ISO8859-1`MUG.2E=E  1 7  - ;7Esa0782-900 Cannot get the current line printer status for %1$s. The errno (error number) is %2$d 0782-901 Cannot set the line printer status. The errno (error number) is %d 0782-902 Cannot set the serial port characteristics. The errno (error number) is %d 0782-903 %s is not configured in this kernel. 0782-904 Permission denied to access device %1$s. 0782-905 Cannot open device %1$s. The errno (error number) is %2$d. 0782-906 Cannot specify more than one operand (device name). 0782-907 Device %1$s is busy. 0782-908 %1$s is not a printer. 0782-909 Timeout value must be 1 second or more. 0782-910 The only valid parameter for the -F flag is ! 0782-911 Unexpected flag option entered. Usage: splp [DeviceName] for status report splp FlagOptions [DeviceName] to change parameters where DeviceName is assumed to be lp0 if not specified Example: splp -l 88 -w 132 -i 5 lp2 0782-912 Flag parameter value is not valid. Must be + or ! CURRENT FORMATTING PARAMETERS (ignored by qprt, lpr, and lp commands)|Note: -p + causes the other formatting parameters to be ignored.|CURRENT ERROR PROCESSING PARAMETERS|CURRENT SERIAL INTERFACE PARAMETERS|yes|no|device|pass-through?|send carriage returns?|page length (lines)|send line feeds?|page width (columns)|carriage rtn after line feed?|indentation (columns)|suppress tab expansion?|wrap long lines?|send backspaces?|convert to upper case?|send form feeds?|timeout value (seconds)|return on error?|baud rate|character size (bits)|enable parity?|two stop bits?|odd parity?|0782-913 %1$s flag is no longer supported. Run "smit chgprt" or "chdev -l %2$s -a %3$s='%4$s'"