ISO8859-1p$(/&#@d})4"I(l-1 3, )` ) - -,2=-p11) 1 ,8 ^< > 1  E c   " #   $! C"# ^# $ %$ & '" (# !)7 E*5 }+< ,F -' 7.# _/# 0" 1: 2-334(S5)|607'8(9%(:6N;%<#= >?0@@A\B!wCD2EFG*"H*MI xJ(KLM NO/P KQlR6ST7USVoW.X3Y.Z'[5A\*w]Q^A_g6`<a;bRc(jd2e@f$g5,h#bi#j,k-l;m)Anko'p;q=r@)s0jt#uvw/x,y0<z0m{D|(}. ~4;1495-501 Bad WLM Version number1495-502 WLM library not initialized1495-503 WLM library already initialized1495-504 Operation or flags value not supported1495-505 Cannot open %s1495-506 Cannot create %s1495-507 Cannot create directory %s1495-508 Cannot write %s1495-509 Cannot remove %s1495-510 Cannot rename %s1495-511 Cannot set %s as a symlink to %s1495-512 Not enough memory1495-513 Class '%s' not found1495-514 Class '%s' does not exist (rule at line %s)1495-515 Class '%s' already exists1495-516 Maximum number of classes is %s1495-517 Predefined classes cannot be deleted1495-518 %s has no subclass1495-519 %s has subclasses1495-520 Shared superclass cannot have subclasses1495-521 Shared class can have only memory controls1495-522 Bad format for default %s shares1495-523 Bad format for default %s limits1495-524 Bad format for %s limits of class %s1495-525 Bad format for %s shares of class %s1495-526 tier values must be between 0 and 91495-527 shares values must be between 1 and 655351495-528 min values must be between 0 and 1001495-529 softmax values must be between 1 and 1001495-530 hardmax values must be between 1 and 1001495-531 Class names must be alphanumeric1495-532 Class names are limited to %s characters1495-533 Error for class %s, resource %s : min > softmax1495-534 Error for class %s, resource %s : softmax > hardmax1495-535 The sum of %s minimums for tier %s is more than 100%%1495-536 Bad inheritance value: '%s' for class %s1495-537 Cannot load class %s1495-538 Cannot load rules table1495-539 Cannot change wlm state1495-540 Cannot query wlm state1495-541 Too many rules1495-542 Too many items at line %s1495-543 Rule format error, line %s1495-544 Invalid list, line %s1495-545 Unknown user '%s'1495-546 Unknown user '%s', line %s1495-547 Unknown user-id: %s1495-548 Unknown group '%s'1495-549 Unknown group '%s', line %s1495-550 Unknown group-id: %s1495-551 Invalid tag '%s', line %s1495-552 Invalid type '%s', line %s1495-553 Cannot specifiy rule for Shared class, line %s1495-554 Wildcards not allowed in this field, line %s1495-555 Warning: could not access file %s (rule at line %s)1495-556 The rule at line %s contains invalid classification criteria.1495-557 Cannot expand '%s' for line %s1495-558 Invalid configuration name1495-559 No class description found1495-560 No valid attributes found1495-561 Multiple specifications not allowed in attributes1495-562 Exclusions not allowed in attributes1495-563 Attribute format error1495-564 Unknown user '%s' in attributes1495-565 Unknown group '%s' in attributes1495-566 Could not access '%s' file (attributes)1495-567 Invalid tag '%s' in attributes1495-568 Invalid type '%s' in attributes1495-569 Too many items in attributes1495-570 Wildcards not allowed in this attribute field1495-571 Cannot expand attribute '%s'1495-572 Invalid list in attributes1495-573 Attribute list too long1495-574 Bad parameter address1495-575 Warning: could not assign all processes1495-576 WLM is not running1495-577 No such processes1495-578 Process ID list too long1495-579 Permission denied1495-580 Internal error: could not make assignment1495-581 Tag '%s' is too long1495-582 Invalid flags value1495-583 Internal error: could not set tag1495-584 Unable to check the configuration1495-585 Output buffer too small1495-586 Bad Rset attribute for class %s1495-587 Cannot chown %s1495-588 Cannot lock %s1495-589 %s1495-590 Bad class name: %s1495-591 Bad superclass for subclass assignment1495-592 Process is not assigned1495-593 Rule too long, line %s1495-594 Admin attributes not applicable to subclasses1495-595 Cannot unload class %s1495-596 Hardmax not allowed on memory for System class1495-597 Warning: class %s in config %s and class %s in config %s have the same key1495-598 Cannot read %s1495-599 Bad localshm value: '%s' for class %s1495-600 Warning: this rule is likely to be ignored1495-601 Class '%s' still referred to by rules1495-602 '%s' class cannot be redefined1495-603 Bad format for Attribute Value Grouping '%s'1495-604 Attribute Value Grouping too long1495-605 Attribute Value Grouping '%s=%s' not loaded: grouping is already defined1495-606 Cannot find Attribute Value Grouping definition for '%s'1495-607 The %s subclass limit of %s exceeds its superclass limit. The superclass limit will be used.1495-608 Invalid total limit: The minimum value for %s is %s1495-609 Attribute Value Grouping not allowed in attributes1465-610 Invalid total limit: Limit value for %s must be between %d %s and %lld %s1495-611 Failed to connect to WLM daemon1495-612 WLM daemon failed to update configuration1495-613 WLM configuration is locked: retry the operation later.1495-614 No configuration in the set1495-615 Only one default time range allowed in a set1495-616 Invalid WLM daemon command1495-617 Failed to start WLM daemon1495-618 Gaps between time ranges in %s file1495-619 No configuration found for this time1495-620 This operation cannot apply to a configuration set1495-621 Invalid format for time range %s1495-622 Invalid time range1495-623 Time ranges overlap in %s file1495-624 Time range not allowed in default stanza (%s file)1495-625 No subclass specification allowed for this operation1495-626 Superclass update only applies to current configuration1495-627 Configuration '%s' not found in the set1495-628 Missing configuration name1495-629 seconds1495-630 weeks1495-631 Bad vmenforce value: '%s' for class %s1495-632 Bad delshm value: '%s' for class %s1495-633 System class cannot have a limit for %s1495-634 Shared class cannot have a limit for %s1495-635 The limit for the number of class members has been reached.1495-636 Invalid attribute %s in file %s1495-637 Unable to get workload paritions list1495-638 io_priority values must be between 0 and 15