ISO8859-1(f6#89#,]4 9 4 L. '{ 08@+_F Q Usage: mkfs [-b BootProgram] [-i Inodes] [-l Label] [-o Options] [-p Prototype] [-s Size] [-v VolumeLabel] [-V vfs] {Device|Filesystem} mkfs: 0506-202 Specify a positive size. mkfs: 0506-203 The number of inodes must be positive. mkfs: 0506-204 Specify a vfs type. mkfs: 0506-205 An internal software error has occurred. mkfs: 0506-206 There is not enough memory available now. mkfs: 0506-207 The string functions failed. mkfs: 0506-208 An internal software error occurred. mkfs: 0506-209 The vfs type specified is not recognized. mkfs: 0506-210 The filesystem is currently mounted. mkfs: 0506-211 The copyboot and labelit options must not both be specified. mkfs: 0506-212 Specify a boot program. mkfs: 0506-213 Specify a label or volume label. mkfs: 0506-214: mkfs: 0506-215 Specify a positive aggregate block size. mkfs: 0506-216 Cannot execute module "%s". Check for existence. mkfs: 0506-217 Execute module "%s" failed. mkfs: 0506-218 Pinned-ramdisk is required for creating a file system. Change the label onReplace the boot program ondestroyitmkfs: Specify only one -o flag, use ',' to separate Options. Option ignored: %s