0eISO8859-1@:S8H>:OHm6:F(7o;G8+8dD 7Q@lTT-W+7 e ?OJ]S8M(gCk@"<&Ac+M "><aB+   !. PCoCMME !FPFMPCG)Cq G D N bD N D!EG!D! G" D"_ G" D" G#1"#yI#I#I$0I$z#$4$%&%=$%d$%@%D%?&4!&t6&2&I'8'J6'M'4(B(=?((#(((S)#)sK)K)Z*/9*,*Z*+LW+f!+K+ ,,;,M),4,B,A-+&-m,-3--1.^.FK.4./&/FK/$0D0D40,0:0@1&1g91| 1L1$2 !2E92Xa2"2'3@3/:3p:3#3U3$%4Q94w44%8 4%5+5-5Y5y15515 6 (66 6_ 6r 6666)6,67%7A7R:7W!77+717%8,78R=8=89 9! 9&"92#99$9M%9\&B9n')9()9)6:*?:<+5:|,:-+:.:/=;0(;T1/;}2<;31;4 <5<=62><7>o4><>;? 7?U A? "? Q? Z@D=@),@MA ;AXDA>A+!B,0B:8Bk:B-&BLCVCSLCVC9DN.*D.D1D9E'ENAEv/*E+E)F(F90!Fb%F1F23F=F:G.eDGiLGUG>HQ=HCH\I^Io mI :J< QJw EJ KKlL)mLlMdMqeMN<NOP"MPOQmQbqQuRByRS2S T2!T"`UL#`U$fV%[Vu&ZV'dW,(W)X"*ZX+Y,bY-\Z.+Z_/Z0[E1[2\3a]x4`]5o^;6^7_<8_9`:a+;a<b_=b>Ncs?Nc@.dA-d@B,dnC+dD.dE.dF.e%G(eTHNe}IPeJVfKXftLPfM5gNgTOhgmPUgQRh,RNhSRhTPi!UXirV[iWVj'XYj~YXjZ[k1[Rk\Vk]Vl7^Nl_Tl`Nm2aTmbQmcMn(dnvekofcosgnohpFixpjq@k}qlurBm}rnzs6orsp}t$qtr}u#sutzv"uzvvrwwwxwx y}xzy{}y|}z}}z~z{|"|}P}~o~}Bed\Jmeg{gK<qn/cnpqe}HTWPsNMKa^V DcHX\JVZPYTJNJTXPGTTXBNRN=RVZ6NRT3XTX6QPQ2P@DK[L@B5LxLPGcGGJ;\<i i>R3RR?,Kl`[Uu5:<=];NW&:~&;WRt\k$dTdJfc^zdf>c^ hO[S0RUsage : binaudit [h rulename|m rulename|l rulename |d rulename] binaudit.sh: Auditing is OFF now, however it should be ON binaudit.sh: Cannot create /audit filesystem of size 100MB in active volume groups binaudit.sh: The size of the /audit filesystem should be atleast 100 MB binaudit.sh: Bin auditing is OFF now, however it should be ON binaudit.sh: Auditing is ON now, however it should be OFF binaudit.sh: audit %s failed binaudit.sh: chsec command failed to set auditclasses of mkuser.default Usage : chdefstanza file Attr=value stanza [rulename] chdefstanza.sh: The arguments to the script are incorrect chdefstanza.sh: User attribute %s, should have value %s, but it is %s Usage : chuserstanza file Attr=value stanza [rulename] chuserstanza.sh: The arguments to the script are incorrect chuserstanza.sh: User attribute %s, should have value %s, but it is %s Usage : chusrattr Attr=value {ALL | NONROOT} [rulename] chusrattr.sh: The arguments to the script are incorrect chusrattr.sh: User attribute %s, should have value %s, but it is %s Usage : cominetdconf service protocol {d|a} [rulename] cominetdconf.sh: Service %s using protocol %s should be %s, however it is %s now cominetdconf.sh: chsubserver command failed with return code %s cominetdconf.sh: Daemon %s is in active state now, however it should be inoperative cominetdconf.sh: Daemon %s is in inoperative state now, however it should be active cominetdconf.sh: Process %s is still running cominetdconf.sh: Process %s is not running cominetdconf.sh: Command %s failed with return code %s cominetdconf.sh: Service %s should have status %s, however its entry is missing from /etc/inetd.conf cominetdconf.sh: Service %s's entry missing in /etc/inetd.conf Usage : comntrows daemon|scriptname filename commentchar {a|d} [rulename] comntrows.sh: Daemon/Script/String:%s in file %s should have status %s, however it is %s now comntrows.sh: Daemon:%s is still active, however is should be in inoperative state comntrows.sh: Daemon:%s is in inoperative state, however it should be active comntrows.sh: The file %s doesn't exist comntrows.sh: Daemon/Script/String:%s should have status %s, however its entry is not found in file %s comntrows.sh: Daemon/Script/String:%s's entry not found in file %s Usage : cronaudit cronaudit: Filesystem /audit is not available or is not mounted Usage : disrmtcmds {e|d} rulename disrmtcmds.sh: File %s has mode %s, however it should be %s disrmtcmds.sh: File %s has permission %s,however it should be %s disrmtcmds.sh: Process %s is still running disrmtcmds.sh: %s file doesnt have tcpip entry or the file %s does not exist disrmtcmds.sh: %s file exists Usage : disrmtdmns {e|d} rulename disrmtdmns.sh: File %s has mode %s, however it should be %s disrmtcmds.sh: File %s has permission %s, however it should be %s disrmtcmds.sh: Process %s is still running Usage : execmds {cmds&args ...} execmds.sh: Failed to execute %s Usage: ipsecnosynhls rulename ipsecnosynhls.sh: genfilt failed to add filter for IPSec Version 4 ipsecnosynhls.sh: genfilt failed to add filter for IPSec Version 6 ipsecnosynhls.sh: mkfilt failed to activate filter rules for IPSec Version 4 ipsecnosynhls.sh: mkfilt failed to activate filter rules for IPSec Version 6 Usage: ipsecshunhosthls rulename ipsecshunhosthls.sh: genfilt failed to add filter for IPSec Version 4 ipsecshunhosthls.sh: mkfilt failed to activate filter rules for IPSec Version 4 ipsecshunhosthls.sh: genfilt failed to add filter for IPSec Version 6 ipsecshunhosthls.sh: mkfilt failed to activate filter rules for IPSec Version 6 ipsecshunhosthls.sh: Port %s is being filtered for IPSec Version 4 ipsecshunhosthls.sh: Port %s is not being filtered for IPSec Version 4 ipsecshunhosthls.sh: Port %s is being filtered for IPSec Version 6 ipsecshunhosthls.sh: Port %s is not being filtered for IPSec Version 6 Usage: ipsecshunports rulename ipsecshunports.sh: genfilt failed to add filter for IPSec Version 4 ipsecshunports.sh: mkfilt failed to activate filter rules for IPSec Version 4 ipsecshunports.sh: genfilt failed to add filter for IPSec Version 6 ipsecshunports.sh: mkfilt failed to activate filter rules for IPSec Version 6 ipsecshunport.sh: TCP Port %s is being filtered for IPSec Version 4 ipsecshunport.sh: TCP Port %s is not being filtered for IPSec Verion 4 ipsecshunport.sh: UDP Port %s is being filtered for IPSec Version 4 ipsecshunport.sh: UDP Port %s is not being filtered for IPSec Verion 4 ipsecshunport.sh: TCP Port %s is being filtered for IPSec Version 6 ipsecshunport.sh: TCP Port %s is not being filtered for IPSec Verion 6 ipsecshunport.sh: UDP Port %s is being filtered for IPSec Version 6 ipsecshunport.sh: UDP Port %s is not being filtered for IPSec Verion 6 Usage ipsecundo filterdescription ipsecundo.sh: rmfilt failed to remove the IPSec ver 4 filter for %s rule ipsecundo.sh: rmfilt failed to remove the IPSec ver 6 filter for %s rule ipsecundo.sh: mkfilt failed to activate filter rules for IPSec Version 4 ipsecundo.sh: mkfilt failed to activate filter rules for IPSec Version 6 Usage : limitsysacc {h|d} rulename limitsysacc.sh: File %s has entries other than root limitsysacc.sh: File %s exists limitsysacc.sh: File %s doesn't exist limitsysacc.sh: File %s has entries Usage : loginherald {a|d} rulename loginherald.sh: Login herald value is not set on English locale loginherald.sh: Login herald value should be NULL on English locale loginherald.sh: chsec command failed to set Login herald value Usage : nfsconfig {e|d} rulename nfsconfig.sh: There are few NFS directories exportted nfsconfig.sh: NFS subsystem is enabled on startup nfsconfig.sh: Daemon biod/nfsd/rpc.mountd/rpc.statd/rpc.lockd is running nfsconfig.sh: Entries in /etc/exports are not exported nfsconfig.sh: NFS subsystem is not enabled on startup nfsconfig.sh: Daemon biod/nfsd/rpc.mountd/rpc.statd/rpc.lockd is not running Usage : ntwkopts Attr=value [s rulename|d rulename] nwwkopts.sh: Network option %s's value should be %d, but it is %d nwwkopts.sh: Failed to set network option %s's value to %d now Usage : pwdckhls pwdckhls.sh: pwdck returned errors Usage : rctcpip daemon {a|d} [rulename] rctcpip.sh: Daemon %s's status should be %s in /etc/rc.tcpip, however it is %s now rctcpip.sh: chrctcp command failed rctcpip.sh: Daemon %s's status is active, however it should be inoperative rctcpip.sh: Daemon %s's status is inoperative, however it should be active rctcpip.sh: Daemon %s's status should be %s, however its entry not found in /etc/rc.tcpip rctcpip.sh: Daemon %s's entry not found in /etc/rc.tcpip Usage : rmdotfrmpathetcenv {r|a} [rulename] rmdotfrmpathetcenv.sh: A dot exists in PATH environment variable in file /etc/environment Usage: rmdotfrmpathnroot rmdotfrmpathnroot.sh: A dot exists in PATH environment variable, in %s file of user %s Usage: rmdotfrmpathroot rulename rmdotfrmpathroot.sh: A dot exists in PATH environment variable, in file %s Usage: rmetchostsequiv rulename rmetchostsequiv.sh: /etc/hosts.equiv file contains entries Usage : rmrhostsnetrc {h|m|l|d} rulename rmrhostsnetrc.sh: Either /.rhosts or /.netrc exists rmrhostsnetrc.sh: .rhosts file exists in user %s's home directory rmrhostsnetrc.sh: .netrc file exists in user %s's home directory Usage : rmsuidfrmrcmds {r|s} rulename rmsuidfrmrcmds.sh: File %s has SUID bit set rmsuidfrmrcmds.sh: SUID bit is not set for file %s Usage : rootcrnjobck rulename rootcrnjobck.sh: Cronjob %s is not owned by root rootcrnjobck.sh: Root cron job %s has write permissions for owner:%s, group:%s and others: %s rootcrnjobck.sh: Cronjob %s do not have a binary/script associated with it rootcrnjobck.sh: Cronjob %s is not a absolute path prereqbinaudit: Auditing is ON prereqbinaudit: Cannot create /audit filesystem in any active volume groups, because there is no active VG with file system space >= 100MB prereqbinaudit: The size of the /audit filesystem should be atleast 100 MB Usage: chetcftpusers {a|r} rulename chetcftpusers.sh: /etc/ftpusers file does not have root entry in it chetcftpusers.sh: /etc/ftpusers file does not exist chetcftpusers.sh: /etc/ftpusers file exists chetcftpusers.sh: /etc/ftpusers file has root entry in it Usage : binaudit {h rulename|m rulename|l rulename |d rulename} Usage: pwdpolicyenf pwdpolicyenf.sh: failed to enforce the password policies Usage: sedconfig {rulename} sedconfig.sh: Stack Execution Disable feature is not enabled for setidfiles sedconfig.sh: sedmgr command failed Usage: virusdetsw virusdetsw.sh: trustchk command failed with exit code %d virusdetsw.sh: trustchk command found mismatches for some files with respect to the TSS database Usage: firwesetup firewsetup.sh: Failed to turn on IPSec firewsetup.sh: Failed to add IPSec filters to shun unused ports firewsetup.sh: IPSec v4 shun port rules are not turned on firewsetup.sh: IPSec v6 shun port rules are not turned on Usage: secactreport secactreport.sh: failed to enforce security activity report control objective of SOX Usage: filepermgr {h|m|l|d} rulename filepermgr.sh: fpm status is %s, however it should be %s filepermgr.sh: fpm command failed to apply %s level -o must be preceded by -n or -a -a cannot be specified with -c or -u -n cannot be specified with -c or -u or -f -l cannot be specified with -u -c does not take any arguments -c cannot be specified with -u or -f or -n or -a -u does not take any arguments -u cannot be specified with -c or -f or -n or -a %s is not a valid level No or Invalid filename specified for -f Unknown flag (%c) Invalid flag or argument %s: Couldn't open file %s new/malloc() failed: failed warningDTD - Code mismatch... Entryname missing Prereq rule found after other rules type(s) Warning: Prereq failed for Circular prereqsdoneError during Xerces-c Initialization. Exception message:An error occurred during parsing Unrecognized node type = -a cannot be specified with -c or -d or -u -n cannot be specified with -c or -d or -f or -u -l cannot be specified with -u or -d -c cannot be specified with -a or -d or -f or -n or -u -u cannot be specified with -a or -c or -d or -f or -l or -n -d cannot be specified with -a or -c or -f or -l or -n or -u entry name=%s not found cachedProcessing bytes not supported yet.no descriptionCouldn't execute Something terriby wrong. %s deosn't have %s and/or %s elements(s) Output file not specified with -a option Output file not specified with -n option Output file not specified with either -a or -n option -p option is supported with -a or -c or -f or -l or -u options Same output filename specified for -a and -n options File %s does not exist Failed to log hostname and timestamp to %s -t does not take any arguments -t cannot be specified with -a or -t or -f or -d or -l or -n No or Invalid filename specified for -P Invalid usage of -P, can be used only after -c Another instance of pscxpert or aixpert is already running. Live Kernel Update in Progress. Exiting aixpert. Live Kernel Update in Progress. Exiting aixpert. Usage: aixpert -l {high|medium|low|default|sox-cobit} [-p] [{-n|-a} -o File] aixpert -l {h|m|l|d|s} [-p] [{-n|-a} -o File] aixpert -f File1 [-p] [-a -o File2] aixpert -c [-p] [-r|-R] [-P File] [-l Level] aixpert -u [-p] aixpert -d aixpert -t There are no security rules are applied in file %s There are no security rules to undo in file %s Usage: aixpertldap -u [-b ] [-f ] [-l