: 1420-052 %1$s is not a valid role for %2$s. swrole: 1420-053 Too many roles specified. swrole: 1420-054 Unable to write to %s. swrole: 1420-055 This system is not in Enhanced RBAC mode. swrole: 1420-056 Unable to set specified roles. swrole: 1420-057 Unable to get user's roles or default roles. swrole 1420-058: Unable to get roles for %s. swrole: 1420-059 Unable to get default roles for %s. 1420-072 swrole: User "%s" does not exist. 1420-073 swrole: User "%s" cannot swrole: Account has expired. : Account is not accessible. : Authentication denied. Cannot set process credentialsCannot set process environmentUsage: rolelist [-a] [-e | -u username | -p PID] rolelist: 1420-060 %s is not a valid username. rolelist: 1420-061 %1$s is not authorized to list roles for %2$s. rolelist: 1420-062 There is no active role set. rolelist: 1420-063 Role "%s" does not exist. rolelist: 1420-064 Unable to find description for %s. rolelist: 1420-065 %s is not authorized to list roles for processes. rolelist: 1420-066 Cannot find authorizations for %s. rolelist: 1420-067 This system is not in Enhanced RBAC mode. Usage: ckauth [-A] { AuthName [,AuthName] ... } 3004-781 Password read timed out. Usage: mkrole [-R load_module] "attr=value" ... newrole Usage: chrole [-R load_module] "attr=value" ... role Usage: lsrole [-R load_module] [ -c | -C | -f ] [ -a attr attr ... ] { "ALL" | role1,role2 ... } Usage: rmrole [-R load_module] role 1420-068 Failed to set module to "%s". Warning: User (%s) Keystore not removed. Warning: Group (%s) Keystore not removed. Warning: Group's (%s) Access-key not removed from user's (%s) Keystore. Warning: Group's (%s) Access-key not added to user's (%s) Keystore. Warning: efs_keystore_access=none. Other EFS attributes ignored. 0990-001 Error creating Keystore. Usage: rmgroup [-R load_module] [-p] group Error changing clearance attributes. Invalid "%s" value. Error changing clearance attributes. "%s" should be dominated by "%s" value. Usage: settxattr {-f | -m | -p | -q | -s} [-r] Attribute=Value ... Name Trusted AIX is not enabled on this machine. Unable to initialize %s database. The option -t is valid only on Trusted AIX System. Not enough authorization to %s. Maximum label not dominating minimum label. "%s" is a regular file. Invalid attribute: %s. "%s" is not a regular file. Invalid attribute: %s. Unable to retrieve Trusted AIX attributes of "%s". The ID value of %s is invalid. Usage: lstxattr {-f | -m | -p | -q | -s} [-r] [-C | -F] [-a List] {Name[,Name] ...} Not allowed to change labels of usw stanza. Error changing sensitivity label. Invalid "%s" value. 1420-038 "%s" does not exist in the privileged file database. 1420-070 Not authorized to perform the requested operation. 1420-071 Authorization %s is required. 0990-002 Keystore /var/efs/%s/%s/keystore already exists. Removal of the keystore will potentially remove access to all encrypted files created by this user protected by this keystore. If this keystore is removed, members who belonged to this group may not be able to view encrypted files to which this group had access. EFS is not enabled on this system, and hence EFS attributes will not be accepted. Not enough authorizations to upgrade. Not enough authorizations to downgrade. Not enough authorizations to modify. Not enough authorizations to use label outside accreditation range. Warning: The ID value of %s is invalid. Usage: authrpt [-R ] [-C] [-c | -f | -r | -u] { auth1,auth2 ... } Usage: usrrpt [-R ] [-C] [ -a | -c | -f ] { user1,user2 ... } Usage: authqry {-c [-s] | -q [-F ] [-t ] } user Usage: roleqry { -c [-s] | -q [-F ] [-t ] } user Usage: rolerpt [-R ] [-C] [-c | -f ] { "ALL" | role1,role2 ... | -a } rolerpt [-R ] [-C] [-u] { "ALL" | role1,role2 ...} Error retrieving attributes for %s "%s". Failed to retrieve %s for %s. Configuration of %s "%s" failed. Please edit "%s" manually. Failed to start audit subsystem. Audit subsystem started. User "%s" already configured for audit. The following has to be added in classes section : "%s=%s". Invalid input for -t option. Error raising or lowering privileges. There is no active role set. Only -c flag can be used with "%s" authorization. Error : /tmp directory does not have enough space, delete some files and try again. authexec: This system is not in Enhanced RBAC mode. Usage: authexec { RBACcommand } Authenticating for role "%s" Username:%s's Password:Maximum attempts exceeded for role "%s". Authentication denied for user %s : User is already authenticated for role %s. Provide another user. : No Permission. : Account has expired. : Name is too long. : Password needs to be changed or is empty. The following roles will be authenticated: No such privileged command. Command is not enabled for authorized execution. Insufficient privileges. User authenticating cannot be same as user invoking authexec command. Real and effective user ids do not match. User "%s" not configured for audit of %s. Invalid port. "%s" is not a valid port or port rangeInvalid network interface. Unable to determine attributes of "%s""%s" does not exist in the domained object database. "%s" has an invalid object typePath must be a regular file or directoryAccount or equivalent account "%s" exists Domain "%s" is in use by "%s". Usage: rmdom [-R load_module] dom Usage chdom [-R load_module] "attr=value" ... dom Usage: mkdom [-R load_module] "attr=value" ... newdom "%s" is reserved keyword. Domain object "%s" does not exist. Usage: domlist [-p PID] Usage: lsdom [-R load_module] [ -C | -f ] [ -a attr attr ... ] { "ALL" | dom1,dom2 ... } Domain "%s" does not exist. Successfully updated the Kernel Object Domain Table. Successfully updated the Kernel Domains Table. Failed to build the Kernel Object Domain Table. Failed to build the Kernel Domains Table. Failed to update the Kernel Object Domain Table. Failed to update the Kernel Domains Table. Skipping domain "%s". Warning: Invalid domain name.Warning: Domain name too long. Domain "%s" exists. Usage: rbacqry [-T|-C] -n [-i ] -u [-t ] rbacqry -c [-s] -u Process "%s" does not exist. Role is disabled on this system. swrole: Role "%s" is disabled on this system. Warning: domainlessgroups is enabled. User validation will not be performed for group commands. Usage: rbacqry [-T|-C|-S] -n [-i ] -u [-t ] rbacqry -c [-s] -u Usage: lsgroup [-R load_module] [ -c | -C | -f ] [ -a attr attr .. ] { "ALL" | group1,group2 ... } Usage: lsuser [-R load_module] [ -c | -C | -f ] [ -a attr attr ... ] { "ALL" | user1,user2 ... } No valid group members. Error assigning LDAP groups to root. Usage: setkst [-q] [-b | -l | -t table1,table2,... ] Successfully updated the Kernel RBAC log level. Kernel RBAC log level not set. Usage: lskst -t table [ -C | -f ] [Name1,Name2,...] lskst -l Kernel tables will be updated after reboot. Usage: rmuser [-R load_module] [-p] [-c] user : User has running processes. : User is currently logged in.