ùISO8859-12W°96BByD¼MTOO¤ Dô ;9 Gu 4½ GòM:4ˆJ½<LE@’5Ó+ 6 50 lW 9 õ? /4 oO ¤@ ô@ 5B v a ¹!G "? c#L £$; ð%E ,&@ r'B ³(R ö)7I*7+@¹,;ú-66.ám/<O0XŒ1wå2q]Usage: sysck -i | -u [ -R RootPath ][ -Nv ][ -s savefile ] [ -O {[r][s][u]} ] -f -i Check installation and update SWVPD -u Delete file entries from SWVPD and remove soft and hard links -R Specify alternate root (default /) -N Specify that SWVPD not be changed -v Verify checksum -s Specify savefile be created, usually used with -u -O Data base(s) to be processed (default is /usr/lib/objrepos) r = /etc/objrepos, s = /usr/share/lib/objrepos u = /usr/lib/objrepos -f Stanza file program name Specifies installable software product or fileset %1$s: 3001-001 The value for %2$s must be true or false. %1$s: 3001-002 A value may not be specified for %2$s. %1$s: 3001-003 A value must be specified for %2$s for entry %3$s. %1$s: 3001-004 The attribute %2$s must be specified for file %3$s. %1$s: 3001-005 The entry for %2$s appears more than once in the database. %1$s: 3001-006 The database entries for %2$s and %3$s refer to the same file. %1$s: 3001-007 The entry for the directory %2$s may not specify hard links. %1$s: 3001-008 The attribute %2$s is not valid for the file %3$s. %1$s: 3001-009 The Root Path specified, %2$s is not valid. %1$s: 3001-010 The attribute %2$s has a value %3$s which is not valid. %1$s: 3001-011 The program %2$s cannot be executed. %1$s: 3001-012 The program %2$s encountered an error during execution. %1$s: 3001-013 The program %2$s was not successful verifying the file %3$s. %1$s: 3001-014 The entry for %2$s is not valid. %1$s: 3001-015 The entry for %2$s has a type %3$s which is not valid. %1$s: 3001-016 File %2$s is missing the type attribute. %1$s: 3001-017 Errors were detected validating the files for package %2$s. %1$s: 3001-018 An error was encountered reading the input file. %1$s: 3001-019 The last valid stanza read was %2$s. %1$s: 3001-020 No valid stanzas were read. %1$s: 3001-021 The file %2$s is of an unknown type. %1$s: 3001-022 The file %2$s was not found. %1$s: 3001-023 The file %2$s does not exist and the entry has no source attribute. %1$s: 3001-024 The file %2$s is the wrong file type. %1$s: 3001-025 The file %2$s has the wrong checksum value. %1$s: 3001-026 The file %2$s has the wrong size. %1$s: 3001-027 The file %2$s has a source file %3$s that does not exist. %1$s: 3001-028 The file %2$s must be an absolute path name. %1$s: 3001-029 The link %2$s must be an absolute path name. %1$s: 3001-030 The program %2$s must be an absolute path name. %1$s: 3001-031 The file %2$s must have an absolute path name for the source attribute %3$s. %1$s: 3001-032 The copy from file %2$s to %3$s was not successful. %1$s: 3001-033 The creation of file %2$s was not successful. %1$s: 3001-034 Setting permissions on the file %2$s was not successful. %1$s: 3001-035 Errors were detected validating file %2$s. %1$s: 3001-036 WARNING: File %2$s is also owned by fileset %3$s. %1$s: 3001-037 The name %2$s is not a known user for file %3$s. %1$s: 3001-038 The name %2$s is not a known group for entry %3$s. %1$s: 3001-039 The file %2$s has a file mode or flag %3$s which is not valid. %1$s: 3001-040 A request for additional memory failed. %1$s: 3001-041 Cannot open the installation file %2$s. %1$s: 3001-042 Cannot open the vital product database for %2$s. %1$s: 3001-043 Cannot add the vital product data for %2$s. %1$s: 3001-044 Cannot open inventory save file %2$s. %1$s: 3001-045 WARNING: A file which is being installed already has an entry in the inventory database but is not owned by any installed fileset. The file is: %2$s Deleting the existing inventory entry and continuing. %1$s: 3001-046 Cannot open the %2$s vital product database. %1$s: 3001-047 WARNING: The following file name exceeds the 128 character limit: %2$s. %1$s: 3001-048 Wrong file checksum. The file %2$s has an actual checksum value of %3$d (expected checksum: %4$d). %1$s: 3001-049 Wrong file size. The file %2$s has an actual size of %3$d bytes (expected size: %4$d bytes).