ISO8859-1_W!#6!Z|  S k S }fW]i :u q q   Qh,OO|/da  !"#  $ %&&' *(84)Bm*9+C,<.-nk.//e 0Op1B23C4\356D(76m8=9;:;4< D=e>u? @$ABC,D12E$dF0G#H/I0J/?KToL4M3NW-OEPDQhR3yS4TUV*W1X2PY-Z6[S\} <]X ^%!_!9!/!"):";"vJ"&"K# #R I#h e# !$ 6$:0$q3$U$5%,E%b(%9%FILENAME STATE | FIRST RECORD TIME | LAST RECORD TIME | UTIL Files: %d defined, %d available. %s %-10s | %-26s | %-26s | %3d%% NUMBER STATE NAME %d transactions are disabled. %-12d %-14s %-16s %03d-%03d %-14s Usage: acctctl fadd Allocate and define an accounting file with specified filename and size. The size is in megabytes. acctctl frm Remove the specified accounting file from the accounting subsystem. This will not remove the file from the filesystem. acctctl freset Indicate that the specified file may now be reused by the accounting subsystem. acctctl fquery [] Query the state and current utilization of the specified file, if supplied, or all accounting files otherwise. acctctl fswitch [] Force accounting to switch to a new accounting file. The new file may be optionally specified. acctctl isystem {