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L/m)5:Ph}"( 6Q,i    &! >< `A  " !!&!=%!d$!!%!C!5"7J"mF"3"#3.#N1#}1#1#1$1$E1$w1$1$1% 1%?1%q1%1%1&&9)&I6&s<&4&$'*'A'l<'2''((#(8#(\#(#()(C(+)67)b8)0)*)*7*G:*2**%1$s: Cannot allocate memory %1$s: Cannot realloc memory EOF or other file error, last line ignored Bad line in configuration file, '%1$s' Incorrect number of parameters for '%1$s' Already in this file, '%1$s' canonical should be within a database section Invalid value for numprocessors, using default, %1$d Value for numprocessors to big, truncating to %1$d *************************** * NEW LOG FOLLOWS * * | | | | | | | | | | | | * * V V V V V V V V V V V V * Logging ENABLED Unknown database type, %1$s Could not unload database module, %1$s Could not load database module, %1$s Failed reading configuration file section for database type, %1$s At line number %1$d, %2$s '%1$s' failed, error: %2$s could not configure or create socket failed to set socket for non-blocking I/O could not determine port, assuming %1$d initialization complete exiting, returning %1$d thread exiting waiting to receive data ... receive failure - exiting incoming message size = %1$d bytes sent %1$d bytes transmitting %1$d bytes to %2$s:%3$d send failure - exiting send failure - continuing call to db_allocate_record() failed Cannot return any record data ran out of memory system call interrupted, trying again executing system call "%1$s" system call returned %1$d child did not exit properly - value: %1$d, error: %2$s failed to build an address list Initialization of private data failed - cannot continue FreeReservedLeasedReleasedExpiredBadCorruptInfiniteCould not retrieve the current system time Could not resolve address %1$s could not accept connection from dadmin client client authentication failed attempting to authenticate address %1$s address matches an interface address address does not match an interface address message type is %1$s message type unknown no client identifier sent querying for clientid %1$s no matching clientids found in database no addresses sent querying for address %1$s querying for subnet %1$s requested log threshold 0x%1$x attempting to delete address %1$s failed to query for effective user information Failed to validate remote host %1$s Remote host %1$s validates OK hostname '%1$s' failed check domain name '%1$s' failed check Usage: ... Config file parsing failed; filename = %1$s initialization failed - exiting system attempting refresh refresh or shutdown already underway - aborting refresh has started refresh encountered fatal error - exiting refresh is complete system attempting shutdown system is currently refreshing - waiting shutdown already underway - aborting shutdown has started shutdown complete could not configure signal masking starting the %1$s subsystem waiting for subsystems to stop execution failed creating or starting a thread starting %1$d packet processor threads out of resources - only %1$d packet processor threads started becoming the %1$s subsystem %1$d packet processor threads total cancelling %1$d packet processor threads waiting on %1$d packet processor threads to shutdown assuming no response ping response from host no ping response received time until next run = %1$u running function '%1$s' function returned %1$d nothing to do failed to initialize default timers could not allocate a new timer structure timer for function %1$s is initialized for %2$u seconds could not add arp entry - exiting no outgoing message failed setting broadcast interface to %1$s failed to enable socket for %1$s failed to query for local interface configuration skipping loopback interface address found interface address %1$s no interface addresses found database action unsuccessful - continuing Using htype/chaddr to identify client message from client %1$s database action unsuccessful - aborting could not create a new client record Dynamic DNS action was unsuccessful free address failed - db may result in incorrect state release address failed - db may result in incorrect state bad address failed - db may result in incorrect state could not bind client to address could not query database for client's options incoming %1$s message unrecognized %1$d value in option DHCPMSGTYPE client REQUEST from %1$s state message type not DHCP - trying BOOTP building %1$s message inserting option %1$d into message address %1$s resolves to name %2$s cannot return option %1$d filling field %1$s in message no more option space in message overloading options into the %1$s field unexpected BOOTP/DHCP op = %1$d creating new client record record not mine - owned by %1$s found address %1$s in record client REQUEST intended for other server (%1$s) could not reserve address %1$s address %1$s is in use already option REQIP does not match record's address of %1$s no addresses available, being silent address check failed invalid REQUEST combination - server %1$s, req addr %2$s, ciaddr %3$s ignoring DHCP message type OFFER ignoring DHCP message type ACK ignoring DHCP message type NAK ignoring DECLINE from unknown client DECLINE address %1$s, marking bad DECLINE address %1$s (improperly using ciaddr), marking bad client trying to DECLINE %1$s but owns %2$s ignoring RELEASE from unknown client RELEASE address %1$s RELEASE address %1$s (improperly using option REQIP) client trying to RELEASE %1$s but owns %2$s ignoring improper INFORM request from client trying to reserve REQIP %1$s trying to reserve ciaddr %1$s trying to reserve configured address %1$s trying to reserve a new address ciaddr does not match record's address of %1$s could not reserve address %1$s client claims to be configured with %1$s client configured with %1$s configured addr does not match record's addr of %1$s Freeing address %1$s Releasing address %1$s Marking %1$s as bad Binding client to %1$s incoming option %1$u, data = %2$s SRC control is not being used - exiting received %1$s request - invalid received %1$s request tracing set to level 0x%1$x request initiated locally request from host %1$s not root user, will not display long status displaying long status Log File:Log Level:Client Expire Interval:Lease Expire Interval:Reserve Expire Interval:Bad Addr Reclaim Interval:Database Save Interval:SRC messaging failure - aborting IP Address Status Duration Time Stamp Client ID--------------- -------- -------- ------------ --------------displaying short status Start subserver: not supported. Stop subserver: not supported. Status of subserver: not supported. Trace of subserver: not supported. received unknown request - val %1$d Cannot determine the user. Must be root user for long status. "database" keyword found while parsing backward compatible config. Mixed-version configuration files are not supported. Found db_file-specific keyword outside of any "database db_file" section. These keywords can be moved to inside the "database db_file" section. Some configuration errors exist, continuing anyway client network hint: %1$s Statistics for interval '%1$s' through '%2$s' Number of DISCOVER messages received: %1$d Number of OFFER messages sent: %1$d Number of REQUEST messages received: %1$d Number of DECLINE messages received: %1$d Number of ACK messages sent: %1$d Number of NAK messages sent: %1$d Number of RELEASE messages received: %1$d Number of BOOTP Ack messages sent: %1$d Number of unsupported messages: %1$d Total number of received messages: %1$d Number of expired records: %1$d Number of status requests: %1$d Number of A-record updates performed: %1$d Number of INFORM messages received: %1$d start of serverBounds check failed on incoming message. Could not load user object; the reference is ignored. User object did not provide the required routines. Ignored. Could not initialize connection to nsupdate daemon. Lost connection to nsupdate daemon. Failed to send update to nsupdate daemon. No response is generated. Update string is invalid: too many variables. string='%1$s' Update string is invalid: too long. string='%1$s' Message is undersized. Bad parameter for ignoreinterface: %1$s Ignored interface list is too long ignoring message on interface %1$s will ignore interface address %1$s Could not bind socket to port %1$d Could not configure socket for multicast Changing DHCPREQUEST to DHCPINFORM in packet received on port %1$d The received packet is not for %1$s server Incoming message size = %1$d bytes on port number %2$d Did not get response from proxydhcp / dhcp for %1$d try Using multicast address range from %1$s to %2$s MTFTP cannot be started PXE_BOOT_ITEM not in the received packet Boot file name%1$s does not exist in the Address Table mtftp_server_port defined without mtftp_server set to yes File name %1$s assigned to address %2$d port %3$d MTFTP cannot send file %1$s