ùISO8859-17 Øçù% Ê0û 3 6S WŠ 0â #"73Z-ŽInsert new diskette for %s and strike ENTER when ready. Formatting...Format complete. Format another? dosformat: 0467-008 Format failure. dosformat [-V label] [-D /dev/] [-4] -V label, label not to exceed 11 characters -D /dev/ specify which floppy drive to format -4 format to the low density for this type of drive %10d bytes total disk space %10d bytes in bad sectors %10d bytes available on disk dosformat: 0467-009 The drive specified is not valid. dosformat: 0467-010 The media is not valid or Track 0 is bad. The disk is not usable. dosformat: 0467-011 The parameter is not valid. dosformat: 0467-012 Out of memory. dosformat: 0467-013 Device busy. dosformat: 0467-014 The media is write-protected. dosformat: 0467-015 The drive is not ready.