ISO8859-1'j@g1bI# ,   f  \( oz '  ; Y# q,  (   V    X< = SB'VjOZ? $ C&Pw&! 0 #/ S p $%#02c| !0#.Ro$% #!"01#b${% &'+(*)*3+O,,g-./012&30F40w5!6*7"8"9!;:$];<=0>6?'B IS$d%0U3 V 9e ^ N!U4!%! %! A"% 1"g *" -"."/#!<#QB#B#%$7$:#$r$$$%$M$%H&B&$(&ge&1& 4'(!"']"#'#%'$'%'&S''V(Q(H()q(* )c+),u)-"*."*=/3*`0z*%+,5h,-FN-F.8./, 0I a1 5/ 66C _7z`89;7:S5:7:G:,;A;;n7;1;o<7=7?ABDTConfigure Ring Indicate Power On PolicyUse this selection to view and/or change the system configuration parameters for Ring Indicate Power On. Configure Surveillance PolicyUse this selection to view and/or change the system configuration parameters for Surveillance Policy. Configure Reboot PolicyUse this selection to view and/or change the system configuration parameters for Reboot Policy. Configure Remote Maintenance PolicyUse this selection to view and/or change the system configuration parameters for Remote Maintenance Policy. This includes a task to load a modem configuration file, for a modem used by the Remote Maintenance Policy.Save or Restore Hardware Management PoliciesUse this selection to view and/or change the system configuration parameters for each of the Hardware Management Policies. The Hardware Management policies are: Ring Indicate Power On Policy Surveillance Policy Remote Maintenance Policy Reboot Policy Configure Scan Dump PolicyUse this selection to view and/or change the system configuration parameters for the Scan Dump Policy.Use this selection to view and/or change the system configuration parameters for each of the Hardware Management Policies. The Hardware Management policies are: Ring Indicate Power On Policy Surveillance Policy Remote Maintenance Policy Reboot Policy Scan Dump Policy Configure Platform Processor DiagnosticsUse this service aid to display and change the system configuration parameter for platform processor diagnostics run mode.CONFIGURE RING INDICATE POWER ON POLICYCONFIGURE SURVEILLANCE POLICYCONFIGURE REBOOT POLICYCONFIGURE REMOTE MAINTENANCE POLICYSAVE OR RESTORE HARDWARE MANAGEMENT POLICIESCONFIGURE SCAN DUMP POLICYCONFIGURE PLATFORM PROCESSOR DIAGNOSTICSThe following system configuration parameters are available for Ring Indicate Power On Policy. Any data in brackets [] may be changed or added at this time. When finished, use 'Commit' to accept the data.The following system configuration parameters are available for Surveillance Policy. Any data in brackets [] may be changed or added at this time. When finished, use 'Commit' to accept the data.The following system configuration parameters are available for Reboot Policy. Any data in brackets [] may be changed or added at this time. When finished, use 'Commit' to accept the data.The following system configuration parameters are available for Remote Maintenance Policy. Any data in brackets [] may be changed or added at this time. When finished, use 'Commit' to accept the data.The Hardware Management Policies are Ring Indicate Power On Policy, Surveillance Policy, Remote Maintenance Policy and Reboot Policy. Select one of the followingUse 'Enter' to continue.Use 'Enter' to try again.Use 'Enter' to exit.Please stand by.This function is not supported.CONFIGURE REMOTE MAINTENANCE POLICY Loading modem configuration file. Please stand by.SAVE OR RESTORE HARDWARE MANAGEMENT POLICIES Saving to file The Hardware Management Policies were saved successfully. Use 'Enter' to continue.SAVE OR RESTORE HARDWARE MANAGEMENT POLICIES Restoring from file The Hardware Management Policies were restored successfully. Use 'Enter' to continue.The modem configuration file was loaded successfully. Use 'Enter' to continue.The settings for 'Call In Authorized on S1' and 'Call In Authorized on S2' must be set to OFF when 'Power On via Ring Indicate' is set to ON. Use 'Enter' to change the 'Call In Authorized on S1' and 'Call In Authorized on S2' to OFF. Otherwise use 'Cancel'.The setting for 'Power On via Ring Indicate' must be set to OFF when 'Call In Authorized on S1' or 'Call In Authorized on S2' is set to ON. Use 'Enter' to change 'Power On via Ring Indicate' to OFF. Otherwise use 'Cancel'.The following are the current settings for the Scan Dump Policy. Any data in brackets [] may be changed at this time. When finished, use 'Commit' to accept the data.The Hardware Management Policies are Ring Indicate Power On Policy, Surveillance Policy, Remote Maintenance Policy, Reboot Policy, and Scan Dump Policy. Select one of the followingThe following is the current setting for the platform processor run mode. Any data in bracket [] may be changed at this time. When finished, use 'Commit' to accept the data.Power On via Ring IndicateNumber of Rings Until Power OnSurveillanceSurveillance Time Interval, in minutesSurveillance Delay, in minutesChanges are to take effect immediatelyModem file currently loaded on S1Retry string for serial port 1Protocol interdata block delay for serial port 1Protocol time out for serial port 1Call Delay for serial port 1Connect for serial port 1Disconnect for serial port 1Call-out condition for serial port 1Call-wait condition for serial port 1Call-in condition for serial port 1Wait call for serial port 1Describes how to Page a beeper for serial port 1Call In Authorized on S1Call Out Authorized on S1Call Out Before RestartS1 Line SpeedModem file currently loaded on S2Retry string for serial port 2Protocol interdata block delay for serial port 2Protocol time out for serial port 2Call Delay for serial port 2Connect for serial port 2Disconnect for serial port 2Call-out condition for serial port 2Call-wait condition for serial port 2Call-in condition for serial port 2Wait call for serial port 2Describes how to Page a beeper for serial port 2Call In Authorized on S2Call Out Authorized on S2S2 Line SpeedService Center Phone NumberCustomer Administration Center Phone NumberDigital Pager Number in Event of EmergencyCustomer System Phone NumberCustomer Voice Phone NumberCustomer Account numberCall Out Policy - Numbers to Call if FailureCustomer RETAIN Login IDCustomer RETAIN Login PasswordRemote Timeout, in secondsRemote Latency, in secondsNumber of Retries While BusySystem Name (System Administrator Aid)Enable Supplemental Restart Policy (1=Yes, 0=No)Use the O/S Defined Restart Policy (1=Yes, 0=No)Maximum Number of Reboot AttemptsEnable Unattended Start Mode (1=Yes, 0=No)Configuration File for Modem on S1Configuration File for Modem on S2Save Hardware Management PoliciesRestore Hardware Management PoliciesScan Dump Control (SDC)Scan Dump Size (SDS)Enable Partition Automatic Restart (1=Yes, 0=No)Enable Platform Automatic Power Restart (1=Yes, 0=No)Platform Processor Diagnostics Run Modeoff,onfirst,allAs Needed,AlwaysAs Requested,Minimum,Optimum,MaximumAs Requested,Optimum,Minimum,CompleteThe modem configuration file: %1$s contains a syntax error. Use 'Enter' to try again.Cannot open the file %1$s Use 'Enter' to try again.A serial port number must be entered before the modem configuration can be loaded. %sBoth a file name and a serial port must be entered to load a modem configuration file to NVRAM. %1$s'%1$s' is a required data entry field. Enter the correct data, then use 'Commit' again. %2$sThe Modem Configuration Filename can be no longer than %1$d characters. %2$s'%1$s' can be no longer than %2$d characters. %3$s'%1$s' must be greater than 0. %2$s'%1$s' must be greater than 1. %2$sThe file %1$d contains a syntax error. Use 'Enter' to try again'%1$s' must be a number from %2$d to %3$d. %4$s'%1$s' must be either %2$d or %3$d. %4$sUnable to open the machine device driver. %sUnable to close the machine device driver. %sError opening a file for reading. Error # %1$d Error creating and opening a file for writing. Error # %1$d Error opening the NVRAM partition file for reading. Error # %1$d Error opening the NVRAM partition file for writing. Error # %1$d Error determining the file position. Error determining NVRAM partition length. Error # %1$d Insufficient memory. Error # %1$d Error reading the file. Unable to read NVRAM. Error # %1$d Unable to write NVRAM. Error # %1$d This system does not have the resources required to run this service aid. %sPlatform Reboot Policy may be enabled if 'Platform Follow O/S Reboot Policy' is set to NO or if 'Platform Follow O/S Reboot Policy' is YES and the automatic reboot policy has not been set by the operating system.%s %s'%1$s' has invalid characters. Use only: ()*+,-./0123456789 %2$sRTAS set indicator failed. Error # %1$dMaximum length of the NVRAM partition is 4080. You are trying to store more than 4080 bytes of data. Restoration failed. Unexpected data in the file. Usage: uspchrp -r | -s | -b | -m | -a. Error # %1$d Can't catch SIGINT!. Error # %1$dCan't catch SIGQUIT!. Error # %1$dError initializing ASL. Error # %1$dstring_name is invalid. string_value is invalid. Usage: uspchrp -r | -s | -b | -m | -a | -e"string_name=string_value". Error # %1$d Usage: uspchrp -e"string_name=string_value" where "=string_value" is required. Usage: uspchrp -q string_name where only string_name is allowed. Usage: uspchrp -r | -s | -b | -m | -a uspchrp -e"string_name=string_value" | -q string_name Error # %1$d Unable to read Scan Dump Policy.Unable to set Scan Dump Policy.Usage: uspchrp -r | -s | -b | -m | -a | -d uspchrp -e"string_name=string_value" | -q string_name Error # %1$d Error reading a system parameter. Error setting a system parameter. This value cannot be set through this service aid. Usage: uspchrp -r | -s | -b | -m | -p | -a | -d uspchrp -e"string_name=string_value" | -q string_name Error # %1$d 'List' will display a list of selections for this item. When setting 'Power On via Ring Indicate' to ON, 'Call In Authorized on S1' and 'Call In Authorized on S2' must be turned OFF. This service aid will, with your permission, turn OFF both of the Call In Authorized settings for you. 'Number of Rings Until Power On' can be any number from %1$d to %2$d. If 'Power On via Ring Indicate' is set to ON then 'Number of Rings Until Power On' must be set.If 'Surveillance' is set to ON then 'Surveillance Time Interval' and 'Surveillance Delay' must be set.'List' will display a list of selections for this item. If 'Surveillance' is set to ON then 'Surveillance Time Interval' and 'Surveillance Delay' must be set.'Surveillance Time Interval, in minutes' can be any number from %1$d to %2$d.'Surveillance Delay, in minutes' can be any number from %1$d to %2$d.If answered NO then the changes are effective when the system is reloaded after the next shutdown or power off. If answered YES then the changes are effective immediately.The 'Supplemental Restart Policy', if enabled, is used when the O/S Restart Policy is undefined or set to False. When surveillance detects operating system inactivity during restart, The 'Supplemental Restart Policy', when enabled, causes a system reset and a reboot process begins. When 'Use the O/S Defined Restart Policy' is set to Yes, then the system will attempt to reboot from a crash if the operating system has a defined restart or reboot policy, and that policy is enabled. When 'Use the O/S Defined Restart Policy' is set to No, or the operating system restart policy is undefined, then the restart policy is determined by the 'Supplemental Restart Policy'. Enter a number that is 0 or greater. A value of 0 indicates do not attempt to reboot. This number is the maximum number of consecutive attempts to reboot the system. The term "reboot", in the context of this service aid, is used to describe bringing system hardware back up from scratch, i.e. from a system reset or power on. Once the 'Maximum Number of Reboot Attempts' is exceeded, the system will call out if that function has been enabled. When the reboot process completes successfully, the count of the number of reboot attempts is reset to 0, and a "restart" begins. The term "restart", in the context of this serivice aid, is used to describe the operating system activation process. Restart always follows a successful reboot. When a restart fails, and a restart policy is enabled, the system will attempt to reboot for the maximum number of attempts. When enabled, Call-Out Before Restart will allow the system to call out (on a serial port that is enabled for call out) when an operating system restart is initiated. Such calls can be valuable if the number of these events becomes excessive, thus signaling bigger problems. When enabled, 'Unattended Start Mode' will allow the system to recover from the loss of AC power. If the system was powered-on when the AC loss occurred, the system will reboot when power is restored. If the system was powered-off when the AC loss occurred, the system will remain off when power is restored. Enter the name of the modem configuration file for the modem attached to serial port %1$d. The name must be no more than 15 characters long and the file must exist in the directory /usr/share/modems If the name '%2$s' is entered, then the modem configuration is removed. If nothing is entered, then the existing modem configuration is not changed.The modem configuration file shown was used to configure the modem attached to serial Port %1$d.'List' will display a list of selections for this item. When setting 'Call In Authorized on S1' or 'Call In Authorized on S2' to ON, 'Power On via Ring Indicate' must be turned OFF. This service aid will, with your permission, turn OFF 'Power On via Ring Indicate' for you.'List' will display a list of selections for this item.Phone numbers can be no longer than %1$d characters.This entry is limited to no more than %1$d characters.'Customer RETAIN Login Password' can be no longer than %1$d characters.This entry must be greater than %1$d second.'Number of Retries While Busy' must be any positive number.This entry is limited to no more than %1$d characters.The Scan Dump Policies were updated successfully.Scan Dump Control (SDC) This setting determines how often the system performs a scan dump. The following describes the SDC settings: As Needed - This setting allows the platform firmware to determine whether a scan dump is performed. Always - This setting will always perform a scan dump at system failure.Scan Dump Size (SDS) This setting determines what content the scan dump will contain. The following describes the SDS settings: As Requested - Dump content is determined by the platform firmware. Minimum - Dump content collected provides the bare minimum debug information. Optimum - Dump content collected provides a moderate amount of debug information. Maximum - Dump content collected provides complete debug information.Scan Dump Size (SDS) This setting determines what content the scan dump will contain. The following describes the SDS settings: As Requested - Dump content is determined by the platform firmware. Optimum - Dump content collected provides a moderate amount of debug information. Minimum - Dump content collected provides the bare minimum debug information. Complete - Dump content collected provides complete debug information.When the Enable Partition Automatic Restart is set to 'Yes', platform firmware will attempt to restart a partition after an error that causes an abnormal partition termination.When the Enable Platform Automatic Power Restart is set to 'Yes', platform firmware will attempt to restart the system after power is restored following a power outage. If the system is partitioned, each partition that was running when the power outage occurred will be restarted as indicated by that partition's setting of the the System Management (SMIT) Option: "Automatically REBOOT operating system after a crash"The platform processor diagnostics run mode system parameter controls when the processor diagnostics test is run. The setting "periodic" cannot be set through this service aid, although it can be read. Use the HMC to set it. disabled No processor diagnostics. staggered Processor diagnostics will be run periodically. All processors will be tested but not scheduled at the same time. periodic Processor diagnostics will be run periodically, all at the same time. immediate When setting this value, processor diagnostics will be run immediately. When querying this value, processor diagnostics are currently running.