ISO8859-15%.:T7-3 /S +       ,;CD$$li: 0653-300 Internal error. The error number is %d. li: 0653-301 Cannot find or open %s. li: 0653-302 Cannot specify the -d flag with the -R flag. total %ld blocks li: 0653-304 There is not enough memory available now. grand total %ld blocks li: 0653-306 The -%c flag is not recognized. li: 0653-307 -%c is not a recognized flag. li: 0653-308 The -%c%c flag is not recognized. li: 0653-309 Cannot open the directory %s. Inode t prot ln node_name/id owner r_uid group r_gid char-ct blocks modified accessed updated filenameli: 0653-305 There is not enough memory available now for sorting. Usage: li [-I[abcfghilmnoprsu]] [-E[abcfghilmnoprsu]] [-O[abcdfpx]] [-S[acmnrsux]] [-R[Number][anqp]] [-Number] [-adfelnsvxLX] [File...] [Directory...] li: 0653-310 File %s was not found.