ISO8859-1J;E+<qHK'+J#Rv   "  % (-4CR*[! 0/-44 i 4t! "2#$4% #&4.' c(3n) *7+ ,7- *.'8/`0=i1 2%3 4;5 6$ .7 S8: ]9 :m ;e < y=9 >? ? @@ AA NB C< DB E FC *GD nH2 I J1 K5 "1496-001 Attribute "%s" cannot be specified when defining a new resource. 1496-002 Attribute "%s" appears in request more than once. 1496-003 Class name "%s" is not recognized by this resource manager. 1496-004 Could not initialize control point for class "%s". 1496-005 Attribute "%s" must be specified when defining a new resource. Group255Group0Workload Manager Resource ClassWLMVariety of WLM resource class.VarietyA new resource has been discovered.ResourceDefinedA resource has been removed.ResourceUndefinedThe WLM configuration has changed.ConfigChangedThe current operational state of WLM.OpStateThe WLM class name.NameGroup0ResourceHandleResourceHandleGroup255Variety of resource in WLM resource class.VarietyThe description of the WLM class.DescriptionThe list of nodes on which this resource exists.NodeListGroup1Current CPU consumption percentage for a class.CPUPctThe softmax for CPUPct has been reached for a class.CPUSoftMaxThe hardmax for CPUPct has been reached for a class.CPUHardMaxCurrent memory consumption percentage for a class.MemPctThe softmax for MemPct has been reached for a class.MemSoftMaxThe hardmax for MemPct has been reached for a class.MemHardMaxCurrent disk IO consumption percentage for a class.DiskIOPctThe softmax for DiskIOPct has been reached for a class.DiskIOSoftMaxThe hardmax for DiskIOPct has been reached for a class.DiskIOHardMaxCurrent number of processes in a class.NumProcsThe maximum number of processes has been reached for a class.NumProcsMaxCurrent number of threads in a class.NumThreadsThe maximum number of threads has been reached for a class.NumThreadsMaxCurrent number of logins in a class.NumLoginsThe maximum number of logins has been reached for a class.NumLoginsMaxThis expression will cause an event to be generated when a WLM class has reached its limit for this resource.This expression will reenable events when a WLM class that has reached a limit falls below the limit.RealMemInUseCurrent amount of real memory in KBs in use by the class.The maximum amount of real memory has been reached for a class.RealMemAtMaxThis maximum amount of real memory has been reached for a class.The amount of real memory in use by a class is below the maximum.VirtMemInUseCurrent amount of virtual memory in KBs in use by the class.The maximum amount of virtual memory has been reached for a class.VirtMemAtMaxThis maximum amount of virtual memory has been reached for a class.The amount of virtual memory in use by a class is below the maximum.The process limit for a process has been exceeded.ProcAtMaxThe process limit for a process has been reached.The process limit for a process is below its maximum.