ISO8859-1 x<L !@ ;> |: < 1 3 * e : 1 ; ? 9H y  A  @ ^% y 7   ) .5 X2 " ( ' 45!.j"#F$E%8&:T'(')8*3 +@,%]-%.%/:0 1:#2$^3%455'607/881h9):;#<=&>!C?e@/ABCD9E&?F>fGHI>JL K#YL=}M*NO#P=!Q<_R?S9TU#.VRWoXY/Z"[+\ ]<^<B_6`a.bc-d.e,Nf{gGhFi%j$Bkglm0n op(q r7$s\t{uvw4x"y&#z*J{3u|'}.~"3#2W*?9>A: ><,An 2? < ^G D J!(K!sH!,"6"5;"lC")")#3#@)#t%#"##$$ $%,$-)$Z$K$1$%2%%P/%U% %,%8%3&&S&nF&+&9&0'21'cH'C'*("7(M(5(((() )$:)-U)h4))B*!*S*u***.*+)>+B5+1+@+7,*+,bF,,:,:-/-S----;-<.1.X/./.#.)/G/8/</G/ 0 050?S0E3000 01.191MF11J1.28u2g}2%3[)333 38384<4J44;4.4+5.(5Z)5 *5 5 b6Do you want to end the restorerestore: 0511-276 Internal error; active file into volume 1 restore: 0511-277 Internal error; addino failed. Inode %d is out of range. Restore is adding links. restore: 0511-278 Cannot allocate space for the archive buffer. restore: 0511-279 Cannot allocate space for the symbol table. restore: 0511-280 File system block size %d is not valid. restore: 0511-281 There is an internal error condition: %s restore: 0511-282 Cannot look up first inode %d. restore: 0511-283 %c is not a valid flag. restore: 0511-284 Internal error; file name is not valid. restore: 0511-285 Addentry file %s is not valid. restore: 0511-289 The device range specified is not valid. restore: 0511-286 Cannot use the %1$c flag with the %2$c flag. restore: Internal error; seek pointer %d is not correct in rst_seekdir. Beginning incremental restore. Beginning level 0 restore. restore: 0511-287 Specify a positive integer for the block size. Calculating extraction list. Calculating node updates. Continuing extraction of new leaves. Cannot KEEP and change modes. restore: 0511-288 Cannot change volumes on pipe input. Cannot remove directory. 0511-290 Cannot create file. restore: 0511-291 The mknod call failed. restore: 0511-292 Cannot find the file removal list. restore: 0511-293 Cannot find the file dump list. restore: 0511-294 Cannot open %s. restore: 0511-295 Cannot open /dev/null.restore: 0511-296 Cannot open /dev/tty.restore: 0511-297 Cannot open symbol table file %s. restore: 0511-298 Cannot rename %1$s to %2$s. Cannot move ROOT.restore: 0511-300 Cannot get information about the current directory. restore: 0511-301 Cannot get information about symbol table file %s. Checkpointing the restore. restore: Checksum error %1$o is at inode %2$d, file %3$s. Checking the symbol table. Continued command lines are discarded. restore: 0511-303 Cannot create temporary directory %s. restore: 0511-304 Cannot create temporary file %s. The available commands are: ls [Parameter] - Lists a directory. cd Directory - Changes a directory. pwd - Prints the current directory. add [Parameter] - Adds the specified parameter to list of files to be extracted. delete [Parameter] - Deletes the specified parameter from the list of files to be extracted. extract - Extracts requested files. setmodes - Sets the modes of requested directories. quit - Exits the program immediately. verbose - Toggles the verbose flag on and off. (This command is useful with the ls command.) help or ? - Prints the available commands list. If no directory is specified, the current directory is the default. restore: 0511-305 Cannot continue. Do you want to continueConverting to new file system format. restore: Do you want to dump coreDirectory %s is damaged. restore: 0511-307 The symbol table is damaged. Creating %1$s link %2$s->%3$s The debugging mode is off. The debugging mode is on. restore: 0511-308 Internal error; inode %d out of range. restore: 0511-309 Inode %d not found. The restore command deleted hard link %1$s to directory %2$s. The dump date is %s. Dumped from: %s. restore: 0511-310 The dump number must be a positive integer. Internal error; an inode number appears in the symbol table more than once. There is a duplicate inode number. restore: 0511-311 Found end-of-archive mark before expected. Enter the device name. The default is %s. The entry type is %s. The end of archive header was read.restore: 0511-312 There is an error setting directory modes. restore: 0511-313 Error extracting inode %1$d of file %2$s. restore: 0511-314 %s: Output error while writing symbol table. Expected next file inode number %1$d, but received %2$d. Extracting new leaves. Extracting directories from media. Extracting requested files. Extracting file %s. Extracting special file %s. A file continuation header, inode %d, was read.A file header, inode %d, was read.Looking for names that are not referenced. The internal flags are %s. fopenThe system cannot free a symbol table referenced directory. The system cannot free a directory that is not empty. fwriterestore: 0511-315 Inode type %d is not known. hardWarning: Cannot create hard link %1$s->%2$s: restore: 0511-316 There is a hole in the map. There is an operation that is not complete. [%s] %s: impossible state restore: 0511-317 The specified restore level is higher than expected. restore: 0511-318 The specified restore level is lower than expected. [%s] %s: inconsistent state initsymtable called from command %c Initializing the symbol table. The inode number is %ld. restore: 0511-319 Cannot get information on %s. ioctl STFSFLEAFrestore: 0511-320 Type %d is not known. The link is not found. restore: 0511-321 Internal error; cannot link to name. The lookupino routine failed. Making node %s. Marking entries to be removed. The dump mask header was read.Warning: The .. entry is missing from directory %s. restore: 0511-322 Cannot open %s. restore: 0511-323 Specify block size. restore: 0511-324 Specify a media device. Warning: The . entry is missing from directory %s restore: 0511-325 Specify dump number. restore: 0511-326 Inode number %d is missing. Warning: File name %s is missing. restore: 0511-327 There is a missing %c character. Cannot call mktempname with the TMPNAME constant. Directory mode, owner, and times not set. Mount volume %d; Mount volume %1$d on %2$s and press the Enter key to continue. Mount volumes %d-%d and press the Enter key to continue. restore: 0511-328 Do not use the skip option with pipe input. restore: 0511-329 Specify the -i, -t, -r, -R, or -x flag. name: %s %1$s%2$s: Path name cannot contain more than %3$d characters. restore: 0511-330 Specify the -f flag and device host:tape. The newnode routine did not receive a node. The next entry name is %s. The next hashchain name is %s. The next link name is %s. Specify the next volume number: NODErestore: 0511-331 Cannot find directory inode %d. restore: 0511-332 Cannot find directory inode %1$d named %2$s. restore: 0511-333 There is no header after the volume mark. restore: 0511-334 There is no memory available for the file dump list. restore: 0511-335 There is no memory available for the entry table. restore: 0511-336 There is no memory available for the file removal list. restore: 0511-337 There is no memory available to extend the symbol table. restore: 0511-338 There is no memory available for the directory table. restore: 0511-339 Cannot open mode file %s. restore: 0511-340 The root directory is not on media. restore: 0511-341 There is no memory for the string table. restore: 0511-342 There is no header at the beginning of the file. restore: 0511-343 %s is not a directory. restore: 0511-344 %s is not a directory. restore: 0511-346 The media is not in dump format. The file entry is not on the inode list. The file entry is not marked REMOVED.%s is not on the extraction list. %s is not on the archive. Insert volume 1 of the dump. openopendirThere is no more memory for the %s command. Cannot find an entry in the parent list. The parent name is %s. restore: 0511-347 Expected full block read number %2$d, but received %1$d. restore: 0511-348 %s: The path name is too long. . ; expected %1$d blocks, but received %2$d blocks. readThe removeleaf routine did not receive a leaf. Removing leaf %s. The remove mask header was read.The removenode routine did not find a node. The removenode routine did not find an empty directory. Removing nodes (directories) that are not current. Node %s has been removed. %1$s renamed to %2$s. restore: 0511-350 The restore is interrupted. Do you want to continueMedia read error found while restoring %s. Media read error found while trying to syncronize again. Synchronizing restore again; skipped %d blocks. Cannot create save file %s for the symbol table. restore: 0511-351 fclear failed while extracting inode %1$d, name %2$s. Do you want to set the owner or the mode for the current directorySetting directory mode, owner, and times. Media read error found while trying to set up archive. The sibling name is %s. Media read error found while skipping over inode %d. Skipping socket %s. statPerforming byte swapping. Performing quad swapping. symbolicrestore: 0511-353 Cannot create symbolic link %1$s->%2$s: restore: 0511-354 The symbolic link length %4$d is too long in name %1$s->%2$s%3$s. restore: 0511-355 Cannot read symbol table file %s. The media block size is %d. restore: 0511-356 %1$d is not a multiple of dump block size %2$d. You have not read any media yet. Unless you know which volume your file or files are on, you should start with the last volume and work towards the first volume. restore: 0511-357 There is a media read error.The type should be LEAF.restore: 0511-358 Symbolic link %s has a block not allocated. There is a file on the archive that is not expected. restore: 0511-359 Directory %s is not extracted. restore: 0511-360 The %s command is not known. Type ? for help. restore: 0511-361 Cannot find the file on the archive. File mode 0%2$o in file %1$s is not known. Action flags are associated with a file that is no longer referenced. Usage: -t[Dalhvy] [-f Device] [-s Number] [-b Number] [File ...] -x[DOhmvy] [-f Device] [-s Number] [-b Number] [File ...] -i[DOhmvy] [-f Device] [-s Number] [-b Number] -r[DOvy] [-f Device] [-s Number] [-b Number] -R[DOvy] [-f Device] [-s Number] [-b Number] -t[Dhvy] -f Host:Device [-s Number] [-b Number] [File ...] -x[Dhmvy] -f Host:Device [-s Number] [-b Number] [File ...] -i[Dhmvy] -f Host:Device [-s Number] [-b Number] -r[Dvy] -f Host:Device [-s Number] [-b Number] -R[Dvy] -f Host:Device [-s Number] [-b Number] Verifying the directory structure. Verifying archive and initializing maps. The verbose mode is off. Press the v key to turn the verbose mode on. Volume header restore: 0511-362 Volume numbers must be positive integers. The verbose mode is on. Press the v key to turn the verbose mode off. Specified dump with date of %s.Warning: writerestore: 0511-363 Write error while extracting inode %1$d, with the name of %2$s. restore: 0511-364 The dump dated %s is not correct.restore: 0511-365 %d is not the correct volume. yes or noYou have read volumes%s: The zero length symbolic link is ignored. restore: 0511-274 Import of Access Control Lists failed. restore: 0511-275 Import of Process Control Lists for file %s failed. Extracting attributes for %s. restore: 0511-366 File or directory %s does not exist in the target path. restore -P String [hqv] [-f device] [File...] restore: 0511-367 Could not set attributes for %s. Execution must be done as the owner of the file or as root user. restore: 0511-368 Could not set directory attributes. Execution must be done as the owner of the directory or as root user. Directory not found in mode file %s. Warning: One or more files are modified. freadfseekOut of memory, malloc() failed. Import of extended attribute %1$s for file %2$s failed. restore: 0511-369 Import of Extended Attributes failed. restore: 0511-370 Import of EFS Extended Attributes failed. Cannot identify group for %s Cannot identify owner for %s restore: Import of Trusted AIX security attributes failed. Not enough authorization to run this command. restore: Unable to switch to PD_REAL mode. restore: Unable to set PDIR flag on %s. restore: Unable to set PSDIR flag on %s. restore: Unable to set PSSDIR flag on %s. restore: The backup media contains files from an encrypted filesystem, but the target filesystem might not be enabled for encryption. Some or all of the restored files may not be usable. restore: Cannot restore jfs2 backup from pipe. Use jfs2 helper while restoring from pipe.