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" 7!X"z#ӝ*+,-E5s*ԩ+788qՑ%ձ#-0) 3Z!2֎"4#V$^M%W׬&_'9d(؞%s: unknown address family %s: Not Supported usage: netstat [-Aan] [-f address_family] [core unix netinet addr] [-D] [-cgimnrsv] [-f address_family] [-p proto] [core unix netinet addr] [-n] [-I interface] [interval] [core unix netinet addr] %s: no namelist %s: no stats routine %s: unknown or uninstrumented protocol cannot open imp_softc: symbol not in namelist nimp: symbol not in namelist imp%d statistics: %u input message %u input messages %u output message %u output messages %u times output blocked at least %d sec. %u "incomplete" message %u "incomplete" messages %u lost RFNM message %u lost RFNM messages %u late/bogus RFNM/incomplete message %u late/bogus RFNM/incomplete messages %u unknown message type %u unknown message types some symbols missing %s, %s, %s IMP%d Host Table Flags Host Qcnt Q Address RFNM Timer ifnet: symbol not defined Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrscan't find symbol: %s Coll Time Drop%-7.7s %-7lu none none %-11.11s %-11.11s %-15.15s input %-6.6s output input (Total) output packets errs packets errs colls drops Active Internet connections (including servers)PCB/ADDR Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state) %-5.5s %6d %6d %u packet sent %u packets sent %u data packet%s (%u byte) %u data packet%s (%u bytes) %u data packets%s (%u byte) %u data packets%s (%u bytes) %u data packet%s (%u byte) retransmitted %u data packet%s (%u bytes) retransmitted %u data packets%s (%u byte) retransmitted %u data packets%s (%u bytes) retransmitted %u ack-only packet%s %u ack-only packets%s (%u delayed) (%u delayed) %u URG only packet %u URG only packets %u window probe packet %u window probe packets %u window update packet %u window update packets %u control packet %u control packets %u packet received %u packets received %u ack%s (for %u byte) %u ack%s (for %u bytes) %u acks%s (for %u byte) %u acks%s (for %u bytes) %u duplicate ack %u duplicate acks %u ack for unsent data %u acks for unsent data %u packet%s (%u byte) received in-sequence %u packet%s (%u bytes) received in-sequence %u packets%s (%u byte) received in-sequence %u packets%s (%u bytes) received in-sequence %u completely duplicate packet%s (%u byte) %u completely duplicate packet%s (%u bytes) %u completely duplicate packets%s (%u byte) %u completely duplicate packets%s (%u bytes) %u packet%s with some dup. data (%u byte duped) %u packet%s with some dup. data (%u bytes duped) %u packets%s with some dup. data (%u byte duped) %u packets%s with some dup. data (%u bytes duped) %u out-of-order packet%s (%u byte) %u out-of-order packet%s (%u bytes) %u out-of-order packets%s (%u byte) %u out-of-order packets%s (%u bytes) %u packet%s (%u byte) of data after window %u packet%s (%u bytes) of data after window %u packets%s (%u byte) of data after window %u packets%s (%u bytes) of data after window %u window probe %u window probes %u window update packet %u window update packets %u packet received after close %u packets received after close %u discarded for bad checksum %u discarded for bad checksums %u discarded for bad header offset field %u discarded for bad header offset fields %u discarded because packet too short %u connection request %u connection requests %u connection accept %u connection accepts %u connection established (including accepts) %u connections established (including accepts) %u connection%s closed (including %u drop) %u connection%s closed (including %u drops) %u connections%s closed (including %u drop) %u connections%s closed (including %u drops) %u embryonic connection dropped %u embryonic connections dropped %u segment%s updated rtt (of %u attempt) %u segment%s updated rtt (of %u attempts) %u segments%s updated rtt (of %u attempt) %u segments%s updated rtt (of %u attempts) %u retransmit timeout %u retransmit timeouts %u connection dropped by rexmit timeout %u connections dropped by rexmit timeout %u persist timeout %u persist timeouts %u keepalive timeout %u keepalive timeouts %u keepalive probe sent %u keepalive probes sent %u connection dropped by keepalive %u connections dropped by keepalive %u incomplete header %u incomplete headers %u bad data length field %u bad data length fields %u bad checksum %u bad checksums %d socket overflow %d socket overflows %s: %u total packets received %u bad header checksum %u bad header checksums %u with size smaller than minimum %u with data size < data length %u with header length < data size %u with data length < header length %u fragment received %u fragments received %u fragment dropped (dup or out of space) %u fragments dropped (dup or out of space) %u fragment dropped after timeout %u fragments dropped after timeout %u packet forwarded %u packets forwarded %u packet not forwardable %u packets not forwardable %u redirect sent %u redirects sent %s: %u call to icmp_error %s: %u calls to icmp_error %u error not generated because old message was icmp %u errors not generated because old message was icmp Output histogram: echo reply#1#2destination unreachablesource quenchrouting redirect#6#7echo#9#10time exceededparameter problemtimestamptimestamp replyinformation requestinformation request replyaddress mask requestaddress mask reply %u message with bad code fields %u messages with bad code fields %u message < minimum length %u messages < minimum length %u message with bad length %u messages with bad length Input histogram: %u message response generated %u message responses generated unexpected change to mbstat; check source mbstat: symbol not in namelist mbstat: bad read %u mbufs in use: %d mbufs allocated to data %d mbufs allocated to packet headers %d mbufs allocated to socket structures %d mbufs allocated to protocol control blocks %d mbufs allocated to routing table entries %d mbufs allocated to IMP host table entries %d mbufs allocated to address resolution tables %d mbufs allocated to socket names and addresses %d mbufs allocated to zombie process information %d mbufs allocated to socket options %d mbufs allocated to fragment reassembly queue headers %d mbufs allocated to access rights %d mbufs allocated to interface addresses %d mbufs allocated to *** %d mbufs missing *** %d/%d mapped pages in use %d Kbytes allocated to network (%d%% in use) %d requests for memory denied %u requests for memory delayed %u calls to protocol drain routines rthost: symbol not in namelist rtnet: symbol not in namelist rthashsize: symbol not in namelist Routing tables Destination Gateway Flags Refcnt Use Interface %-20.20s Netmasks: Route Tree for Protocol Family %d: (root node) getkerninfo: get routing table estimateout of space getkerninfo: retrieval of routing table%-8.8s %-6d %-10d %s%d rtstat: symbol not in namelist routing: %d bad routing redirect %d bad routing redirects %d dynamically created route %d dynamically created routes %d new gateway due to redirects %d new gateways due to redirects %d destination found unreachable %d destinations found unreachable %d use of a wildcard route %d uses of a wildcard route nfile or file not in namelist. nfile: bad read. File table address, bad read. Out of memory (file table). File table read error. Active UNIX domain sockets SADR/PCB Type Recv-Q Send-Q Inode Conn Refs Nextref Addr %8x %-6.6s %6d %6d %8x %8x %8x %8x %8x ETHERNET STATISTICS (%1$s%2$d) : TOKEN STATISTICS (%1$s%2$d) : Hardware Address: ioctl CIO_QUERY for %s device failed cannot open device %s Transmit Byte Count: %.1f Receive Byte Count: %.1f Transmit Frame Count: %.1f Receive Frame Count: %.1f Transmit Error Count: %d Receive Error Count: %d Max Netid's in use: %d Max Transmits queued: %d Max Receives queued: %d Max Stat Blks queued: %d Interrupts lost: %d WDT Interrupts lost: %d Timeout Ints lost: %d Status lost: %d Receive Packets Lost: %d No Mbuf Errors: %d No Mbuf Extension Errors: %d Receive Int Count: %d Transmit Int Count: %d CRC Error Count: %d Align Error Count: %d Recv Overrun Count: %d Packets Too Short: %d Packets Too Long: %d No Resources Count: %d Recv Pkts Discarded: %d Xmit Max Collisions: %d Xmit Carrier Lost: %d Xmit Underrun Count: %d Xmit CTS Lost Count: %d Xmit Timeouts: %d Parity Errors: %d Diag Overflow Count: %d Execute Q Overflows: %d Execute Cmd Errors: %d Host side End of List Bit: %d Adpt side End of List Bit: %d Adapter pkts to be uploaded: %d Adapter pkts uploaded: %d Start receptions to adpt: %d Receive DMA timeouts(lock up): %d Packets Rejected No NetID: %d Packets Accepted Valid NetID: %d Overflow Packets Received: %d Packets Transmitted and Adapter Errors Detected: %d Shorted Cable Errors : %d X.25 STATISTICS (%1$s%2$d) : Data Packets Xmit: %d Call Req Pkts Xmit: %d Call Accpt Pkts Xmit: %d Clear Req Pkts Xmit: %d Clear Conf Pkts Xmit: %d Reset Req Pkts Xmit: %d Reset Conf Pkts Xmit: %d Restart Pkts Xmit: %d Restart Conf Pkts Xmit: %d Data Pkts Recv: %d Incoming Call Pkts Recv: %d Call Conn Pkts Recv: %d Clear Ind Pkts Recv: %d Clear Conf Pkts Recv: %d Reset Ind Pkts Recv: %d Reset Conf Pkts Recv: %d Restart Pkts Recv: %d Restart Conf Pkts Recv: %dActive NS connectionsNS error statistics: Output Error Histogram: Input Error Histogram: connection dropped due to no new socketsconnections dropped due to no new socketsconnection terminated due to our end dyingconnections terminated due to our end dyingconnection dropped due to inability to connectconnections dropped due to inability to connectconnection incompleted due to mismatched id'sconnections incompleted due to mismatched id'sconnection dropped due to mismatched id'sconnections dropped due to mismatched id'spacket dropped out of sequencepackets dropped out of sequencepacket duplicating the highest packetpackets duplicating the highest packetpacket refused as exceeding allocationpackets refused as exceeding allocationconnection initiatedconnections initiatedconnection acceptedconnections acceptedconnection establishedconnections establishedconnection droppedconnections droppedembryonic connection droppedembryonic connections droppedconnection closed (includes drops)connections closed (includes drops)packet where we tried to get rttpackets where we tried to get rtttime we got rtttimes we got rttdelayed ack sentdelayed acks sentconnection dropped in rxmt timeoutconnections dropped in rxmt timeoutretransmit timeoutpersist timeoutkeepalive timeoutkeepalive probe sentkeepalive probes sentconnection dropped in keepaliveconnections dropped in keepalivetotal packet senttotal packets sentdata packet sentdata packets sentdata byte sentdata bytes sentdata packet retransmitteddata packets retransmitteddata byte retransmitteddata bytes retransmittedack-only packet sentack-only packets sentwindow probe sentwindow probes sentpacket sent with URG onlypackets sent with URG onlywindow update-only packet sentwindow update-only packets sentcontrol (SYN|FIN|RST) packet sentcontrol (SYN|FIN|RST) packets sentrequest to send a non-existant packetrequests to send a non-existant packettotal packet receivedtotal packets receivedpacket received in sequencepackets received in sequencebyte received in sequencebytes received in sequencepacket received with ccksum errspackets received with ccksum errspacket received with bad offsetpackets received with bad offsetpacket received too shortpackets received too shortduplicate-only packet receivedduplicate-only packets receivedduplicate-only byte receivedduplicate-only bytes receivedpacket with some duplicate datapackets with some duplicate datadup. byte in part-dup. packetdup. bytes in part-dup. packetout-of-order packet receivedout-of-order packets receivedout-of-order byte receivedout-of-order bytes receivedpacket with data after windowpackets with data after windowbyte rcvd after windowbytes rcvd after windowpacket rcvd after 'close'packets rcvd after 'close'rcvd window probe packetrcvd duplicate ackrcvd ack for unsent datarcvd acks for unsent datarcvd ack packetbyte acked by rcvd acksbytes acked by rcvd acksrcvd window update packetpacket smaller than a headerpackets smaller than a headerpacket smaller than advertisedpackets smaller than advertisedpacket with bad checksumspackets with bad checksumscall to ns_errorcalls to ns_errorerror ignored due to insufficient addressingerrors ignored due to insufficient addressingerror request in response to error packetserror requests in response to error packetserror packet received incompleteerror packets received incompleteerror packet received of unknown typeerror packets received of unknown typeUnspecified Error at DestinationUnspecified Errors at DestinationBad Checksum at DestinationBad Checksums at DestinationNo Listener at SocketNo Listeners at SocketPacket Refused due to lack of space at DestinationPackets Refused due to lack of space at DestinationUnspecified Error while gatewayedUnspecified Errors while gatewayedBad Checksum while gatewayedBad Checksums while gatewayedPacket forwarded too many timesPackets forwarded too many timesPacket too large to be forwardedPackets too large to be forwardedUnknown XNS error code 0%o in transitUnknown XNS error code 0%o in transit %d esh sent, %d esh received %d ish sent, %d ish received %d rd sent, %d rd received %d pdus not sent due to insufficient memory %d pdus received with bad checksum %d pdus received with bad version number %d pdus received with bad type field %d short pdus received %s: %d total packets sent %d total fragments sent %d total packets received %d with fixed part of header too small %d with header length not reasonable %d incorrect checksum %d incorrect checksums %d with unreasonable address lengths %d with forgotten segmentation information %d with an incorrect protocol identifier %d with an incorrect version %d dropped because the ttl has expired %d clnp cache misses %d clnp congestion experience bits set %d clnp congestion experience bits received %s: %u incomplete header %s: %u incomplete headers %u bad data length field %u bad data length fields %u bad checksum %u bad checksums %s control block: symbol not in namelist prev 0x%x next 0x%x isop_prev 0x%x isop_next 0x%x??? addr: 0x%x, prev 0x%x Active ISO net connectionsActive X25 net connectionsTP not configured %*sReceiving: %*s%d variable parameter ignored %*s%d variable parameters ignored %*s%d invalid parameter code %*s%d invalid parameter codes %*s%d invalid parameter value %*s%d invalid parameter values %*s%d invalid dutype %*s%d invalid dutypes %*s%d negotiation failure %*s%d negotiation failures %*s%d invalid destination reference %*s%d invalid destination references %*s%d invalid suffix parameter %*s%d invalid suffix parameters %*s%d invalid length %*s%d invalid checksum %*s%d invalid checksums %*s%d DT out of order %*s%d DTs out of order %*s%d DT not in window %*s%d DTs not in window %*s%d duplicate DT %*s%d duplicate DTs %*s%d XPD not in window %*s%d XPDs not in window %*s%d XPD w/o credit to stash %*s%d XPDs w/o credit to stash %*s%d time local credit reneged %*s%d times local credit reneged %*s%d concatenated TPDU %*s%d concatenated TPDUs %*sSending: %*s%d XPD mark discarded %*s%d XPD marks discarded %*sXPD stopped data flow %d time %*sXPD stopped data flow %d times %*s%d time foreign window closed %*s%d times foreign window closed %*sMiscellaneous: %*s%d small mbuf %*s%d small mbufs %*s%d cluster %*s%d clusters %*s%d source quench %*s%d dec bit %*s%d dec bits %*sM:L ( M mbuf chains of length L) %*s%d: over 16 %*s%d EOT rcvd %*s%d EOT sent %*s%d EOT indication%s %*sConnections: %*s%d connection used extended format %*s%d connections used extended format %*s%d connection allowed transport expedited data %*s%d connections allowed transport expedited data %*s%d connection turned off checksumming %*s%d connections turned off checksumming %*s%d connection dropped due to retrans limit %*s%d connections dropped due to retrans limit %*s%d tp 4 connection %*s%d tp 4 connections %*s%d tp 0 connection %*s%d tp 0 connections %*sRound trip times, listed in (sec: usec): %*sCategory Smoothed avg | Deviation | Deviation/Avg %*sTpdus RECVD [%d valid, %3.6f %% of total (%d); %d dropped] %*sDT %6d AK %6d DR %4d CR %4d %*sXPD %6d XAK %6d DC %4d CC %4d ER %4d %*sTpdus SENT [%d total, %d dropped] %*sDT %6d AK %6d DR %4d CR %4d %*sXPD %6d XAK %6d DC %4d CC %4d ER %4d %*sRetransmissions: %*sCR %6d CC %6d DR %6d %*sDT %6d (%5.2f%%) %*sXPD %6d (%5.2f%%) %*sE Timers: [%6d ticks] %*s%6d timer set %*s%6d timers set %6d timer expired %6d timers expired %6d timer cancelled %6d timers cancelled %*sC Timers: [%6d ticks] %*s%6d timer set %*s%6d timers set %6d timer expired %6d timers expired %6d timer cancelled %6d timers cancelled %*s%6d inactive timer cancelled %*s%6d inactive timers cancelled %*sPathological debugging activity: %*s%6d CC sent to zero dref %*s%6d CCs sent to zero dref %*s%6d random DT dropped %*s%6d random DTs dropped %*s%6d illegally large XPD TPDU %*s%6d illegally large XPD TPDUs %*s%6d faked reneging of cdt %*sACK reasons: %*s%6d not acked immediately %*s%6d strategy==each %*s%6d strategy==fullwindow %*s%6d duplicate DT %*s%6d EOTSDU %*s%6d reordered DT %*s%6d user rcvd %*s%6d fcc reqd SERIAL OPTICAL STATISTICS (%1$s%2$d) : MSB Frames Collapsed: %d LSB Frames Collapsed: %d Rx ovflw = %d St que ovflow = %d Rx que ovflow = %d Rx no buf = %d Pkts rejected = %d Adapter err = %d SMT Err Low = 0x%x SMT Err Hi = 0x%x SMT Evt Low = 0x%x SMT Evt Hi = 0x%x Conn Policy = 0x%x Port Event = 0x%x SetCount Lo = 0x%x SetCount Hi = 0x%x ACI Code = 0x%x Purge Frames = 0x%x Ucode Vers = 0x%x Tx ints = %d Rx ints = %d Tx que ovflw = %d Rx que ovflw = %d St que ovflw = %d Rx cmd cmplt = %d Pkts rejected = %d Adapter err = %d Rx no buf = %d SMT Err Low = 0x%x SMT Err Hi = 0x%x SMT Evt Low = 0x%x SMT Evt Hi = 0x%x Conn Policy = 0x%x Port Event = 0x%x SetCount Lo = 0x%x SetCount Hi = 0x%x ACI Code = 0x%x Purge Frames = 0x%x Ucode Vers = 0x%x ECM State Machine: [%d] = %s PCM State Machine (Port A): [%d] = %s PCM State Machine (Port B): [%d] = %s CFM State Machine: [%d] = %s RMT State Machine: [%d] = %s Max Stat Blks queued: %d %u socket buffer overflows No network device driver information is available. Fork attempt for netstat command failed. netstat exec attempt for %s command failed. Error number was %d. Initial retrieval of kernel network device driver data failed. Actual retrieval of kernel network device driver data failed. Unable to open device %s, errno = %d Unable to connect to device %s, errno = %d Out of memory Unable to get statistics on device %s, errno = %d %u datagram%s received %u datagrams%s received %u dropped due to no socket %u broadcast/multicast datagram%s dropped due to no socket %u broadcast/multicast datagrams%s dropped due to no socket %u delivered %u datagram%s output %u datagrams%s output %u with bad options %u with incorrect version number %u packet%s reassembled ok %u packets%s reassembled ok %u packet%s for this host %u packets%s for this host %u packet%s for unknown/unsupported protocol %u packets%s for unknown/unsupported protocol %u packet%s sent from this host %u packets%s sent from this host %u packet%s sent with fabricated ip header %u packets%s sent with fabricated ip header %u output packet%s dropped due to no bufs, etc. %u output packets%s dropped due to no bufs, etc. %u output packet%s discarded due to no route %u output packets%s discarded due to no route %u output datagram%s fragmented %u output datagrams%s fragmented %u fragment%s created %u fragments%s created %u datagram%s that can't be fragmented %u datagrams%s that can't be fragmented %u IP Multicast packet%s dropped due to no receiver %u IP Multicast packets%s dropped due to no receiver %u ipintrq overflow%s %u ipintrq overflows%s %u message%s received %u messages%s received %u message%s received with too few bytes %u messages%s received with too few bytes %u message%s received with bad checksum %u messages%s received with bad checksum %u membership quer%s received %u membership quer%s received %u membership quer%s received with invalid field(s) %u membership quer%s received with invalid field(s) %u membership report%s received %u membership reports%s received %u membership report%s received with invalid field(s) %u membership reports%s received with invalid field(s) %u membership report%s received for groups to which we belong %u membership reports%s received for groups to which we belong %u membership report%s sent %u membership reports%s sent %u successful path MTU discovery cycle%s %u successful path MTU discovery cycles%s %u path MTU rediscovery cycle%s attempted %u path MTU rediscovery cycles%s attempted %u path MTU discovery no-response estimate%s %u path MTU discovery no-response estimates%s %u path MTU discovery response timeout%s %u path MTU discovery response timeouts%s %u path MTU discovery decrease%s detected %u path MTU discovery decreases%s detected %u path MTU discovery packet%s sent %u path MTU discovery packets%s sent %u path MTU discovery memory allocation failure%s %u path MTU discovery memory allocation failures%s %u resend%s due to path MTU discovery %u resends%s due to path MTU discovery %u path MTU discovery termination%s due to retransmits %u path MTU discovery terminations%s due to retransmits [-gimnrsv] [-f address_family] [-p proto] [core unix netinet addr] ip_mrtproto: symbol not in namelist no multicast routing compiled into this system multicast routing protocol %u, unknown mfctable: symbol not in namelist viftable: symbol not in namelist Virtual Interface Table is empty Multicast Forwarding Cache is empty mrtstat: symbol not in namelist multicast routing: timing info: data symbol not in namelist Timing histogram of upcalls for new packets %u with illegal source %u input packet%s without enough memory %lu too big packet%s not forwarded %u packet%s sent with fabricated ipv6 header %u output packet%s without enough memory %u call%s to icmp6_error %u error%s not generated because old message was icmpv6 unreachable%s: %u packet too big%s: %u time exceeded%s: %u parameter problem%s: %u redirect%s: %u echo request%s: %u echo replie%s: %u group querie%s: %u group report%s: %u group termination%s: %u router solicitation%s: %u router advertisement%s: %u neighbor solicitation%s: %u neighbor advertisement%s: %u bad group querie%s: %u bad group report%s: %u our groups' report%s: %u bad group termination%s: %u bad router solicitation%s: %u bad router advertisement%s: %u bad neighbor solicitation%s: %u bad neighbor advertisement%s: %u bad redirect%s: %u %u connections in timewait reused Network Buffer Cache Statistics: Current total cache buffer size: %u Maximum total cache buffer size: %u Current total cache data size: %u Maximum total cache data size: %u Current number of cache: %u Maximum number of cache: %u Number of searches in cache: %u Number of cache hit: %u Number of cache miss: %u Number of cache newly added: %u Number of cache updated: %u Number of cache removed: %u Number of successful cache accesses: %u Number of unsuccessful cache accesses: %u Number of cache validation: %u Maximum hash list: %u Number of cache with data: %u %u packet with bad hardware assisted checksum %u packets with bad hardware assisted checksum %u delayed ACKs for SYN %u delayed ACKs for FIN %u send_and_disconnects %10u datagram with no route for origin %10u datagrams with no route for origin %10u upcall made to mrouted %10u upcalls made to mrouted %10u datagram with malformed tunnel options %10u datagrams with malformed tunnel options %10u datagram with no room for tunnel options %10u datagrams with no room for tunnel options %10u datagram arrived on wrong interface %10u datagrams arrived on wrong interface %10u datagram dropped due to upcall Q overflow %10u datagrams dropped due to upcall Q overflow %10u datagram dropped due to upcall socket overflow %10u datagrams dropped due to upcall socket overflow %10u datagram cleaned up by the cache %10u datagrams cleaned up by the cache %10u datagram dropped selectively by ratelimiter %10u datagrams dropped selectively by ratelimiter %10u datagram dropped - bucket Q overflow %10u datagrams dropped - bucket Q overflow %10u datagram dropped - larger than bkt size %10u datagrams dropped - larger than bkt size Upcall time(mS) No. of packets Current total cache data size in private segments: %u Maximum total cache data size in private segments: %u Current total number of private segments: %u Maximum total number of private segments: %u Current number of free private segments: %u Current total NBC_NAMED_FILE entries: %u Maximum total NBC_NAMED_FILE entries: %u %u old duplicate packet %u old duplicate packets %u packets processed by threads %u packets dropped by threads [-cgimnrsPv] [-f address_family] [-p proto] [core unix netinet addr] %s : failed. The kernel is running in 64-bit mode, but %s cannot be found netstat : Permission error, unable to continue. netstat : Unable to read kernel address %016llx, errno = %d %s : failed. The kernel is running in 32-bit mode. The 64-bit version of the command cannot be run on this kernel %u ack packet header%s correctly predicted %u data packet header%s correctly predicted %u packet dropped due to the full socket receive buffer %u packets dropped due to the full socket receive buffer %u packet sent %u packets sent %u packet purged %u packets purged [-cCgimnrsPv] [-f address_family] [-p proto] [core unix netinet addr] %u dead gateway detection packet sent %u dead gateway detection packets sent %u dead gateway detection packet allocation failure %u dead gateway detection packet allocation failures %u dead gateway detection gateway allocation failure %u dead gateway detection gateway allocation failures %u fast retransmit %u fast retransmits %u newreno retransmit %u newreno retransmits %u time SACK blocks array is extended %u times SACK blocks array is extended %u time SACK holes array is extended %u times SACK holes array is extended Source Ipkts Opkts Idrops Odrops (Note: N/A -> Not Applicable) Devices Total %20.0f %20.0f %10u %10u Drivers Total %20.0f %20.0f %10u %10u Demuxer Total %20.0f N/A %10u N/A Protocols Total %20u %20u %10u %10u Net IF Total %20u %20u %10u %10u NFS/RPC Total N/A %20u %10u %10u Devices Total %20.0lu %20.0lu %10u %10u Drivers Total %20.0lu %20.0lu %10u %10u Demuxer Total %20.0lu N/A %10u N/A %u membership query received %u membership queries received %u membership query received with invalid field(s) %u membership queries received with invalid field(s) Route Tree for Protocol Family %dOnly the root user can specify the Z flag PCB/ADDR SADR/PCB Type Recv-Q Send-Q Inode Conn Refs Nextref Addr %16lx %-6.6s %6d %6d %16lx %16lx %16lx %16lx %16lx %u packet%s dropped due to memory allocation failure %u packets%s dropped due to memory allocation failure %u ack packet header%s correctly predicted %u ack packet headers%s correctly predicted %u data packet header%s correctly predicted %u data packet headers%s correctly predicted %u packet%s processed by threads %u packets%s processed by threads %u packet%s dropped by threads %u packets%s dropped by threads %u delayed ACK%s for SYN %u delayed ACKs%s for SYN %u delayed ACK%s for FIN %u delayed ACKs%s for FIN %u send_and_disconnect%s %u send_and_disconnects%s %u connection%s in timewait reused %u connections%s in timewait reused %u input packet%s without enough memory %u input packets%s without enough memory %lu too big packet%s not forwarded %lu too big packets%s not forwarded %u packet%s sent with fabricated ipv6 header %u packets%s sent with fabricated ipv6 header %u output packet%s without enough memory %u output packets%s without enough memory %u call%s to icmp6_error %u calls%s to icmp6_error %u error%s not generated because old message was icmpv6 %u errors%s not generated because old message was icmpv6 unreachable: %u packet%s too big: %u packets%s too big: %u time exceeded: %u parameter problem%s: %u parameter problems%s: %u redirect%s: %u redirects%s: %u echo request%s: %u echo requests%s: %u echo reply%s: %u echo replies%s: %u group query%s: %u group queries%s: %u group report%s: %u group reports%s: %u group termination%s: %u group terminations%s: %u router solicitation%s: %u router solicitations%s: %u router advertisement%s: %u router advertisements%s: %u neighbor solicitation%s: %u neighbor solicitations%s: %u neighbor advertisement%s: %u neighbor advertisements%s: %u bad group query%s: %u bad group queries%s: %u bad group report%s: %u bad group reports%s: %u our groups' report%s: %u our groups' reports%s: %u bad group termination%s: %u bad group terminations%s: %u bad router solicitation%s: %u bad router solicitations%s: %u bad router advertisement%s: %u bad router advertisements%s: %u bad neighbor solicitation%s: %u bad neighbor solicitations%s: %u bad neighbor advertisement%s: %u bad neighbor advertisements%s: %u bad redirect%s: %u bad redirects%s: %u %s: %u total packet received %u spliced connection%s %u spliced connections%s %u spliced connection%s closed %u spliced connections%s closed %u spliced connection%s reset %u spliced connections%s reset %u spliced connection%s timeout %u spliced connections%s timeout %u spliced connection%s persist timeout %u spliced connections%s persist timeout %u spliced connection%s keepalive timeout %u spliced connections%s keepalive timeout Current total cache buffer size: %llu Maximum total cache buffer size: %llu Current total cache data size: %llu Maximum total cache data size: %llu Current total cache data size in private segments: %llu Maximum total cache data size in private segments: %llu %u times avoided false fast retransmit%s %u times avoided false fast retransmits%s %u connection dropped due to persist timeout %u connections dropped due to persist timeout %u discarded by listeners %u when congestion window less than 4 segments %u connection with ECN capability %u connections with ECN capability %u segment with congestion window reduced bit set %u segments with congestion window reduced bit set %u segment with congestion experienced bit set %u segments with congestion experienced bit set %u time responded to ECN %u times responded to ECN %u large send%s %u byte%s sent using largesend %u byte%s is the biggest largesend %u packet not delivered due to bad raw IPv6 checksum %u packets not delivered due to bad raw IPv6 checksum %u large send %u large sends %u byte sent using largesend %u bytes sent using largesend %u byte is the biggest largesend %u bytes is the biggest largesend %u discarded due to listener's queue full home agent address discovery request%s: %u home agent address discovery requests%s: %u home agent address discovery reply%s: %u home agent address discovery replies%s: %u prefix solicitation%s: %u prefix solicitations%s: %u prefix advertisement%s: %u prefix advertisements%s: %u bad home agent address discovery request%s: %u bad home agent address discovery requests%s: %u bad home agent address discovery reply%s: %u bad home agent address discovery replies%s: %u bad prefix solicitation%s: %u bad prefix solicitations%s: %u bad prefix advertisement%s: %u bad prefix advertisements%s: %u mobility call%s when not started: %u mobility calls%s when not started: %u %u TCP checksum offload disabled during retransmit %u Connection%s dropped due to bad ACKs %u Connections%s dropped due to bad ACKs usage: netstat [-Aan] [-f address_family] [core unix netinet addr] [-@ [wparname]] [-cCgimnrsPv] [-f address_family] [-p proto] [core unix netinet addr] [-@ [wparname]] usage: netstat [-Aaon] [-f address_family] [-inrs] [-f address_family] [-p proto] Unknown wparname %s Option not supported %u incoming packet dropped due to MLS filters %u incoming packets dropped due to MLS filters %u packet not sent due to MLS filters %u packets not sent due to MLS filters usage: netstat [-Aaon] [-f address_family] [-@ [wparname]] [-cCgimMnPrsuvZ] [-f address_family] [ [-p proto] | [-@ [wparname]] ] [-n] [-I interface] [interval] usage: netstat [-Aaon] [-f address_family] [-inrsu] [-f address_family] [-p proto] [-n] [-I interface] [interval] Name Mtu Network Address ZoneID Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs %lu fastpath loopback connection%s %lu fastpath loopback connections%s %lu fastpath loopback sent packet%s (%lu byte%s) %lu fastpath loopback sent packets%s (%lu byte%s) %lu fastpath loopback sent packet%s (%lu bytes%s) %lu fastpath loopback sent packets%s (%lu bytes%s) %lu fastpath loopback received packet%s (%lu byte%s) %lu fastpath loopback received packets%s (%lu byte%s) %lu fastpath loopback received packet%s (%lu bytes%s) %lu fastpath loopback received packets%s (%lu bytes%s) %u Connection%s dropped due to duplicate SYN packets %u Connections%s dropped due to duplicate SYN packets error querying kernel extension %s not loaded %u associations setup %u associations closed %u associations aborted %u associations restarted %u associations initiated %u incoming packets dropped due to no port %u incoming packets dropped due to no listener %u ip packets received %u data chunks sent %u times sctp_output called %u sacks received %u heartbeats sent %u heartbeat-acks sent %u out of the blue packets received %u aborts received %u path timeouts %u association timeouts due to retransmissions %u association timeouts due to no window probe response %u association timeouts due to heartbeats %u packets dropped due to receive buffer overflow %u packets discarded %u packets discarded due to checksum failure %u packets matched adler32 checksum %u invalid cookies received %u stale cookie received %u init-acks received in wrong state %u stale cookies received in wrong state %u duplicate cookie acks received %u error notification of stale cookie received %u data chunks received %u packets too short %u invalid broadcast or multicast packets received %u packets dropped due to no resources %u times the rtt was updated %u out of order SACKs received %u times retransmit timer expired %u messages retransmitted %u messages fast retransmitted %u bytes retransmitted %u times avoid false fast retransmits %u SHUTDOWN chunk retransmitted %u times entered persist state %u persist timeouts %u failover attempts %u delayed ack timeouts %u window updates %u peeloffs %u PMTU updates %u data chunks received after application closed %u sacks sent piggybacked with data %u duplicate data chunks received %u avoided deadlock (from input processing) %u avoided deadlock (from timer processing) %u avoided deadlock (from output processing) %u avoided deadlock (from receive processing) %u times chunk matched peeled off association %u peeloff failed due to association aborted by peer %u memory allocation failed when sending SACK %u memory allocation failed when processing COOKIE ECHO %u memory allocation failed %u port not released %u ECN %u IPV6 addresses %u IPV6 link local addresses %u hostname address %u supported address types %u unsupported parameter %u congestion experienced packets %u ECNE chunks %u ECN CWR chunks sent %u ECN CWR chunks received %u unrecognized chunks %u unexpected INIT in CLOSED state %u unexpected INIT in COOKIE WAIT state %u unexpected INIT in states other than SHUTDOWN-ACK-SENT %u times receiver shrunk window %u invalid INIT received %u associations aborts with shutdown guard %c: Flag not supported [-insu] [-f address_family] [-p proto] %lu large send %lu large sends %lu byte sent using largesend %lu bytes sent using largesend %lu byte is the biggest largesend %lu bytes is the biggest largesend %lu packet sent %lu packets sent %lu data packet%s (%lu byte) %lu data packet%s (%lu bytes) %lu data packets%s (%lu byte) %lu data packets%s (%lu bytes) %lu data packet%s (%lu byte) retransmitted %lu data packet%s (%lu bytes) retransmitted %lu data packets%s (%lu byte) retransmitted %lu data packets%s (%lu bytes) retransmitted %lu ack-only packet%s %lu ack-only packets%s (%lu delayed) (%lu delayed) %lu URG only packet %lu URG only packets %lu window probe packet %lu window probe packets %lu window update packet %lu window update packets %lu control packet %lu control packets %lu packet received %lu packets received %lu ack%s (for %lu byte) %lu ack%s (for %lu bytes) %lu acks%s (for %lu byte) %lu acks%s (for %lu bytes) %lu duplicate ack %lu duplicate acks %lu ack for unsent data %lu acks for unsent data %lu packet%s (%lu byte) received in-sequence %lu packet%s (%lu bytes) received in-sequence %lu packets%s (%lu byte) received in-sequence %lu packets%s (%lu bytes) received in-sequence %lu completely duplicate packet%s (%lu byte) %lu completely duplicate packet%s (%lu bytes) %lu completely duplicate packets%s (%lu byte) %lu completely duplicate packets%s (%lu bytes) %lu old duplicate packet %lu old duplicate packets %lu packet%s with some dup. data (%lu byte duped) %lu packet%s with some dup. data (%lu bytes duped) %lu packets%s with some dup. data (%lu byte duped) %lu packets%s with some dup. data (%lu bytes duped) %lu out-of-order packet%s (%lu byte) %lu out-of-order packet%s (%lu bytes) %lu out-of-order packets%s (%lu byte) %lu out-of-order packets%s (%lu bytes) %lu packet%s (%lu byte) of data after window %lu packet%s (%lu bytes) of data after window %lu packets%s (%lu byte) of data after window %lu packets%s (%lu bytes) of data after window %lu window probe %lu window probes %lu window update packet %lu window update packets %lu packet received after close %lu packets received after close %lu packet with bad hardware assisted checksum %lu packets with bad hardware assisted checksum %lu discarded for bad checksum %lu discarded for bad checksums %lu discarded for bad header offset field %lu discarded for bad header offset fields %lu discarded because packet too short %lu discarded by listeners %lu discarded due to listener's queue full %lu ack packet header%s correctly predicted %lu ack packet headers%s correctly predicted %lu data packet header%s correctly predicted %lu data packet headers%s correctly predicted %lu connection request %lu connection requests %lu connection accept %lu connection accepts %lu connection established (including accepts) %lu connections established (including accepts) %lu connection%s closed (including %lu drop) %lu connection%s closed (including %lu drops) %lu connections%s closed (including %lu drop) %lu connections%s closed (including %lu drops) %lu connection with ECN capability %lu connections with ECN capability %lu time responded to ECN %lu times responded to ECN %lu embryonic connection dropped %lu embryonic connections dropped %lu segment%s updated rtt (of %lu attempt) %lu segment%s updated rtt (of %lu attempts) %lu segments%s updated rtt (of %lu attempt) %lu segments%s updated rtt (of %lu attempts) %lu segment with congestion window reduced bit set %lu segments with congestion window reduced bit set %lu segment with congestion experienced bit set %lu segments with congestion experienced bit set %lu resend%s due to path MTU discovery %lu resends%s due to path MTU discovery %lu path MTU discovery termination%s due to retransmits %lu path MTU discovery terminations%s due to retransmits %lu retransmit timeout %lu retransmit timeouts %lu connection dropped by rexmit timeout %lu connections dropped by rexmit timeout %lu fast retransmit %lu fast retransmits %lu newreno retransmit %lu newreno retransmits %lu when congestion window less than 4 segments %lu times avoided false fast retransmit%s %lu times avoided false fast retransmits%s %lu persist timeout %lu persist timeouts %lu connection dropped due to persist timeout %lu connections dropped due to persist timeout %lu keepalive timeout %lu keepalive timeouts %lu keepalive probe sent %lu keepalive probes sent %lu connection dropped by keepalive %lu connections dropped by keepalive %lu time SACK blocks array is extended %lu times SACK blocks array is extended %lu time SACK holes array is extended %lu times SACK holes array is extended %lu packet%s dropped due to memory allocation failure %lu packets%s dropped due to memory allocation failure %lu connection%s in timewait reused %lu connections%s in timewait reused %lu delayed ACK%s for SYN %lu delayed ACKs%s for SYN %lu delayed ACK%s for FIN %lu delayed ACKs%s for FIN %lu send_and_disconnect%s %lu send_and_disconnects%s %lu spliced connection%s %lu spliced connections%s %lu spliced connection%s closed %lu spliced connections%s closed %lu spliced connection%s reset %lu spliced connections%s reset %lu spliced connection%s timeout %lu spliced connections%s timeout %lu spliced connection%s persist timeout %lu spliced connections%s persist timeout %lu spliced connection%s keepalive timeout %lu spliced connections%s keepalive timeout %lu TCP checksum offload disabled during retransmit %lu Connection%s dropped due to bad ACKs %lu Connections%s dropped due to bad ACKs %lu Connection%s dropped due to duplicate SYN packets %lu Connections%s dropped due to duplicate SYN packets %lu fake SYN segments dropped %lu fake RST segments dropped %lu data injection segments dropped %lu TCPTR max connections dropped %lu TCPTR connections dropped for no memory %lu TCPTR maximum per host connections dropped input %-6.6s output input (Total) output packets errs packets errs colls Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts OerrsName Mtu Network Address ZoneID Ipkts Ierrs Opkts OerrsName Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts OerrsName Mtu Network Address ZoneID Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs %lu connections dropped due to max assembly queue depth %s%d: unknown interface name