ùISO8859-1_#, P\en’ 0˜ É Î Ô Þù  *JY_xˆ!™*»æú2!DafÈ #Ú!þ" #(&$O%n&~'™(¹)Ð*ë+#, ,-9.X/j0|1!’2´3JË4F5]6$_7„87†97¾:3ö;3 *<I ^=I ¨>* ò?< @6 ZA ‘B! “C< µD òEE ôFJ :G. …H ´IG ¶JK þKG JLK ’M> ÞN O- P& MQ) tR- žS# ÌT5 ðU&V5(W^X`Y0yZ0ª[6Û\ ]M^!l_"Ž0652-250 Pipe error0652-251 Cannot allocate %d buffers file %d/%d line %d byte %d/%d percent %d%%: END (next file: : END[Press space to continue, q to quit, h for help]helpTag: Examine: Cannot edit standard inputmark: goto mark: [Press 'h' for instructions.]No files provided as arguments.Standard input!doneCalculating line numbersNo current fileNo previous fileCan view standard input only once0652-252 Cannot take input from a terminalNo (N-th) next fileNo (N-th) previous file0652-253 Cannot allocate memoryBad screen size. 0652-254 -W option is not valid. Usage: %s [-NcdeHilsuvz] [-t tag] [-x tabs] [-p command] [-n number] [-W option] [file ...] %s is a directory0652-255 Command string is too long(press RETURN)... (interrupt to abort)Out of sequence of standout display modemore: Cannot write to output. ...skipping... Cannot seek to end of fileCannot get to beginning of fileFile has only %d linesDo not know length of fileCannot seek to that positionChoose a letter between 'a' and 'z'mark not setNo previous regular expressionNothing to searchPattern not found0652-256 No tags file0652-257 No such tag in tags file0652-258 Tag not found Commands flagged with an asterisk (``*'') may be preceeded by a number. Commands of the form ``^X'' are control characters, i.e. control-X. h Display this help. f, ^F, SPACE * Forward N lines, default one screen. b, ^B * Backward N lines, default one screen. j, CR, ^E * Forward N lines, default 1 line. k, ^Y * Backward N lines, default 1 line. d, ^D * Forward N lines, default half screen or last N to d/u. u, ^U * Backward N lines, default half screen or last N to d/u. g * Go to line N, default 1. G * Go to line N, default the end of the file. p, % * Position to N percent into the file. r, ^L Repaint screen. R Repaint screen, discarding buffered input. m[a-z] Mark the current position with the supplied letter. '[a-z] Return to the position previously marked by this letter. '' Return to previous position. /pattern * Search forward for N-th line containing the pattern. /!pattern * Search forward for N-th line NOT containing the pattern. ?pattern * Search backward for N-th line containing the pattern. ?!pattern * Search backward for N-th line NOT containing the pattern. n * Repeat previous search (for N-th occurence). :a Display the list of files. :e, E [file] Examine a new file. :n, N * Examine the next file. :p, P * Examine the previous file. :t [tag] Examine the tag. v Run an editor on the current file. =, ^G, :f Print current file name and stats. q, :q, or ZZ Exit. !command Invoke a shell with command. :!command Invoke a shell with command. z * Scroll N lines, default one screen. End of help H Toggles the search pattern highlighting feature on or off. Search pattern highlighting is ONSearch pattern highlighting is OFF