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Usage: %s [ -xDebugLevel ] [ -r ] SystemName Usage: %s [ -xDebugLevel ] SystemName [-v] [-xNumber] Usage: %1$s %2$s uucheck: 0835-005 Check Required Files and Directories. Can run the following commands: uucheck: 0835-006 The check of the directories is complete. uucheck: 0835-007 Check file %s. uucheck: 0835-008 The %s check is complete. Machine phase. (To call or run uux requests.)Logname phase. (To receive calls.)uucheck: 0835-009 Cannot open %s. When a system logs in as: We will call the system back. When we call the system or systems. We allow the system to request files. We do not allow the system to request files. We will send files queued for the system on this call. We will not send files queued for the system on this call. The other system can send files to %s (The default.) Except for The other system can request files from Myname for the conversation will be %s. PUBDIR for the conversation will be %s. Machine or machines: uucheck: 0835-010 There is a software error in the permission.c file. Command: %s. Fullname %s. The system is attempting a generic open.TIMEOUTFAILEDThere is a generic call to gdial.ACU writeThe specified host does not exist.There is no available socket.The connect failed.There is an 801 open.There is no available socket.callers: 0835-011 program stopped: There is no uucp server.conn(%s) getto returned %d. Call Failed. %s Device Type %s is wanted Requested Device Type Not Found BAD LINEWrong Time To Call %s expect: (lost line errno - %d FAILEDLOGINLOST LINEenough already got it timed out BREAK EOT Sendthem (DELAY NO CRNO CR - MIDDLE IGNORED> PAUSE ECHO CHECK ON ECHO CHECK OFF ct: 0835-012 Cannot open %s. Usage: %1$s %2$s ct: 0835-013 The %s parameter to the -w flag must be greater than zero. Usage: %1$s %2$s Usage: %1$s %2$s ct: 0835-014 Specify a phone number. ct: 0835-015 The phone number %s is too long. ct: 0835-016 The phone number %s is not correct. ct: There is an allocated dialer at %s baud. ct: There are no %s dialers on this system. ct: The dialer is busy %d minutes.ct: The dialers are busy %d minutes.ct: The %1$d %2$s dialer is busy. ct: The %1$d %2$s dialers are busy. ct: Waiting for %d minutes. ct: Waiting for %d minute. ct: Do you want to wait for a dialer? Type y for yes: ct: Specify the number of minutes to wait: ct: Waiting for a dialer. ct: Time out. ct: Connected. ct: Press the carriage return key.there is a shared or delayed getty; exit start getty %s ct: 0835-017 Cannot create another process for getty. ct: 0835-018 Cannot run getty. Try to connect again? Type y for yes: The connection is ended. cleanup(%d) Can't chown/chmod on %s to %d process still active program stopped: tty baud rate is not correct.program stopped: Error return from sytfixline.program stopped: Error return from sytfix2line.ulockf: program stopped: There are too many locks.ulockf: program stopped: Cannot allocate forULOCKCULOCKLNKULOCKFaltconn called getto ret %d altconn called getto ret %d anlwrk: 0835-019 Cannot use the old workfile.anlwrk: 0835-020 A file name in the bldflst subroutine is not valid.cico: 0835-021 program stopped: The user number is not correct. cico: 0835-022 program stopped: The user name is not correct. Usage: %1$s %2$s here=%sFAILEDCALLBACKREQUIREDCALL BACKPREVIOUSBADSEQOKHANDSHAKE FAILEDBADSEQULIMIT TOO SMALLSYSTEM STATUSCAN NOT CALLcall to %s LOCKEDCONN FAILEDSUCCEEDEDLogin Successful: System=%s HANDSHAKE FAILED: %s startupTIMEOUTconversation complete %s %ldconversation completesend OO %d,Conversation Complete: Status FAILED Conversation Complete: Status SUCCEEDED CAUGHTINTREXITcico: 0835-023 The time out value is not valid. dbg: 0835-024 Cannot append to %1$s. The errno is %2$d. Opened dbgfile %s.dbg: 0835-025 Cannot open /dev/tty because of %1$s %2$s.expfile: 0835-026 File name %s is not correct. expfile: 0835-027 File name %s is not correct. Use ascii characters only. fixline(%d, culine: program stopped: The speed is not correct.fixline - direct Usage: %s [-s Speed] [-l Line] [-dhtu] [-o|-e] telno | systemname cu: 0835-028 The connection failed. %s cu: 0835-029 Cannot open %s. cu: 0835-030 The remote line is gone. cu: 0835-031 Cannot run a shell. cu: 0835-032 Cannot change direction %s. Use ~~ to start a line with the ~ character. after %ld bytes. %d lines/%ld characters The file transmission was interrupted. cu: 0835-033 Cannot create another process at this time. r cu: 0835-034 Cannot transmit the special character `%#o`. The line is too long. r cu: 0835-035 There is an input or output error. Use the '~$' command. Use '~+' commmand. cu: 0835-036 Cannot get the terminal status. cu: 0835-037 Cannot use the cu from a 3B console. cu: 0835-038 There is a parity option error. cu: 0835-039 The telephone number cannot exceed 58 digits. Enter the number: cu: 0835-040 Cannot run the seteuid or setegid command. Connected tranmission started got break in transmit got a tintr call tilda(%s) (continue)call _shell(%s) call _dopercen("%s") Usage: ~%%take From [To] Usage: ~%%put From [To] cu: 0835-041 Cannot change to the %s directory. cu: 0835-042 Cannot change to the %s directory. cu: 0835-043 ~%%%s is not known to the cu command. _receive started Lost carrier. call _mode(%d) got read error. not EINTR cu: 0835-044 The output is blocked. call _rcvdead(%d) call _quit(%d) call _bye(%d) The connection is ended. call cleanup(%d) The status of device fd is %d. F_GETFL=%o,REQUESTRequest: %s DENIEDACCESSaccess deniedcntrl: 0835-045 Access denied. cntrl: 0835-046 Cannot accesscntrl: 0835-047 Cannot read %1$s %2$d.cntrl: 0835-048 Failed.cntrl: 0835-049 Cannot read %s. Failed: Access Denied - File: %s cntrl: 0835-050 Cannot create the temporary file.Failed: No Space! Requestedcntrl: 0835-051 There are not enough parameters in the slave SNDFILE.Remote requested.Remote requested: %s Permissioncntrl: 0835-052 Cannot open.cntrl: 0835-053 Cannot create a temporary file. cntrl: 0835-054 There is an input failure.In send or slave mode.CopyConverting System V multi-hop request.cntrl: 0835-055 There are not enough parameters in slave RCVFILE.The remote has requested %s. Requestingcntrl: 0835-056 Access is denied. Permissioncntrl: 0835-057 Access is denied. Cannot opencntrl: 0835-058 Cannot open %s. BAD READExpected %1$c: Received %2$s.BAD READThe copy succeeded.Request: %1$s (System: %2$s) %3$s. Request: %1$s (System: %2$s) %3$s. The uucp job is: %1$s (%2$s).Protocol started %c. Protocol handshaking failed '%c'. %1$s from %2$s!%3$s has arrived. The freespace is low.The remote transfer is denied. There are too few inodes.cntrl: 0835-059 The copy failed. The reason for the failure is not given by the remote.cntrl: 0835-060 Local access to the file is denied.cntrl: 0835-061 Remote access to a path or a file is denied.cntrl: 0835-062 There is a system error. A generated uucp command is not valid.cntrl: 0835-063 The remote system cannot create a temporary file.cntrl: 0835-064 Cannot copy to a file or a directory. The file remains in PUBDIR/user/file.cntrl: 0835-065 Cannot copy to a file or a directory. The file remains in PUBDIR/user/file.cntrl: 0835-066 There is a forwarding error.gnxseq: 0835-067 Cannot lock.gtcfile: 0835-068 There are too many saved C files.null sys -> %s file - %s gename: 0835-069 There is a SYSLST overflow.%s seq now %x %s mail %s ===== The standard error was ===== ===== UUCP general failure ===== ===== The standard input was ===== 0835-156 error running mail command: %m0835-157 the mail command returned %#x statusnot control pk0: 0835-070 The alloc change is not implemented. pk0: 0835-071 The srj is not implemented. r short %d want %d The rcount is %d. The xcount is %d. Dead!INIT code a.INIT code b.O.K.Rcv/XmitRREJ?PDEBUG?Draino...Waiting.The link is down.RCLOSE?pk1: 0835-072 There is a frame that is not valid.End of line.State -Sent data: %1$ld bytes in %2$ld.%3$02d seconds.Received data: %1$ld bytes in %2$ld.%3$02d seconds.Received data: %1$ld bytes in %2$ld.%3$02d seconds.program stopped: 0835-073 The following is not a valid option in the permission file :permission: 0835-074 The following is not a valid option in the permission file:%s permission: 0835-075 There is not enough memory available now. %c return status in event of a failure. %c the return address for status QUEUEDprogram stopped: 0835-076 Cannot open SYSTAT.RETRY TIME NOT REACHEDNO CALL[-oDays] [-mString] [-CDays] [-DDays] [-WDays] [-XDays] [-xLevel] [-sSystem]Subject: Mail that cannot be delivered. This mail message cannot be delivered. (Probably to or from system %s) It was sent to you or sent by you. Sorry for the inconvenience. Subject: Warning from uucp. uucleanup: Not able to contact machine %s since the job was queued. The job will be deleted in several days if the problem is not corrected. To stop the job, run the following command: Usage: %s %s The -C, -D, -W, -X, and -o flags require a value greater than zero. uucleanup: 0835-077 Cannot change to directory %1$s. The errno is %2$d. uucleanup: 0835-078 Cannot open %1$s. The errno is %2$d. uucleanup: 0835-079 dDprocess: Dummy command file %s unlinked.uucleanup: 0835-080 cprocess: Bad command file %1$s, unlink %2$s.uucleanup: 0835-081 The job %s has been deleted. uucleanup: 0835-082 cprocess: C. %1$s, mail returned %2$d, unlink %3$s.uucleanup: 0835-083 wprocess: %1$s: %2$s. Warning message sent to %3$s, returned %4$d.uucleanup: 0835-084 dMprocess: mail %1$s to %2$s!%3$s, returned %4$d, unlink %5$s.uucleanup: 0835-085 dNprocess: Local news item unlink %s.uucleanup: 0835-086 dNprocess: Remote run of rnews %1$s, returned %2$d, unlink %3$s. Sincerely, %s!uucp ##### Data File: ############################ Subject: uucp deleted the job. uucleanup: 0835-087 Cannot contact machine '%s'. Subject: Mail that cannot be delivered. This mail message cannot be delivered. (Probably to or from system %s. It was sent to you or sent by you. Sorry for the inconvenience. Subject: uucp deleted the job. uucleanup: 0835-088 Cannot contact machine %s. Subject: Warning from uucp. uucleanup: 0835-089Not able to contact machine %s since job was queued. The job will be deleted in several days if the problem is not corrected. To delete the job, run the following command: uucp: 0835-090 %s is not a known flag. uucp: 0835-091 There is no work directory named %s. Usage: uucp from SourceFiles to DestinationFiles uucp: 0835-092 %s is not a valid system. uucp: 0835-093 %s is not a valid syntax. uucp: 0835-094 ULIMIT %ld is less than MINULIMIT %ld.Low-ULIMITuucp: 0835-095 uucp failed completely. There was %d error . uucp: 0835-096 uucp failed partially. There were %d errors.uucp: 0835-097 uucp failed partially. The error code is %d.uucp: 0835-098 Cannot get file status %s. The copy failed. uucp: 0835-099 %1$s and %2$s are the same file. Cannot copy. uucp: 0835-100 Permission is denied. uucp: 0835-101 The directory name %s is not valid. uucp: 0835-102 uucp cannot read %s; access permission %o. Use the cp command. uucp: 0835-103 Cannot write file %1$s; access permission %2$o. uucp: 0835-104 Cannot copy file %1$s. The errno is %2$d. QUEUEDuucp: 0835-105 Cannot get status for file %s. uucp: 0835-106 The directory name %s is not valid. CAN'T OPENCAN'T WRITECAN'T READCAN'T CREATECAN'T ALLOCATECAN'T LOCKCAN'T STATCAN'T CHOWNCAN'T CHMODCAN'T LINKCAN'T CHDIRCAN'T UNLINKWRONG ROLECAN'T MOVE TO CORRUPTDIRCAN'T CLOSECAN'T FORKFILE EXISTS Usage: uuname [-l | -c] uuname: 0835-109 %s is a protected file. [-xNumber] [-uNumber] Usage: %1$s %2$s MACHINE TABLE FULL[-a] [-q|-nNUMBER|-m|-kJOB|-rJob|-p][-sSystem] [-uUser] Usage: %1$s %2$s or Usage: %1$s %2$s uustat: 0835-110 Cannot find the job %s. Not renewed. uustat: 0835-111 Cannot get status for %1$s. The errno is%2$d. uustat: 0835-112 Cannot get status for %1$s. The errno is %2$d. uustat: 0835-113 %1$s is not a valid format. The errno is %2$d. uustat: 0835-114 %1$s is not a valid format. The errno is %2$d. uustat: 0835-115 Only the job owner or root can delete job %s. uustat: 0835-116 Only the job owner or root can renew job %s. uustat: 0835-117 Cannot delete file %1$s. The errno is %2$d. uustat: 0835-118 Cannot renew file %1$s. The errno is %2$d. uustat: 0835-119 The job %s is successfully deleted . uustat: 0835-120 The job %s was successfully renewed. uustat: 0835-121 Warning: Table overflow. The output is not complete. uustat: 0835-122 Cannot find job %s. It was not deleted. MACHINE TABLE FULLmalloc: Out of memory!! [-aName] [-b] [-c] [-C] [-j] [-gGrade] [-n] [-p] [-r] [-sFile] [-xNumber] Usage: %1$s %2$s uux: 0835-124 There is no spool directory %s. uux: 0835-125 %s is not a valid system name. %c for return status on success. %c to not return status on failure. %c to return status on failure. %c to return input on abnormal exit. %c to return address for status, or input return. uux: 0835-126 %s is not a valid system name. uux: 0835-127 Cannot get status for file %s. uux: 0835-128 Permission is denied %s. uux: 0835-129 uux failed. The errno is %d. uux: 0835-130 Cannot copy %s. [-xDebug] [-sSystem] Usage: %1$s %2$s Usage: %1$s %2$s %s XQT DENIEDuuxqt: 0835-134 Permission to run %s is denied.uuxqt: 0835-135 %s: XQT- stdin or stdout or file access is denied.uuxqt: 0835-136 File access to %s is denied.uuxqt: 0835-137 Exited with status %d.Stopped by signal %d.COMMAND FAILversys: 0835-138 System name %s must contain ascii characteri only. getopt: 0835-139 The following flag is not valid: getopt: 0835-140 The following flag requires a parameter: user read uucpd: 0835-141 The user is not known. uucpd: 0835-142 Login is not correct.passwd read uucpd: 0835-143 The login is not correct.%1$s: 0835-144 %2$d, SRC not found, continuing without SRC support. %1$s: 0835-145 %2$d recvfrom. uucpd: 0835-146 The command does not support this option. setsockopt SO_DEBUG: %mUsage: uuclean [-m] [-n Hours] [-d Subdirectory] [-p Prefix] . . . uuclean: 0835-147 Specify a maximum of 10 prefixes. uuclean: 0835-148 Prefix %s is too long. uuclean: 0835-149 Cannot open the subdirectory %s. uuclean: 0835-150 Cannot get status for %s. uuclean: 0835-151 File %1$s is deleted. Cannot contact remote. %2$d requests deleted. Request: First request : Last request : uuclean deleted file %s. Usage: uupoll [-gGrade] [-n] SystemName Current system is %s uupoll: 0835-152 %s is not a known system. uupoll: 0835-153 Cannot create directory %s. uupoll: 0835-154 Cannot write to %s. uupoll: 0835-155 Cannot run the uusched command. uupoll: 0835-158 Cannot run the uucico command. program stopped: Error return from tcsetattr() in fixline.program stopped: Error return from tcsetattr() in fixline. Usage: %s [-s Speed] [-l Line] [-dht] [-m] [-T seconds] [-o|-e] telno | systemname cico: cannot access the spool directory Usage: %s [-s Speed] [-l Line] [-dht] [-m] [-o|-e] telno | systemname cu: cannot read Systems files cu: cannot read Devices files cu: cannot read Dialers files cu: cannot have both even and odd parity cu: bad phone number %s Phone numbers may contain only the digits 0 through 9 and the special characters =, -, * and #. cu: warning: -l flag ignored when system name used cu: warning: -s flag ignored when system name used empty ===== denied read permission ===== unreadable ===== WARNING: %s: invalid debug level %s ignored, using level %s Usage: uucp [-c|-C] [-d|-f] [-gGRADE] [-j] [-m] [-nUSER]\ [-r] [-sFILE] [-xDEBUG_LEVEL] source-files destination-file uucp failed partially. %d files were transferred with %d errors.uucp failed partially. %d files were transferred. The error code is %d.uuname: Cannot access protected systems files. uuname: -l option overrides -c option. -c ignored. WARNING: %s: Invalid debug level %s ignored. Using level 1. WARNING: uusched built w/ small flag defined. Debugging info is not available. uustat: System name is invalid uustat: The user name you specified is invalid Unknown option %s Usage: uux [-aName] [-b] [-c] [-C] [-j] [-gGrade] [-n] [-p] [-r] [-sFile] [-xNumber] [-z] command_string %s: Invalid transfer grade of %c is being ignored. Usage: uucico [-xDebuglevel] [-r[0|1]] [-gTransfergrade] -sSYSTEM [-uUSERID] [-dSPOOL] SUCCESSFUL.NO DEVICES AVAILABLE.WRONG TIME TO CALL.TALKING.CONVERSATION FAILED.BAD SEQUENCE CHECK.LOGIN FAILED.DIAL FAILED.BAD LOGIN/MACHINE COMBINATION.DEVICE LOCKED.ASSERT ERROR.SYSTEM NOT IN Systems FILE(s).CAN'T ACCESS DEVICE.DEVICE FAILED.WRONG MACHINE NAME.CALLBACK REQUIRED.REMOTE HAS A LCK FILE FOR ME.REMOTE DOES NOT KNOW ME.REMOTE REJECT AFTER LOGIN.REMOTE REJECT, UNKNOWN MESSAGE.STARTUP FAILED.CALLER SCRIPT FAILED.HOSTNAME NOT RESOLVED.Usage: uuq [-l] [-h] [-s System] [-u User] [-d jobnumber] [-r spooldir] [-b baudrate] Usage: ct [-h] [-v] [-w maximum_wait] [-x debug_level] [-s speed] telephone_number ct: Cannot open tty stream. error number is %d. Confirm: Hang up your terminal before dialing? (y/n): To dial without closing your terminal, use the -h flag. The operators <<, >>, >|, and >& cannot be used in a command string. To Establish a Connection Using a Modem Usage: cu [ -d ] [ -h ] [ -m ] [ -TSeconds ] [ -n ] [ -sSpeed ] [ -t ] [ -e | -o ] TelephoneNumber To Specify the Name of a Device for a Connection Usage: cu [ -d ] [ -h ] [ -m ] [ -TSeconds ] [ -sSpeed ] [ -e | -o ] -lLine To Specify a System Name for a Connection Usage: cu [ -d ] [ -h ] [ -m ] [ -TSeconds ] [ -e | -o ] SystemName timed out poll failed errno - %d Invalid Directory:: %s was passed Invalid parameter was passed