ùISO8859-1NÀ.>-X'†+®!Ú$ü '! -I (w <  3Ý6+H(t-*Ë0ö/'Usage: cpuextintr_ctl { -C CPUlist | -R CPUrset } -i { enable | disable } cpuextintr_ctl -q { enable | disable } cpuextintr_ctl -Q Do not specify the %s option multiple times. Specify a CPU list with the -C option. Specify a CPU rsetname with the -R option. Missing parameter for %s option. -Q option does not take parameters. The %s option is not a defined option. The %s parameter is not a defined parameter. The rsetname parameter %s is not valid. The rsetname parameter %s contains an invalid character %c. The %s parameter contains an invalid character %c. The range specified by the %s parameter is not valid. The %s parameter range %s-%s is not valid. The %s parameter value %d is too large. The -i -Q -q options are mutually exclusive. The -i option failed on some of the CPUs. The CPUs that have external interrupt disabled: The CPUs that have external interrupt enabled: