ISO8859-14(2[t> 7 0 -: &h #.(>F%Usage: aclconvert [-R] [-I] -t tgtAclType filename Invalid -s option %s Invalid -t option %s 3002-140 Cannot find %s 3002-141 Cannot allocate buffer for ACL 3002-142 Cannot open %s 3002-143 Invalid textual ACL 3002-144 Cannot convert textual ACL to binary ACL: errno = %d 3002-145 No conversion function to map %s to %s for %s 3002-146 No conversion function to map %s to %s 3002-147 Binary ACL conversion failed for %s 3002-148 Binary ACL conversion failed 3002-149 Cannot create %s 3002-150 Cannot read directory %s. 3002-151 %s/%s: name too long. 3002-152 ACL type '%s' is not supported by %s 3002-153 Cannot map ACL %s to %s for %s 3002-154 The size of the ACL exceeds the system limit for %s. 3002-155 Setting of ACL failed on %s