ISO8859-1d.@/o.-5D X k n !y    &#*Nbw). *B!#m"#;$%&'8(U)(e*&+,-./0123465M6;l789:); < ,= ;> @? E@ JA# `B C D E F G H I J .K) >L' hM NE O P\ Q2 dR] S7 T -U @V PW aX yY Z [- \X ] G^ S_ e` ma yb c d Cannot read disk map inode (inode number %d). Cannot read inode map inode (inode number %d). Usage: fsdb Filesystem [-] fsdb: 0506-148 %s is not a valid file system. fsdb: 0506-149 Cannot access file system %s. fsdb: 0506-157 malloc failed File System:error checking off error checking on ? alignment 0x%10.10llx%-2s: 0x%8.8lx (%ld) map block out of range inode out of range bad directory offset bad number divide by 0 read error. data block out of range: 0 <= %d < %d warning: data block not allocated bad map type {p,m} word index required bad word index, 0<=n<%d Shell not availableShell command is not valid. ! bad block number warning: inode not allocated special device get(addr=%llx, lngth=%d) - %lld too long read error : 0x%lx get(addr=%llx, lngth=%d) - invalid length write error : addr = 0x%10.10llx truncation error fsdb: mark_blocks: ltop failed for i-block #%d of %s file. directory slot %d out of range must specify record length minimum directory size = %d maximum directory size = %d block overflow ascii assign in dirent's only to d_name remember to fix d_namlen (nl) to = %d %02.2X %4.4o d%d (slot=%u): %4d (d_reclen/d_namlen = %d/%d) 0x%10.10llx: %6.6o %4.4X %6d%s map page @ %10.10llx not a map %s map page %s map page # %d (%10.10.llx) mapsize (ms) = %ld freecnt (mf) = %ld agsize (ag) = %d inode at 0x%.2llx md: i#: %6ld md: ln:%5d uid:%5d gid:%5d szh: %8u szl: %8u (actual size: %8lld) maj:%3.3o min:%3.3o a%d: 0x%-10.2xat: mt: ct: no such print option cannot modify mounted file systems not an inode ? not char or block device block in I-list or diskmaps Linked to -> %s Double indirect block: 0x%-10.2xSingle indirect block: 0x%-10.2xmntctl failedOut of memory. has an unrecognized JFS version number. has an unrecognized JFS magic number. could not be read. is corrupted. One of s_fragsize, s_agsize, or s_iagsize is invalid. is not recognized as JFS. WARNING: The primary superblock for %s %s Attempting to read the secondary superblock... FATAL ERROR: The secondary superblock for %s %s WARNING: The problems with the primary superblock must be corrected prior to mounting %s. The secondary superblock should also be revalidated. File System Size: Disk Map Size: Inode Map Size: Allocation Group Size: Inodes per Allocation Group: Fragment Size:Invalid directory entry Not a directory inode: inode address = 0x%lx There is not enough free space in block (0x%2x) for a directory entry of %d bytes long. (4K blocks)(512 byte blocks)(bytes)(fragments)fifo %a %b %d %T %Y Total Inodes: Total Fragments: