ISO8859-1B0:7/r%(:"K n    #+$*D8o   "#-Qq !"#$%3#& W',a( )**+9,-,1.^/d0k1t2z345'6789:;<=>'?B@ZABcB%sendto"from" address in unsupported address family (%d), cmd %d RIP version 0 packet received from %s! (cmd %d)trace command from unknown router, %sbogus input (from passive interface, %s)packet from unknown router, %sroute in unsupported address family (%d), from %s (af %d) bad host in route from %s (af %d) bad metric (%d) from %s send dynamic update delay dynamic update send delayed dynamic update inhibit dynamic update for %d usec select until dynamic update %d/%d sec/usec routed: router/udp: unknown service usage: routed [ -s ] [ -q ] [ -t ] [ -g ] s %d, ibits %x index %d, mod %d, sh %x, or %x &ibits %x setitimer: %m recvfromsocketsocket: %msetsockopt SO_BROADCAST: %msetsockopt SO_REVBUF: %mrecv buf %d bindbind: %msocket: %mioctl (get interface configuration)%s: ioctl (get interface flags)%s: ioctl (get dstaddr)%s: ioctl (get broadaddr)%s: ioctl (get metric)%s: ioctl (get netmask)routed: out of memory routed: ifinit: out of memory re-installing interface %sadding route to net/host %s through gateway %s: %m SIOCADDRTchanging route from interface %s (timed out)SIOCDELRTdeleting route to interface %s (timed out)traceinit: can't init %s %s: ERROR: SRC not found, continuing without SRC support %s: ERROR: '%d' recvfrom ERROR: routed does not support this option. TraceActiveInactiveDebugSignalPurposeSIGALRMManages timers on routing table entriesSIGHUPTerminates routedSIGINTDeletes all existing routesSIGTERMSIGUSR1Toggles packet tracing onSIGUSR2Toggles packet tracing offsetsockopt SO_DEBUG: %mSupplierusage: routed [ -s ] [ -q ] [ -t ] [ -d ] [ -g ] [ -h hold_time ] %s: invalid route hold down time: %s