ISO8859-1;$4*Y2)*4 2ADt E > n > 2 1 J 4 ]? # $ .  J/ h&   4  32 TG E B 2 X % !+ "' ##$%)%5O&"'`(9 )OC*%++,7-7.LU/40"1253_P4;506,7J8oc9=:V;-h,).X w Mz   +&ER4%"*GHY /-=R o !2"(I#dr$D%P&lm'j(TE) *%++,7 u*Ep% # < H Q o |! % >_%}   !"!#4$O%g&l't(x)*+,-./012 3 74X5_6 e7r8#9(: ;< = %> F? Z@ oA B C D E F G H I J K! L!$M !AN!MO!VP![Q!cR$!iS&!T$!U !V!W!X" Y"Z"5["P\"k]"|^ "_"`"a "b"c#d#e##)fE#Mg#hD#ic#j.$Vk1$l$m$n1$o%p%2q"%IrD%ls2%t:%u.&&Nh'}(=w()30500-001 Bad line in file list: %s.0500-002 Cannot delete stanza database %s.0500-003 Cannot determine needed filesystem space.0500-004 Cannot extend the %s filesystem.0500-005 Failed to fork() a child process.0500-006 Cannot find or read the notify database %s.0500-007 Cannot find or read the task database %s.0500-008 An error occurred attempting to get configuration settings.0500-009 An error occurred attempting to save configuration settings.0500-010 An error occurred attempting to get the default task.0500-011 This request requires %s MB of filesystem space, which exceeds the task's configured limit of %s MB.0500-012 An error occurred attempting to download.0500-013 Failed to retrieve list from fix server.0500-014 The fix server responded with the following error condition: %s.0500-015 The %s and %s flags are mutually exclusive.0500-016 The maximum filesystem size of %s MB has been reached.0500-017 Do not specify %s with %s.0500-018 An internet request failed.0500-019 The -a flag entry %s=%s is not valid.0500-020 Invalid %s argument.0500-021 Invalid call to %s. Parameters: (%s).0500-022 %s is not a valid identifier.0500-023 Invalid task field: %s.0500-024 Invalid task ID: %s.0500-025 The value %s is not valid for the %s field.0500-026 Cannot find the %s key.0500-027 A key/value pair may not exceed %s bytes.0500-028 An error occurred attempting to get the notification database.0500-029 An error occurred attempting to delete a notification entry.0500-030 An error occurred attempting to get a notification entry.0500-031 Notification entry does not exist for %s.0500-032 System must be a NIM master.0500-033 Only root can perform this action.0500-034 Hostname cannot be determined.0500-035 No fixes match your query.0500-036 Cannot find task with ID %s.0500-037 Cannot find or work with a stanza called %s.0500-038 Path is not absolute: %s.0500-039 Access violation. The function %s may only be called from the following packages: %s.0500-040 An error occurred attempting to schedule a task.0500-041 The following system command failed: %s The error was as follows: %s0500-042 A Task ID must be specified.0500-043 Only one Task ID may be specified.0500-044 An error occurred attempting to create a task.0500-045 An error occurred attempting to delete a task.0500-046 An attempt to delete Task %s failed, or the Task ID did not exist.0500-047 An error occurred attempting to get a task.0500-048 Task ID %s was not found.0500-049 The task is not valid.0500-050 An error occurred attempting to save a task.0500-051 An attempt to remove a schedule for Task ID %s failed, or the schedule did not exist.0500-052 An error occurred attempting to unschedule a task.0500-053 The %s field may not contain a newline.0500-054 Cannot find a schedule for Task %s.0500-055 %s requires %s.0500-056 This request requires %s MB of filesystem space, which exceeds the current filesystem space of %s MB.0500-057 The maximum download size of %s MB has been reached.0500-058 The update can not be downloaded individually. A TL or SP must be requested.0500-059 Entitlement is required to download.Creating a stanza called %s.Creating stanza database %s.Creating stanza file %s.Download FAILED: %sDownload SKIPPED: %sDownload SUCCEEDED: %sExtending the %s filesystem by %s blocks.The fileset %s already exists.%sThe download list contains one or more fixes known to cause a regression: %sLogging operations started, %s.Logging operations stopped, %s.%s must be y (yes) or n (no).%s must be one of the following values: %sMaintenance level must be in the form xxxx-xx. For example: 5200-01.%s must be the name of a NIM client, or 'localhost'.%s must be numeric.%s must be an existing absolute path.Fix server returned empty content.Performing preview download.SUMA Task ResultsNote: You may need to update tasks that contain this notification entry.Deleting %s!ORTask ID %s created.Performing lppmgr clean.Summary: %d downloaded %d failed %d skippedTask %s was found and completed successfully.Task %s was deleted.Task %s is a repeating task.Task %s is not a repeating task.The following file failed to download completely. Please check filesystem space. File: %s Expected: %d bytes Retrieved: %d bytesFailed to rename file: Old name: %s New name: %s%s must be the name of a NIM lpp_source.Service Pack must be in the form xxxx-xx-xx or xxxx-xx-CSP. For example: 5300-04-02 or 5300-04-CSP.Technology level must be in the form xxxx-xx. For example: 6100-04.Service Pack must be in the form xxxx-xx-xx-xxxx. For example: 6100-04-03-1009.Service Pack must be in the form xxxx-xx-xx or xxxx-xx-xx-xxxx. For example: 6100-04-03 or 6100-04-03-1009.Technology level must be in the form xxxx-xx or xxxx-xx-xx-xxxx. For example: 6100-04 or 6100-04-00-0943.Technology level must be in the form xxxx-xx-xx-xxxx. For example: 6100-04-00-0943.Starting download of %d updates.Total bytes of updates downloaded: %dThe system's serial number is not entitled.Please go to the Fix Central website to download fixes.Service Update Management Assistant (SUMA)Download Updates Now (Easy)Custom/Automated Downloads (Advanced)Configure SUMADownload by APAR NumberDownload by Fix TypeDownload Maintenance LevelDownload All Latest FixesDownload by Fileset NameAPAR NumberFix TypeMaintenance level to downloadFileset nameFileset levelCreate a New SUMA TaskView/Change an Existing SUMA TaskRemove a SUMA TaskView All SUMA TasksView/Change SUMA Task DefaultsSelect an Action to Perform Save and Execute Now Save Changes and Execute Now Execute Now (Do Not Save) Execute Now (Do Not Save Changes) Schedule Repeating Schedule One Time Save Only Save Changes OnlyTask IDDisplay nameActionDownloadPreviewDownload and CleanDirectory for item storageType of item to requestAPARFilesetPTFMaintenance LevelSecurityCriticalAll Latest FixesIOServerName of item to requestLevel of item to requestlatestGet prerequisites/corequisites?Get ifrequisites?Get superseding items?Get items which fix regressions?AlwaysNeverIf AvailableRepository to filter againstMaintenance level to filter againstSystem or lslpp output to filter againstMaximum total download size (MB)Maximum file system size (MB)unlimitedRetain task data for future use?Scheduling Options:Notify email addressRepeat frequencyRepeat frequency unitshoursdaysweeksStarting timeStarting dayStarting monthStarting yearBase ConfigurationScreen output verbosityLogfile output verbosityNotification email verbosityErrors onlyWarningsInfoVerboseDebugRemove superseded filesets on Clean?Remove duplicate base levels on Clean?Remove conflicting updates on Clean?Fixserver URLFixserver protocolDownload protocolLog file locationDownload history fileMaximum log file size (MB)Download timeout (seconds)Download retriesPATH for external programsTask DefaultsSaved Email AddressesRemove a Saved Email AddressEmail addressView All Saved Email Addressesscrontab scheduleCritical,SecurityPreview,Download,Download and CleanAPAR,Fileset,PTF,Maintenance Level,Security,Critical,All Latest FixesIf Available,Never,AlwaysSilent,Errors,Warnings and Errors,Info/Warnings/Errors,Verbose,DebugAPAR,Fileset,PTF,Maintenance Level,Technology Level,Service Pack,Security,Critical,All Latest FixesDownload Maintenance Level or Technology LevelMaintenance Level or Technology Level to downloadDownload Service PackService Pack to downloadMaintenance or Technology Level to filter againstDownload Technology LevelDownload by PTF NumberTechnology Level to filter againstPTF,Maintenance Level,Technology Level,Service Pack,All Latest FixesPTF,Technology Level,Service Pack,All Latest FixesFileset,PTF,Technology Level,Service Pack,All Latest FixesTechnology Level,Service Pack,All Latest FixesUsage: Create, Edit, or Schedule a SUMA task. suma { { [-x][-w] } | -s CronSched } [ -a Field=Value ]... [ TaskID ] List SUMA tasks. suma -l [ TaskID ]... List or Edit the default SUMA task. suma -D [ -a Field=Value ]... List or Edit the SUMA global configuration settings. suma -c [ -a Field=Value ]... Unschedule a SUMA task. suma -u TaskID Delete a SUMA task. suma -d TaskID Usage: suma_fixinv [-f xml] [localhost] suma_fixinv [-f instfix] [-a instfix_flags] [localhost] Usage: suma_fixinv [-f xml] [localhost] [client...] suma_fixinv [-f instfix] [-a instfix_flags] [localhost | client] Usage: suma_swinv [-f xml] [localhost] [client...] suma_swinv [-f lslpp] [-a lslpp_flags] [localhost | client] Usage: suma_swinv -f xml [-r] [localhost] [client...] suma_swinv -f lslpp [-a lslpp_flags] [localhost | client] suma_swinv [-a lslpp_flags] [localhost | client]