ISO8859-129,J)Z   , - +!L-nM)A:U@S*%-P0~3=D!?fF "!)"e:#l$| %y &, ' 1(, :), g* +W ,V - M. `/ z0$ 1O 2Y  Usage: hfistat [-O Options] [Interval [NumIntervals]] -O option1=value1,option2=value2,option3=value3 ... Following are the supported options: type=[window nonwindow hfi isr nmmu cau all] display=[raw | delta] output= hfi=[0 1 ... ] window=[0 1 2 ... ] Unknown argument. Wrong interval value. Wrong iteration value. Invalid number of arguments. strdup failed. Invalid -O option syntax (= is missing). -O option value is missing. Invalid type option. Invalid display option. Multiple output options cannot be provided. Multiple verbose options cannot be provided. Cannot open file %s for output. Cannot open file %s for verbose. Multiple display options cannot be provided. Invalid HFI number. Invalid window number. Only %d HFIs are available in the system. Specify a HFI number between 0-%d. Window number cannot be greater than %d. Unknown -O option. HFI statistics collection is not available in the system. Failed to determine the number of HFIs available in the system. Failed to determine the maximum number of windows available per HFI in the system. Insufficient memory to allocate HFI list. Insufficient memory to allocate window list. Insufficient memory to allocate HFI statistics. Insufficient memory to allocate window statistics. Insufficient memory to allocate Perfstat API HFI statistics. Insufficient memory to allocate Perfstat API HFI window statistics. Insufficient memory to reallocate Perfstat API HFI statistics. Insufficient memory to reallocate Perfstat API HFI window statistics. HFI statistics collection failed. HFI window statistics collection failed. Mismatch found between current and previous Perfstat API HFI statistics. Try running the tool again. Mismatch found between current and previous Perfstat API HFI window statistics. Try running the tool again. |-| |----------packets----------| |----------------------sent_packets-----------------------| |-dropped_packets-| |-xlat--| HFI sent imm_send receive fullRDMA halfRDMA smallRDMA ip cau gups sending receiving wait cycBlocked flits flits link cycles sending sent dropped retries hits misses hits misses waiting|-| |--| |-packet_indicated--| |------packets------| |--packet_dropped---| |immediate| HFI Win send receive sent received sending receiving send_pkts Command Invoked :Date/Time of invocation :System Configuration: Partition Name : %s HFI statistics are not available in the system for the default/specified HFIs. HFI window statistics are not available in the system for the default/specified windows.