ISO8859-1 )1 9C!Y#{   3 !  +5a!x =Y)u$;+ ,! ;"G#b$y%&&'() * + , !- 5. V/# _0 1 2 38 4( 50 6 H7* R8) }9$ :& ; <% = :> Y?O x@: A" B" &C_ ID$ E/ F G H 6I' TJ$ |K$ L/ M! N!OK:P$Q#R,STU1VDWA\X#YZ4["\+] @^M_f`ab)cd ef@3g:thi0juk)vlmnop:q1Ir<{s tu"v*w'Gx!oy(z-{'|!}2~HC^/P0Y1(<7",Z!!!! (-V3q 0821-508 %s: bad value broadcast %s0821-509 sysconfig(SYS_CFGKMOD) failed! 0821-510 ifconfig: error calling entry point for 0821-511 Encapsulation Routing0821-512 ifconfig: error loading 0821-513 ifconfig: error unloading flags inet %s 0821-514 ifconfig: error querying kernel extension 0821-515 ifconfig: error loading metric %dnetmask 0x%x %s: permission denied 0821-516 ifconfig: can't stat driver path, %s: no such interface 0821-517 ifconfig: %s not loaded ns %s 0821-519 ioctl (SIOCGIFADDR)0821-521 ioctl (SIOCGIFDSTADDR)0821-522 ioctl (SIOCGIFFLAGS)0821-523 ioctl (SIOCGIFNETMASK)0821-528 ioctl (SIOCGIFMETRIC)0821-531 ioctl (set metric)0821-532 ioctl (SIOCSIFMTU)0821-537 ifconfig: unknown interface: %s usage: %s interface %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s [ af ] [ address [ dest_addr ] ] [ up ] [ down ] [detach] [ netmask mask ] [ broadcast broad_addr ] [ metric n ] [ mtu n ] [ trailers | -trailers ] [ hwloop | -hwloop ] [ allcast | -allcast ] [ arp | -arp ] [ bridge | -bridge ] [snap | -snap ] [ debug | -debug ] 0821-538 ifconfig: socket0821-539 ioctl (SIOCDIFADDR)0821-540 ioctl (SIOCAIFADDR)0821-541 ioctl (SIOCGIFADDR_ISO) iso %s 0821-542 ioctl (SIOCGIFNETMASK_ISO) netmask %s 0821-543 ioctl (SIOCGIFDSTADDR_ISO)0821-544 Attempt to set XNS netmask will be ineffectual 0821-545 Negative NSEL length is absurd 0821-546 Setting NSEL length valid only for iso 0821-547 0821-548 ifconfig: host name %s NOT FOUND 0821-549 ifconfig: %s: address misformed 0821-550 ifconfig: %s: unknown host 0821-551 ifconfig: %s: Not Supported. 0821-552 bad subchannel address 0821-553 ioctl (set subchannel addr.)0821-554 ioctl (SIOCIFDETACH).0821-555 ioctl (SIOCIFATTACH). use 'ifconfig -?' to invoke interface-specific ifconfig commands. [ link0 | -link0 ] [ link1 | -link1 ] [ link2 | -link2 ] The mtu must be greater than zero usage: %s interface %s%s%s%s%s%s%sifconfig: There is no program to configure or display the network interface parameters for %s. ifconfig: Execute format error: %s. ifconfig: Insufficient permissions to run: %s. ifconfig: Cannot run %s. 0821-556 ioctl (get gidlist).0821-557 ioctl (set gidlist).0821-558 ifconfig: group id not found. 0821-559 ifconfig: too many groups. 0821-560 ifconfig: duplicate group. usage: ifconfig -a [ -m ] [ -d ] [ -u ] [ af ] ifconfig -l [ -d ] [ -u ] ifconfig [ -m ] interface [ af [ address [ dest_addr ] ] [ netmask mask ] [ broadcast addr ] [ alias ] [ delete ] ] [ up ] [ down ] [ detach ] [ af first[alias] address [ ... ] ] [ site6 site_number ] [ metric n ] [ mtu n ] [ arp | -arp ] [ link0 | -link0 ] [ link1 | -link1 ] [ link2 | -link2 ] WARNING: if_media not compiled in! malloc() failed getkerninfo failed while retrieving interface table out of sync parsing NET_RT_IFLIST expected %d, got %d msglen = %d buf:%p, next:%p, lim:%p interface %s does not exist '%s' requires argument inet6 needs prefixlen interface %s cannot change %s addresses! %s: inet6 only option %s has no %s interface address! gettoken: interface not found Warning: address set without test for dad (no multicast support)Warning: address set without test for dad (interface down)Interface %s is not configured The tcp_low_rto value is not in the valid range The tcp_low_rto value specified must be equal to or a multiple of ten times 'timer_wheel_tick ' network option value [ tcp_low_rto n | -tcp_low_rto ] ioctl (SIOCFIFADDR)ifconfig: ioctl (SIOUPDROUTE)ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCAIFADDR)ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCDIFADDR)getkerninfo failed while retrieving routing table estimategetkerninfo failed while retrieving routing tablegetkerninfo failed while retrieving interface table estimatewriting to routing socket failedifconfig: option not supported ifconfig: interface %s is invalid ifconfig: unable to attach interface : %s ifconfig: given address not configured ifconfig: no address to transfer ifconfig: invalid parameter combination ifconfig: can't transfer address to/from lo0 ifconfig: invalid From or To interface [ inet6 scope n zone n ] ioctl (SIOCGIFADDR6) ioctl (SIOCFIFADDR6) ifconfig: fromaddress cannot be transferred origin is not ifconfig ioctl (SIOCGIFADDRFLAGS6) ioctl (SIOCSIFADDRFLAGS6) ifconfig: Global IPv6 IP cannot have a zone id Cluster services are not active. Cluster should exist to perform this operation ifconfig: don't know how to create %s interface ifconfig: don't know how to destroy %s interface ifconfig: error destroying %s interface [[ inet4 | inet6 ] [address transfer newinterface]] ifconfig: interface must be between tap0 and tap32767 ifconfig tap_interface [ create | destroy ] ifconfig: odm_initialize failed ifconfig: odm_get_first failed ifconfig: odm_open_class failed ifconfig: %s already exists %s: no interface index available usage: ifconfig -a [ -d ] [ -u ] [ af ] ifconfig interface Warning: inet6 needs a prefix length. Assuming %s. %s is not a valid IPv4 address. The tcp_low_rto value specified must be equal to zero or a multiple of ten times the value of 'timer_wheel_tick' network option