ISO8859-1$C@&"3&2='p *  ) - )"5L)86+HBZ7x+',&Ip> /_ K!0"6 #VC$7iptrace: 0827-861 Cannot load or configure trace kernel extension. iptrace: 0827-862 Cannot create socket %d bytes received iptrace: 0827-863 Cannot open %s. iptrace: 0827-864 Cannot get information about %s. iptrace: 0827-865 Cannot write to %s. iptrace: 0827-866 Cannot write to the trace file. iptrace: 0827-867 Cannot read from %s. iptrace: 0827-868 %s is not a trace file. Erroriptrace: 0827-869 Cannot open /dev/kmem -iptrace: 0827-870 Cannot lseek on /dev/kmem -iptrace: 0827-871 Cannot read /dev/kmem -iptrace: 0827-872 Protocol %s not in /etc/protocols. iptrace: 0827-873 Hostname %s not found. iptrace: 0827-874 Inet Address %s cannot be recognized. iptrace: 0827-875 Service %s is not in /etc/services. iptrace: 0827-876 Cannot turn off tracing. Usage: iptrace [-a] [-e] [-d Host [-b]] [-s Host [-b]] [-p Port_list] [-P Protocol_list] [-i Interface] [-r Priority] [-T] [-S Snaplen] [-B] [-Q [-V]] [ -L Log_size ] Logfile iptrace: 0827-877 setsockopt -%s: 0827-878 ERROR: SRC not found, continuing without SRC support %1$s: ERROR: '%2$d' recvfrom iptrace: 0827-879 ERROR: This option is not supported. setsockopt SO_DEBUG: %miptrace: 0827-880 system call stat failed. iptrace: 0827-881 unknown interface %s iptrace: 0827-882 Can't find any interfaces iptrace: 0827-883 Can't set priority: Usage: iptrace [-a] [-e] [-d Host [-b]] [-s Host [-b]] [-p Port_list] [-P Protocol_list] [-i Interface] [-r Priority] [-T] [-S Snaplen] [-B] [-Q [-V]] [ -L Log_size ] Logfile iptrace: 0827-884 IPv6 hosts and addresses are not supported. iptrace: 0827-885 Cannot output to a terminal. iptrace: 0827-886 Only one active session of Filtered Tracing is supported iptrace: 0827-887 Failed to enable socket debug iptrace: 0827-888 Filtered Tracing cannot be disabled iptrace: 0827-889 Filtered Tracing cannot be enabled. Failed to set the device number iptrace: 0827-890 Usage error: -Q option not specified