ISO8859-1[3>,.k5  ' XH R  4 8Az~8*E"]T30 0:,k=# !" # $ )%4&:'B(K)Q*W+Z,`-e.i/l0r1v2|3456789:;4<D=5 +>& a?t @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M6 NF JO PG Q R4 S2 >T0 qU V" W' X Y# Z-0[^Type the following to exit the learn facility: bye The current lesson is %1$s of %2$s. The speed rating is %3$d. %1$d out of %2$d lessons have been completed. Cannot use the cd command within the learn facility. You are already in learn. %1$s L%2$-6s fail %3$2d %4$s %1$s L%2$-6s pass %3$2d %4$s dounit: There is no %s lesson That is still not correct. Do you want to try again? Press y for yes or n for no. That is not correct. Do you want to try again? Press y for yes or n for no. Try the problem again. To read the lesson again, type the following: again To exit from learn at any time, type the following: bye bye The %s lesson is complete. Skipping to the next lesson. Please type yes, no, or bye: There is no %1$s lesson. Try the %2$s lesson instead. There is no %s lesson. getlesson: Cannot do %s. Trying the %s lesson. There is no lesson containing %s. Received an interrupt signal. Do you want to continue? Press y for yes, n for no. learn: 0703-001 Cannot run the designated program. maktee: 0703-002 Cannot run the lrntee command. maktee: 0703-003 Cannot make a tee for copyout. setid: 0703-004 There are too many lessons. setid: 0703-005 The lesson names exceed the character limit. %1$3d lesson %2$7s sequence %3$3d. readyanswer#print#copyin#uncopyin#copyout#uncopyout#pipe#unpipe#succeed#failchdircdlearn#logyesnoagain#mv#user#nextskipwhere#match#bad#create#cmphint#oncemysys: 0703-030 The execv system call failed on %s. selsub: 0703-031 Cannot change to a directory that is not standard. Beginning where you finished last time at %1$s %2$s. %1$s rm $HOME/.learnrc learn %2$s To begin this lesson again, exit the learn facility by typing: bye. Then enter the following two command lines: The available courses are: To get more course information, or if you are using the learn command for the first time, press the Enter key. Otherwise type the name of the course you want, and press the Enter key. Which subject do you want? Press the Enter key to start at the beginning of the lesson, or specify a lesson number to go directly to a different lesson. A key word can be used in place of the lesson number. When a key word is used, the learn command will begin at the first lesson which contains that word. selsub: 0703-032 Cannot change to a public directory. selsub: 0703-033 Cannot make a work directory with %s. Exiting learn. Exiting learn. learn: 0703-034 There is no subject or lesson named %s. Exiting learn. Select a lesson number or name:selunit: 0703-035 There is no script for lesson %s. Congratulations. You have finished this sequence. There are no alternative lessons at this stage. start: Cannot open work directory.start: 0703-036 There is no %s lesson. The %s lesson is complete. Good. The %s lesson is complete. wrapup: 0703-037 Cannot find the rm command.