ISO8859-1-$%(%*N'y 7 9 8 4 * m  $ $ - = MC - ; = 93 w@ . 5 F Q% / ; $ *1 O 1 !' "9 #F$1\%+&+'+(')(:*c+2,:-%.!/'70#_1'2'3!4'5$6,B7<o8S90:'1;)Y<$=%>1?#@$A.CB0rCDE#F0G5H7SIJK<L?M"@N'cO)P,Q:R4S.RTEUDV) W(6X:_Y'Z[:\9]6T^R_U`54a/jb.c2d9e(6f_g-yh:i>j?!k,al?m,n3o>/p.nq7r7s1 t4?u3tv4w3x:y:Lz:{:|;}<9~<vB=5 45 j> / 8!@!H&!8!5!4"1"T " "&"="#-3#L8#'# #-$3$0:$d.$4$#%%'-%D)%r4%@%-&.&@2&o*&:&4')'=$'g'"''4'+(!)(M(wG(((0)%)?2)e:)=)#*8*5=*n8*g* -M9-n---<-9.1G.k7.=.7/)M/aA/>/600?0gA0<0?1&J1f?191*2+32VF2L2*3N3I@3#383&46!4]544[4T5.%55@5 @6 U6B (6 26 I6:7>.7y17)7K8b8P.8/8:929M0838-002 Too few parameters for argument %s 0838-004 %s: unrecognized argument 0838-005 Invalid arguments specified 0838-006 PPP Subsystem not available %m 0838-008 Failure to set process group: %m 0838-009 Unable to become a daemon :%m 0838-012 unable to open(%s): %m 0838-013 Could not get tty file access characteristics 0838-014 Could not alter tty file access characteristics 0838-015 Attempt to get attributes for a non-tty device 0838-016 Failed to set new tty attributes 0838-018 unable to open(%s): %m 0838-019 device %s locked 0838-020 cannot lock device %s: %m 0838-021 Connection program failed 0838-022 Warning - not in ttys process group 0838-023 Cannot set to controling terminal process group: %m 0838-024 Unable to set file characteristics (FNDELAY | FASYNC): %m 0838-025 unable to open LCP multiplexor : %m 0838-026 Failure to set signal handler for signal (%d): %m 0838-027 LCP failure to set open type to attachment open: %m 0838-028 LCP failure to set connection type %d: %m 0838-029 Unable to set LCP multiplexor for incoming signals: %m 0838-030 Unable to flush LCP multiplexor : %m 0838-031 override of default LCP options failed : %m 0838-036 cannot create pidfile (verify uucp group membership) %s : %m 0838-038 Failure to build stream: %m 0838-039 Failure binding to LCP multiplexor %m 0838-041 %s: parameter specified is an invalid number: %s 0838-042 tty speed %d not supported 0838-043 Unable to get tty device attributes: %m 0838-044 Unable to set tty device attributes: %m 0838-045 unable to unlink pid file: %m 0838-047 Warning - unable to remove the process id file 0838-050 Unable to read from LCP multiplexor (length returned %d): %m 0838-055 Virtual memory exhausted allocating %s 0838-056 Cannot read pid from lock file %s 0838-057 Removed stale lock on %s (pid %d) 0838-058 Could not remove stale lock on %s 0838-059 Device %s is locked by pid %d 0838-060 Cannot create lock file %s: %m 0838-062 Failure to fork: %m 0838-063 could not exec child process /bin/sh: %m 0838-064 waiting for (dis)connection of child process: %m 0838-065 Out of memory in timeout()! 0838-066 Unable to set timer: %m 0838-067 Unable to get time of day: %m 0838-068 Unable to unset timer: %m 0838-069 Unable to get time of day: %m 0838-070 Unable to get time of day: %m 0838-071 Unable to set timer: %m 0838-072 Unable to get time of day: %m %s: option specified is invalid: %s 0838-074 Unable to open dialog file %s : %m 0838-075 unterminated quote in dialog file (line number %d) 0838-076 Usage: %s [-v [verbose-file]] [-t timeout] {-f chat-file || chat-script} 0838-082 Cannot restore terminal parameters: %m 0838-083 Cannot get lock file '%s': %m 0838-084 Cannot allocate memory '%s': %m 0838-085 Expect failed because (%s) 0838-086 Expect failed cause unknown 0838-090 Illegal or too-long ABORT string ('%s') 0838-091 timeout set to %d seconds 0838-092 Failure to send data 0838-093 warning: read() on stdin returned %d 0838-094 warning: write() on stdout returned %d 0838-095 -- write timed out 0838-096 -- write failed: %m 0838-097 expect string is too long 0838-099 warning: alarm synchronization problem 0838-100 -- read failed: %m 0838-101 %s -- open on verbose output file failed: %m 0838-102 alarm occurred 0838-103 got the expect string0838-104 Existing verbose file was removed due to its size. 0838-105 File '%s' is currently in use. Waiting for access... 0838-106 Got access to file '%s'. 0838-107 Last entry repeated %d times. 0838-113 pppcontrold is running already 0838-117 invalid options in lcp_config file 0838-120 Failure to open streams load config file %s : %m 0838-121 Failure to open streams load config file : 0838-123 No system name specified -- Aborting 0838-124 Too many IP and/or IPv6 interfaces defined decreasing to %d 0838-126 Too many encapsulation interfaces defined decreasing to %d 0838-130 Streams modules failed to load 0838-131 Streams modules failed to load 0838-132 Controld allocation of control structures failed 0838-136 Access to file %s denied : %m 0838-140 socket open failed 0838-143 control stream access for LCP multiplexor failed 0838-147 LCP multiplexor set default options failed : %m 0838-148 LCP multiplexor set default options failed 0838-151 Warning - failure to create netconnection to IP interface mapping file 0838-153 Unable to access LCP multiplexor as a clone (Attempt number %d) failed : %m 0838-155 Exiting, first open of clone device failure 0838-158 INVALID NUMBER of Servers configured 0838-160 INVALID NUMBER of Clients configured 0838-165 ipcp set default options for %d failed 0838-167 Unable to get network connection id failed : %m 0838-170 Control daemon backgrounding 0838-171 fork failed :%m 0838-173 Unable to set process group failure 0838-175 Unable to set signal handler for signal (%d): %m 0838-178 cannot create file %s containing the process id : %m 0838-179 Unable to set process to recieve incoming signals: %m 0838-180 Unable to clear data on device: %m 0838-181 Unable to set process to receive incoming signals: %m 0838-182 Unable to clear data on device: %m 0838-184 Fork for authentication process failed %m 0838-187 error in the execution of authentication process %m 0838-188 unable to remove process id file: %m 0838-202 Bad data received on file(%d):%m : length %x 0838-203 Bad data received on file(%d): %m :lentgh %x 0838-207 Virtual memory exhausted allocating %s 0838-209 Could not set IP/IPv6 interface flags : %m 0838-212 Could not set IP/IPv6 interface flags: %m 0838-214 Could not set IP/IPv6 interface flags : %m 0838-215 Could not set IP/IPv6 interface flags :%m 0838-237 ERROR: pppcontrold does not support this option. 0838-238 ERROR: pppcontrold does not support this option. 0838-240 ERROR: pppcontrold does not support this option. 0838-241 ERROR: pppcontrold does not support this option. 0838-242 ERROR: Unable to create snmp_req pipe, errno = %d 0838-243 ERROR: Unable to create snmp_resp pipe, errno = %d 0838-244 ERROR: Unable to create snmp_trap pipe, errno = %d 0838-245 ERROR: Unable to create snmp_link_state pipe, errno = %d 0838-246 ERROR: Unable to send startup structure to pppsnmpd 0838-247 ERROR: Received incomplete pppsnmpd request 0838-248 ERROR: SET CHECK ioctl for object %d failed 0838-249 ERROR: Received SET CHECK request for unknown object 0838-250 ERROR: SET ioctl for object %d failed 0838-251 ERROR: Received SET request for unknown object 0838-252 ERROR: Received PPPSNMPD request with incorrect action 0838-253 ERROR: Check on mkppp failed 0838-254 ERROR: Unable to change PPP configuration file 0838-255 LOGIC ERROR(1): backing out of PPPSNMPD SET 0838-256 LOGIC ERROR(2): (PPPSNMP switch for mkppp) 0838-257 Unable to send response to PPPSNMPD SET 0838-258 LINK DOWN ioctl failed 0838-259 %s died. Recovering... 0838-260 Unable to send PPPSNMPD trap 0838-261 mkppp doesn't have execute permission for user root 0838-262 Unable to find mkppp 0838-263 mv (lcp_config) command wasn't successful 0838-264 mkppp command wasn't successful; Recovering... 0838-265 Unable to recover original %s 0838-266 Unable to remove %s.%d 0838-267 Failed dupping pipe to standard out 0838-268 ipv6cp set default options for %d failed 0838-243 %s: warning: word in file %s too long (%.20s...) 0838-244 Cannot open PAP password file %s: %m 0838-244 PAP authentication failure for %s %s %s %s 0838-246 %d LOGIN FAILURES FOR %s 0838-247 check access %s %s 0838-248 Cannot open CHAP secret file %s: %m 0838-249 Secret for %s on %s is too long 0838-250 cannot obtain status on secret file %s: %m 0838-251 Warning - secret file %s has world and/or group access 0838-252 cannot open indirect secret file %s 0838-253 no secret in indirect secret file %s 0838-255 Peer failed to respond to CHAP challenge 0838-256 Unknown CHAP code (%d) received. 0838-257 No CHAP secret found for authenticating us to %s 0838-258 No CHAP secret found for authenticating %s 0838-259 CHAP peer authentication failed 0838-260 CHAP authentication failed 0838-261 Welcome to PPP %s. 0838-264 Incorrect argument count 0838-266 Incorrect argument %s 0838-267 Open of /dev/slcp failed for PAP startup : 0838-268 open other than first PAP failed 0838-269 pppauthd daemon backgrounding 0838-272 fork failed :%m 0838-298 Communication between kernel and user application has failedd 0838-301 DEBUG TURNED ON 0838-302 DEBUG TURNED OFF 0838-303 Virtual memory exhausted allocating %s 0838-308 Out of memory in timeout()! 0838-320 No response to PAP authenticate-requests 0838-323 PAP authentication failed due to protocol-reject 0838-324 PAP authentication of peer failed (protocol-reject) 0838-325 PAP authentication failed 0838-326 Demand bind to network connection %d failed: %m0838-327 Demand bind specified an invalid network connection 0838-328 INVALID NUMBER of demand connections configured0838-001 Usage: %s [ arguments ], where arguments are: Communicate over the named device server|client|demand Connection type ip|ipv6|ip ipv6 Protocol(s) type(s) connect

Invoke shell command

to set up serial line nodaemon Process does not become daemon authenticate Perform PAP or CHAP as an authenticator peer Perform PAP or CHAP as a peer user entry used for PAP authentication remote used for PAP authentication inactive #### Seconds before termination for link inactivity 0838-401 Error initializing: %s 0838-402 Unable to receive startup info from pppcontrold 0838-403 Unable to set signal handler %d: %m 0838-404 Parameter error: %s 0838-405 Trying to re-establish connection with SNMP daemon 0838-406 Connect to SNMP daemon failed, will keep trying 0838-407 Error occured while trying to process packet from SNMP daemon 0838-408 Error %d occured while waiting for DPI packet 0838-409 ERROR: Received incomplete pppcontrold TRAP message 0838-410 DPI SET (%s): Unable to send SETCHECK request 0838-411 DPI SET (%s): Received an incomplete response packet for a SETCHECK 0838-412 Didn't receive correct link state from pppcontrold TRAP 0838-413 DPI SET (%s): Invalid DPI request: Type %d Length %d 0838-414 DPI COMMIT (%s): Unable to send PPPSNMPD SET 0838-415 DPI COMMIT (%s): Unable to read PPPSNMPD SET response 0838-416 DPI COMMIT (%s): Invalid DPI request: Type %d Length %d 0838-417 DPI UNDO (%s): Unable to send PPPSNMPD SET request 0838-418 DPI UNDO (%s): Received an incomplete response packet 0838-419 DPI UNDO (%s): DPI request received when not after SET or COMMIT 0838-420 DPI UNDO (%s): Invalid DPI request: Type %d Length %d 0838-421 Couldn't create varBind structure for SNMP TRAP 0838-422 Couldn't create SNMP TRAP packet 0838-423 Unable to send TRAP packet to SNMP daemon 0838-424 Attempt to get ifTable instance when table isn't initialized 0838-425 Attempt to get ifTable instance when table isn't fully initialized 0838-426 Can't convert bad instance value 0838-427 Unable to successfully send link state change message to pppcontrold 0838-428 Unable to convert ifIndex to LCB for link state change 0838-429 Lost IPC with pppcontrold 0838-430 Unable to create ifTable shared memory segment 0838-431 Unable to allocate table: %s %1$s: Mandatory flag(s) missing %1$s: Problem with %2$s command, return code = %3$s %1$s: %2$s must be defined %1$s: IP Address, %2$s, incorrect. IP Address not in dotted-decimal notation (N.N.N.N). %1$s: IP Address, %2$s, incorrect. IP Address hostid can not be either 0 or 255. %1$s: mru must be greater than 1500 %1$s: Too many flags %1$s: %2$s does not exist. Please create Link Configuration. %1$s: %2$s already exists. Please remove Link Configuration. %1$s: Remote Address, %2$s.%3$s, exists. Please remove interface entry from %4$s. %1$s: error in adding entry to inittab %1$s: error in removing rcppp entry from inittab %1$s: %2$s %3$s %4$s user exists. Please remove user entry from %5$s. %1$s: %2$s %3$s %4$s %5$s user does not exist in %6$s. %1$s: Demand command must be a quoted string %1$s: At least one IP address must be specified %1$s: Demand address for %2$s conflicts %1$s: %2$s does not exist. Creating file. Please add password to file. %1$s: %2$s can not contain a space character. Please remove space character from entry [%3$s]. %1$s: %2$s not correct. return code = %3$s %1$s: Warning: %2$s does not contain a value. %1$s: %2$s can not contain more than %3$s characters. %1$s: IPv6 Interface Identifier, %2$s, incorrect