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Selected disk does not have enough space You must select at least one bootable disk. %2.2d ...PREVIOUS CHOICES %2.2d MORE CHOICES... 88 Help ? 99 Previous Menu>>> Choice No Disks AvailableNo tape devices available %d Type %d and press Enter to have English during install. Welcome to Base Operating System Installation and MaintenanceType the number of your choice and press Enter. Choice is indicated by >>>. 2 Change/Show Installation Settings and Install Install with Current Settings or Change Settings. 3 Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery Options for System Recovery. Select Software for Network InstallationType the number of your choice and press Enter. Name Type Description Installation and SettingsEither type 0 and press Enter to install with current settings, or type the number of the setting you want to change and press Enter. Setting: Current Choice: 1 System Settings: Method of Installation............. Disk Where You Want to Install..... 2 Primary Language Environment Settings (AFTER Install): Cultural Convention................ Language .......................... Keyboard .......................... Keyboard Type......................Default Keyboard Type......................Alternate 0 Install with the current settings listed above. Change Method of Installation Type the number of the installation method and press Enter. 1 New and Complete Overwrite Overwrites EVERYTHING on the disk selected for installation. Warning: Only use this method if the disk is totally empty or if there is nothing on the disk you want to preserve. 2 Preservation Install Preserves SOME of the existing data on the disk selected for installation. Warning: This method overwrites the usr (/usr), variable (/var), temporary (/tmp), and root (/) file systems. Other product (applications) files and configuration data will be destroyed. 3 Migration Install Upgrades the Base Operating System to the current release. Other product (applications) files and configuration data are saved. Change Disk Where You Want to InstallType the number for the disk to be used for installation and press Enter. Name Location Code Size(MB) VG Status Bootable 66 Disks not known to Base Operating System Installation Support for Disks not known to Base Operating System Installation Device Support must be supplied for disks not known to Base Operating System Installation.Insert the diskette containing the device support into the diskette drive /dev/fd0, and press Enter. Reading diskette. Please Wait... Change Disks Where You Want to InstallType the number for the disks to be used for installation and press Enter. Level Disks In Rootvg Location Code Size(MB) Set Primary Language Environment Type the number for the Cultural Convention (such as date, time, and money), Language, and Keyboard for this system and press Enter, or type %d and press Enter to create your own combination. Cultural Convention Language Keyboard %2d Create your own combination of Cultural Convention, Language, and Keyboard Set Primary Cultural Convention Type the number for the Primary Cultural Conventions (such as date, time, and money) for this system and press Enter. Set Primary Language Type the number for the Primary Language for this system and press Enter. Set Keyboard Type the number for the Keyboard for this system and press Enter. Choose %s KeyboardType the number of your choice and press Enter to select the correct description for your keyboard. System Backup Installation and SettingsEither type 0 and press Enter to install with the current settings, or type the number of the setting you want to change and press Enter. Setting: Current Choice(s): 1 Disk(s) where you want to install ...... Use Maps............................. 2 Shrink File Systems..................... 0 Install with the settings listed above. Change Disk(s) Where You Want to InstallType one or more numbers for the disk(s) to be used for installation and press Enter. To cancel a choice, type the corresponding number and Press Enter. At least one bootable disk must be selected. The current choice is indicated by >>>. Name Location Code Size(MB) VG Status Bootable Maps 0 Continue with choices indicated above Use MapsMaps are available for use during installation. Type 1 and press Enter to use the maps for installation. Type the number of your choice and press Enter. 1 Use maps for installation 2 Do not use maps for installation Maintenance Type the number of your choice and press Enter. 1 Access a Root Volume Group 2 Copy a System Dump to Removable Media 3 Access Advanced Maintenance Functions 4 Install from a System BackupUnable to get the dump information for copying the dump.No previous dump exists.Dump is not in a logical volume. No dump copy is allowed.Unable to initialize ODM. No dump copy is allowed. Warning:If you choose to access a root volume group, you will not be able to return to the Base Operating System Installation menus without rebooting. 0 Continue Information for Advanced Maintenance Functions To return to the Maintenance Menu after completing maintenance activities, type exit on the command line and press Enter. Type the number of your choice and press Enter. 0 Enter the Limited Function Maintenance Shell Choose Tape DriveType the number of the tape drive containing the system backup to be installed and press Enter. Tape Drive Path Name 3 Install Trusted Computing Base....... 1 Start Install Now with Default Settings Installation WarningWARNING: Base Operating System Installation may destroy or impair recovery of data. Before installing, you should back up your system. 1 Continue with Install>>> 0 Continue >>> Choice[0]: No disks have been selected. %d Type %d and press Enter to have English during maintenance. Error WarningTo reboot in normal mode, turn key to normal (if necessary) and press reset. 77 Display More Disk Information Name Physical Volume Identifier Name Device Adapter Connection Location Name Dynamic Device LocationNo devices available Choose mksysb DeviceType the number of the device containing the system backup to be installed and press Enter. Device Name Path NameInsert an extended hardware drivers CD-ROM and press Enter. Reading CD-ROM.Insert another extended hardware drivers CD-ROM if you have one, and press Enter. Insert another extended hardware drivers CD-ROM if you have one, or re-insert the product CD-ROM and press Enter. Replace extended hardware drivers CD-ROM with the product CD-ROM and press Enter. 3 Install 64-bit Kernel Support........ Select Disk(s) for Manual PartitioningPress Enter with no disk(s) selected to have all disks listed auto-partitioned. Type the number(s) for the disk(s) to be manually partitioned and press Enter. To cancel a choice type the corresponding number and press Enter. Name 0 Auto-partition all disks listed. 3 Advanced Options Advanced Options 1 Install Configuration................ 2 Install Trusted Computing Base.......DefaultMinimal 1 Desktop..............................CDE KDE GNOME NONE 2 Enable Trusted Computing Base........ 3 Enable 64-bit Kernel and JFS2........ 1 Installation Package Set.............Disk must contain both a Physical Volume and a System Partition. Please try again. Desktop WarningWARNING: Some Languages may not be available at this time for the desktop you have selected. In addition, if the desktop is translated, the translation may be incomplete. WARNING: The desktop you have selected (GNOME or KDE) is not part of the operating system and is installed from the "Toolbox for Linux Applications" media. You will be prompted for the media later in the install process. To select another desktop, return to the Advanced Options menu. To continue, type 1 and press Enter. You will see additional licensing information. %2.2d MORE... Desktop Licensing InformationThe GNOME and KDE desktops are freeware packages that have been prepared for installation using the RPM Package Manager. These freeware packages are not warranted or supported by %1$s and are made available under the terms of the license that is included in the freeware package. For more information about the license terms and source availability of the packages, see the README.TXT file on the "Toolbox for Linux Applications" media. The sources used for these packages are available for download via %2$s. Unable to create file system necessary for installing extended hardware drivers. Continuing the install. Please remove the product CD-ROM, insert an extended hardware drivers CD-ROM and press Enter. Please remove the CD-ROM and insert another extended hardware drivers CD-ROM if you have one, or re-insert the product CD-ROM and press Enter. The CD does not have the expected install directory. Please remove the CD, insert the correct CD, and press Enter. After 3 attempts the correct CD was never inserted. Exiting function. Please insert the product media, and press Enter, to continue with the install with existing disks, or reboot the system to cancel the install. 66 Devices not known to Base Operating System InstallationType the number 1 and press Enter to install extended hardware drivers from CD-ROM. Press Enter to continue without installing extended hardware drivers. If you do not press a key within three minutes, the installation process will continue. Overwrites EVERYTHING on the disk selected for installation, except for System Partitions. Warning: Only use this method if there is nothing in the operating system physical volume partition you want to preserve. Name World Wide Port Name//Lun ID SCSI ID or World Wide Port Name//Lun ID SCSI ID Select Adapter for Disks Where You Want to InstallType the number for the adapter and press Enter. Name Location Code 4 Import User Volume Groups............ 3 Import User Volume Groups............ 3 Import User Volume Groups............... 4 Recover Devices.........................To reboot the system, press reset. 1 Change/Show Installation Settings and Install 2 Start Maintenance Mode for System RecoveryIf you are going to use a customized data CD, in the same CD drive you are installing from please press Enter now. Otherwise the system will continue installing in 30 seconds.Please remove the product or system backup CD/DVD, insert the customized data CD/DVD, and press Enter.Please remove the customized data CD/DVD, return the CD/DVD you were installing from, and press Enter.Type 1 and press Enter for data files on CD/DVD, or type 2 and press Enter to continue the installation.A customized data CD/DVD was not found.Continuing the installation...Either type 0 and press Enter to install with current settings, or type the number of the setting you want to change and press Enter. or Physical Location Code Overwrite Installation Summary Preservation Installation Summary Migration Installation Summary System Backup Installation SummaryMethod of Installation: Disks: Cultural Convention: Language: Keyboard: 64 Bit Kernel Enabled: JFS2 File Systems Created: Security: Desktop: Optional Software being installed: Remove Java 1.1.8 Software: Import User Volume Groups: 1 Continue with InstallCommon Criteria Evaluated SystemTrusted Computing Base EnabledStandard SecurityUse Physical Location Maps: Shrink File Systems: Recover Devices: 3 More Options (Desktop, Security, Kernel, Software, ...) Install Options Install More Software 1. Desktop........................................................... (Requires 64-bit Kernel Enabled) (Installs all devices and kernels)Netscape (Expansion Pack)HTTP_Server (Expansion Pack)Kerberos_5 (Expansion Pack)Server (Volume 2)DesktopGraphics SoftwareEnable Trusted Computing BaseImport User Volume GroupsCommon Criteria Evaluated System(English only, 64-bit kernel enablement, JFS2 file systems)Enable 64-bit KernelCreate JFS2 File SystemsDocumentation Services SoftwareEnable System Backups to install any systemRemove Java 1.1.8 SoftwareInstall More SoftwareWARNING: The desktop you have selected (GNOME or KDE) is not part of the operating system and is installed from the "Toolbox for Linux Applications" media. You will be prompted for the media later in the install process. To select another desktop, return to the More Options menu. To continue, type 1 and press Enter. You will see additional licensing information. Alternate Disk Install (Volume 2)List software to be installedList software packages to be installedContinueEnable CAPP and EAL4+ TechnologyCAPP and EAL4+ Technologynone rootvg other vg non-LVM vg BOSINST_DEBUG enabled Disk Selection Information Press Enter to go back and change the disk selection or type 1 and press Enter to continue the install with the existing selection. 0 Change disk selectionATTENTION: The currently selected disk or disks are not bootable devices. Selecting a not bootable disk to be installed could result in a system that will not boot after installation. Ensure that at least one of the selected disks is bootable. Insert the diskette or cdrom containing the device support and press Enter. Reading media.NetscapeHTTP_ServerKerberos_5ServerWeb BrowserAlternate Disk Install (Expansion Pack) (Volume 1) (Volume 2) (Volume 3) (Volume 4) (Volume 5) (Volume 6) (Volume 7)CDE DesktopGNOME DesktopKDE Desktop (Toolbox for Linux Applications)Mozilla (Mozilla CD) Mozilla Information ATTENTION: The Mozilla Web browser is available on a separate CD media that can be ordered with AIX. Mozilla requires GNOME libraries which are installed from the "Toolbox for Linux Applications" media. You will be prompted for the media later in the install process. To continue, type 1 and press Enter. You will see additional licensing information. GNOME Licensing Information The GNOME libraries necessary to run Mozilla are freeware packages that have been prepared for installation using the RPM Package Manager. These freeware packages are not warranted or supported by %1$s and are made available under the terms of the license that is included in the freeware package. For more information about the license terms and source availability of the packages, see the README.TXT file on the "Toolbox for Linux Applications" media. The sources used for these packages are available for download via %2$s Enable 32-bit KernelCreate JFS File Systems 55 More Disk Options Erasure Options for DisksSelect the number of times the disk(s) will be erased, and select the corresponding pattern to use for each disk erasure. If the number of patterns to write is 0 then no disk erasure will occur. This will be a time consuming process. Either type 0 and press Enter to continue with the current settings, or type the number of the setting you want to change and press Enter.Number of patterns to writePattern #%d 4 Erase Disks Select Disk(s) That You Want to EraseType one or more numbers for the disk(s) to be used for erasure and press Enter. To cancel a choice, type the corresponding number and Press Enter. At least one disk must be selected. The current choice is indicated by >>>.(erasing) 5 Install from a System BackupErasing drivesPress Enter to go back to the main menu.ATTENTION: The total size of a disk selected for rootvg is larger than what the running kernel supports. Select a smaller disk size or reboot using media that supports running the 64-bit kernel. 0 Main Menu 4 Configure Network Disks (iSCSI) 5 Configure Network Disks (iSCSI) 6 Install from a System Backup 4 More Options (Software install options) Type the number of your choice and press Enter. 3 Security Model.......................Default Trusted AIX with LSPP Trusted AIX Secure by Default CAPP/EAL4+ Configuration Trusted Computing Base Security ModelsTrusted AIXOther Security Options (Trusted AIX and Standard) Security options vary based on choices. LSPP, SbD, CAP/CCEVAL, TCBSecurity models and options may not be changed during migrations 0 Continue to more software options. Trusted AIX Security Options Standard Security OptionsLSPP/EAL4+ Configuration InstallSecure by DefaultCAPP and EAL4+ Configuration InstallTrusted Computing Base InstallSystem Management software for Trusted AIX (Java) (Installs all devices)System Management Software for Secure by Default (Java, Websm) (X11 software) (X11 software defaults to no for non-graphical console) (Only desktop choices are CDE or NONE) (Desktop defaults to NONE for non-graphical console)Attention: CAPP/EAL4+ installs without TCB selected may not be certified. Trusted AIX Overwrite Installation Summary Trusted AIX Preservation Installation SummarySecure by Default EnabledLSPP/EAL4+ Configuration EnabledTrusted AIXSystem Management Client SoftwareFirefox (Firefox CD) Firefox Information ATTENTION: The Mozilla Firefox Web browser is available on a separate CD media that can be ordered with AIX. Mozilla Firefox requires GNOME libraries which are also available on the same CD media. To continue, type 1 and press Enter. You will see additional licensing information. The GNOME libraries necessary to run Mozilla Firefox are freeware packages that have been prepared for installation using the RPM Package Manager. These freeware packages are not warranted or supported by %1$s and are made available under the terms of the license that is included in the freeware package. For more information about the license terms and source availability of the packages, see the README.TXT file on the "Toolbox for Linux Applications" media. The sources used for these packages are available for download via %2$s Invalid combination of disk types selected. 1 Migration Install No disks available for migration. VIOS Migration Installation and Settings VIOS Migration Installation Summary 5 Select Storage Adapters 7 Select Storage Adapters 7 Install from a System Backup 6 Select Storage Adapters 5 Select Edition....................... 4 Select Edition.......................Selected Edition 5 Select Edition.......................... LAS, SbD, BAS/CCEVAL, TCBBAS and EAL4+ Configuration InstallBAS and EAL4+ TechnologyLAS/EAL4+ Configuration InstallLAS/EAL4+ Configuration EnabledTrusted AIX with LAS BAS/EAL4+ Configuration Level Rootvg Physical Volume Identifier Disks Level Rootvg Device Adapter Connection Location Disks or Physical Location Code 1 Configure Network Disks (iSCSI) 2 Remove Disk Reservations 4 Make Additional Disks Available Make Additional Disks Available A selected disk has a reservation.Remove Java Version 5 Software: Remove Java Version 5 SoftwareOpenSSH Client SoftwareOpenSSH Server Software LAS, SbD, BAS/CCEVALOnly Trusted AIX may be selected during preservation installs.NoneLowMediumHighSign Policy=Digital Signature PolicyEnglish (ISO8859-1)English (UTF-8)English (ISO8859-15)C (POSIX)Chinese (Traditional)DanishDutch (Belgium)DutchEnglish (Great Britain)English (United States)FinnishFrench (Belgium)French (Canada)French (Switzerland)FrenchGerman (Switzerland)GermanGreekIcelandicItalianJapanese(EUC)KoreanNorwegianPortugueseSpanishSwedishTurkishArabic(ISO)BulgarianCroatianCzechHebrew(ISO)HungarianMacedonianPolishRomanianRussianSerbian CyrillicSerbian LatinSlovakSloveneArabic(PC)Hebrew(PC)Japanese(PC)Portuguese (Brazil)Chinese (Simplified EUC)Chinese (Simplified UTF)CatalanLatin AmericanAlbanianEstonianLithuanianLatvianEstonian (UTF)Lithuanian (UTF)Latvian (UTF)T-Chinese (big5)ThaiThai (UTF)VietnameseVietnamese (UTF)ByelorussianByelorussian (UTF)UkrainianUkrainian (UTF)JapaneseHebrewEnglish (Australia)English (Belgium)English (South Africa)Italian (Switzerland)Arabic (UAE)Arabic (Bahrain)Arabic (Egypt)Arabic (Jordan)Arabic (Kuwait)Arabic (Lebanon)Arabic (Oman)Arabic (Qatar)Arabic (Saudi Arabia)Arabic (Syria)Arabic (Tunisia)German (Austria)German (Luxembourg)English (Canada)English (Ireland)English (India)English (New Zealand)Spanish (Argentina)Spanish (Chile)Spanish (Colombia)Spanish (Mexico)Spanish (Peru)Spanish (Puerto Rico)Spanish (Uruguay)Spanish (Venezuela)French (Luxembourg)Serbian Cyrillic (Yugoslavia)Serbian Latin (Yugoslavia)HindiS-Chinese (GB18030)English(POSIX) KBD ID 103PChinese(BIG5-HKSCS) KBD ID 467 - 101 KeyDanish KBD ID 159French(Dutch Belgium) KBD ID 120Dutch KBD ID 143English(Great Britain) KBD ID 168English(United States) KBD ID 103PSwedish KBD ID 153French(Belgium) KBD ID 120French KBD ID 58French KBD ID 150FFrench KBD ID 120Italian(German Switzerland) KBD ID 150GGerman KBD ID 129Greek KBD ID 319Icelandic KBD ID 197Italian KBD ID 142Korean KBD ID 413Norwegian Nynorsk KBD ID 155Portuguese KBD ID 163Spanish(Bolivia) KBD ID 173Swedish KBD ID 153 - The front side of the '7' key has a '{' on itTurkish KBD ID 179Turkish KBD ID 440 - The top row of letters starts with 'F G'English KBD ID 166 - '*' on the '8' keySwedish KBD ID 153 - No Alt '7' French KBD ID 189 - '_' on the '8' keyItalian KBD ID 293 - No Alt 'Q'Swedish KBD ID 153 - The front side of the '7' key has nothing on itArabic(ISO) KBD ID 253Bulgarian KBD ID 442 - 102 keySpanish(Costa Rica) KBD ID 173Czech KBD ID 243Hebrew(ISO) KBD ID 115 - 101 keyHungarian KBD ID 208Macedonian KBD ID 449Polish KBD ID 214Romanian KBD ID 446Russian KBD ID 443 - 101 keySpanish(Dominican Republic) KBD ID 173Serbian(Latn) KBD ID 234Slovak KBD ID 245Spanish(Ecuador) KBD ID 173Arabic(PC) KBD ID 253Hebrew(PC) KBD ID 115 - 101 keyBulgarian Alternate: The keyboard has 101 keys.Russian KBD ID 443 - 102 keyHebrew(ISO) Alternate: The keyboard has 101 keys.Hebrew(PC) Alternate: The keyboard has 101 keys.Portuguese KBD ID 275Japanese(PC) KBD ID 194 - The 'Caps Lock' is on the bottom row of keyJapanese(EUC) KBD ID 194 - The 'Caps Lock' is on the bottom row of keyEnglish(Simplified EUC) KBD ID 103PSpanish(Guatemala) KBD ID 173English (United States) 122-key keyboard.Korean KBD ID 413 - 101 keyChinese(Traditional) KBD ID 467 - 101 KeySpanish(Honduras) KBD ID 173Polish KBD ID 457Albanian KBD ID 452Estonian KBD ID 454Lithuanian KBD ID 456Latvian KBD ID 455Spanish(Nicaragua) KBD ID 173Spanish(Panama) KBD ID 173Spanish(Paraguay) KBD ID 173Spanish(El Salvador) KBD ID 173Thai KBD ID 191Serbian(Latn Croatian) KBD ID 234Vietnamese KBD ID 461Serbian(Latn Slovene) KBD ID 234Belarusian KBD ID 463Serbian(Latn Yugoslavia) KBD ID 234Ukrainian KBD ID 465Russian KBD ID 443 - 'numero sign' below '1'Serbian(Cyrillic) KBD ID 450 - The upper left key contains backslash and '|'Serbian(Cyrillic) KBD alt - The upper left key contains '|' and 'V'Hebrew KBD ID 212 - 101 keyEnglish(Australia) KBD ID 103PFrench(English Belgium) KBD ID 120English(South Africa) KBD ID 103PItalian(Switzerland) KBD ID 150GArabic(UAE) KBD ID 253Arabic(Bahrain) KBD ID 253Arabic(Egypt) KBD ID 253Arabic(Jordan) KBD ID 253Arabic(Kuwait) KBD ID 253Arabic(Lebanon) KBD ID 253Arabic(Oman) KBD ID 253Arabic(Qatar) KBD ID 253Arabic(Saudi Arabia) KBD ID 253Arabic(Syria) KBD ID 253Arabic(Tunisia) KBD ID 253English KBD ID 445English(Ireland) KBD ID 168India, Nepal KBD ID 468English(New Zealand) KBD ID 103PSpanish KBD ID 173Spanish(Chile) KBD ID 171Spanish(Colombia) KBD ID 171Spanish(Mexico) KBD ID 171Spanish(Peru) KBD ID 171Spanish(Puerto Rico) KBD ID 171Spanish(Uruguay) KBD ID 171Spanish(Venezuela) KBD ID 171Serbian(Yugoslavia) KBD ID 450 - The upper left key contains backslash and '|'Serbian(Yugoslavia) KBD alt - The upper left key contains '|' and 'V'Korean KBD ID 413 - 103 key [ko_KR@103]Japanese(PC) KBD ID 194 - The 'Caps Lock' is above the left shift keyJapanese(EUC) KBD ID 194 - The 'Caps Lock' is above the left shift keyEnglish(GB18030) KBD ID 103PArabic (Algeria)Arabic (Morocco)Arabic (Yemen)English (Hong Kong)English (Philippines)English (Singapore)Spanish (Bolivia)Spanish (Costa Rica)Spanish (Dominican Republic)Spanish (Ecuador)Spanish (Guatemala)Spanish (Honduras)Spanish (Nicaragua)Spanish (Panama)Spanish (Paraguay)Spanish (El Salvador)Spanish (United States)Indonesian (Indonesia)Malay (Malaysia)Simp. Chinese (Hong Kong)Simp. Chinese (Singapore)Arabic(Algeria) KBD ID 253Arabic(Morocco) KBD ID 253Arabic(Yemen) KBD ID 253English(Hong Kong) KBD ID 103PEnglish(Philippines) KBD ID 103PEnglish(Singapore) KBD ID 103PSpanish(Bolivia) KBD ID 171Spanish(Costa Rica) KBD ID 171Spanish(Dominican Republic) KBD ID 171Spanish(Ecuador) KBD ID 171Spanish(Guatemala) KBD ID 171Spanish(Honduras) KBD ID 171Spanish(Nicaragua) KBD ID 171Spanish(Panama) KBD ID 171Spanish(Paraguay) KBD ID 171Spanish(El Salvador) KBD ID 171Spanish(United States) KBD ID 173English(Indonesia) KBD ID 103PEnglish(Malaysia) KBD ID 103PEnglish(Traditional) KBD ID 103PEnglish(big5) KBD ID 103PChinese(big5) KBD ID 467 - 101 KeyTamilTeluguMarathiGujaratiKazakhEstonian (ISO)Lithuanian (ISO)Latvian (ISO)KannadaMalayalamPunjabiBengali (India)AssameseOriyaAzerbaijani-LatinMalteseUrdu (IN)Urdu (PK)Welsh (UK)T-Chinese (BIG5-HKSCS)Tamil KBD ID 474Telugu KBD ID 473Gujarati KBD ID 477Kazakh KBD ID 476Estonian(ISO) KBD ID 454Lithuanian(ISO) KBD ID 456Latvian(ISO) KBD ID 455Kannada KBD ID 483Malayalam KBD ID 479Punjabi KBD ID 484Bengali KBD ID 480Assamese KBD ID 485Oriya KBD ID 482Azerbaijani KBD ID 490Maltese KBD ID 491Urdu KBD ID 492Welsh KBD ID 166WEnglish(BIG5-HKSCS) KBD ID 103PSpanish(Argentina) KBD ID 171French KBD ID 445_501Lithuanian KBD ID 493Afrikaans (South Africa)Amharic (Ethiopia)Arabic (Iraq)Arabic (Libya)Basque (Spain)Filipino-Latin (Philippines)Galician (Spain)Hausa (Nigeria)Armenian (Armenia)Igbo (Nigeria)Georgian (Georgia)Konkani (India)Ganda (Uganda)Norwegian Bokmal (Norway)Nepali (India)Nepali (Nepal)Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway)Oromo (Ethiopia)Kinyarwanda (Rwanda)Sinhala (Sri Lanka)Serbian-Latin (Serbia)Serbian-Cyrillic (Serbia)Swahili (Kenya)Swahili (Tanzania)Yoruba-Latin (Nigeria)Zulu (South Africa)Bengali (Bangladesh)Khmer (Cambodia)Uzbek-Latin (Uzbekistan)Uzbek-Cyrillic (Uzbekistan)French (Senegal)Arabic (Mauritania)English (Cameroon)English (Ghana)English (Kenya)English (Mauritius)English (Nigeria)English (Tanzania)English (Zambia)French (Algeria)French (Cameroon)French (DR Congo)French (Cote dIvoire)French (Mauritania)French (Mauritius)French (Morocco)French (Tunisia)Mongolian Cyrillic (Mongolia)Portuguese (Angola)Portuguese (Mozambique)Japanese KBD ID 194 - The 'Caps Lock' is on the bottom row of keyJapanese KBD ID 194 - The 'Caps Lock' is above the left shift keyBosnian (Bosnia)Burmese (Myanmar)Laos (Lao)Traditional Chinese (Macao)Portuguese (Macao)Serbian (Montenegro)Traditional Chinese (HK) Help for Select Language for Install Select the language in which you want the installation instructions, options, help screens, and messages displayed during the installation process. Help for Installation and Maintenance Type 1 and press Enter to begin installation immediately using the defaults selected by the system. Type 2 and press Enter to go to the Installation and Settings menu. Use this option to view or change the default settings. You can begin the installation from this menu. Type 3 and press Enter to select from a list of maintenance options. Maintenance options are primarily intended for recovery procedures. Help for Network Software Selection Type the number indicating the base operating system you want to install and press enter. Help for Installation and Settings The Installation and Settings screen displays the system default settings for the installation method, installation disk and primary language support, and trusted computing base (TCB). To install using the displayed defaults, press Enter. Type number 1 and press Enter to change the method of installation or the disk where you want to install. Type number 2 and press Enter to change Primary Language Support (AFTER Install). Type number 3 and press Enter to change no to yes or yes to no. When you install the TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are installed. The trusted path protects your system in case a program is masquerading as the program you want to use. The trusted path tries to ensure that the programs you run are trusted programs. Installation time is reduced if you do not install the trusted path. Help for Method of Installation There are three methods of installation: * New and Complete Overwrite - New and complete Overwrite should be used on a new system. This method should only be used on an existing system if none of the data on the existing system needs to be saved. * Preservation Install - The Preservation Install saves the user created logical volumes, the volume groups, and the /home directory. Preservation Install is the recommended method for installing the Base Operating System Version 4 on a 3.1 machine. * Migration Install - Migration Install preserves the user created logical volumes, the volume groups, and the /, /usr, /home, and /var directories. Migration Install is the recommended method for installing the Base Operating System Version 4 on a 3.2 machine. Help for Change Destination Disk(s) The Change Disk(s) Where You Want to Install screen, displays the available system disks and status information. The disk name, the physical slot location (SCSI Address), the size of the disk, the root volume group status is displayed for each available disk. The Bootable column indicates whether the disk is bootable. To select the default disk displayed at the top, press Enter. To view other disk attributes such as physical volume identifier and the device adapter connection location, type 77. To select another disk, type the number indicating the disk where you want to install, and press Enter. Help for Support for Unknown Disk Non-supported Disks are not recognized by the system until additional configuration information is added. Configuration data is supplied on diskette by the manufacturer. Insert the diskette containing the configuration data into device /dev/fd0 and press Enter. Help for Destination Disk You can change the installation destination disk to another disk containing an existing root volume group. The level refers to the version of the Base Operating System installed for the root volume group. The disks in Root VG indicate which disks are used by the root volume group. The location code indicates the slot where the SCSI board for the disk is connected. The size indicates the number of Megabytes of space for the disk. Help for Primary Language Support Type the number that represents the Cultural Convention, Language, and Keyboard you want to use for this system after completion of the installation process. Type the number for creating your own combination and press Enter to make individual selections for the Cultural Convention, Language, and Keyboard. Cultural Convention specifies the date and time representation, monetary symbols, collation, case conversion, character classification, and numeric representation unique to the selected option. Language specifies the language in which system messages are displayed. The Keyboard selection associates the keyboard with a particular keyboard mapping or template. This selection applies to graphics terminals only. After the installation process is complete, you can change primary language support selections and add secondary language support selections. Help for Primary Culture Convention Enter the number that represents the Cultural Convention you want to use on this system after the installation process is complete. Cultural Convention specifies the date and time representation, monetary symbols, collation, case conversion, character classification, and numeric representation unique to the selected option. After the installation process is complete, you can change the Cultural Convention selection. Help for Primary Language Type the number that represents your choice for the language in which system messages will be displayed on this system, after the installation process is complete. After the installation process is complete, you can change the Language selection. Help for Primary Keyboard Type the number indicating the keyboard selection you want to use for this system after the installation process is complete. The keyboard selection associates the keyboard of an graphics terminal with a particular keyboard mapping or template. After the installation process is complete, you can change the keyboard selection. Help for Keyboard Choice Choose 1 if the description next to the number 1 matches your keyboard. Choose 2 if the description next to the number 2 matches your keyboard. Help for System Backup Installation and Settings The System Backup Installation and Settings Screen displays the system default settings for Use Maps Files, and Shrink File Systems. You can change the disk where the backup copy (image) of the root and user volume groups will be installed. The Maps Files are used to indicate the exact physical placement of the root and user volume groups. When you change the installation disk, unless it is the disk used to create the backup copy, or an exact duplicate, the Use Maps option should be set to no. The Shrink File Systems option installs the file systems using the minimum required space. The default setting is yes. To install the backup copy using the default settings, press Enter. To change the installation disk and Maps option, type 1 and press Enter. To change the shrink file systems option, type 2 and press Enter. Help for Use Maps You may choose to use maps for those disks that have them installed. Select choice 1 to use the maps. Select choice 2 to not use the maps. Help for Change Destination Disk(s) The Change Disk(s) Where You Want to Install screen, displays the available system disks and status information. The disk name, the physical slot location (SCSI Address), the size of the disk, the root volume group status is displayed for each available disk. The Bootable column indicates whether the disk is bootable, and the Maps column indicates whether maps files have been established for the root volume group. To select the default disk displayed at the top, press Enter. To view other disk attributes such as physical volume identifier and the combination of device adapter and connection location, type 77. To select another disk, type the number indicating the disk where you want to install, and press Enter. Help for Maintenance Use the maintenance utilities to assist in system recovery procedures. * Access a Root Volume Group - The get root volume group option provides access to an existing root volume group Use this option to boot from tape, CD-ROM, or the network when the system will not boot from disk. You can fix the problem, or back up data before reinstallation. * Copy a System Dump to Removable Media - This option copies a hexidecimal dump of the system to the specified output device (tape or diskette). This file can be used to help determine the cause of the problem. * Access Advanced Maintenance Functions - This option provides a Korn shell and allows you to perform a limited number of tasks. * Install from a System Backup - This option allows you to install the Base Operating System from a backup copy (image) of the root and user volume group of a previously installed system. Help for Rootfs Warning The Access a Root Volume Group command allows you to access an existing root volume group on the current system. This option should be used when the system will not boot from disk. You can boot from tape, CD-ROM, or the network. This allows you to either fix the problem, or back up the data from the root volume group before reinstalling the Base Operating System software. If this option is selected, you must reboot to complete the Base Operating System software installation. Help for Advanced Maintenance Functions Press Enter to open the limited function maintenance shell. After you have entered the appropriate commands, type exit at the command line and press Enter to return to the Base Operating System installation. Help for Choose Tape Drive The system backup contains the boot (startup) files, the Base Operating System, system configuration data, user volume groups and any optional software products that were installed. Insert the media containing the system backup into the appropriate device selected from the list displayed on the screen. Type the number indicating the device containing the backup and press Enter. If the backup consists of more than one volume, you will be prompted when the next volume is required. Help for Copy a System Dump A system dump consists of a hexadecimal dump of the system data as it existed before the system crash. This information can be copied to the output device that you specify. Select an output device from the list displayed on the screen and insert the appropriate media. Type the number indicating the device selected and press Enter. Help for Installation Warning To begin installation using the current settings, type 1 and press Enter. The current settings are initially set by the system. If you want to view or change the settings, go back to the Installation and Maintenance menu and select option 2, Change/Show Installation Settings and Install. Help for Migration Confirmation The Migration Confirmation screen displays information regarding file movement and removal, fileset removal, and potential file system expansion. To continue with the migration installation, press Enter. Type number 1 and press Enter to see which base system configuration files will be stored in /tmp/bos and not automatically merged into the system. Type number 2 and press Enter to see which filesets (installable options) will be removed from the system and will not be replaced with new filesets. Base message filesets in the list may be replaced depending on the language selection. Type number 3 and press Enter to see which directories will have the current contents removed during the migration installation. Type number 4 and press Enter to cancel the migration installation. Place the switch in the service position to reboot from the installation media or place the switch in the normal position to reboot your system. >>> 99 Previous Menu >>> Choice[99]: Help for Error Warning To ignore the error message and begin installation, type 1 and press Enter. If you want to view or change the system settings, go to the Installation and Maintenance menu and select option 2, Change/Show Installation Settings and Install. To reboot in normal mode, turn the key to normal (if necessary) and press reset. Help for Support of Unknown Disk Non-supported Disks are not recognized by the system until additional configuration information is added. Configuration data is supplied on CD by the manufacturer. Insert the device support CD into the CD-ROM drive and press Enter. Help for Migration Confirmation To continue with the migration installation, press Enter. Type number 1 and press Enter to see which base system configuration files will be stored in /tmp/bos and not automatically merged into the system. Type number 2 and press Enter to see which filesets (installable options) will be removed from the system and will not be replaced with new filesets. Base message filesets in the list may be replaced depending on the language selection. Type number 3 and press Enter to see which directories will have the current contents removed during the migration installation. Type number 4 and press Enter to cancel the migration installation. Place the switch in the service position to reboot from the installation media or place the switch in the normal position to reboot your system. Type number 5 and press Enter to view the license agreements for software that will be installed or upgraded for the system. >>> 99 Previous Menu >>> Choice[99]: Help for Select Disk(s) for Manual Partitioning To select a disk(s) for manual partitioning, type the number next to the disk name. To deselect a disk, type the number of the selected disk. Multiple disks may be selected. Press Enter with no disks selected, to have all disks listed auto-partitioned. By default, all space on an auto-partitioned disk will be allocated to the root volume group managed by the logical volume manager with an additional system area allocated on the boot disk. If you would like to reserve space on a disk for other use, select manual partitioning of the disk(s). Help for Advanced Options The Advanced Options screen displays the system default settings for the installation configuration, the choice of installing with Trusted Computing Base, and the choice of installing 64-bit Kernel Support. To install using the defaults, press Enter. Type number 1 and press Enter to change Default to Minimal or Minimal to Default. A default install may require additional volumes of the media. A minimal install will only require volume 1 of the media. All migrations are default installs. Type number 2 and press Enter to change no to yes or yes to no. When you install the TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are installed. The trusted path protects your system in case a program is masquerading as the program you want to use. The trusted path tries to ensure that the programs you run are trusted programs. Installation time is reduced if you do not install the trusted path. Type number 3 and press Enter to change no to yes or yes to no. If you choose yes, the 64-bit kernel support will be installed instead of the 32-bit kernel support. Help for Advanced Options The Advanced Options screen displays the system default settings for the installation configuration and the choice of installing with Trusted Computing Base. To install using the defaults, press Enter. Type number 1 and press Enter to change Default to Minimal or Minimal to Default. A default install may require additional volumes of the media. A minimal install will only require volume 1 of the media. All migrations are default installs. Type number 2 and press Enter to change no to yes or yes to no. When you install the TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are installed. The trusted path protects your system in case a program is masquerading as the program you want to use. The trusted path tries to ensure that the programs you run are trusted programs. Installation time is reduced if you do not install the trusted path. Help for Installation and Settings The Installation and Settings screen displays the system default settings for the installation method, installation disk and primary language support, and offers the choice of setting advanced options. To install using the defaults, press Enter. Type number 1 and press Enter to change the method of installation or the disk where you want to install. Type number 2 and press Enter to change Primary Language Support (AFTER Install). Type number 3 and press Enter to show or change the system default settings for advanced options. Help for Installation and Settings The Installation and Settings screen displays the system default settings for the installation method, installation disk and primary language support, and offers the choice of setting advanced options. To install using the defaults, press Enter. Type number 1 and press Enter to change the method of installation or the disk where you want to install. Type number 2 and press Enter to change Primary Language Support (AFTER Install). Type number 3 and press Enter to change no to yes or yes to no. If you choose yes, 64-bit kernel support will be installed. Help for Advanced Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. Type number 1 and press Enter to switch between possible desktop packages. Choices include CDE (default desktop), KDE, GNOME, or None. Choosing None, results in a minimal install. Type number 2 and press Enter to switch between no (the default) and yes. When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. The trusted path protects your system in case a program is masquerading as the program you want to use. The trusted path tries to ensure that the programs you run are trusted programs. Installation time is reduced if you do not enable the trusted path. Type number 3 and press Enter to switch between no (the default) and yes. If yes is selected, the 64-bit kernel becomes the running kernel. If you are doing an overwrite install, the rootvg file systems will be JFS2 file systems. Help for Advanced Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. Type number 1 and press Enter to switch between possible desktop packages. Choices include CDE (default desktop), KDE, GNOME, or NONE. Choosing NONE, results in a minimal install. Type number 2 and press Enter to switch between no (the default) and yes. When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. The trusted path protects your system in case a program is masquerading as the program you want to use. The trusted path tries to ensure that the programs you run are trusted programs. Installation time is reduced if you do not enable the trusted path. Help for Advanced Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. Type number 1 and press Enter to switch between default and minimal, as the installation package set. The default selection is most similar to a version 4 install, and may require multiple volumes. Type number 2 and press Enter to switch between no (the default) and yes. When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. The trusted path protects your system in case a program is masquerading as the program you want to use. The trusted path tries to ensure that the programs you run are trusted programs. Installation time is reduced if you do not enable the trusted path. Type number 3 and press Enter to switch between no (the default) and yes. If yes is selected, the 64-bit kernel becomes the running kernel. If you are doing an overwrite install, the rootvg file systems will be JFS2 file systems. Help for Advanced Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. Type number 1 and press Enter to switch between Default and Minimal, as the installation package set. The default selection is most similar to a version 4 install, and may require multiple volumes. Type number 2 and press Enter to switch between no (the default) and yes. When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. The trusted path protects your system in case a program is masquerading as the program you want to use. The trusted path tries to ensure that the programs you run are trusted programs. Installation time is reduced if you do not enable the trusted path. Help for Desktop Warning You have requested to install the GNOME or KDE desktop. These desktops are not part of the operating system and require the separate "Toolbox for Linux Applications" media. To continue installing, type 1 and press Enter. If you want to view or change your desktop selection, go back to the Advanced Options menu. Help for Desktop Licensing Information You have requested to install the GNOME or KDE desktop. These desktops are not part of the operating system, and do not have the same licensing characteristics. To continue installing, type 1 and press Enter. If you want to view or change your desktop selection, go back to the Advanced Options menu. Help for Method of Installation There are two methods of installation: * New and Complete Overwrite - New and Complete Overwrite should be used on a new system. This method should only be used on an existing system if the operating system partition can be destroyed, since only existing EFI System Partitions are retained. * Preservation Install - The Preservation Install saves the user created logical volumes, the volume groups, and the /home directory. Help for Devices Not Configured Please install device support from extended hardware drivers CD-ROM to configure devices. Insert an extended hardware drivers CD-ROM and press Enter. Help for Adapter Selection You can select the disk adapter for the installation destination disk. Only disks attached to the system through this adapter will be displayed. The name and location code for the disk adapter are displayed. The location code indicates the slot where the disk adapter is connected. Help for Method of Installation There are three methods of installation: * New and Complete Overwrite - New and complete Overwrite should be used on a new system. This method should only be used on an existing system if none of the data on the existing system needs to be saved. * Preservation Install - The Preservation Install saves the user created logical volumes, the volume groups, and the /home directory. * Migration Install - Migration Install preserves the user created logical volumes, the volume groups, and the /, /usr, /home, and /var directories. Migration Install is the recommended method for installing the Base Operating System on a machine at an earlier level (for example, 4.3 to 5.2). Help for System Backup Installation and Settings The System Backup Installation and Settings Screen displays the system default settings for Use Maps Files, Shrink File Systems, Import User Volume Groups, and Recover Devices. You can change the disk where the backup copy (image) of the root volume groups will be installed. The Maps Files are used to indicate the exact physical placement of the logical volumes. When you change the installation disk, unless it is the disk used to create the backup copy, or an exact duplicate, the Use Maps option should be set to no. The Shrink File Systems option installs the file systems using the minimum required space. The Import User Volume Groups option offers the choice of not having user volume groups imported at the end of the install. The Recover Devices option should be set to no, if the system being installed is different from the system the backup was created on. Unless specifically set in the file, the value will be determined based on CPU IDs. To install the backup copy using the default settings, press Enter. To change any values type the number of the option, and press Enter. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, type 0 press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Desktop choices include CDE, GNOME, KDE, or no desktop (NONE). GNOME and KDE desktops require the Linux Toolbox CD. When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. Graphics and Documentation Services software will be installed if selected. If Enable System Backups to install any system is selected all devices and kernels are installed, so that a system backup can be installed on a different system. To install more software (which may require CD swapping) press Enter. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, type 0 and press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Desktop choices include CDE, GNOME, KDE, or no desktop (NONE). GNOME and KDE desktops require the Linux Toolbox CD. When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. You have the option to not have user volume groups imported after the installation completes. These volume groups can be manually imported at a later time. Graphics and Documentation Services software will be installed if selected. If Enable System Backups to install any system is selected all devices and kernels are installed, so that a system backup can be installed on a different system. To install more software (which may require CD swapping) press Enter. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. You may select to have the CDE, GNOME, KDE, or no desktop (NONE) installed. When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. You have the option to not have user volume groups imported after the installation completes. These volume groups can be manually imported at a later time. If Enable System Backups to install any system is selected all devices and kernels are installed, so that a system backup can be installed on a different system. You have the option to have all Java version 1.1.8 software removed. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, type 0 and press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Desktop choices include CDE, GNOME, KDE, or no desktop (NONE). When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. You have the option to install a Common Criteria Evaluated System system. Software and network access is restricted as well as other controls. Restrictions for Common Criteria include desktop (CDE or NONE), TCB (yes), 64-bit kernel (yes) and JFS2 (yes). You may optionally select to have only the 64-bit kernel enabled, or have it enabled and have JFS2 filesystems. Graphics and Documentation Services software will be installed if selected. If Enable System Backups to install any system is selected all devices and kernels are installed, so that a system backup can be installed on a different system. To install more software (which may require CD swapping) press Enter. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, type 0 and press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Desktop choices include CDE, GNOME, KDE, or no desktop (NONE). GNOME and KDE desktops require the Linux Toolbox CD. When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. You have the option to not have user volume groups imported after the installation completes. These volume groups can be manually imported at a later time. You may optionally select to have only the 64-bit kernel enabled, or have it enabled and have JFS2 filesystems. Graphics and Documentation Services software will be installed if selected. If Enable System Backups to install any system is selected all devices and kernels are installed, so that a system backup can be installed on a different system. To install more software (which may require CD swapping) press Enter. Help for Migration Confirmation The Migration Confirmation screen displays information regarding file movement and removal, fileset removal, and potential file system expansion. To continue with the migration installation, press Enter. Type number 1 and press Enter to see which base system configuration files will be stored in /tmp/bos and not automatically merged into the system. Type number 2 and press Enter to see which filesets (installable options) will be removed from the system and will not be replaced with new filesets. Base message filesets in the list may be replaced depending on the language selection. Type number 3 and press Enter to see which directories will have the current contents removed during the migration installation. Type number 4 and press Enter to cancel the migration installation. >>> 99 Previous Menu >>> Choice[99]: Help for Error Warning To ignore the error message and begin installation, type 1 and press Enter to view or change the installation settings, and begin the install. To reboot, press reset. Help for Installation and Maintenance Type 1 and press Enter to view the default settings and begin the install. Type 2 and press Enter to go to the Installation and Settings menu. Use this option to view or change the default settings. You can begin the installation from this menu or continue to view or change more options. Type 3 and press Enter to select from a list of maintenance options. Maintenance options are primarily intended for recovery procedures. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. The trusted path protects your system in case a program is masquerading as the program you want to use. The trusted path tries to ensure that the programs you run are trusted programs. You have the option to not have user volume groups imported after the installation completes. These volume groups can be manually imported at a later time. If Enable System Backups to install any system is selected all devices and kernels are installed, so that a system backup can be installed on a different system. You have the option to have all Java version 1.1.8 software removed. Help for Installation and Settings The Installation and Settings screen displays the system default settings for the installation method, installation disk and primary language support, and offers the choice of setting more options. To install using the defaults, press Enter. Type number 1 and press Enter to change the method of installation or the disk where you want to install. Type number 2 and press Enter to change Primary Language Support (AFTER Install). Type number 3 and press Enter to show or change the system default settings for more options. Help for Desktop Warning You have requested to install the GNOME or KDE desktop. These desktops are not part of the operating system and require the separate "Toolbox for Linux Applications" media. To continue installing, type 1 and press Enter. If you want to view or change your desktop selection, go back to the More Options menu. Help for Desktop Licensing Information You have requested to install the GNOME or KDE desktop. These desktops are not part of the operating system, and do not have the same licensing characteristics. To continue installing, type 1 and press Enter. If you want to view or change your desktop selection, go back to the More Options menu. Help for Install More Software To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Listed are groups of software packages. The installation media or volume of the base installation media required is in parenthesis, next to the software name. You will be prompted to enter this media in order to install this software. To list the contents of these software groups, type the option to list the software to be installed. Help for Install More Software To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Listed are groups of software packages. The installation media or volume of the base installation media required is in parenthesis, next to the software name. You will be prompted to enter this media in order to install this software. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, type 0 and press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Desktop choices include CDE, GNOME, KDE, or no desktop (NONE). When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. You may optionally select to have only the 64-bit kernel enabled, or have it enabled and have JFS2 filesystems. Graphics and Documentation Services software will be installed if selected. If Enable System Backups to install any system is selected all devices and kernels are installed, so that a system backup can be installed on a different system. To install more software (which may require CD swapping) press Enter. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. You have the option to not have user volume groups imported after the installation completes. These volume groups can be manually imported at a later time. You have the option to have the 64-bit kernel be enabled after the system installation completes. If Enable System Backups to install any system is selected all devices and kernels are installed, so that a system backup can be installed on a different system. You have the option to have all Java version 1.1.8 software removed. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. You have the option to not have user volume groups imported after the installation completes. These volume groups can be manually imported at a later time. You have the option to have the 64-bit kernel be enabled after the system installation completes. If Enable System Backups to install any system is selected all devices and kernels are installed, so that a system backup can be installed on a different system. You have the option to have all Java version 1.1.8 software removed. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, type 0 and press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Desktop choices include CDE or no desktop (NONE). When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. You have the option to install a Common Criteria Evaluated System system. Software and network access is restricted as well as other controls. Restrictions for Common Criteria include desktop (CDE or NONE), TCB (yes), 64-bit kernel (yes) and JFS2 (yes). You may optionally select to have only the 64-bit kernel enabled, or have it enabled and have JFS2 filesystems. Graphics and Documentation Services software will be installed if selected. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, type 0 and press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Desktop choices include CDE or no desktop (NONE). When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. You have the option to install a Common Criteria Evaluated System system. Software and network access is restricted as well as other controls. Restrictions for Common Criteria include desktop (CDE or NONE), TCB (yes), 64-bit kernel (yes) and JFS2 (yes). You may optionally select to have only the 64-bit kernel enabled, or have it enabled and have JFS2 filesystems. Graphics software will be installed if selected. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, type 0 and press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Desktop choices include CDE, GNOME, KDE, or no desktop (NONE). When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. If you enable Controlled Access Protection Profile (CAPP) and Evaluation Assurance Level 4+ (EAL4+), then there will be other restrictions on choices, such as: Desktop (CDE or NONE), TCB (yes), 64-bit kernel (yes), JFS2 (yes), Installs all devices and kernels (no), and install more software options (no). You may optionally select to have only the 64-bit kernel enabled, or have it enabled and have JFS2 filesystems. Graphics and Documentation Services software will be installed if selected. To install more software (which may require CD swapping) press Enter. Help for Disk Selection Information The selected disk or disks are not bootable and this could prevent the system from booting after installed. You should go back and select bootable disks. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, type 0 press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Desktop choices include CDE, GNOME, KDE, or no desktop (NONE). GNOME and KDE desktops require the "Toolbox for Linux Applications" media. This desktop presents the first login screen after install and reboot. When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. Graphics and Documentation Services software will be installed if selected. If Enable System Backups to install any system is selected all devices and kernels are installed, so that a system backup can be installed on a different system. To install more software (which may require CD swapping) press Enter. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, type 0 and press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Desktop choices include CDE, GNOME, KDE, or no desktop (NONE). GNOME and KDE desktops require the "Toolbox for Linux Applications" media. This desktop presents the first login screen after install and reboot. When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. You have the option to not have user volume groups imported after the installation completes. These volume groups can be manually imported at a later time. Graphics and Documentation Services software will be installed if selected. If Enable System Backups to install any system is selected all devices and kernels are installed, so that a system backup can be installed on a different system. To install more software (which may require CD swapping) press Enter. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. When you enable TCB, the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. You have the option to not have user volume groups imported after the installation completes. These volume groups can be manually imported at a later time. If Enable System Backups to install any system is selected all devices and kernels are installed, so that a system backup can be installed on a different system. You have the option to have all Java version 1.1.8 software removed. Help for Mozilla Information You have requested to install the Mozilla web browser. This browser requires GNOME libraries that are not part of the operating system and require the separate "Toolbox for Linux Applications" media. To continue installing, type 1 and press Enter. If you want to view or change your selection, go back to the More Software menu. Help for GNOME Licensing information You have requested to install the Mozilla web browser. This browser requires GNOME libraries that are not part of the operating system and do not have the same licensing characteristics. To continue installing, type 1 and press Enter. If you want to view or change your selection, go back to the More Software menu. Help for Installation Summary To begin installation using the current settings, type 1 and press Enter. If you want to view or change the settings, go back to the Installation and Maintenance menu and select option 2, Change/Show Installation Settings and Install. Help for Erasing Disks The Erasure Options for Disks screen, allows the disk to be overwritten with the selected patterns erasing the previous data on the whole drive except for the partition table. This can be a very time consuming process considering every byte on the disk will be overwritten as many times as has been specified. To select the number of patterns that are written to the disk type 1 repeatedly to move through the possible choices. To select the pattern to write to the disk, type the number indicating the pattern number to change. It will also move through the possible choices for each time you select that specific pattern number. Each pattern is the hexadecimal pattern that will be written to the disk. Help for Change Disks to Erase The Select Disk(s) That You Want to Erase screen, displays the available system disks and status information. The disk name, the physical slot location (SCSI Address), the size of the disk, the root volume group status is displayed for each available disk. The Bootable column indicates whether the disk is bootable. To select the default disk displayed at the top, press Enter. To view other disk attributes such as physical volume identifier and the device adapter connection location, type 77. To select another disk, type the number indicating the disk where you want to erase, and press Enter. Erasure of IDE drives is not supported. Help for Disk Selection Information The total size of a selected disk for rootvg is over 1TB (1048576 MB) and the running kernel (kernel used for booting) is not the 64-bit kernel which is required to support this size of disk." Help for Security Model Choices ATTENTION: Evaluate your needs for any Security choices before making your choice. Additional information is available in your security documentation. Type number 1 and press Enter to change the selection for Trusted AIX. Trusted AIX includes JFS2 file systems. Only additional install options appropriate for Trusted AIX will be offered for More Options. Type number 2 and press Enter to continue to other security options. For Trusted AIX the choice will be for LSPP/EAL4+ configuration. For standard AIX the choices will be for Secure by Default, CAPP/EAL4+, and Trusted Computing Base. ATTENTION: Once a security model/option is installed, you will not be able to go back to a regular AIX environment without doing an overwrite install. "" Help for Security Options ATTENTION: Evaluate your needs for any Security choices before making your choice. Additional information is available in your security documentation. Type the number of your selection and press Enter to change. Then press Enter to continue to more software options available based on the previous selections made. For a Trusted AIX install, your only choice will be LSPP/EAL4+ configuration, which adds further restrictions. Trusted AIX installs the MLS version of the Operating System which enables Label based security functionality, including: 1) Labeled objects 2) Labeled Printers 3) Trusted Network ATTENTION: Once a security model/option is installed, you will not be able to go back to a regular AIX environment without doing an overwrite install. "" Help for Security Options ATTENTION: Evaluate your needs for any Security choices before making your choice. Additional information is available in your security documentation. Type the number of your selection and press Enter to change. Then press Enter to continue to more software options available based on the previous selections made. Secure by Default is a minimal install with high security settings applied. CAPP/EAL4+ install is a minimal install which controls access to the system. Trusted Computing Base adds the trusted path, and enables the trusted shell and system integrity checking. ATTENTION: Once a security model/option is installed, you will not be able to go back to a regular AIX environment without doing an overwrite install. "" Help for Installation and Settings The Installation and Settings screen displays the system default settings for the installation method, installation disk, primary language support, security models, and offers the choice of setting more options. To install using the defaults, press Enter. Type number 1 and press Enter to change the method of installation or the disk where you want to install. Type number 2 and press Enter to change Primary Language Support (AFTER Install). Type number 3 and press Enter to change Security Models (Trusted AIX, SbD, CAPP/EAL4+, or TCB). Type number 4 and press Enter to show or change the system default settings for more options."" Help for More Options To install using the defaults, type 0 and press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Desktop choices include CDE, GNOME, KDE, or no desktop (NONE), and this choice is only displayed when a graphical console is used for the install. When Graphics Software is yes, X11, WebSM, Java, and other software dependent on these packages will be installed. You may optionally select to have JFS file systems, instead of JFS2 file systems. Enabling system backups to install on other systems will install all devices. Otherwise only device drivers necessary to your system hardware configuration will be installed. To install more software (which may require CD swapping) press Enter."" Help for More Options To install using the defaults, type 0 and press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Desktop choices include CDE, GNOME, KDE, or no desktop (NONE), and this choice is only displayed when a graphical console is used for the install. When Graphics Software is yes, X11, WebSM, Java, and other software dependent on these packages will be installed. You may optionally select to have JFS file systems, instead of JFS2 file systems. Enabling system backups to install on other systems will install all devices. Otherwise only device drivers necessary to your system hardware configuration will be installed. You may optionally select to not have user-created volume groups imported. To install more software (which may require CD swapping) press Enter."" Help for More Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Enabling system backups to install on other systems will install all devices. Otherwise only device drivers necessary to your system hardware configuration will be installed. You may optionally select to not have user-created volume groups imported. You may optionally select to have Java Version 1.1.8 software removed from your system during the migration, if present."" Help for More Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. You may select to have system management software for Trusted AIX installed, which includes Java. Enabling system backups to install on other systems will install all devices. Otherwise only device drivers necessary to your system hardware configuration will be installed."" Help for More Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. You may select to have system management software for Trusted AIX installed, which includes Java. Enabling system backups to install on other systems will install all devices. Otherwise only device drivers necessary to your system hardware configuration will be installed. You may optionally select to not have user-created volume groups imported."" Help for More Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. You may select to have system management software for Secure by Default installed, which includes Java and WebSM applications. You may optionally select to have JFS file systems, instead of JFS2 file systems."" Help for More Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. You may select to have graphics software for CAPP/EAL4+ configuration installed, which includes X11 software. Your desktop choices are CDE or no desktop (NONE)."" Help for Security Options ATTENTION: Evaluate your needs for any Security choices before making your choice. Additional information is available in security documentation. Type the number of your selection and press Enter to change. Then press Enter to continue to more software options available based on the previous selections made. Trusted Computing Base(TCB) adds the trusted path, the trusted shell, and system integrity checking are enabled. Because a Preservation install was selected, TCB is the only available option. ATTENTION: Once a security model/option is selected, you will not be able to go back to a regular AIX environment without doing an overwrite or preservation install. "" Help for Security Model Choices Security models and options may not be changed during migration installs." Help for Firefox Information You have requested to install the Mozilla Firefox web browser. This browser requires GNOME libraries that are also available on the same CD media. To continue installing, type 1 and press Enter. If you want to view or change your selection, go back to the More Software menu. Help for GNOME Licensing information You have requested to install the Mozilla Firefox web browser. This browser requires GNOME libraries that are not part of the operating system and do not have the same licensing characteristics. To continue installing, type 1 and press Enter. If you want to view or change your selection, go back to the More Software menu. " Help for More Options To install using the defaults, type 0 and press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Desktop choices include CDE, GNOME, KDE, or no desktop (NONE), and this choice is only displayed when a graphical console is used for the install. When Graphics Software is yes, X11, WebSM, Java, and other software dependent on these packages will be installed. System Management client software includes WebSM, Java, service agent, lwi and pconsole. You may optionally select to have JFS file systems, instead of JFS2 file systems. Enabling system backups to install on other systems will install all devices. Otherwise only device drivers necessary to your system hardware configuration will be installed. To install more software (which may require CD swapping) press Enter."" Help for More Options To install using the defaults, type 0 and press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Desktop choices include CDE, GNOME, KDE, or no desktop (NONE), and this choice is only displayed when a graphical console is used for the install. System Management client software includes WebSM, Java, service agent, lwi and pconsole. When Graphics Software is yes, X11, WebSM, Java, and other software dependent on these packages will be installed. You may optionally select to have JFS file systems, instead of JFS2 file systems. Enabling system backups to install on other systems will install all devices. You may optionally select to not have user-created volume groups imported. To install more software (which may require CD swapping) press Enter." Help for Installation and Settings The Installation and Settings screen displays the system default settings for the installation method, installation disk, primary language support, security models, edition (warranted installs only), and offers the choice of setting more options. To install using the defaults, press Enter. Type number 1 and press Enter to change the method of installation or the disk where you want to install. Type number 2 and press Enter to change Primary Language Support (AFTER Install). Type number 3 and press Enter to change Security Models (Trusted AIX, SbD, CAPP/EAL4+, or TCB). Type number 4 and press Enter to show or change the system default settings for more options. Type number 5 to cycle through the editions for licensing compliance. Help for System Backup Installation and Settings The System Backup Installation and Settings Screen displays the system default settings for Use Maps Files, Shrink File Systems, Import User Volume Groups, and Recover Devices. You can change the disk where the backup copy (image) of the root volume groups will be installed. The Maps Files are used to indicate the exact physical placement of the logical volumes. When you change the installation disk, unless it is the disk used to create the backup copy, or an exact duplicate, the Use Maps option should be set to no. The Shrink File Systems option installs the file systems using the minimum required space. The Import User Volume Groups option offers the choice of not having user volume groups imported at the end of the install. The Recover Devices option should be set to no, if the system being installed is different from the system the backup was created on. Unless specifically set in the file, the value will be determined based on CPU IDs. Editions can be set for licensing compliance. To install the backup copy using the default settings, press Enter. To change any values type the number of the option, and press Enter. Help for Installation and Settings The Installation and Settings screen displays the system default settings for the installation method, installation disk, primary language support, security models, edition (warranted installs only), and offers the choice of setting more options. To install using the defaults, press Enter. Type number 1 and press Enter to change the method of installation or the disk where you want to install. Type number 2 and press Enter to change Primary Language Support (AFTER Install). Type number 3 and press Enter to change Security Models (Trusted AIX, SbD, BAS/EAL4+, or TCB). Type number 4 and press Enter to show or change the system default settings for more options. Type number 5 to cycle through the editions for licensing compliance." Help for Security Model Choices ATTENTION: Evaluate your needs for any Security choices before making your choice. Additional information is available in your security documentation. Type number 1 and press Enter to change the selection for Trusted AIX. Trusted AIX includes JFS2 file systems. Only additional install options appropriate for Trusted AIX will be offered for More Options. Type number 2 and press Enter to continue to other security options. For Trusted AIX the choice will be for LAS/EAL4+ configuration. For standard AIX the choices will be for Secure by Default, BAS/EAL4+, and Trusted Computing Base. ATTENTION: Once a security model/option is installed, you will not be able to go back to a regular AIX environment without doing an overwrite install. "" Help for Security Options ATTENTION: Evaluate your needs for any Security choices before making your choice. Additional information is available in your security documentation. Type the number of your selection and press Enter to change. Then press Enter to continue to more software options available based on the previous selections made. For a Trusted AIX install, your only choice will be LAS/EAL4+ configuration, which adds further restrictions. Trusted AIX installs the MLS version of the Operating System which enables Label based security functionality, including: 1) Labeled objects 2) Labeled Printers 3) Trusted Network ATTENTION: Once a security model/option is installed, you will not be able to go back to a regular AIX environment without doing an overwrite install. "" Help for Security Options ATTENTION: Evaluate your needs for any Security choices before making your choice. Additional information is available in your security documentation. Type the number of your selection and press Enter to change. Then press Enter to continue to more software options available based on the previous selections made. Secure by Default is a minimal install with high security settings applied. BAS/EAL4+ install is a minimal install which controls access to the system. Trusted Computing Base adds the trusted path, and enables the trusted shell and system integrity checking. ATTENTION: Once a security model/option is installed, you will not be able to go back to a regular AIX environment without doing an overwrite install. "" Help for More Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. You may select to have graphics software for BAS/EAL4+ configuration installed, which includes X11 software. Your desktop choices are CDE or no desktop (NONE)." Help for Destination Disk You can change the installation destination disk to another disk containing an existing root volume group. The level refers to the version of the Base Operating System installed for the root volume group. The disks in Root VG indicate which disks are used by the root volume group. The location code indicates the slot where the SCSI board for the disk is connected. The size indicates the number of Megabytes of space for the disk. To view more disk information such as physical volume identifier and the device adapter connection location or physical location code, type 77. To change the destination disk, type the number indicating the disk you wish to select. Help for Installation and Maintenance Type 1 and press Enter to view the default settings and begin the install. Type 2 and press Enter to go to the Installation and Settings menu. Use this option to view or change the default settings. You can begin the installation from this menu or continue to view or change more options. Type 3 and press Enter to select from a list of maintenance options. Maintenance options are primarily intended for recovery procedures. Type 4 and press Enter to configure iSCSI disks or remove disk reservations. Type 5 and press Enter to have the disk selection menu only show disks on a selected adapter. Help for Make Additional Disks Available Type number 1 and press Enter to configure iSCSI disks. Type number 2 and press Enter to query or remove a disk reservation. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Enabling system backups to install on other systems will install all devices. Otherwise only device drivers necessary to your system hardware configuration will be installed. You may optionally select to not have user-created volume groups imported. All Java Version 5 software will be removed from your system during migration, unless the option is changed to no. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, type 0 and press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Desktop choices include CDE, GNOME, KDE, or no desktop (NONE), and this choice is only displayed when a graphical console is used for the install. When Graphics Software is yes, X11, Java, and other software dependent on these packages will be installed. System Management client software includes Java, LiveUpdate, cluster aware software, and more. OpenSSH client or OpenSSH server (server includes client software) can be added to your system install. Enabling system backups to install on other systems will install all devices. Otherwise only device drivers necessary to your system hardware configuration will be installed. To install more software (which may require CD swapping) press Enter. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, type 0 and press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. Desktop choices include CDE, GNOME, KDE, or no desktop (NONE), and this choice is only displayed when a graphical console is used for the install. System Management client software includes Java, Live Update, cluster aware software, and more. When Graphics Software is yes, X11, Java, and other software dependent on these packages will be installed. OpenSSH client or OpenSSH server (server includes client software) can be added to your system install. Enabling system backups to install on other systems will install all devices. You may optionally select to not have user-created volume groups imported. To install more software (which may require CD swapping) press Enter. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. You may select to have system management software for Secure by Default installed, which includes Java. OpenSSH client or OpenSSH server (server includes client software) can be added to your system install. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. You may select to have graphics software for BAS/EAL4+ configuration installed, which includes X11 software. Your desktop choices are CDE or no desktop (NONE). OpenSSH client or OpenSSH server (server includes client software) can be added to your system install. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. You may select to have system management software for Trusted AIX installed, which includes Java. OpenSSH client or OpenSSH server (server includes client software) can be added to your system install. Enabling system backups to install on other systems will install all devices. Otherwise only device drivers necessary to your system hardware configuration will be installed. Help for More Options To install using the defaults, press Enter. To change a value, type the number of the option and press Enter. You may select to have system management software for Trusted AIX installed, which includes Java. OpenSSH client or OpenSSH server (server includes client software) can be added to your system install. Enabling system backups to install on other systems will install all devices. Otherwise only device drivers necessary to your system hardware configuration will be installed. You may optionally select to not have user-created volume groups imported. Help for Installation and Settings The Installation and Settings screen displays the system default settings for the installation method, installation disk, primary language support, security models, edition (warranted installs only), and offers the choice of setting more options. To install using the defaults, press Enter. Type number 1 and press Enter to change the method of installation or the disk where you want to install. Type number 2 and press Enter to change Primary Language Support (AFTER Install). Type number 3 and press Enter to change Security Models (Trusted AIX, SbD, or BAS/EAL4+). Type number 4 and press Enter to show or change the system default settings for more options. Type number 5 to cycle through the editions for licensing compliance. Help for Security Model Choices ATTENTION: Evaluate your needs for any Security choices before making your choice. Additional information is available in your security documentation. Type number 1 and press Enter to change the selection for Trusted AIX. Only additional install options appropriate for Trusted AIX will be offered for More Options. Type number 2 and press Enter to continue to other security options. For Trusted AIX the choice will be for LAS/EAL4+ configuration. For standard AIX the choices will be for Secure by Default or BAS/EAL4+. ATTENTION: Once a security model/option is installed, you will not be able to go back to a regular AIX environment without doing an overwrite install. Help for Security Options Choices Security options may not be changed during preservation installs when Trusted AIX is set to no. Help for Security Options ATTENTION: Evaluate your needs for any Security choices before making your choice. Additional information is available in your security documentation. Type the number of your selection and press Enter to change. Then press Enter to continue to more software options available based on the previous selections made. Secure by Default is a minimal install with high security settings applied. BAS/EAL4+ install is a minimal install which controls access to the system. ATTENTION: Once a security model/option is installed, you will not be able to go back to a regular AIX environment without doing an overwrite install. Help for Security Model Choices ATTENTION: Evaluate your needs for any Security choices before making your choice. Additional information is available in your security or install documentation. Type number 1 and press Enter to change the selection for Trusted AIX. Only additional install options appropriate for Trusted AIX will be offered for More Options. Type number 2 and press Enter to change the selection for Signature Policy. This change does not effect the operating system install, and can be changed with the chsignpolicy command. Type number 3 and press Enter to continue to other security options. For Trusted AIX the choice will be for LAS/EAL4+ configuration. For standard AIX the choices will be for Secure by Default or BAS/EAL4+. ATTENTION: For choices 1 and 3, you will not be able to change the AIX environment without doing an overwrite install. The file specified doing a migration install, but there is no existing root volume group of level 3.2 or greater. The file specified doing either a migration or a preservation install, but there is no existing root volume group. The file contains no vg_data stanza for rootvg. The installation cannot continue. Missing image.template file. The network install server is not set up correctly. Missing file. The tape does not contain a valid install image. Missing file. The CDROM does not contain a valid install image. has invalid logical volume data. Can not continue. has invalid file system data. Can not continue. The data file indicated that a mksysb install be done from a SPOT. This is an illegal operation. There are no disks on this system which can be booted. You chose to install only onto disks which are not contained in a volume group, but there are not enough of those disks to contain the mksysb image. You chose to install only onto disks which are not contained in a volume group, but there are none which can be booted. The data file did not specify enough disk space to contain the operating system. The data file indicated that all logical volumes should be created exactly as they were before, but the disks are not the same as they were on the source system. The shrink and exact fit operations can not be specified together in the same install. An invalid disk (%s) was specified in the location field of the data file.A disk of size %s was specified in the file, but there is not a disk of at least that size on the system.The size field %s is not numeric.A disk of name %s was not found.Disks specified in do not define a root volume group. The file does not specify any bootable disks. The file indicated that you do not want to overwrite an existing system, but disks selected in the file specify disks which contain data. Invalid install method %s specified in the file. Invalid startup flag %s specified in the file.Invalid flag (%s) specified in the file regarding the installation of X11.Invalid BOS install language (%s) specified in the file.Invalid cultural convention (%s) specified in the file.Invalid message catalogs (%s) specified in the file.Invalid keyboard map (%s) specified in the file.Encountered an unrecoverable error. Not enough disk space selected to contain the operating system. Duplicate lv_data stanzas specified in the file. The installation cannot continue because data may be lost. Duplicate fs_data stanzas specified in the file. The installation cannot continue because data may be lost. Duplicate target_disk_data stanzas specified in the file. The following disks failed the preliminary diagnostic tests: %s.Over mounting /. Initializing disk environment. Copying Cu* to disk. Merging. Installing additional software. Initializing trusted computing base. Initializing dump device. Importing other volume groups. Network installation manager customization. Creating boot image. Preparing target disks. Making paging logical volumes. Making boot logical volume. Making logical volumes. Forming the jfs log. Making file systems. Mounting file systems. Importing root volume group. Replaying the log. Preserving old data. Copying old files. Creating logical volumes. Mounting logical volumes. Restoring base operating system Support for Disks not known to Base Operating System Installation Device Support must be supplied for disks not known to Base Operating System Installation. Insert the diskette containing the device support into the diskette drive /dev/fd0, and press Enter. The total space needed to contain the configuration files is %s 1024-byte blocks. The total /tmp space plus the total space not already allocated is %s 1024-byte blocks. The migration cannot continue. To reboot the system, turn the key to the NORMAL position and press Enter. To reboot from other media in order to select another install method, turn the key to the SERVICE position and press Enter: Migration Confirmation Either type 0 and press Enter to continue the installation, or type the number of your choice and press Enter. 1 List the saved Base System configuration files which will not be merged into the system. These files are saved in /tmp/bos. 2 List the filesets which will be removed and not replaced. 3 List directories which will have all current contents removed. 4 Reboot without migrating. >>> 0 Continue with the migration. 88 Help ? +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Selected files, directories, and filesets (installable options) from the Base System will be removed. Choose 2 or 3 for more information. %s >>> Choice[0]: WARNING: /tmp is currently %s 1024-byte blocks and will be increased to\n %s 1024-byte blocks.End of list. Press Enter Migration could not be completed because /tmp could not be extended. Reboot by turning the switch to normal and pressing Enter. Some ILS packages did not install. See /var/adm/ras/devinst.log for detailsAn error occurred while installing packages. Some packages have not been installed. Please see /var/adm/ras/devinst.log for details or perform an overwrite or preservation install.The migration cannot continue. To reboot the system, turn the key to the NORMAL position and press Enter. To reboot from other media and select another install method, turn the key to the SERVICE position and press Enter: Cannot restore the lpp_name file from CDROM. Cannot restore the lpp_name file from tape. Cannot restore the lpp_name file from the network. Migration installations from the network are only supported when the BOS runtime files are in a SPOT or part of an lpp_source resource. You attempted a migration install from an unsupported device. The BOS pre-installation procedure detected an internal processing error (%s). Cannot expand the %s filesystem. An additional %s 512-byte blocks are required. The following directories conflicted with BOS installation files and had to be renamed: The following directories conflicted with BOS installation files and had to be removed: THIS OPERATING SYSTEM PRODUCT IS NOT SUPPORTED ON THIS HARDWARE CONFIGURATION. Contact your Product or Service Representative and report the model code shown below to assist in obtaining the correct operating system product for this hardware configuration. MODEL CODE: %s *** SYSTEM HALTED *** WARNING: Trusted Computing Base is disabled on this system and cannot be enabled by migration installation.The previous boot image could not be recovered. Reboot the system in maintenance mode and use the bosboot command to restore the boot image. Recovering previous boot image...Turbo Installing. Checking file systems. Installing root file systems. Select 1 or 2 to install from tape device %s %s%% of mksysb data restored. WARNING: The operating system level on the mksysb tape does not match the level used to boot the system. Please remove the mksysb tape from the tape drive, insert the product tape, and press the ENTER key.%s%% of SPOT data copied. WARNING: An unknown failure occurred while attempting to increase the paging space to the default size. Check that the resultant paging space is acceptable after the installation has completed. The platform-specific data files for this platform could not be found. The data file indicated that a migration install be done from a SPOT. This is an illegal operation. There are no disks available on this system. The following disks did not configure properly: %s.System reconfiguration in progress. Please wait. Please insert the product tape and press the ENTER key. The migration installation process was unable to install the newer versions of some software due to insufficient or unavailable resources. Use "%s" to complete the migration. C2 security cannot be specified for a migration install. Systems installed with C2 security cannot be migrated. Disable C2 security or specify overwrite or preservation install. Invalid TCB value. C2 requires C2 installation media. You chose to install only onto disks in the existing root volume group and onto disks not in any volume group. There are not enough of those disks to contain the mksysb image. Please remove the mksysb media from the drive, insert the product media, and press the ENTER key.Please insert the product media and press the ENTER key. Please remove volume %s, insert volume %s, and press the ENTER key. Support for Disks not known to Base Operating System Installation Device Support must be supplied for disks not known to Base Operating System Installation. Insert the device support CD into the CD-ROM drive and press Enter. Migration Confirmation Either type 0 and press Enter to continue the installation, or type the number of your choice and press Enter. 1 List the saved Base System configuration files which will not be merged into the system. These files are saved in /tmp/bos. 2 List the filesets which will be removed and not replaced. 3 List directories which will have all current contents removed. 4 Reboot without migrating. Acceptance of license agreements is required before using system. You will be prompted to accept after the system reboots. >>> 0 Continue with the migration. 88 Help ? +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Selected files, directories, and filesets (installable options) from the Base System will be removed. Choose 2 or 3 for more information. %s >>> Choice[0]: Forming the jfs2 log. Please remove the operating system media from the drive, insert the "Toolbox for Linux Applications" media into the drive, and press Enter to continue or enter "q" to quit. Warning The Base Operating System now contains electronic license agreements that must be accepted before the system is usable. At the next screen, Migration Confirmation, you may select option 5 to view the license agreements before continuing the migration. If you do not wish to continue the migration, please select option 4, to reboot without migrating. After the first reboot, following the completion of your migration, you will be prompted to view and accept license agreements for the base operating system. The menu will return on each reboot until the licenses are accepted. Press Enter to continue. This freeware package ("Freeware Package") has been prepared for installation using the RPM Package Manager. The Freeware Package is not warranted or supported by %1$s and is made available under the terms of the license that is included in the Freeware Package. For more information about the license terms and source availability of the Freeware Package, see %2$s. The Freeware Package is provided "AS IS." TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, %1$s DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, NONINTERFERENCE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE REGARDING THE FREEWARE PACKAGE OR TECHNICAL SUPPORT, IF ANY. This exclusion applies to any %1$s subcontractors, suppliers, or program developers ("Suppliers"). NEITHER %1$s NOR ITS SUPPLIERS ARE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR OTHER ECONOMIC CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF %1$s IS INFORMED OF THEIR POSSIBILITY. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. The file specified doing a migration install, but there is no existing root volume group at an earlier level. DESKTOP can only be NONE or CDE, if installing a Common Criteria Evaluated System. Common Criteria Evaluated System installs can only be overwrite installs. The installation media does not identify the software vendor. The install cannot continue. If you are installing from NIM, copy the /installp/ppc/bos.vendor.profile from your install media to the installp/ppc directory in your NIM lpp_source and retry the install. The NIM turbo dd image %s is missing. The NIM turbo backup image %s is missing. The NIM turbo image filesystems file is missing. The NIM turbo image directory is missing. The total space needed to contain the configuration files is %s 1024-byte blocks. The total /tmp space plus the total space not already allocated is %s 1024-byte blocks. The migration cannot continue. To reboot the system, press Enter.Migration could not be completed because /tmp could not be extended. Reboot by pressing Enter. The migration cannot continue. To reboot the system, press Enter: Common Criteria Evaluated System installs must be English or C. Common Criteria Evaluated System installs must be 64-bit enabled and have JFS2 file systems. Common Criteria Evaluated System installation can not occur on a LPAR system. The creation of JFS2 file systems requires that the 64-bit kernel be enabled. Some locale or message software did not install. See /var/adm/ras/devinst.log for detailsSome locale or message software did not install. See /var/adm/ras/devinst.log for details. No customized data CD/DVD was found. Please insert the product media or system backup CD/DVD, and press the Enter key. ATTENTION: The operating system level on the mksysb does not match the level used to boot the system. There are no bootable disks selected. Executing command %s. Please wait ... Please remove the product media disk and insert the mksysb volume, %s. Press the ENTER key to continue. Please remove the mksysb disk and insert the product media disk. Missing /etc/filesystems file. The tape does not contain the file. The size of a disk is too large for the running kernel. Could not determine kernel type. Could not determine the largest disk size. CAPP/EAL4+ installs can only be overwrite installs. DESKTOP can only be NONE or CDE, if installing a CAPP/EAL4+ system. CAPP/EAL4+ installs must be 64-bit enabled and have JFS2 file systems. CAPP/EAL4+ installs must be English or C. Trusted AIX and TCB can not both be yes. Trusted AIX and CAPP/EAL4+ can not both be selected. Trusted AIX and SbD can not both be yes. Trusted AIX is not supported for migration installs. Trusted AIX installs require JFS2 file systems. DESKTOP must be NONE for Trusted AIX. GRAPHICS_BUNDLE can not be yes with Trusted AIX. SbD and TCB can not both be yes. DESKTOP must be NONE for SbD. All devices cannot be installed with SbD. SbD and CAPP/EAL4+ can not both be selected. SbD is only supported for overwrite installs. SYSTEM_MGMT_CLIENT_BUNDLE must be no for CAPP/EAL4+ systems. SYSTEM_MGMT_CLIENT_BUNDLE can not be yes with Trusted AIX. SYSTEM_MGMT_CLIENT_BUNDLE can not be yes with SbD. Starting to search for disks. Processed all available disks. Complete. Processed %s of %s disks. Processed %s of %s disks. Processed 0 of %s available disks. The install media indicates a VIOS migration install, but there is no existing root volume group at an earlier level. BAS/EAL4+ installs can only be overwrite installs. DESKTOP can only be NONE or CDE, if installing a BAS/EAL4+ system. BAS/EAL4+ installs must be 64-bit enabled and have JFS2 file systems. BAS/EAL4+ installs must be English or C. Trusted AIX and BAS/EAL4+ can not both be selected. SbD and BAS/EAL4+ can not both be selected. SYSTEM_MGMT_CLIENT_BUNDLE must be no for BAS/EAL4+ systems. An INSTALL_EDITION of 'enterprise' may not be specified if the bos.vendor.profile VENDOR is not 'IBM' and the VENDOR_ENTERPRISE is 'no'. These disks have reservations that must be removed before continuing: %s If a customization script was specified, network connectivity issues may have prevented it from running. Connection to NIM server lost. Trying to finish install... WARNING: Trusted Computing Base is not supported and will be disabled.Please upgrade SDDPCM to appropriate version, during AIX upgrade. Refer to the following section of the SDD user guide: SDDPCM upgrade during AIX upgrade Type 0 and press Enter to reboot, or type 1 and press Enter to continue. %s: Could not initialize %s. You may want to run diagnostics on the listed disk(s). %s: Could not create the jfs log. %s: No paging devices could be found on the following disks: %s %s: Could not replay the jfs log. %s: Can not preserve customized object classes of previous system. Continuing. %s: After saving all the data from the previous system into /tmp, it was discovered that there will not be enough free space in /tmp to make the boot image. Please reboot in normal mode and increase the size of /tmp or reduce the number of files to save as listed in the "/etc/preserve.list" file. %s: Could not remove the %s logical volume. Can not continue. %s: You chose to create logical volumes mapped exactly as they were on the previous disks, but there are no map files specified in the file. %s: Could not create the %s logical volume. %s: Could not create the %s file system. %s: Could not create the root volume group. %s: Although the root volume group was created successfully, it could not be accessed. %s: Restore of Base Operating System from CDROM failed. %s: Restore of Base Operating System from %s failed. %s: Could not populate devices directory. %s: Could not copy volume group information to the disk. %s: Could not copy customized device object classes to disk. %s: Could not create boot image. %s: Invalid error code %d %s: function name required. %s: invalid action code %d ID# OPTION 1 Continue 2 Perform System Maintenance and Then Continue Enter ID number: usage: %s -f function -e error code -a action [ -r return code ] Running Customization Please wait... Installing Base Operating System Please wait... Approximate Elapsed time %% tasks complete (in minutes) Base Operating System installation is complete. Please perform the following steps to activate the changes made during this installation. 1. Turn the system key to the NORMAL position. 2. Press the ENTER key to restart (reboot) the system. %s: Could not install the %s package. This package provides the /unix kernel. %s: Interrupted by user. Installing Base Operating System If you used the system key to select SERVICE mode, turn the system key to the NORMAL position any time before the installation ends. Please wait... Approximate Elapsed time %% tasks complete (in minutes) Recovering volume group information for %s onto disk %s. Could not import volume group %s. Continuing post-install processing. Error in merging the saved and new files. The running of the system should not be impaired. For further information, check the log located in /var/adm/ras/bosinstlog. Error in merging the saved and new files. A successful BOS installation cannot be completed with the new version of the file left in place. For more information, see the log in /var/adm/ras/bi.log. 1. Remove the installation media. 2. Press the ENTER key to restart (reboot) the system. Migration menu preparation in progress. Please wait... Approximate Elapsed time %% tasks complete (in minutes) Saving system configuration files in /tmp/bos... Removing obsolete filesets, directories, and files...Basic operating system support could not be installed. System administrator should see /var/adm/ras/devinst.log for further information. Probable cause of failure is insufficient free disk space. Type '2' to perform system maintenance to correct the problem, then type 'exit' to continue the installation, or restart the installation with different installation options. Installing Base Operating System If you used the system key to select SERVICE mode, turn the system key to the NORMAL position any time before the installation ends. Please wait... Approximate Elapsed time %% tasks complete (in minutes) %s: Platform support %s failed. The primary paging device hd6 could not be activated. Logical volume hd6 must be at least 32 megabytes. The BOS Install menus program (BosMenus) encountered an unrecoverable error such as a buffer overflow or a malloc error. Could not import the root volume group. Cannot find the bos.rte pre-install script bos.rte.pre_i. The migration cannot continue. The boot logical volume (hd5) must be at least 8 megabytes. The system you are installing has a boot logical volume smaller than this, and the system does not have enough free contiguous physical partitions on %1$s to increase the size of the boot logical volume. Please reboot in normal mode and correct this problem, or restart the installation and choose an overwrite install. Use the 'lspv -M %1$s' command to see the current allocation map of the disk. Could not mount the CD-ROM. The /tmp file system must be at least 20 megabytes. You are doing either a preservation or migration installation, and the /tmp file system is less than 20 megabytes, and the system does not have enough free physical partitions in the rootvg to increase the size of /tmp. There are 2 options: 1. Enter maintenance mode to free space, increase the size of the /tmp file system and type exit to continue. (The /tmp file system is mounted on /mnt/tmp. Use df and lslv commands for size information.) 2. Reboot in normal mode and free enough space, so that /tmp can be increased, or restart the installation and choose an overwrite install.The installation of the %s desktop failed. Check for insufficient disk space. Could not mount the %s file system. Base Operating System installation is complete. Note the message below, press the ENTER key to restart (reboot) the system, and run the recommended command. Installing Base Operating System Please wait... Could not dd the %s file system. Could not fsck the %s file system. Could not restore the %s file system. BOS Install: %s failed for %s. You may want to run diagnostics on the listed disk(s). %s: Could not set the bootlist to: %s. Either run the bootlist command from the maintenance shell or continue the install and select the bootlist from the System Management Services menus. %s: Erasure of drive %s failed. Erasing Disks Please wait... Approximate Elapsed time %% tasks complete (in minutes) %s ------------------------------ The migration cannot continue. If a problem was reported above correct the problem and restart the installation or contact your service representative for problem determination. %s: The size of the Logical Volume %s is larger than the size supported by the running kernel. %s: The size of one of the Logical Volumes in the rootvg disk(s) is larger than the size supported by the running kernel. %s: An invalid disk (%s) was specified in the location field of the data file. %s: A disk could not be selected based on the values specified in the data file. %s: A disk of size %s was specified in the file, but there is not a disk of at least that size on the system. %s: The size field %s is not numeric. %s: A disk of name %s was not found. %s: A disk selected in the %s stanza is already part of rootvg. %s: Could not create the root volume group. %s: Could not determine new volume group name. %s: Could not create secondary dump volume group. %s: Could not create secondary dump logical volume. %s: TRUSTED AIX requires jfs2. Reboot and change selections. The boot logical volume (hd5) must be at least %2$s megabytes. The system you are installing has a boot logical volume smaller than this, and the system does not have enough free contiguous physical partitions on %1$s to increase the size of the boot logical volume. Please reboot in normal mode and correct this problem, or restart the installation and choose an overwrite install. Use the 'lspv -M %1$s' command to see the current allocation map of the disk. The /tmp file system must be at least %s megabytes. You are doing either a preservation or migration installation, and the /tmp file system is less than %s megabytes, and the system does not have enough free physical partitions in the rootvg to increase the size of /tmp. There are 2 options: 1. Enter maintenance mode to free space, increase the size of the /tmp file system and type exit to continue. (The /tmp file system is mounted on /mnt/tmp. Use df and lslv commands for size information.) 2. Reboot in normal mode and free enough space, so that /tmp can be increased, or restart the installation and choose an overwrite install.%s: Migration is not supported. Reboot and change selections. Cannot proceed with VIOS migration. The selected disk does not contain a VIOS. The / (root) file system must be at least 20 megabytes. You are doing migration installation, and the / (root) file system is less than 20 megabytes, and the system does not have enough free physical partitions in the rootvg to increase the size of /. There are 2 options: 1. Enter maintenance mode to free space, increase the size of the / (root) file system and type exit to continue. (The / file system is mounted on /mnt/usr/lpp/bos/inst_root. Use df and lslv commands for size information.) 2. Reboot in normal mode and free enough space, so that / can be increased, or restart the installation and choose an overwrite or preservation install. %s: Could not set the bootlist to: %s . The boot device must be set in the host KVM. Press 1 to continue: Mount of /tmp failed. If /tmp is encrypted, only NIMADM (no caching) and\nNIM migration are supported. The NIM SPOT must have clic.rte installed.Usage: copydump dumpdevicename dumpsize locationcode outputdevice [bosinstflag] Unable to initialize ODM Unable to get the physical volume name for the dump device from ODM. Unable to import the physical volume for the dump device. Unable to vary on the rootvg volume group to access the dump device. Unable to open the dump device to read. Unable to move the file pointer for the dump device. Unable to read from the dump device. No valid dump in the dump device. Unable to get the device information for the output device /dev/%1$s. Unable to configure the output device /dev/%1$s. Fail to copy the system dump to the output device /dev/%1$s. Copy a System Dump to Removable Media The system dump is %d bytes and will be copied from %s to media inserted into the device from the list below. Please make sure that you have sufficient blank, formatted media before you continue. Step One: Insert blank media into the chosen device. Step Two: Type the number for that device and press Enter. Device Type Path Name %1$2d Help ? %1$2d Previous Menu %1$2d Exit>>> Choice Copy in Progress from %1$s to /dev/%2$s Please Wait...Invalid Choice. Please try again.System Dump has been copied to /dev/%1$s. Copy in Progress from %1$s to /dev/%2$sPlease Wait...After reboot, use the tar command to extract the dump. Unable to copy /unix. Warning: /unix will not be copied to diskette. Copying %1$s to %2$s %1$2d Exit -- Warning, the dump will be lost!Exit, then use the tar command to extract the dump. Copy a System Dump to Removable Media The system dump is %lld bytes and will be copied from %s to media inserted into the device from the list below. Please make sure that you have sufficient blank, formatted media before you continue. Step One: Insert blank media into the chosen device. Step Two: Type the number for that device and press Enter.After reboot, use the pax command to extract the dump. Exit, then use the pax command to extract the dump. Attention: /unix will not be copied to this device.