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show pbuf(s) corresponding to lbuf 0453-018 Primary and secondary dump devices cannot be the same. 0453-019 No previous dumps recorded. 0453-021 Cannot read dump information from %1$s. %2$s0453-022 Cannot initialize ODM. %s 0453-023 Cannot read primary dump device from ODM object class SWservAt. 0453-024 Cannot read secondary dump device from ODM object class SWservAt. 0453-025 Host %s does not respond or is not reachable. 0453-026 Specify a dmpfmt file. 0453-027 Bad character '%c' input 0453-028 Cannot initialize ODM. 0453-029 %s not a component 0453-030 The input string should be in the form of : 0453-031 Unable to create the temporary directory %s. 0453-032 Unable to create file %1$s on host %2$s. 0453-033 Unable to mount the directory %1$s from host %2$s 0453-034 Unable to umount %s. 0453-035 Unable to access file %1$s on host %2$s. 0453-036 Unable to open file %1$s on host %2$s. 0453-037 Remote host can not be the same as local host. 0453-038 Copy a remote dump file is not allowed. 0453-039 Device name: %1$s Major device number: %2$d Minor device number: %3$d Size: %4$lld bytes Date/Time: %5$s Dump status: %6$d 0453-041 Estimated dump size in bytes: %lld 0453-043 Unable to put %s attribute into ODM object class SWservAt. 0453-044 Unable to get %s attribute from ODM object class SWservAt. 0453-045 %s is not in volume group rootvg. 0453-046 Unable to allocate memory for mntctl call. 0453-047 %s is not a directory. 0453-048 %s is not in a journaled filesystem. 0453-049 %s Error in mntctl call. 0453-050 %s is not a valid dump device. copy directoryforced copy flag0453-053 Unable to get physical volume id for %s from ODM. 0453-054 Unable to get physical volume name for %s from ODM. 0453-055 Unable to get the location code for %s from ODM. 0453-056 Unable to get attribute %1$s for %2$s in ODM. 0453-056 No attribute %1$s with the value of %2$s in ODM. 0453-057 The specified directory %s must be in one of the following filesystems: /, /usr, /home/, /tmp, /var 0453-058 Enter the full pathname to the file %1$s on the remote host %2$s. Dump copy filename: %1$s 0453-059 The dump on %s is no longer valid. To see if the dump was copied to a file on boot, run the following command: sysdumpdev -L 0453-060 Remote dump is not supported in a multiprocessor environment. always allow dump0453-061 Cannot set the dump enabled attribute. %1$s Usage: %1$s [-P] [-p Device | -s Device] %2$s [-l | -q | -e | -z | -r Host:Path | -p Device | -s Device | -L] %3$s [-d | -D] Directory %4$s [-k | -K] Change the primary and secondary dump device designations in a running system. -d Directory Specify the directory where the dump is copied to at boot time. If the copy fails the system continues to boot. -D Directory Specify the directory where the dump is copied to at boot time. If the copy fails then a menu is displayed to allow user to copy the dump. -e Estimate the size of the dump (in bytes) for the current running system. -k Requires the key mode switch to be in the service position before a dump can be forced with the reset button or the dump key sequences. -K The reset button or the dump key sequences will force a dump with the key in the normal position, or on a machine without a key mode switch. -l List the current dump device designations. -L Display statistical information about the previous dump. -p Device Change the primary dump device to the specified device temporarily. -P Make the dump device specified by -p or -s flags permanent. Can only be used with -p or -s flags. -q Suppress any error messages that are written to stdout. -r Host:Path Free the space used by the remote dump file. -s Device Change the secondary dump device to the specified device temporarily. -z Write out to stdout the string containing the size of the dump in bytes and the name of the dump device if a new dump is present. If no flag is specified, the permanent dump device designations are used. dump completed successfullyno dump device defineddump device too smalldump failed or did not startI/O errorUsage: %1$s -p | -s -p Start a dump to the primary device. -s Start a dump to the secondary device. Data Area %1$-16.16s Segval 0x%2$08x Address 0x%3$08x Length 0x%4$04x 0453-039 Device name: %1$s Major device number: %2$d Minor device number: %3$d Size: %4$lld bytes Uncompressed Size: %5$lld bytes Date/Time: %6$s Dump status: %7$d dump compressionUsage: %1$s [-P] [-p Device | -s Device] %2$s [-l | -q | -e | -z | -r Host:Path | -p Device | -s Device | -L] %3$s [-d | -D] Directory %4$s [-c | -C] %5$s [-k | -K] Change the primary and secondary dump device designations in a running system. -d Directory Specify the directory where the dump is copied to at boot time. If the copy fails the system continues to boot. -D Directory Specify the directory where the dump is copied to at boot time. If the copy fails then a menu is displayed to allow user to copy the dump. -e Estimate the size of the dump (in bytes) for the current running system. -k Requires the key mode switch to be in the service position before a dump can be forced with the reset button or the dump key sequences. -K The reset button or the dump key sequences will force a dump with the key in the normal position, or on a machine without a key mode switch. -l List the current dump device designations. -L Display statistical information about the previous dump. -p Device Change the primary dump device to the specified device temporarily. -P Make the dump device specified by -p or -s flags permanent. Can only be used with -p or -s flags. -q Suppress any error messages that are written to stdout. -r Host:Path Free the space used by the remote dump file. -s Device Change the secondary dump device to the specified device temporarily. -z Write out to stdout the string containing the size of the dump in bytes and the name of the dump device if a new dump is present. -c Turns OFF compression for next dump. -C Turns ON compression for next dump. If no flag is specified, the permanent dump device designations are used. Data Area %1$-16.16s Segval 0x%2$016llx Address 0x%3$016llx Length 0x%4$016llx 0453-062 Could not change the user Set attributes. Usage: %1$s [-P] [-p Device | -s Device] %2$s [-l | -q | -e | -z | -r Host:Path | -p Device | -s Device | -L] %3$s [-d | -D] Directory %4$s [-c | -C] %5$s [-k | -K] %6$s [-i | -I] Change the primary and secondary dump device designations in a running system. -d Directory Specify the directory where the dump is copied to at boot time. If the copy fails the system continues to boot. -D Directory Specify the directory where the dump is copied to at boot time. If the copy fails then a menu is displayed to allow user to copy the dump. -e Estimate the size of the dump (in bytes) for the current running system. -k Requires the key mode switch to be in the service position before a dump can be forced with the reset button or the dump key sequences. -K The reset button or the dump key sequences will force a dump with the key in the normal position, or on a machine without a key mode switch. -l List the current dump device designations. -L Display statistical information about the previous dump. -p Device Change the primary dump device to the specified device temporarily. -P Make the dump device specified by -p or -s flags permanent. Can only be used with -p or -s flags. -q Suppress any error messages that are written to stdout. -r Host:Path Free the space used by the remote dump file. -s Device Change the secondary dump device to the specified device temporarily. -z Write out to stdout the string containing the size of the dump in bytes and the name of the dump device if a new dump is present. -c Turns OFF compression for next dump. -C Turns ON compression for next dump. -i Indicates that sysdumpdev was called from an IBM function. -I Resets the indications of -i option. If no flag is specified, the permanent dump device designations are used. Usage: dumpcheck [[-l] [-p ] [-t time-parameters] [-P ]] dumpcheck [-r ] Checks to see that the dump device and copy directory are able to receive the system dump. -l Log any warnings to the error log. -p Print any warnings produced to stdout. -r Remove the crontab entry for this function. -P Indicates that the changes are to be made permenently. -t time-parameters Change the time when dumpcheck is executed. The -r parameter must be specified alone, (i.e.) it is not valid with any other parameters. Usage: %1$s -bBlaxicOs -n da_list -f file_desc -C comp -A data_area -F subcommand_file filename Format output from system dump data_area by data_area. -b batch mode. display selected component to stdout and exit. -B batch mode. display all components to stdout and exit. -l list data_areas of component before prompt. -a display data_areas of component before prompt. -n list display data_areas in 'list' before prompt. ('list' is a list of numbers separated by commas) -x output unformatted in binary. -f desc Use file descriptor 'desc' as input. (fork/exec-ed by crash) -c check the dump -C comp Display component 'comp' and exit. -A data_area Display data area and exit. -F file Use 'file' as input for subcommands instead of from console. -i Take dump input from stdin -O Display component tables and their offsets -s produce a dump summary, dump tables and their data areas Component dump table %1$s at file offset 0x%2$llx type %3$s with %4$d entries. Data area %1$s, segment value 0x%2$llx, address 0x%3$llx%4$s length %5$lld, dumped %6$lld file offsets: data 0x%7$llx, bit map 0x%8$llx total data requested is %1$lld, dumped is %2$lld total dump data requested is %1$lld, dumped is %2$lld An i/o error occurred processing the dump file. Cannot start dump to a NULL device, %1$s. Data Area %1$-16.16s Vmid 0x%2$016llx Address 0x%3$016llx Length 0x%4$016llx truefalseUsage: platform_dump { -c | -d | -e | -f fstype | -F p | -l | -q | -S | -s seq } [ -L ] -c Check the dump size estimate against available space. -d Delete platform dump space. -e Provide a dump size estimate -f Reserve disk space for the platform dumps. The fstype must be a valid file system type, see the crfs command. -F Grant/don't grant permission to create space for the dump. p must be 1 to grant permission, and 0 if not granted. -F1 is the default. -l List the current platform dump configuration. -L Log errors instead of displaying them. -q Check if platform dump is supported. -s seq Save the dump indicated by the error log entry with sequence number seq. -S Save scanout data. Only one of -c, -d, -e, -f, -F, -l, -q, -s, and -S may be specified. Platform dump is not supported on this system. Platform dump is supported on this system. Platform dump is disabled on this system. Cannot initialize ODM. Using default values %s and %s. Bad data returned by the df command. The file system type may not be %s. anyDirectory: %s Allocate space and copy dumps: %s Device: %s Maximum Space Required: %lld Space Available: %lld Directory: %s Save scan dumps: %s %s can not process the error log entry number %d. Error log entry %d is invalid. The dump data is invalid. Not enough space in %s for this dump. %lld bytes are required. An unknown status of %d was returned. The dump size was %lld bytes, but only %lld bytes were read. ODM error %d occurred. This dump is incomplete - The %s component is missing. This dump appears complete - The %s component was found. This dump may be unusable - The %s component is missing. Usage: %1$s -bBlaxicOs -n da_list -f file_desc -C comp -A data_area -e start -E end -F subcommand_file filename Format output from system dump data_area by data_area. -b batch mode. display selected component to stdout and exit. -B batch mode. display all components to stdout and exit. -l list data_areas of component before prompt. -a display data_areas of component before prompt. -n list display data_areas in 'list' before prompt. ('list' is a list of numbers separated by commas) -x output unformatted in binary. -f desc Use file descriptor 'desc' as input. (fork/exec-ed by crash) -c check the dump -C comp Display component 'comp' and exit. -A data_area Display data area and exit. -e start Start dumping data at "start". -E end Stop dumping data at "end". -F file Use 'file' as input for subcommands instead of from console. -i Take dump input from stdin -O Display component tables and their offsets -s produce a dump summary, dump tables and their data areas The address %s must be a hexadecimal value. Compressed dump - Run "/usr/lib/ras/dmprtns/dmpfmt" with -c flag on dump after uncompressing. Usage: %1$s [-P] [-p Device | -s Device] %2$s [-l | -q | -e | -z | -r Host:Path | -p Device | -s Device | -L [-S Device]] %3$s [-d | -D] Directory %4$s [-c | -C] %5$s [-k | -K] %6$s [-i | -I] Change the primary and secondary dump device designations in a running system. -d Directory Specify the directory where the dump is copied to at boot time. If the copy fails the system continues to boot. -D Directory Specify the directory where the dump is copied to at boot time. If the copy fails then a menu is displayed to allow user to copy the dump. -e Estimate the size of the dump (in bytes) for the current running system. -k Requires the key mode switch to be in the service position before a dump can be forced with the dump key sequences. -K The dump key sequences will force a dump with the key in the normal position, or on a machine without a key mode switch. -l List the current dump device designations. -L Display statistical information about the previous dump. -p Device Change the primary dump device to the specified device temporarily. -P Make the dump device specified by -p or -s flags permanent. Can only be used with -p or -s flags. -q Suppress any error messages that are written to stdout. -r Host:Path Free the space used by the remote dump file. -s Device Change the secondary dump device to the specified device temporarily. -z Write out to stdout the string containing the size of the dump in bytes and the name of the dump device if a new dump is present. -c Turns OFF compression for next dump. -C Turns ON compression for next dump. -i Indicates that sysdumpdev was called from an IBM function. -I Resets the indications of -i option. -S Device Scan specified device for a valid .BZ compressed dump. If no flag is specified, the permanent dump device designations are used. display selected data area (number is 1-based) list list all data areas all display all data areas for current component comp display all data areas for selected component comp list list all components comp all display all data areas for all components comp - set current component to set show current display settings set ? show help screen for display settings range Set address range. quit exit ? show this help screen ! escape to shell 0453-001 Bad magic number %1$08x at offset 0x%2$llx in dump file %3$s. This can mean that the dump file is not a system dump image, or that a portion of the dump file has been corrupted. Invalid entry type %d parsing error error opening error log file could not find entry with sequence #%d could not find minidump in error log Usage: mdmprpt [-l seq_no] [-i filename] [-r] Process error log entries from the supplied file(s). -l seq_no Format the minidump at the specified sequence number in the error log. -i filename Uses the error log file specified by the filename param. -r print the raw data from the error log, without formatting. This minidump is corrupted. This minidump is not compatible with mdmprpt. No dump statistics component found in dump. No dump information found in non-volatile memory. Scanning device %s for existing dump. A valid dump header was detected. This may take a while. A valid dump was not detected in the dump devices. A complete .BZ compressed dump was detected in device %s. A partial .BZ compressed dump was detected in device %s. This file already has %d links. It is not changed. This file is not changed; compression does not save space. This file is replaced with %s. Dump may be corrupted %d. Sums do not match. Bad offset. Expected is 0x%llx and actual is 0x%llx. Error writing to the dump file. Unexpected zero block. Missing block %d. A Platform Dump was sent to the HMC. %s: filename is too long %s: already has .BZ suffix -- no change %s is not a regular file and remains unchanged. %s is a symbolic link and remains unchanged. %s already exists; do you wish to overwrite %s (y or n)? not overwritten Unexpected bad block Unexpected error %d The dump statistics are corrupted in the dump. parallel dump A previous dump was not logged. Run dmpuncompress -p to preserve the partially uncompressed dump. Check that the ulimit value for the filesystem is set high enough. A value for ODM attribute %s is corrupted. livedump_dupsuppress is invalid. The livedump_dir attribute must define a directory. UL Data Area %-16.16s # entries %lld Length %016llx ul data area %s, entry length %lld, with %lld entries total dumped is %lld, file offset 0x%llx subentry %d, address 0x%llx entry offset 0x%llx, data offset 0x%llx yesnocriticalinfoserializedserunserializedunser0453-100 %s: Invalid flag specification, -%c. 0453-101 At least -h or a component specifier must be given. 0453-102 Live dump is disabled. 0453-103 The -e and -h flags may not both be specified. 0453-104 Usage: livedumpstart [ -e ] [ -h ] [ -p pseudo-component ] [ -q ] [ -r ] [ -u ] [ -c component ] [ -l logical alias ] [ -t type/subtype ] [ -C component | -L logical alias | -T type/subtype ] attribute [ ... ] -e - Obtain a live dump size estimate. -h - If no other flags are given, get general command help. If components are specified, get component help. -q - Don't show the live dump file name. -c [+]component-path-name[+][:parameters] - Specify a component by pathname. -l [+]component-alias[+][:parameters] - Specify a component by alias. -t [+]type/subtype[+][:parameters] - Specify components by type/subtype. -C, -L, -T - Same as -c, -l, and -t above, except designate the specified component as the failing component. There may be only one failing component. -p pseudo-component[:parameters] - Specify a pseudo-component. -r - Include all descendents of all specified components in the dump. -u - Include all ancestors of all specified components in the dump. If a component is preceded with a plus sign, "+", this includes that component and its ancestors in the dump. If a component is followed with a plus sign, "+", this includes that component and its descendents in the dump. Note that any parameter specifications apply only to the specified component, and not to its ancestors or descendents. The following specify live dump attributes. errcode=code - Error code for the symptom string. noforce - The dump is subject to duplicate checking. nolog - Don't log dump completion in the error log. prefix=prefix - Specify the dump file name prefix. info - Give the dump a priority of info, the default is critical. symptom=string - This is the required dump symptom string. title=string - Specifies the dump title. unserialized or unser - This takes the dump without suspending all system activity. The default is to suspend all system activity while taking the dump. onepass - All data is gathered under one suspension pass. 0453-105 At least one dump aware component must be given. 0453-106 A symptom string must be specified. 0453-107 Attribute %s is invalid. 0453-108 Attribute %s is invalid. 0453-109 %s - An attribute may only be specified once. 0453-110 The value of the %s attribute must be numeric. 0453-111 The value of attribute %s must be "yes" or "no". 0453-112 The prefix may only be %d characters in length. 0453-113 The symptom may only be %d characters in length. 0453-114 The title may only be %d characters in length. 0453-115 The valid values for the priority attribute are "info" and "critical". 0453-116 Valid values for the type attribute are "serialized" or "ser", and "unserialized" or "unser". 0453-117 There may be only one failing component. 0453-118 No component matching name %s. Searching in the alias list... 0453-119 Component %s was not found. 0453-120 No dump aware components found matching alias %s. 0453-121 No dump aware components found matching type %s. 0453-122 No component was specified with -%c. 0453-123 An error occurred retrieving components. 0453-124 Component %s is not dump aware. 0453-125 Pseudo-component %s is not valid. Valid pseudo-components are eaddr, context, tid_t, tid, tslot, pid_t, pid, pslot, errbuf, mtrc, systrace, comptrace, and kernext. 0453-126 %s - A required parameter is missing. 0453-127 %s - %s must be a hexadecimal value. 0453-128 %s - %s must be a decimal value. 0453-129 %s - Too many parameters were specified. 0453-130 %s - %s is not specified correctly. 0453-131 %s - Only one component is allowed. 0453-132 %s - %s must be a trace aware component. 0453-133 There is no help text for component %s. 0453-134 Unserialized dumps are not currently supported. 0453-135 Unexpected error 0x%lx was returned from %s. 0453-136 A parallel or recursive dump was encountered. 0453-137 No data was dumped by the specified components. 0453-138 The live dump timed out. 0453-139 An i/o error occurred while writing the dump. 0453-140 Unexpected error 0x%lx was returned from compspec for component %s. 0453-141 The estimated number of bytes is %ld. 0453-142 The dump is in file %s. 0453-143 This dump was put on the held list, and no i/o occurred. 0453-144 Error 0x%lx was returned from %s. 0453-200 eaddr - Dump memory by kernel effective address. eaddr:hex,hex - Supply the address and length hexadecimal values. 0453-201 context - Dump a kernel context. context:addr=hex-eaddr | tid_t=hex-tid_t | tid=dec-tid_t | cpu=dec-lcpu | bid=dec-bid hex-eaddr - context effective address, hex-tid_t - hexadecimal kernel thread id, dec-tid_t - decimal kernel thread id dec-lcpu - logical cpu, dec-bid - cpu bind id. 0453-202 tid_t - Dump kernel thread data. tid_t:hex-tid - hexadecimal kernel thread id 0453-203 tid - Dump kernel thread data. tid:dec-tid - decimal kernel thread id 0453-204 tslot - Dump kernel thread data. tslot:dec-slot - decimal kernel thread slot number 0453-205 pid_t - Dump kernel process data. pid_t:hex-pid - hexadecimal kernel process id 0453-206 pid - Dump kernel process data. pid:dec-pid - decimal kernel process id 0453-207 pslot - Dump kernel process data. pslot:dec-slot - decimal kernel process slot number 0453-208 errbuf - Dump kernel error logging data. 0453-209 mtrc - Dump lightweight memory trace data. mtrc:common-size,rare-size - Common and rare buffer sizes are in decimal. 0453-210 systrace - Dump system trace data. systrace:dec-size - decimal buffer size 0453-211 comptrace - Dump component trace data. comptrace:component,dec-length - component and amount of data to dump The component may be an alias. The amount is a decimal value. 0453-300 Usage: dumpctrl [-npPru] Selector... subcommand... dumpctrl -x [-ru] Selector... dumpctrl [-P] [global attribute=value pair] dumpctrl -qc [-pPru] Selector... dumpctrl -ql [-pP] dumpctrl -qs [-pP] dumpctrl -s [-ru] Selector... dumpctrl -R{l | s} [-P] dumpctrl -k dumpctrl [-h|-?] Selector: either "-c all" or one or more of -c list : comma- or space-separated list of component names -l list : comma- or space-separated list of component aliases -t list : comma- or space-separated list of type or type_subtype names -C name : failing component name (only valid with -s) -L name : failing component alias (only valid with -s -T name : failing component type_subtype name (only valid with -s) -r : Include components below the specified components in the hierarchy. -u : Include components above the specified components in the hierarchy. -qc : Query component-specific live and system dump attributes. -ql : Query global live dump settings. -qs : Query global system dump settings. -k : Refresh the kernel's list of dumps. -s : List live dumps in the dump repository. -R[x] : Restore default dump settings. x maybe 'l' for live dump settings, or 's' for system dump settings. The -P flag is required to ensure all settings remain in effect across a reboot. -p : Specify persistent attribute customizations. -P : Specify attribute customizations that persist after rebooting. NOTE: A bosboot may be required. -n : Apply attribute values immediately. -x : Delete a persistent customization. -h : Display this help message. -? : Display this help message. The following keyword/value subcommands specify live dump attributes. ldmpenable=yes/no - Global or component live dump enabled. * ldmpon - Enable global or component live dump. * ldmpoff - Disable global or component live dump. * dir=path - Live dump directory. freespc=[0-100] - Live dump free space threshold, in percent. ldmplevel=[0-9] - Global or component live dump level. * ldmpminimal - Set global or component live dump to the minimal level. * ldmpnormal - Set global or component live dump to the normal level. * ldmpdetail - Set global or component live dump to the detail level. * heapsz=n - Live dump heap size, in megabytes (or 0 for default). duptype=[all|pre|post|none] - Duplicate dump suppression type. maxfreeze=n - Live dump max recommended system freeze time, in milliseconds. The following keyword/value subcommands specify system dump attributes. sdmpenable=yes/no - Component system dump enabled. * sdmpon - Enable system dump for a specific component. * sdmpoff - Disable system dump for a specific component. * legacyenable=yes/no - Legacy system dump components enabled. * legacyon - Enable legacy system dump components. * legacyoff - Disable legacy system dump components. * sdmplevel=[0-9] - Global or component system dump level. * sdmpminimal - Set global or component system dump to the minimal level. * sdmpnormal - Set global or component system dump to the normal level. * sdmpdetail - Set global or component system dump to the detail level. * copydir=path - Directory to copy a system dump. forcecopy=yes/no - Bring up the boot time menu if we can not copy. keyseq=yes/no - The key sequences always cause a dump. primary=path - The primary system dump device. * secondary=path - The secondary system dump device. * * Attribute requires -P to persist across reboots. 0453-301 At least one flag or an attribute must be given. 0453-302 The query type specified is not valid. 0453-303 No component found. -----------------------------------------------+------+-----------+------------ | Have | Live Dump | System Dump Component Name |Alias | /level | /level -----------------------------------------------+------+-----------+------------ 0453-304 Error getting component information: %s 0453-305 Action not allowed for non-root user. 0453-306 Multiple command functions are not allowed. 0453-307 No components specified. 0453-308 No component matching alias: %s. 0453-309 No component matching name: %s. Searching in the alias list... 0453-310 No component matching type(s). 0453-311 Error retrieving components by type. 0453-312 Error retrieving components list. 0453-313 Error retrieving components by alias. 0453-314 Error while applying settings for component %s: %s 0453-315 Attribute-value pair %s is not valid. 0453-316 Invalid level value: %s 0453-317 ODM object not found. Live Dump Enabled: %s Live Dump Directory: %s Live Dump Free Space Threshold: %s%% Live Dump Global Level: %s Live Dump Heap Size: %s MB (0 indicates default heap size) Live Dump Repository Check Interval: %s seconds Live Dump Duplicate Suppression Type: %s Live Dump Max System Freeze Interval:%sms Dump Legacy Components: %s System Dump Global Level: %s System Dump Copy Directory: %s Display Boot Time Menu on Dump Failure: %s Allow Dump on Keyboard Sequence: %s Primary Dump Device: %s Secondary Dump Device: %s 0453-318 A valid action must be specified. 0453-319 %s is not a valid global attribute. 0453-320 No global attributes specified. 0453-321 Attributes can not be specified more than once. 0453-322 Invalid percentage value: %s 0453-323 Invalid value: %s 0453-324 The reset type specified is not valid. 0453-325 Global attributes can not be specified with components. 0453-326 -p is not valid with global attributes or reset commands. 0453-327 -p and -P are mutually exclusive in regards to query operations. 0453-328 The specified command can not accept component specification. 0453-329 Error specifying persistent attribute values for component %s: %s Attribute value customizations remain in effect across reboots, unless you issue the bosboot command. For attribute value customizations to persist across reboots, issue the bosboot command. The live dump repository located at: %s contains no live dumps that match the specified parameters (if any). 0453-330 -C, -L or -T can only be specified with -s. ONOFF0453-039 Device name: %1$s Major device number: %2$d Minor device number: %3$d Size: %4$lld bytes Date/Time: %5$s Dump status: %6$d Type of dump: %7$d Usage:%1$s [-p] [-t traditional | -f {disallow, require}] %1$s [-s] [-t traditional] -p Start a dump to the primary device. -s Start a dump to the secondary device. -t traditional Force a traditional system dump. -f disallow The firmware-assisted full memory system dump is disallowed. -f require The firmware-assisted full memory system dump is required. 0453-039 Device name: %1$s Major device number: %2$d Minor device number: %3$d Size: %4$lld bytes Uncompressed Size: %5$lld bytes Date/Time: %6$s Dump status: %7$d Type of dump: %8$s Usage: %1$s [-P] [-p Device | -s Device] %2$s [-l | -q | -e | -z | -p Device | -s Device | -L [-S Device]] %3$s [-d | -D] Directory %4$s [-k | -K] %5$s [-i | -I] %6$s [-t {traditional, fw-assisted}] [-f {disallow, allow, require}] Change the primary and secondary dump device designations in a running system. -d Directory Specify the directory where the dump is copied to at boot time. If the copy fails the system continues to boot. -D Directory Specify the directory where the dump is copied to at boot time. If the copy fails then a menu is displayed to allow user to copy the dump. -e Estimate the size of the dump (in bytes) for the current running system. -k Requires the key mode switch to be in the service position before a dump can be forced with the dump key sequences. -K The dump key sequences will force a dump with the key in the normal position, or on a machine without a key mode switch. -l List the current dump device designations. -L Display statistical information about the previous dump. -p Device Change the primary dump device to the specified device temporarily. -P Make the dump device specified by -p or -s flags permanent. Can only be used with -p or -s flags. -q Suppress any error messages that are written to stdout. -s Device Change the secondary dump device to the specified device temporarily. -z Write out to stdout the string containing the size of the dump in bytes and the name of the dump device if a new dump is present. -i Indicates that sysdumpdev was called from an IBM function. -I Resets the indications of -i option. -S Device Scan specified device for a valid .BZ compressed dump. -t traditional Configure the traditional system dump. -t fw-assisted Configure the firmware-assisted system dump. -f allow The firmware-assisted full memory system dump is allowed. -f disallow The firmware-assisted full memory system dump is disallowed. -f require The firmware-assisted full memory system dump is required. If no flag is specified, the permanent dump device designations are used. type of dumpfw-assistedtraditionalsuspendfull memory dumpdisallowallowrequireCannot read firmware-assisted system dump information. %1$s Cannot configure dump device for firmware assisted system dump. Cannot change firmware-assisted system dump logical volume status. Cannot set the dump fullmem_dump attribute. %1$s Cannot set the dump force_system_dump attribute. %1$s Attention: the firmware-assisted system dump will be configured at the next reboot. 0453-145 This live dump was already taken. 0453-212 kernext - Allow symbol resolution for this extension. kernext:pathname - extension's pathname 0453-213 %s - %s must contain a loaded kernel extension. Unable to query CuAt from ODM. Cannot set a paging space as the dump device when firmware-assisted system dump is configured. 0453-214 %s - the lightweight memory trace is inactive. 0453-215 %s - the system trace is inactive. 0453-146 No dump was created due to error. 0453-147 Dump is either corrupt or non-existent due to error. Missing write-supported device property. Wrong physical partition size. OpenFirmware Pathname too long. Firmware-assisted system dump is not supported on this platform. Attention: firmware-assisted system dump will fallback to traditional system dump on next reboot with the current memory size: required minimum is %1$lld Mbytes. Traditional system dump is not supported by any of the current dump devices. Cannot set primary dump device %1$s. Error code 0x%2$x. Cannot set secondary dump device %1$s. Error code 0x%2$x. Valid filesystem types are jfs and jfs2. 0453-039 Device name: %1$s Major device number: %2$d Minor device number: %3$d Size: %4$lld bytes Date/Time: %5$s Dump status: %6$d Type of dump: %7$s Dump logical volume can not exceed 2TB on any disk in the volume group. Usage: mdmprpt [[-l seq_no] [-i filename]] | [ -b filename ] [ -F ] [-r] Process error log entries from the supplied file(s). -l seq_no Format the minidump at the specified sequence number in the error log. -i filename Uses the error log file specified by the filename param. -b filename Uses the binary file specified by the filename param. -F prints only dump failure information. -r print the raw minidump, without formatting. If no parameters are specified, the most recently logged minidump is shown. You may not specify -b with -i or -l. full-memory onlyWarning: system can not perform a selective-memory dump. A traditional dump will be used. Warning: system can not perform a selective-memory dump. No dump device is available with the current settings. A selective-memory dump is not possible. Please change the dump type to traditional to initiate a traditional system dump if this is the desired behavior. Disallowing a full-memory dump will cause no dump to be performed. primary sizesecondary size%s is not on a bootable device. Check that the filesystem has large file support enabled. Compressed dump - Run "/usr/lib/ras/dmprtns/dmpfmt" with -c flag on dump after uncompressing. Usage: %1$s -P { -p Device | -s Device } [ -q ] [ -i ] %2$s [ -p Device | -s Device ] [ -q ] %3$s [ -d directory | -D directory | -e | -I | [ -k | -K ] | -l | -p device | -q | -s device | -z ] %4$s [ -i ] %5$s -L { -v | -S device } %6$s [ -t { traditional | fw-assisted } ] [ -f { disallow, allow, require } ] Change the primary and secondary dump device designations in a running system. -d Directory Specify the directory where the dump is copied to at boot time. If the copy fails the system continues to boot. -D Directory Specify the directory where the dump is copied to at boot time. If the copy fails then a menu is displayed to allow user to copy the dump. -e Estimate the size of the dump (in bytes) for the current running system. -f allow The firmware-assisted full memory system dump is allowed. -f disallow The firmware-assisted full memory system dump is disallowed. -f require The firmware-assisted full memory system dump is required. -i Indicates that sysdumpdev was called from an IBM function. -I Resets the indications of -i option. -k Requires the key mode switch to be in the service position before a dump can be forced with the dump key sequences. -K The dump key sequences will force a dump with the key in the normal position, or on a machine without a key mode switch. -l List the current dump device designations. -L Display statistical information about the previous dump. -p Device Change the primary dump device to the specified device temporarily. -P Make the dump device specified by -p or -s flags permanent. Can only be used with -p or -s flags. -q Suppress any error messages that are written to stdout. -s Device Change the secondary dump device to the specified device temporarily. -S Device Scan specified device for a valid .BZ compressed dump. -t traditional Configure the traditional system dump. -t fw-assisted Configure the firmware-assisted system dump. -v When dump status is not 0. This option will display available dump debug information. This debug data, when available, is used by service to diagnose dump failures. This flag can only be used with -L flag -z Write out to stdout the string containing the size of the dump in bytes and the name of the dump device if a new dump is present. If no flag is specified, the permanent dump device designations are used. dmpuncompress: corrupt input, partial dump file is preserved -- replaced with %s platform_dump processing failurecommand nameLine numberMessageplatform_dump saved to fileplatform_dump indicator eventPlatform dump dataplatform_dump informational messageIndicator event sequence numberDump file nameLive Dump state or level don't match ODMThe bosboot command wasn't run after changing the state or levelRun bosboot and rebootkernel stateSWservAt statekernel levelSWservAt levelSystem freeze time advisory exceededAdvisory value in millisecondsLive dump failedError textLive dump completeFile name and message textError codeLive dump io failedLive dump completeFirmware-assisted system dump initialization failedFirmware-assisted system dump temporarily suspendedFirmware-assisted system dump restartedFirmware-assisted system dump failureNon-critical Dump RemovedOut of space to write a critical dumpInsufficient memory for firmware-assisted system dumpIncrease system memory and reboot or disable firmware-assisted system dumpInternal ErrorRequired Memory in MBytesNo action necessary, the traditional system dump will be usedContact appropriate service representativeMessage textNo action necessary, the fw-assisted system dump was able to resumeVersion mismatch between unix_64 kernel and aixmon_chrp bootloaderEnsure bos.mp64 and devices.chrp.base.rte filesets are at the same VRMF level