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Dynamic Reconfiguration resource checks for DLPAR capbility and executes DR operations passed by the HMCs behalf.Dynamic Reconfiguration ManagerThis dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedGeneralAn event is generated whenever a persistent class or resource attribute changes.Identifies which class attributes are defined for this version of the class.Class VarietyInternalQueries the partition for the DLPAR capabilities of the partition.DLPAR Capabilities QueryLanguage parameter used to set locale.LocaleReturn code from querying partition.Return CodeFlags to signify which DLPAR capabilities are present on the partition.DLPAR CapabilitiesDLPAR information on the partition; memory in MBs that cannot be removed.DLPAR InformationSystem commands that are supported by DLPAR.System Commands CapabilitiesSystem Commands that are supported by DLPAR, reserved.System Commands CapabilitiesAction to execute either a DLPAR operation or one of the system commands supported by DRM.DRM CommandActual command to execute on partition.CommandLevel of debug information output by DRM.Debug Level of DRMLanguage in which to set locale before command execution.LocaleReturn code from execution of DRM Command passed in.Return Code of CommandStandard out captured from execution of DRM Command.STDOUTStandard error captured from execution of DRM Command.STDERRNumber of resources that were successfully added or removed.Resource CountReserved value.Reserved ValueReserved ValueMigmgr CmdReserved ValueCmdReserved ValueLangReserved ValueCmdDebugLevelReserved ValueDevice DescriptionReserved ValueCommand return codeReserved ValueSTDOUTReserved ValueSTDERRReserved ValueVIOS CapsReserved ValueMin VIOS LevelReserved ValueMax VIOS LevelReserved ValueDevice DescriptionReserved ValueVIOS Detailed ErrorReserved ValueEffective VIOS LevelReserved ValuePMigmoverRes ValueCommandRes ValueLangRes ValueCmdDebugLevelRes ValueCommand return codeRes ValueSTDOUTRes ValueSTDERRRes ValueMSP CapsRes ValueCommand eventsRes ValueRemaining Bytes to transferRes ValueTotal BytesRes ValueBytes sentRes ValueBytes receivedRes ValueActive MigrationsRes ValueMax MigrationsRes ValueMax receive poolsRes ValueMigration StateRes ValueMigration portAction to execute an internal VIOS operation through the viosmgr command.viosmgr CommandCommand and optionsCommandLanguageLanguageDRM Debug LevelCmdDebugLevelXML InputXML InputReturn codeReturn codeStandard output streamstdoutStandard error streamstderrXML output streamXML output streamAction to execute an operation supported for no-touch remote VIOS management.vioservice commandAPI VersionAPI VersionResource Path and OptionsResourceInput Stream to ReesourceResource inputFuture integer inputReserved for future useFuture integer inputReserved for future useFuture input streamtReserved for future useFuture input streamReserved for future useError Information StreamError InformationSecondary Output StreamOutput StreamReserved for Future UseFuture Integer ValueReserved for Future UseFuture Integer ValueReserved for Future UseFuture Uutput StreamReserved for Future UseFuture Output StreamLogical Partition Resource Class.LPARWhenever an LPAR resource is defined, this attribute is asserted to notify of the creation.Resource DefinedInternalWhenever an LPAR resource is deleted, this attribute is asserted to notify of the change.Resource UndefinedThis dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedDefaultIdentifies which persistent class attributes are defined for this version of the class.Persistent Class VarietyAn internally assigned handle that uniquely identifies this Logical Partition resource.Resource HandleInternalIdentifies which persistent resource attributes are defined for this version of the class.Persistent Resource VarietyA list that contains all the nodeids to which this resource can attach.Node IDsDefaultName of partition as defined from the HMC.NameGroup1Flags which indicate mode of partition, dedicated or shared, capped or uncapped.LPAR FlagsMaximum number of CPUS, either virtual or physical, defined by the profile currently active on the HMC.Maximum Number CPUsMinimum number of CPUs, either virtual or physical, defined by the profile currently active on the HMC.Minimum Number CPUsCurrent number of CPUs, virtual or physical, allocated to the partition.Current Number CPUsMinimum entitled processor capacity defined by the profile currently active on the HMC.Minimum Entitled Processor CapacityMaximum entitled processor capacity defined by the profile currently active on the HMC.Maximum Entitled Processor CapacityCurrent entitled processor capacity allocated to the partition at this time.Current Entitled Processor CapacityMinimum entitled processor capacity per virtual processorMinimum Entitlement Per Virtual ProcessorNumber of physical processors allocated to the shared pool.Shared Processor Pool CountMaximum amount of memory, in MBs, defined by the profile currently active on the HMC.Maximum MemoryMinimum amount of memory, in MBs, defined by the profile currently active on the HMC.Minimum MemoryCurrent amount of memory, in MBs, currently allocated to the partition.Current MemoryProcessor capacity increment defined by the profile currently active on the HMC.Processor Capacity IncrementSize of a logical memory block.Logical Memory Block SizeVariable weight defined by the profile currently active on the HMC.Variable WeightNumber of intervals which dynamic attribute CPULoad must be above CPULoadMax, between CPULoadMax and CPULoadMin, or below CPULoadMin before notification is sent to RMC. Defined by RMC client programs.CPU Load IntervalsNumber of intervals which dynamic attribute MemLoad must be above MemLoadMax, between MemLoadMax and MemLoadMin, or below MemLoadMin before notification is sent to RMC. Defined by XLPLM policy fileMemory Load IntervalHigh threshold for CPU Load. Defined by XLPLM policy file.CPU Load MaxLow threshold for CPU Load. Defined by XLPLM policy file.CPU Load MinHigh threshold for Memory Load. Defined by XLPLM policy fileMemory Load MaxLow threshold for Memory Load. Defined by XLPLM policy file.Memory Load MinHigh threshold for the page steal rate. Defined by the XLPLM policy file.Page Steal MaxWhenever a persistent resource attribute value changes this value is asserted.Configuration ChangedNumber of runnable threads per CPU.CPU LoadCPU Utilization percentage of the partition.CPU UtilizationMemory utilization of the partition.Memory LoadNumber of page steals per second for the partition.Page Steal RateSignifies which zone the CPU load is in, either low, middle, or high, based on CPULoadMax and CPULoadMin CPU ZoneSignifies which zone the Memory load is in, either low, middle, or high, based on MemLoadMax, MemLoadMin, and PgStealMaxMemory Zone