ISO8859-1=6Pgx " " " " "+A1m//1+R]37M/(*  !#"%A#'g$%5&N'0(9L)!*+,-.$ / 40# N15 r2= 3 4 5; 6T N7/ 8 9 :& ;( &< O= hUsage: mobte -d departure -k key [-t timeout] mobte -w wpar_name -a arrival_node [-b] [-f [logfile] | -x [-t timeout]] mobte -w wpar_name -m [-b] [-f [logfile] | -x [-t timeout]] mobte -g [-f [logfile] | -x [-t timeout]] malloc returns ENOMEM. -w or -g must be specified. -w and -g are exclusive. -f and -x are exclusive. -w requires -a or -m. -t requires -x. -a and -m are exclusive. -a can only be specified with -w. -b can only be specified with -w. -m can only be specified with -w. -k can only be specified with -d. -d can only be specified with -k. -d and -k doesn't accept any other option. Another instance is running. Please retry later. cannot open or lock %s. cannot unlock %s. cannot start estimator tool on arrival system. cannot communicate with arrival system: rc=%d. cannot communicate with departure system: rc=%d. WPAR %s cannot be analyzed. Please check that WPAR exists and is in Active state. cannot fork the process. cannot open the socket. cannot bind the socket. cannot accept on socket. cannot receive from socket. cannot send from socket. no such arrival host. Please use fully qualified name. no info information for wpar or global system. no info information for arrival system. no info information for surrogate system. invalid bandwidth value. invalid processor frequency. cannot get the global configuration. cannot get the workload configuration. cannot get the estimation. cannot run in online mode when started from console. cannot run in online mode when started from a directory on an NFS filesystem. cannot run in online mode. Insufficient resources on %s. Cannot run in online mode. cannot retrieve the socket name. cannot select on socket. cannot get system time. cannot recognize key format. cannot get hostname. cannot generate authentication key. cannot listen on socket. cannot close all file descriptors. destination can not be at a lower level than source. WPAR %s created for estimation purpose could not be removed. Connection key: %s Logfile must be in %s. Logfile does not exist or does not have right permissions. Logfile does not contain relevant records, providing Standalone estimation instead. Logfile value in ODM database seems corrupted. invalid timeout value.ncannot start WPAR. cannot start WPAR mobility operation. cannot start WPAR checkpoint operation. -g requires hmc or pvc. Usage: mobte -d departure -k key [-t timeout] mobte -w wpar_name -a arrival_node [-b] [-f [logfile] | -x [-t timeout]] mobte -w wpar_name -m [-b] [-f [logfile] | -x [-t timeout]] mobte -g {hmc | pvc} [-f [logfile] [-s] | -x [-t timeout]]