ùISO8859-1A˜DÚ*JJ>•@ÔC1Y ,‹ 3¸ ƒì 7p C¨=ì1*The uid is not valid. File system: %1$s, inode: %2$u, uid: %3$u diskusg: 0506-081 The value for the -U flag must be greater than 0. diskusg: 0506-082 Cannot find or open %s. diskusg: 0506-083 Specify no more than 10 files systems with the -i flag. diskusg: 0506-084 %s is not recognized as a JFS filesystem. diskusg: 506-085 %s is not a supported JFS filesystem version. diskusg: 506-086 The %s JFS filesystem super block is corrupted. diskusg: 506-087 Cannot read super block on %s. diskusg: 0506-088 %s is not a block device. diskusg: 0506-089 Cannot get information about %s. Usage: diskusg [-X] [ -U NumberUsers ] [ -i FileListName ] [ -p File ] [ -u File | -v ] { -s [ File ... ] | FileSystem ... } diskusg: 0506-090 Specify a -U value greater than %1$d The uid is not valid. File system: %1$s, inode: %2$lld, uid: %3$u diskusg: %1$s failed getting information for %2$s; rc = %3$d diskusg: Mismatch for user ids with %1$s on %2$s