ùISO8859-1>3W8‹/Ä,ô?!%a1‡ <¹ #ö ; 0V 4‡&¼9ã6<T(‘+º+æ37F&~g¥B )P&z.¡(Ð\ùfVsed: 0602-400 Cannot specify an address with the %s function. sed: 0602-401 Function %s allows only one address. sed: 0602-402 The file was not appended after line %ld. sed: 0602-403 %s is not a recognized function. sed: 0602-404 Function %s cannot be parsed. sed: 0602-405 There are too many commands for the %s function. sed: 0602-406 Cannot create file %s. sed: 0602-407 There are more than one %s labels. sed: 0602-408 The w function allows a maximum of ten files. sed: 0602-409 Cannot open file %s. sed: 0602-410 The first regular expression cannot be null. sed: 0602-411 The hold space work area is full. sed: 0602-412 There are too many labels in file %s. sed: 0602-413 There are too many '{'. sed: 0602-414 There are too many line numbers specified. sed: 0602-415 The output line exceeds maximum length. sed: 0602-417 The label %s is greater than eight characters.sed: 0602-418 Memory allocation failed. sed: 0602-419 Cannot find or open file %s. sed: 0602-420 Cannot open pattern file %s. sed: 0602-421 The pattern space work area is full. sed: 0602-422 There are too many reads after line %ld. sed: 0602-423 There are too many '}'. sed: 0602-424 The %s function did not end the command line, or was not preceded by a blank character. sed: 0602-425 There are more than 99 commands in pattern file %s. sed: 0602-427 %s is not a defined label. sed: 0602-428 %c is not a valid flag. sed: 0602-429 No editing script was provided. sed: 0602-430 Command line is too long. Usage: sed [-n] Script [File ...] sed [-n] [-e Script] ... [-f Script_file] ... [File ...] Usage: sed [-n] [-u] Script [File ...] sed [-n] [-u] [-e Script] ... [-f Script_file] ... [File ...]