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Usage: projctl chkprojs [-d projpath] Function: To check project definitions. Usage: projctl chkgrp Function: To check group policies. Usage: projctl chkall [-d admpath] Function: To check all policies. Usage: projctl ldusr [-r] [-a] Function: To load user policies. Usage: projctl ldgrp [-r] [-a] Function: To load group policies. Usage: projctl ldprojs [-r] [-a] projctl ldprojs -g [DN] [-r] [-a] projctl ldprojs -g [DN] [-d targetprojpath] projctl ldprojs -p [DN] [-d sourceprojpath] Function: To load admin policies. Usage: projctl ld [-r] Function: To load configured set of policies. Usage: projctl ldall [-d admpath] [-r] [-a] Function: To load all policies. Usage: projctl unldusr [-a] Function: To unload user policies. Usage: projctl unldgrp [-a] Function: To unload group policies. Usage: projctl unldadm [-a] projctl unldadm -g [-a] projctl unldadm -p [[name:]DN | ] Function: To unload admin policies. Usage: projctl unldprojs [-f] [-a] projctl unldprojs -g [DN] [-f] [-a] projctl unldprojs -p [DN] Function: To unload admin policies. Usage: projctl unldall [-f] [-a] Function: To unload all the policies currently loaded. Usage: projctl qapp appname Function: To show the project list for the specified application Usage: projctl qpolicy [-g [DN]] Function: To list the loaded policy filenames. Usage: projctl qprojs [-n] Function: To show the list of project definitions in kernel registry. Usage: projctl qproj [projname] Function: To show the project definitions for the calling process or to show the definition of a project. Usage: projctl chattr agg projname {-s|-u} [{-d projpath | -p [DN]}] Function: To enable/disable aggregation for a project. Usage: projctl chg projname [-p pid, [pid]] [-f] Function: To change the project assignment for the processes. Usage: projctl exec projname [-f] Function: To exec a command with the given project name. Usage: projct rm projname [{-d projpath | -p [DN]}] Function: To remove Project definitions. projctl ldadm [-d sourceadmpath] [-r] [-a] projctl ldadm -g [name] [-r] [-a] projctl ldadm -g [[name:]DN | ] -d targetadmpath projctl ldadm -p [[name:]DN | ] [-d sourceadmpath] Function: To load admin policies. Usage: projctl chkadm [-d admpath] Function:To check admin policies. Usage: projctl merge [-d targetprojfile] Function: To merge the list of project definitions in the specified file with /etc/project/projdef.projctl add projname projnumber [comment] [{-d projpath | -p [DN]}] | projctl chattr agg projname {-s|-u} [{-d projpath | -p [DN]}] | projctl rm projname [{-d projpath | -p [DN]}] | projctl chg projname [ -p pid [, pid] ] [-f] | projctl exec projname [-f] | projctl qpolicy [-g [DN]] | projctl qprojs [-n] | projctl qproj [projectname] | projctl qapp appname | projctl {chkusr | chkgrp | {{chkprojs | chkadm | chkall} [-d admpath]}} | projctl merge [-d targetprojfile] | projctl {ld | {{ldusr | ldgrp} [-a]}} [-r] | projctl ldall [-d localadm] [-r] [-a] | projctl ldadm [{-g [{[name:]DN | name}] | -p [{[name:]DN | name}] }] [-d admproj] [-r] [-a] projctl ldprojs [{-g [DN] | -p [DN]}] [-d projpath] [-r] [-a] projctl {unldusr|unldgrp|unldall | {{unldrojs | unldadm} [{-p [name] | -g}] [-f]}} [-a] List of projects for %s as below: Project definitions are loaded. Project definitions are not loaded. Project definition file names:Admin policies are loaded. Admin policy file names:User policies are loaded. Group policies are loaded. Project Name Project Number Aggregation Origin ENABLED DISABLEDEnter projctl for more detail. Currently none of the policies are loaded. 1400-201 projctl: invalid project entry %s 1400-202 projctl: project name or number already used 1400-203 projctl: invalid project number: %d 1400-204 projctl: duplicate entries found for project name %s 1400-205 projctl: duplicate entries found for project id %d 1400-206 projctl: invalid aggregation value of %s for project name %s 1400-207 projctl: user policy is already loaded. 1400-208 projctl: unable to load the user policy file 1400-209 projctl: group policy is already loaded. 1400-210 projctl: unable to load group policy file. 1400-211 projctl: project definitions are already loaded. 1400-212 projctl: problems in retrieving project definitions. 1400-213 projctl ldall: unable to load policy/definition files 1400-214 projctl ld: configured policies are already loaded. 1400-215 projctl ld: unable to load policy/definition files 1400-216 projctl: %s are already unloaded. 1400-217 projctl: %s cannot be unloaded. 1400-218 projctl: admin policies are already loaded. 1400-219 projctl: path too long 1400-220 projctl: project name 'System' not allowed. 1400-221 projctl exec: command %s not found 1400-222 projctl unldprojs: project definitions cannot be unloaded since the policies are not yet unloaded. 1400-223 projctl: project %s does not exist. 1400-224 projctl chg: invalid pid %d 1400-225 projctl: unknown command option %s1400-226 projctl: project name %s not found 1400-227 projctl: unable to load admin policy file 1400-228 projctl: user %s not found. 1400-229 projctl: group %s not found. 1400-230 projctl: warning application %s not found. 1400-231 projctl: invalid alias name %s. 1400-232 projctl ldusr: no valid project in a rule. 1400-233 projctl ldgrp: no valid project in a rule. 1400-234 projctl: full path must be specified. 1400-235 projctl: too many rules. Policy too big. 1400-236 projctl: the specified policy is not loaded. 1400-237 projctl: Conflicting entries found for Project name %s 1400-238 projctl: Conflicting entries found for Project id %d 1400-239 projctl: The pathname %s is not an absolute path. 1400-240 projctl: project definitions must be loaded. 1400-241 projctl: No rules found in the %s policy. 1400-242 projctl: LDAP project definitions are already loaded. 1400-243 projctl: LDAP admin policies are already loaded. 1400-244 projctl: Could not find the project definition file on LDAP server 1400-245 projctl: Could not find the admin policy file on LDAP server 1400-246 projctl: LDAP support is not configured 1400-247 projctl: Could not add the project to LDAP server 1400-248 projctl: Could not remove the project from LDAP server 1400-249 projctl: Could not change the aggregation status of the project on LDAP server 1400-250 projctl: Could not download the admin policy file from LDAP server 1400-251 projctl: projects or policies from a non-default DN cannot be loaded to kernel LDAP project definitions are loaded. LDAP project definitions are not loaded. local LDAP1400-225 projctl: unknown command option %s projctl add projname projnumber [comment] [{-d projpath | -p [DN]}] | projctl chattr agg projname {-s|-u} [{-d projpath | -p [DN]}] | projctl rm projname [{-d projpath | -p [DN]}] | projctl chg projname [ -p pid [, pid] ] [-f] | projctl exec projname [-f] | projctl qpolicy [-g [DN]] | projctl qprojs [-n] | projctl qproj [projectname] | projctl qapp appname | projctl {chkusr | chkgrp | {{chkprojs | chkadm | chkall} [-d admpath]}} | projctl merge [-d targetprojfile] | projctl {ld | {{ldusr | ldgrp} [-a]}} [-r] | projctl ldall [-d localadm] [-r] [-a] | projctl ldadm [{-g [{[name:]DN | name}] | -p [{[name:]DN | name}] }] [-d admproj] [-r] [-a] projctl ldprojs [{-g [DN] | -p [DN]}] [-d projpath] [-r] [-a] projctl {unldusr|unldgrp|unldall | {{unldprojs | unldadm} [{-p [name] | -g}] [-f]}} [-a] Advanced AccountingManage Accounting Data FilesManage Project Definitions and AssignmentsManage TransactionsManage Advanced Accounting SubsystemCreate Data FileRelease Data FileRe-use Accounting Data FileShow Data File(s)Switch Active Data FileAccounting Data FilePre-allocated size(in MBs)List All Registered FilesList Accounting File DetailsProject DefinitionsAutomatic Project AssignmentManual Project AssignmentAdd Project DefinitionShow/Change Project DefinitionsRemove Project DefinitionsLoad/Re-load Project DefinitionsUnload Active Project DefinitionsList All Active Project DefinitionsProject NameProject NumberAggregationProject commentsAlternate Project Definitions LocationWork with Admin PoliciesWork with User PoliciesWork with Group PoliciesQuery Policies1400-250 When a new project is defined, aggregation is disabled by default. List of ProjectsSelect ConfigurationWork on selected configurationList of LocationsList of RulesShow/Change Alternate ConfigurationTurn on auto-loading, when starting accountingTurn off auto-loading, when starting accountingMerge Project Definitions1400-251 The focus name cannot be a path. Please enter a valid string, without '/' character. LDAP Server Host NameBind DNBind DN passwordInstall Projects locationInstall Admin locationUpload Project Definitions to LDAP ServerLocal Project Definition File PathLocation on LDAP serverDownload Project Definitions from LDAP ServerProject RepositoryCurrent Focus is onCreate Admin PolicyShow/Change Current FocusRemove Admin PolicyAdd RulesShow/Change RuleRemove RulesLoad/Re-load Admin PolicyUnload Admin PolicyWork with AliasWork with ProjectsAdmin Policy File LocationSwitch the Current FocusOrderUser-ID/AliasGroup-ID/AliasApplication NameProjectsAdmin RulesNew OrderLoad the current focusAdd new AliasShow/Change AliasRemove AliasAlias NameUser NamesGroup NamesSelect from User IDsSelect from Group IDsCurrent focus is onList of AliasesAlternate Configuration PathCurrent Focus NameUpload Admin Policy to LDAP serverLocal Admin Policy File PathLocation on LDAP serverDownload Admin Policy from LDAP ServerAdmin Policy NameCreate Project list for a userShow/Change Project list for a userRemove Project list for a userShow Project lists for all usersLoad/Re-load User PoliciesUnload User PoliciesUser NameProject ListCreate Project list for a groupShow/Change Project list for a groupRemove Project list for a groupShow Project lists for all groupsLoad/Re-load Group PoliciesUnload Group PoliciesGroup NameShow Loaded PoliciesShow Auto-load ConfigurationShow project assignment for all processesChange project assignment for a processShow project assignments for a programStart a program with a project assignmentProcess-IDOverride policy rules for the ProjectProgram Name with ArgumentsList of UsersList of GroupsList defined Application TransactionsEnable/Disable Application TransactionsList defined TransactionsEnable/Disable TransactionsEnabled Application TransactionsEnabled TransactionsConfigure Admin NotificationShow/Change Process intervalShow/Change System intervalShow/Change System AggregationWrite Process Accounting DataStart Advanced AccountingStop Advanced AccountingQuery Advanced AccountingEmail-ID for NotificationProcess Interval statusProcess IntervalSystem Interval statusSystem IntervalSystem AggregationStart AACCTStop AACCTAvailable TransactionsTransaction IDTransaction NameTransaction StateManage ACCT CapabilitiesEnable ACCT CapabilitiesDisable ACCT CapabilitiesUser NameShow/Change Process AggregationShow/Change Kernel Extension AggregationShow/Change ARM Transaction AggregationProcess AggregationKernel Extension AggregationARM Transaction AggregationAdmin Notification StatusConfigure LDAP server and clientLDAP Server SetupLDAP Client SetupShow/Change Turbo Mode AccountingRecover CPU accounting time in turbo modeyes,noDisable,EnableNOW,At next Boot,Bothnow,booty,nOn,OffAdvanced Accounting collects and records system and job-related information that can be used to bill users, analyze the configuration, summarize file system activity, and profile system resource use.This selection guides you through the basic tasks associated with accounting data files including create, release, re-use, switch, and query.Projects are installation defined billable entities like users, departments, divisions, or tasks. Work units like processes and transactions are internally tagged with project codes based on system administrator defined asssignment rules. Project codes are included in accounting records. This selection guides you through the process of creating projects and assignment rules and downloading them into the kernel.This selection enables you to choose the type of accounting data to be collected. Each type of accounting record has a unique transaction ID that can be used to enable or disable its collection.This selection helps you to start, stop and monitor advanced accounting and to configure interval accounting and data aggregation.This selection is used to create an accounting data file. It is recommended that multiple data files be created before starting advanced accounting, so that the administrator can dump and clear one accounting file, while the system is filling another. The system only writes to one file at a time.This selection releases the named accounting file from the accounting subsystem. The file is unknown to the accounting subsystem and may be removed from the system.This selection re-uses the accounting data file and notifies the kernel that the file is ready to be re-used.This selection shows information about accounting data files.This selection prepares the active accounting data file for post processing by directing the accounting subsystem to use another file.Enter the name of the accounting data file.Accounting data files are pre-allocated to ensure that expected quantity of accounting data can be written and to improve system performance. Enter the number of megabytes that should be reserved for the named file.Accounting data files are registered, when they are created and unregistered when they are released. This menu option provides a list of the accounting data files that are known to the kernel.Lists the details of a particular accounting data file.Enables the administrator to receive email messages related to the state of the registered accounting files in particular and errors in general.Process interval accounting periodically captures accounting data for the set of active processes. Process interval accounting must be activated, when using data aggregation.System interval accounting periodically captures usage data for system resources like CPU, memory, disks, network interfaces, file systems, paging space, etc.Aggregation enables the same accounting structure to be used for multiple accounting events of the same type so that fewer records are generated. It is made available by process interval accounting. Aggregation employs different accounting records, so it is important to verify that your billing solution supports data aggregation. Consult your application documentation to determine whether it supports aggregation.Writes the accounting statistics for the named process to the accounting file.Starts the Advanced Accounting subsystem. This item allows starting the subsystem now, at next boot time or both.Stops the advanced accounting subsystem.Queries details about the current advanced accounting configuration settings.This selection lists the types of accounting records that can be produced on your system. These records are produced by the kernel and by loaded kernel extensions, not applications.This selection enables you to select the type of accounting data that is to be collected. Consult your application documentation to determine which transaction IDs are required.Various operations related to the project definitions file is taken care of here. These include adding, deleting, modifying the project definition file entries and loading / unloading the project definitions.Automatic project assignments are determined through multiple policies which are based on user and group attributes and admin rules. This selection supports the management of these policies. Policies have to be loaded to take effect.This selection enables users to change the project assignment of existing processes and to start new jobs with specific project assignments.This selection adds a new project definition into the default project definition file /etc/project/projdef.This selection presents information about the named project and enables you to change selected values.This selection removes the specified project definition from the default project definition file /etc/project/projdef.This selection loads/re-loads the project definitions from the default project definition file /etc/project/projdef into the kernel.This selection unloads all the active project definitions.This selection lists all active project definitions from the kernel.This selection enables the user to select and manage an alternate project definition file.This selection selects a directory path, which will be used for referring to the newly selected project defination fileThis selection identifies the alternate set of policy files that will be updated subsequently.This selection adds a new project definition to the chosen alternate project definition file.This selection changes a project definition in the chosen alternate project definition file.This selection removes a project definition from the chosen alternate project definition file.This selection loads the project definitions in the chosen alternate project definition file.This selection shows project assignments for the set of active processes.This selection changes the project assignment for the named process.This selection lists the projects that a program can be assigned to.This selection starts a program with a specific project.This selection presents a list of the alternate configurations and enables you to select the alternate configuration.This selection merges the entries in the given project definition file with the system project definition file /etc/project/projdef.Various operations related to the Admin policy file including adding, deleting, modifying assignment rules and loading and unloading admin policies.This selection enables user based policies to be defined and loaded into the accounting subsystem, so that project assignment can be performed as a function of the UID.This selection enables group based policies to be defined and loaded into the accounting subsystem, so that project assignment can be performed as a function of the GID.This selection shows the policies that are currently active.This selection creates the admin policy file, where the user wants to keep his admin rules for project assignments.This selection enables the user to choose an admin policy file which need to be managed.Removes the admin policy file which is currently managed.Adds a rule to the admin policy file.Presents the rules and also allows to modify it.Removes a rule from the admin policy file.Loads admin policy rules into the kernel.Unloads admin policy rules from the kernel.This selection enables the user to manage the alias entries in the chosen alternate configuration.This selection enables the user to work on project definitions in an alternate configuration.Use F4/Esc 4 to select the alternate configuration.This selection adds a new alias entry to the chosen alternate configuration.This selection shows the details of a particular alias entry to the users and also allows them to modify it, if requested.This item removes an alias entry from the chosen alternate configuration.The alias entries used with projects can be either an alias for user names or for the groups. This selection allows the user to create an alias for user names.The alias entries used with projects can be either an alias for user names or for the groups. This selection allows the user to create an alias for group names.This selection enables the user to modify the user alias entries. This selection enables the user to modify the group alias entries. This selection enables the user to delete a particular alias entry from the chosen alternate configuration.This selection enables the user to add project definitions to the chosen alternate configuration.This selection shows the project definitions of the named project from the chosen alternate configuration and allows to modify them.This selection removes the definition for the named project from the chosen alternate configuration.This selection loads the the project definitions from the chosen alternate configuration.This selection merges the project definitions in the specified file with the system project definition file.This selection creates the project list for the named user.This selection displays the project list for a named user and also allows to modify it.This selection removes the project list for the named user.This selection presents the project list for all the users.This selection loads the user policies into the kernel.This selection unloads the user policies from the kernel.This selection presents the project list for all the users.This selection creates the project list for the named group.This selection displays the project list for a named group and also allows to modify itThis selection removes the project list for the named group.This selection presents the project list for all the groups.This selection loads the group policies into the kernel.This selection unloads the group policies from the kernel.This selection lists the Current Policy configurations.This selection presents the details of boot time policy configurations.Force Project ReclassificationLoaded Policies Project Definitions [ %s ] Admin [ %s ] User Group Policies Loaded by Default Alias %s already existing Order should be a valid number.