ISO8859-1     $ + 3AGMRW ]hnuz2 *!- "%8#(^$1%4&'(%)m?*+,'-%.+9/$e01213,K4x56718 9 :$%;;J<<=%>i?%S@ yA&B(C(D*E4*FC_G'H+I J"(KA(L9(M0)*N,)[O2)P")QD)R#*#S+*GT$*sU*V&*W*X*Y2+Z +;[+I\+_]+z^+_+`+al+b3,=c6,qd",e",fF,g-5h -Pi-\jK-ek-l:-mm. n9.zo.p=.qK/ r /Xs/dt(/yu+/v4/w70x"0;y"0^z0{,0|0})C~*C#CEDD\Dm@D8DE8EEUlEnE$XXY Y!Y&0Y/Y`pm?Am*m9n"nW*nzn&n6n&o&o;&ob!oVoMpPpP*pHp2qAqH(q4q q6.@ IWT+3* -7*e-&ҥ/Usage: tprof [ -c ] [ -C { all | cpuidslist } ] [ -d ] [ -D ] [ -e ] [ -F ] [ -j ] [ -J profilehook ] [ -k ] [ -l ] [ -L objectslist ] [ -m objectslist ] [ -M sourcepathlist ] [ -p processlist ] [ -P { all | pidslist } ] [ -s ] [ -S searchpathlist ] [ -t ] [ -T buffersize ] [ -u ] [ -v ] [ -V verbosefilename ] [-z] { { -r rootstring } | { [ -A { all | cpuidslist } ] [ -r rootstring ] -x command } } -A Turn on Automated Offline mode. No argument turns of multicpu tracing, all or cpuidslist turns on multicpu tracing. -c Turn on Cooking. -C Turn on the multicpu mode, either 'all' or a list of cpuids must be provided. -d Turn on Deferred Mode trace. -D Turn on detailed profiling (displays cpu usage by instruction offset). -e Turn on Kernel Extension profiling. -F Turn on overwrite mode (overwrites the cooked files, if they exist). If used without -x option, forces the manual offline mode. -j Turn on java profiling. -J Used to specify the kernel profile trace hook. -k Turn on kernel profiling. -l Turn on long listing (none of the names will be truncated). -L Turn on listing annotation, a list of objects for which listing files need to be annotated must be supplied. Use a.lst for IPA listing. -m Turn on microprofiling, a list of objects which needs source level profiling need to be supplied. -M Used to specify the source path list. This source path list is used to find the source during microprofiling. -p Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those process whose names are supplied in the the processlist. -P Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those PIDs which are supplied in the pids list. To turn on the process level details for all the process running in the system, specify 'all' for the pidslist. -r Specifies the rootstring. tprof input and report files all have names in the form of rootstring.suffix. -s Turn on shared library profiling. -S Used to specify the search path list. This search path list is used to find any binaries (executable, library or kernel extension) for profiling. -t Turn on thread level details. -T Used to specify Trace Buffer size (used in Realtime or Automated offline mode). -u Turn on user application profiling. -v Turn on verbose mode. -V Specifies verbose file. -x Used to specify the command that need to be executed by tprof. '-x' should always be placed after all the flags. -z Turn on ticks report. Note: 1. All the list type inputs are separated by comma except for pathlist, pathlists are separated by colon. 2. Multicpu profiling mode will be automatically disabled while running in realtime mode. 3. Microprofiling will be automatically disabled if Multicpu profiling turned on. 4. Specified Log Buffer size will be omitted while running in realtime mode. 5. If -x option is specified without -A option, then tprof runs in realtime mode. 6. If -x option is specified with -A option, the tprof runs in Automated offline mode. 7. If -x option is omitted then tprof runs in post processing mode or manual offline mode. ProcessFREQFreqTotalKernelKERNELKEXKernel ExtUserUSERSharedSH-LIBsShared ObjectOtherOTHERJavaJAVATicksSubroutineClassMethodDataSourceAddressBytesPIDTIDLine Total Samples = %.0f Total Elapsed Time = %.0fs Profile: %s Total %% For All Processes (%s) = %.2f Total Ticks For All Processes (%s) = %.0f Total %% For %s[%lld] (%s) = %.2f Total Ticks For %s[%lld] (%s) = %.0f Total %% For %s[%lld] thread %lld (%s) = %.2f Total Ticks For %s[%lld] thread %lld (%s) = %.0f Total %% for %s = %.2f Total Ticks for %s = %.0f Hot Line Profile of %s Specified list of process(es), not found in the trace, Process Level Reporting is turned off Failed to save symbols file %s Failed to get kernel symbols Failed to get kernel extension symbols Failed to get shared library symbols Unable to locate pid %lld in the PID Table %s is not a valid cooked trace file %s is not a valid XCOFF object %s can not be microprofiled, make sure the object is compiled with -g option or the .lst files exists for it to enable microprofiling Source file %s not found Failed to load symbols from symbols file %s Specify the command Specify Rootstring Invalid Command Name %s %s is already specified, ignoring this one %s %s Exiting, Filesystem may be full Exiting, Unknown Error Profile Table is Corrupted, Exiting Cooked name file %s already exists, use -F to overwrite it Cooked trace file %s already exists, use -F to overwrite it Use -b with -J238 for data profiling A processor number must be from 0 through n-1, where n is the total number of processors on the machine. Invalid parameter %s for argument %s User Process%s option must be used with %s option PURR was used to calculate percentages. PURR not supported in this environment. -z and -Z options cannot be used with -R. Cooked trace files do not contain PURR information. Cooked trace files generated with PURR information. Use -R option. Unable to register the eprof mode (%d) Tprof tunables values cannot be retrieved. Usage: tprof [ -c ] [ -C { all | cpuidslist } ] [ -d ] [ -D ] [ -e ] [ -F ] [ -j ] [ -J profilehook ] [ -k ] [ -l ] [ -L objectslist ] [ -m objectslist ] [ -M sourcepathlist ] [ -p processlist ] [ -P { all | pidslist } ] [ -s ] [ -S searchpathlist ] [ -t ] [ -T buffersize ] [ -u ] [ -v ] [ -V verbosefilename ] { [-z] [-Z] | -R } { { -r rootstring } | { [ -A { all | cpuidslist } ] [ -r rootstring ] -x command } } -A Turn on Automated Offline mode. No argument turns of multicpu tracing, all or cpuidslist turns on multicpu tracing. -c Turn on Cooking. -C Turn on the multicpu mode, either 'all' or a list of cpuids must be provided. -d Turn on Deferred Mode trace. -D Turn on detailed profiling (displays cpu usage by instruction offset). -e Turn on Kernel Extension profiling. -F Turn on overwrite mode (overwrites the cooked files, if they exist). If used without -x option, forces the manual offline mode. -j Turn on java profiling. -J Used to specify the kernel profile trace hook. -k Turn on kernel profiling. -l Turn on long listing (none of the names will be truncated). -L Turn on listing annotation, a list of objects for which listing files need to be annotated must be supplied. Use a.lst for IPA listing. -m Turn on microprofiling, a list of objects which needs source level profiling need to be supplied. -M Used to specify the source path list. This source path list is used to find the source during microprofiling. -p Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those process whose names are supplied in the the processlist. -P Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those PIDs which are supplied in the pids list. To turn on the process level details for all the process running in the system, specify 'all' for the pidslist. -r Specifies the rootstring. tprof input and report files all have names in the form of rootstring.suffix. -R Use PURR time instead of TimeBase in percent calculation. -s Turn on shared library profiling. -S Used to specify the search path list. This search path list is used to find any binaries (executable, library or kernel extension) for profiling. -t Turn on thread level details. -T Used to specify Trace Buffer size (used in Realtime or Automated offline mode). -u Turn on user application profiling. -v Turn on verbose mode. -V Specifies verbose file. -x Used to specify the command that need to be executed by tprof. '-x' should always be placed after all the flags. -z Turn on ticks report. -Z Turn on ticks report and split reports by function names when -m or -L are used Note: 1. All the list type inputs are separated by comma except for pathlist, pathlists are separated by colon. 2. Multicpu profiling mode will be automatically disabled while running in realtime mode. 3. Microprofiling will be automatically disabled if Multicpu profiling turned on. 4. Specified Log Buffer size will be omitted while running in realtime mode. 5. If -x option is specified without -A option, then tprof runs in realtime mode. 6. If -x option is specified with -A option, the tprof runs in Automated offline mode. 7. If -x option is omitted then tprof runs in post processing mode or manual offline mode. Error: unable to load %s function Sampling frequency of %1$u is too small. Minimum value is %2$u. Sampling frequency is too large. Minimum value is %1$u. %s option is not supported in this environment. -f option cannot be used without -E option. -f and -E options cannot be used in offline mode. Only one event must be specified. PURR based metrics can only be used with PM_CYC or software events. Performance Monitor based reports: Performance Monitor information not found. Performance Monitor already in use. Configuration information System: %1$s Node: %2$s Machine: %3$s Tprof command was: %s Trace command was: %s Tprof command used to produce input files was: %s Not availableTotal Samples = %.0f Total Elapsed Time = %.2f Monitored event: %s Processor name: %s Sampling frequency: %u Sample events are: CPU Dynamic Reconfiguration event(s) occurred during the trace. CPU dependent statistics may be unreliable. Sampling refresh rate too rapid. Sampling stopped. Profiling stopped by a partition migration operation. SLB statistics cannot be enabled. SLB statistics cannot be disabled WARNING: processor does not have a SIA register; use the IAR instead. Event %s cannot be found. GLOBAL AREA%*s AREAProfiling made with a non marked event. Symbols reported may be inaccurate.Trace kernel buffers overflow. Use the -T flag to increase the size of the trace buffer. Use the -T flag to increase the size of the trace buffer, or the -f flag to decrease the sampling frequency. Sampling frequency: %u events (effective rate is %.3fms) Sampling frequency: %ums Traced Time = %.2fs (out of a total execution time of %.2fs) Warning: Program execution capture was incomplete, report is not accurate. HYPERVISOR Millicode Subroutine Total %% For %s[%lld] (%s %s) = %.2f Total Ticks For %s[%lld] (%s %s) = %.0f Total %% For %s[%lld] thread %lld (%s %s) = %.2f Total Ticks For %s[%lld] thread %lld (%s %s) = %.0f -X option cannot be used with -m. -X option cannot be used with -c. Failed to start tprof2xml. -X option can only be used in offline mode. Usage: tprof [ -c ] [ -C { all | cpuidslist } ] [ -d ] [ -D ] [ -e ] { [ -E { ALIGNMENT | EMULATION | ISLBMISS | DSLBMISS | PM_ } ] [ -f frequency ] } [ -F ] [ -j ] [ -J profilehook ] [ -k ] [ -l ] [ -L objectslist ] [ -m objectslist ] [ -M sourcepathlist ] [ -p processlist ] [ -P { all | pidslist } ] [ -s ] [ -S searchpathlist ] [ -t ] [ -T buffersize ] [ -u ] [ -v ] [ -V verbosefilename ] [ -I ] [ -N ] { [-z] [-Z] | -R } { { -r rootstring } [ -X { xmloptions } ] | { { [ -A { all | cpuidslist } ] [-n] } [ -r rootstring ] -x command } } -A Turn on Automated Offline mode. No argument turns off multicpu tracing, all or cpuidslist turns on multicpu tracing. -c Turn on Cooking. -C Turn on the multicpu mode, either 'all' or a list of cpuids must be provided. -d Turn on Deferred Mode trace. -D Turn on detailed profiling (displays cpu usage by instruction offset). -e Turn on Kernel Extension profiling. -E Turn on event based profiling. PM_ Specify the hardware event to profile. Default event is processor cycles (PM_CYC). EMULATION Turn on the emulation profiling mode. ALIGNMENT Turn on the alignment profiling mode. ISLBMISS Turn on the Instruction Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode. DSLBMISS Turn on the Data Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode. -f Specify the sampling frequency to use: from 1 to 500 ms for the Processor cycles, EMULATION, ALIGNMENT, ISLBMISS and DSLBMISS events. from 10000 up to MAXINT events occurrences for others Performance Monitor events. -F Turn on overwrite mode (overwrites the cooked files, if they exist). If used without -x option, forces the manual offline mode. -I Turn on binary instructions collection. -j Turn on java profiling. -J Used to specify the kernel profile trace hook. -k Turn on kernel profiling. -l Turn on long listing (none of the names will be truncated). -L Turn on listing annotation, a list of objects for which listing files need to be annotated must be supplied. Use a.lst for IPA listing. -m Turn on microprofiling, a list of objects which needs source level profiling need to be supplied. -M Used to specify the source path list. This source path list is used to find the source during microprofiling. -n Turn off postprocessing. With this flag, -u, -s, -k, -e and -j are ignored. -N Turn on source line number info collection. -p Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those process whose names are supplied in the the processlist. -P Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those PIDs which are supplied in the pids list. To turn on the process level details for all the process running in the system, specify 'all' for the pidslist. -r Specifies the rootstring. tprof input and report files all have names in the form of rootstring.suffix. -R Use PURR time instead of TimeBase in percent calculation. -s Turn on shared library profiling. -S Used to specify the search path list. This search path list is used to find any binaries (executable, library or kernel extension) for profiling. -t Turn on thread level details. -T Used to specify Trace Buffer size (used in Realtime or Automated offline mode). -u Turn on user application profiling. -v Turn on verbose mode. -V Specifies verbose file. -x Used to specify the command that need to be executed by tprof. '-x' should always be placed after all the flags. -X Call tprof2xml when profling is completed. xmloptions: options should be passed to tprof2xml: timedata buckets=N -z Turn on ticks report. -Z Turn on ticks report and split reports by function names when -m or -L are used Note: 1. All the list type inputs are separated by comma except for pathlist, pathlists are separated by colon. 2. Multicpu profiling mode will be automatically disabled while running in realtime mode. 3. Microprofiling will be automatically disabled if Multicpu profiling turned on. 4. Specified Log Buffer size will be omitted while running in realtime mode. 5. If -x option is specified without -A option, then tprof runs in realtime mode. 6. If -x option is specified with -A option, the tprof runs in Automated offline mode. 7. If -x option is omitted then tprof runs in post processing mode or manual offline mode. 8. -I and -N can be used wihtout restriction, -X option should only be used in automated offline mode or manual offline mode, not in realtime mode and posprocess mode. 9. -X can have two parameters: timedata and buckets, the syntax is: -X timedata or -X timedata,buckets=1800 10. -u, -s, -k, -e and -j options are all meaningless when used with -XEvent couple %s and %s cannot be set up. Cannot find a group containing %s and %s. Cannot find a group containing %s. Unable to find cooked symbols file %s, turning off PostProcess Mode. %s requires %s. Cannot register the hook %s. Sampling interval of %1$u is too small. Minimum value is %2$u. Sampling interval is too large. Maximum value is %1$u. Sampling interval: %u Sampling interval: %u events (effective rate is %.3fms) Sampling interval: %ums Use the -T flag to increase the size of the trace buffer, or the -f flag to increase the sampling interval. Usage: tprof [ -c ] [ -C { all | cpuidslist } ] [ -d ] [ -D ] [ -e ] { [ -E { ALIGNMENT | EMULATION | ISLBMISS | DSLBMISS | PM_ } ] [ -f interval ] } [ -F ] [ -j ] [ -J profilehook ] [ -k ] [ -l ] [ -L objectslist ] [ -m objectslist ] [ -M sourcepathlist ] [ -p processlist ] [ -P { all | pidslist } ] [ -s ] [ -S searchpathlist ] [ -t ] [ -T buffersize ] [ -u ] [ -v ] [ -V verbosefilename ] [ -I ] [ -N ] { [-z] [-Z] | -R } { { -r rootstring } [ -X { xmloptions } ] | { { [ -A { all | cpuidslist } ] [-n] } [ -r rootstring ] -x command } } -A Turn on Automated Offline mode. No argument turns off multicpu tracing, all or cpuidslist turns on multicpu tracing. -c Turn on Cooking. -C Turn on the multicpu mode, either 'all' or a list of cpuids must be provided. -d Turn on Deferred Mode trace. -D Turn on detailed profiling (displays cpu usage by instruction offset). -e Turn on Kernel Extension profiling. -E Turn on event based profiling. PM_ Specify the hardware event to profile. Default event is processor cycles (PM_CYC). EMULATION Turn on the emulation profiling mode. ALIGNMENT Turn on the alignment profiling mode. ISLBMISS Turn on the Instruction Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode. DSLBMISS Turn on the Data Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode. -f Specify the sampling interval to use: from 1 to 500 ms for the Processor cycles, EMULATION, ALIGNMENT, ISLBMISS and DSLBMISS events (default = 10 ms). from 10000 up to MAXINT events occurrences for others Performance Monitor events (default = 10000). -F Turn on overwrite mode (overwrites the cooked files, if they exist). If used without -x option, forces the manual offline mode. -I Turn on binary instructions collection. -j Turn on java profiling. -J Used to specify the kernel profile trace hook. -k Turn on kernel profiling. -l Turn on long listing (none of the names will be truncated). -L Turn on listing annotation, a list of objects for which listing files need to be annotated must be supplied. Use a.lst for IPA listing. -m Turn on microprofiling, a list of objects which needs source level profiling need to be supplied. -M Used to specify the source path list. This source path list is used to find the source during microprofiling. -n Turn off postprocessing. With this flag, -u, -s, -k, -e and -j are ignored. -N Turn on source line number info collection. -p Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those process whose names are supplied in the the processlist. -P Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those PIDs which are supplied in the pids list. To turn on the process level details for all the process running in the system, specify 'all' for the pidslist. -r Specifies the rootstring. tprof input and report files all have names in the form of rootstring.suffix. -R Use PURR time instead of TimeBase in percent calculation. -s Turn on shared library profiling. -S Used to specify the search path list. This search path list is used to find any binaries (executable, library or kernel extension) for profiling. -t Turn on thread level details. -T Used to specify Trace Buffer size (used in Realtime or Automated offline mode). -u Turn on user application profiling. -v Turn on verbose mode. -V Specifies verbose file. -x Used to specify the command that need to be executed by tprof. '-x' should always be placed after all the flags. -X Call tprof2xml when profling is completed. xmloptions: options should be passed to tprof2xml: timedata buckets=N -z Turn on ticks report. -Z Turn on ticks report and split reports by function names when -m or -L are used Note: 1. All the list type inputs are separated by comma except for pathlist, pathlists are separated by colon. 2. Multicpu profiling mode will be automatically disabled while running in realtime mode. 3. Microprofiling will be automatically disabled if Multicpu profiling turned on. 4. Specified Log Buffer size will be omitted while running in realtime mode. 5. If -x option is specified without -A option, then tprof runs in realtime mode. 6. If -x option is specified with -A option, the tprof runs in Automated offline mode. 7. If -x option is omitted then tprof runs in post processing mode or manual offline mode. 8. -I and -N can be used wihtout restriction, -X option should only be used in automated offline mode or manual offline mode, not in realtime mode and posprocess mode. 9. -X can have two parameters: timedata and buckets, the syntax is: -X timedata or -X timedata,buckets=1800 10. -u, -s, -k, -e and -j options are all meaningless when used with -X%s is not supported in a named WPAR Option %s not supported Unknown wparname %sWPARWPAR: %sPercentages are relative to WPAR execution time Usage: tprof [ -c ] [ -C { all | cpuidslist } ] [ -d ] [ -D ] [ -e ] [ -@ [ ALL | wparnamelist ] ] { [ -E { ALIGNMENT | EMULATION | ISLBMISS | DSLBMISS | PM_ } ] [ -f interval ] } [ -F ] [ -j ] [ -J profilehook ] [ -k ] [ -l ] [ -L objectslist ] [ -m objectslist ] [ -M sourcepathlist ] [ -p processlist ] [ -P { all | pidslist } ] [ -s ] [ -S searchpathlist ] [ -t ] [ -T buffersize ] [ -u ] [ -v ] [ -V verbosefilename ] [ -I ] [ -N ] [-g] { [-z] [-Z] | -R } { { -r rootstring } [ -X { xmloptions } ] | { { [ -A { all | cpuidslist } ] [-n] } [ -r rootstring ] -x command } } -A Turn on Automated Offline mode. No argument turns off multicpu tracing, all or cpuidslist turns on multicpu tracing. -c Turn on Cooking. -C Turn on the multicpu mode, either 'all' or a list of cpuids must be provided. -d Turn on Deferred Mode trace. -D Turn on detailed profiling (displays cpu usage by instruction offset). -e Turn on Kernel Extension profiling. -E Turn on event based profiling. PM_ Specify the hardware event to profile. Default event is processor cycles (PM_CYC). EMULATION Turn on the emulation profiling mode. ALIGNMENT Turn on the alignment profiling mode. ISLBMISS Turn on the Instruction Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode. DSLBMISS Turn on the Data Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode. -f Specify the sampling interval to use: from 1 to 500 ms for the Processor cycles, EMULATION, ALIGNMENT, ISLBMISS and DSLBMISS events (default = 10 ms). from 10000 up to MAXINT events occurrences for others Performance Monitor events (default = 10000). -F Turn on overwrite mode (overwrites the cooked files, if they exist). If used without -x option, forces the manual offline mode. -g Do not demangle symbol names. -I Turn on binary instructions collection. -j Turn on java profiling. -J Used to specify the kernel profile trace hook. -k Turn on kernel profiling. -l Turn on long listing (none of the names will be truncated). -L Turn on listing annotation, a list of objects for which listing files need to be annotated must be supplied. Use a.lst for IPA listing. -m Turn on microprofiling, a list of objects which needs source level profiling need to be supplied. -M Used to specify the source path list. This source path list is used to find the source during microprofiling. -n Turn off postprocessing. With this flag, -u, -s, -k, -e and -j are ignored. -N Turn on source line number info collection. -p Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those process whose names are supplied in the the processlist. -P Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those PIDs which are supplied in the pids list. To turn on the process level details for all the process running in the system, specify 'all' for the pidslist. -r Specifies the rootstring. tprof input and report files all have names in the form of rootstring.suffix. -R Use PURR time instead of TimeBase in percent calculation. -s Turn on shared library profiling. -S Used to specify the search path list. This search path list is used to find any binaries (executable, library or kernel extension) for profiling. -t Turn on thread level details. -T Used to specify Trace Buffer size (used in Realtime or Automated offline mode). -u Turn on user application profiling. -v Turn on verbose mode. -V Specifies verbose file. -x Used to specify the command that need to be executed by tprof. '-x' should always be placed after all the flags. -X Call tprof2xml when profling is completed. xmloptions: options should be passed to tprof2xml: timedata buckets=N -z Turn on ticks report. -Z Turn on ticks report and split reports by function names when -m or -L are used -@ Turn on WPAR information in the generated reports. ALL list all WPARs specifies a comma-separated list of WPARs of interest. Note: 1. All the list type inputs are separated by comma except for pathlist, pathlists are separated by colon. 2. Multicpu profiling mode will be automatically disabled while running in realtime mode. 3. Microprofiling will be automatically disabled if Multicpu profiling turned on. 4. Specified Log Buffer size will be omitted while running in realtime mode. 5. If -x option is specified without -A option, then tprof runs in realtime mode. 6. If -x option is specified with -A option, the tprof runs in Automated offline mode. 7. If -x option is omitted then tprof runs in post processing mode or manual offline mode. 8. -I and -N can be used wihtout restriction, -X option should only be used in automated offline mode or manual offline mode, not in realtime mode and posprocess mode. 9. -X can have two parameters: timedata and buckets, the syntax is: -X timedata or -X timedata,buckets=1800 10. -u, -s, -k, -e and -j options are all meaningless when used with -X Error: an attempt was made to write a file that exceeds the process' file size limit or the maximum file size. Error: no free space remained on the device containing the file. Error: an attempt to close a file failed. A group with events %s and PM_INST_CMPL cannot be found. Hardware counters already in use. Unable to find WPARs, ignoring -@ option. WPAR not found. Error: symbol names already demangled Warning: demangled symbol names found in symbols file Total Memory reference samples = %llu Total number of malloc calls = %llu Total number of free calls = %llu Sampling interval: %u events Percentages are relative to the execution of the process family specified with -y Process PID #MemRef %%Modelled #malloc #free Process PID %%MemRef %%Modelled %%malloc %%free Modeled region for the process %s [%lld] Region Start End Size (KB) %%MemRef Performance projection for the process %s [%lld] Region PageSize #Pages TMissScore ColdTMissScore %s option cannot be used with %s option %s option cannot be used with options other than %s Usage: tprof [ -c ] [ -C { all | cpuidslist } ] [ -d ] [ -D ] [ -e ] [ -@ [ ALL | wparnamelist ] ] { [ -E { ALIGNMENT | EMULATION | ISLBMISS | DSLBMISS | PM_ } ] [ -f interval ] } [ -F ] [ -j ] [ -J profilehook ] [ -k ] [ -l ] [ -L objectslist ] [ -m objectslist ] [ -M sourcepathlist ] [ -p processlist ] [ -P { all | pidslist } ] [ -s ] [ -S searchpathlist ] [ -t ] [ -T buffersize ] [ -u ] [ -v ] [ -V verbosefilename ] [ -I ] [ -N ] [-g] { [-z] [-Z] | -R } { { -r rootstring } [ -X { xmloptions } ] | { { [ -A { all | cpuidslist } ] [-n] } [ -r rootstring ] { { -x command } | { -y command } } } } { -a [-A [ all ] ] [ -c ] [ -f interval ] [ -F ] [ -v ] [ -z ] [ -V verbosefilename ] [ -T buffersize ] { { [ -r rootstring ] -y command } | { -r rootstring } } } -A Turn on Automated Offline mode. No argument turns off multicpu tracing, all or cpuidslist turns on multicpu tracing. -a Turn on large page analysis -c Turn on Cooking. -C Turn on the multicpu mode, either 'all' or a list of cpuids must be provided. -d Turn on Deferred Mode trace. -D Turn on detailed profiling (displays cpu usage by instruction offset). -e Turn on Kernel Extension profiling. -E Turn on event based profiling. PM_ Specify the hardware event to profile. Default event is processor cycles (PM_CYC). EMULATION Turn on the emulation profiling mode. ALIGNMENT Turn on the alignment profiling mode. ISLBMISS Turn on the Instruction Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode. DSLBMISS Turn on the Data Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode. -f Specify the sampling interval to use: from 1 to 500 ms for the Processor cycles, EMULATION, ALIGNMENT, ISLBMISS and DSLBMISS events (default = 10 ms). from 10000 up to MAXINT events occurrences for others Performance Monitor events (default = 10000). (when used with -y) from 1 up to MAXINT occurrences for other Performance Monitor events (default = 10000 events). -F Turn on overwrite mode (overwrites the cooked files, if they exist). If used without -x option, forces the manual offline mode. -g Do not demangle symbol names. -I Turn on binary instructions collection. -j Turn on java profiling. -J Used to specify the kernel profile trace hook. -k Turn on kernel profiling. -l Turn on long listing (none of the names will be truncated). -L Turn on listing annotation, a list of objects for which listing files need to be annotated must be supplied. Use a.lst for IPA listing. -m Turn on microprofiling, a list of objects which needs source level profiling need to be supplied. -M Used to specify the source path list. This source path list is used to find the source during microprofiling. -n Turn off postprocessing. With this flag, -u, -s, -k, -e and -j are ignored. -N Turn on source line number info collection. -p Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those process whose names are supplied in the the processlist. -P Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those PIDs which are supplied in the pids list. To turn on the process level details for all the process running in the system, specify 'all' for the pidslist. -r Specifies the rootstring. tprof input and report files all have names in the form of rootstring.suffix. -R Use PURR time instead of TimeBase in percent calculation. -s Turn on shared library profiling. -S Used to specify the search path list. This search path list is used to find any binaries (executable, library or kernel extension) for profiling. -t Turn on thread level details. -T Used to specify Trace Buffer size (used in Realtime or Automated offline mode). -u Turn on user application profiling. -v Turn on verbose mode. -V Specifies verbose file. -x Used to specify the command that need to be executed by tprof. '-x' should always be placed after all the flags. -X Call tprof2xml when profling is completed. xmloptions: options should be passed to tprof2xml: timedata buckets=N -y Turn on event based profiling only for the specified command and its descendents. -z Turn on ticks report. Report in numbers for process summary section instead of percentages, when used with -a . -Z Turn on ticks report and split reports by function names when -m or -L are used -@ Turn on WPAR information in the generated reports. ALL list all WPARs specifies a comma-separated list of WPARs of interest. Note: 1. All the list type inputs are separated by comma except for pathlist, pathlists are separated by colon. 2. Multicpu profiling mode will be automatically disabled while running in realtime mode. 3. Microprofiling will be automatically disabled if Multicpu profiling turned on. 4. Specified Log Buffer size will be omitted while running in realtime mode. 5. If -x option is specified without -A option, then tprof runs in realtime mode. 6. If -x option is specified with -A option, the tprof runs in Automated offline mode. 7. If -x option is omitted then tprof runs in post processing mode or manual offline mode. 8. -I and -N can be used wihtout restriction, -X option should only be used in automated offline mode or manual offline mode, not in realtime mode and posprocess mode. 9. -X can have two parameters: timedata and buckets, the syntax is: -X timedata or -X timedata,buckets=1800 10. -u, -s, -k, -e and -j options are all meaningless when used with -X Usage: tprof [ -c ] [ -C { all | cpuidslist } ] [ -d ] [ -D ] [ -e ] [ -@ [ ALL | wparnamelist ] ] { [ -E { ALIGNMENT | EMULATION | ISLBMISS | DSLBMISS | PM_ } ] [ -f interval ] } [ -F ] [ -j ] [ -J profilehook ] [ -k ] [ -l ] [ -L objectslist ] [ -m objectslist ] [ -M sourcepathlist ] [ -p processlist ] [ -P { all | pidslist } ] [ -s ] [ -S searchpathlist ] [ -t ] [ -T buffersize ] [ -u ] [ -v ] [ -V verbosefilename ] [ -I ] [ -N ] [-g] { [-z] [-Z] | -R } { { -r rootstring } [ -X { xmloptions } ] | { { [ -A { all | cpuidslist } ] [-n] } [ -r rootstring ] { { -x command } | { -y command } } } } { -a [-A [ all ] ] [ -f interval ] [ -F ] [ -v ] [ -z ] [ -V verbosefilename ] [ -T buffersize ] { { [ -r rootstring ] -y command } | { -r rootstring } } } -A Turn on Automated Offline mode. No argument turns off multicpu tracing, all or cpuidslist turns on multicpu tracing. -a Turn on large page analysis -c Turn on Cooking. -C Turn on the multicpu mode, either 'all' or a list of cpuids must be provided. -d Turn on Deferred Mode trace. -D Turn on detailed profiling (displays cpu usage by instruction offset). -e Turn on Kernel Extension profiling. -E Turn on event based profiling. PM_ Specify the hardware event to profile. Default event is processor cycles (PM_CYC). EMULATION Turn on the emulation profiling mode. ALIGNMENT Turn on the alignment profiling mode. ISLBMISS Turn on the Instruction Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode. DSLBMISS Turn on the Data Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode. -f Specify the sampling interval to use: from 1 to 500 ms for the Processor cycles, EMULATION, ALIGNMENT, ISLBMISS and DSLBMISS events (default = 10 ms). from 10000 up to MAXINT events occurrences for others Performance Monitor events (default = 10000). (when used with -y) from 1 up to MAXINT occurrences for other Performance Monitor events (default = 10000 events). -F Turn on overwrite mode (overwrites the cooked files, if they exist). If used without -x option, forces the manual offline mode. -g Do not demangle symbol names. -I Turn on binary instructions collection. -j Turn on java profiling. -J Used to specify the kernel profile trace hook. -k Turn on kernel profiling. -l Turn on long listing (none of the names will be truncated). -L Turn on listing annotation, a list of objects for which listing files need to be annotated must be supplied. Use a.lst for IPA listing. -m Turn on microprofiling, a list of objects which needs source level profiling need to be supplied. -M Used to specify the source path list. This source path list is used to find the source during microprofiling. -n Turn off postprocessing. With this flag, -u, -s, -k, -e and -j are ignored. -N Turn on source line number info collection. -p Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those process whose names are supplied in the the processlist. -P Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those PIDs which are supplied in the pids list. To turn on the process level details for all the process running in the system, specify 'all' for the pidslist. -r Specifies the rootstring. tprof input and report files all have names in the form of rootstring.suffix. -R Use PURR time instead of TimeBase in percent calculation. -s Turn on shared library profiling. -S Used to specify the search path list. This search path list is used to find any binaries (executable, library or kernel extension) for profiling. -t Turn on thread level details. -T Used to specify Trace Buffer size (used in Realtime or Automated offline mode). -u Turn on user application profiling. -v Turn on verbose mode. -V Specifies verbose file. -x Used to specify the command that need to be executed by tprof. '-x' should always be placed after all the flags. -X Call tprof2xml when profling is completed. xmloptions: options should be passed to tprof2xml: timedata buckets=N -y Turn on event based profiling only for the specified command and its descendents. -z Turn on ticks report. Report in numbers for process summary section instead of percentages, when used with -a . -Z Turn on ticks report and split reports by function names when -m or -L are used -@ Turn on WPAR information in the generated reports. ALL list all WPARs specifies a comma-separated list of WPARs of interest. Note: 1. All the list type inputs are separated by comma except for pathlist, pathlists are separated by colon. 2. Multicpu profiling mode will be automatically disabled while running in realtime mode. 3. Microprofiling will be automatically disabled if Multicpu profiling turned on. 4. Specified Log Buffer size will be omitted while running in realtime mode. 5. If -x option is specified without -A option, then tprof runs in realtime mode. 6. If -x option is specified with -A option, the tprof runs in Automated offline mode. 7. If -x option is omitted then tprof runs in post processing mode or manual offline mode. 8. -I and -N can be used wihtout restriction, -X option should only be used in automated offline mode or manual offline mode, not in realtime mode and posprocess mode. 9. -X can have two parameters: timedata and buckets, the syntax is: -X timedata or -X timedata,buckets=1800 10. -u, -s, -k, -e and -j options are all meaningless when used with -X -b and -B options are allowed only with -E PM_ No samples found ADJUNCT HYPERVISORUsage: tprof [ -c ] [ -C { all | cpuidslist } ] [ -d ] [ -D ] [ -e ] [ -@ [ ALL | wparnamelist ] ] { [ -E { ALIGNMENT | EMULATION | ISLBMISS | DSLBMISS | PM_ } ] [ -f interval ] } [ -F ] [ -j ] [ -J profilehook ] [ -k ] [ -l ] [ -L objectslist ] [ -m objectslist ] [ -M sourcepathlist ] [ -p processlist ] [ -P { all | pidslist } ] [ -s ] [ -S searchpathlist ] [ -t ] [ -T buffersize ] [ -u ] [ -v ] [ -V verbosefilename ] [ -I ] [ -N ] [-g] { [-z] [-Z] | -R } [-G start=mmddhhmmssyy,end=mmddhhmmssyy ] [-O options] { { -r rootstring } [ -X { xmloptions } ] | { { [ -A { all | cpuidslist } ] [-n] } [ -r rootstring ] { { -x command } | { -y command } } } } { -a [-A [ all ] ] [ -f interval ] [ -F ] [ -v ] [ -z ] [ -V verbosefilename ] [ -T buffersize ] { { [ -r rootstring ] -y command } | { -r rootstring } } } -A Turn on Automated Offline mode. No argument turns off multicpu tracing, all or cpuidslist turns on multicpu tracing. -a Turn on large page analysis -c Turn on Cooking. -C Turn on the multicpu mode, either 'all' or a list of cpuids must be provided. -d Turn on Deferred Mode trace. -D Turn on detailed profiling (displays cpu usage by instruction offset). -e Turn on Kernel Extension profiling. -E Turn on event based profiling. PM_ Specify the hardware event to profile. Default event is processor cycles (PM_CYC). EMULATION Turn on the emulation profiling mode. ALIGNMENT Turn on the alignment profiling mode. ISLBMISS Turn on the Instruction Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode. DSLBMISS Turn on the Data Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode. -f Specify the sampling interval to use: from 1 to 500 ms for the Processor cycles, EMULATION, ALIGNMENT, ISLBMISS and DSLBMISS events (default = 10 ms). from 10000 up to MAXINT events occurrences for others Performance Monitor events (default = 10000). (when used with -y) from 1 up to MAXINT occurrences for other Performance Monitor events (default = 10000 events). -F Turn on overwrite mode (overwrites the cooked files, if they exist). If used without -x option, forces the manual offline mode. -g Do not demangle symbol names. -G start=mmddhhmmssyy,end=mmddhhmmssyy where mmddhhmmssyy(month, day, hour, minute, second, and year) start - When set, trace processing start from the specified start date string end - When set, trace processing stops at the specified end date string. -I Turn on binary instructions collection. -j Turn on java profiling. -J Used to specify the kernel profile trace hook. -k Turn on kernel profiling. -l Turn on long listing (none of the names will be truncated). -L Turn on listing annotation, a list of objects for which listing files need to be annotated must be supplied. Use a.lst for IPA listing. -m Turn on microprofiling, a list of objects which needs source level profiling need to be supplied. -M Used to specify the source path list. This source path list is used to find the source during microprofiling. -n Turn off postprocessing. With this flag, -u, -s, -k, -e and -j are ignored. -N Turn on source line number info collection. -O Option=value,..... showaddrbytes=[on|off] default off. Turn on the Address and Bytes columns in subroutine reports. wrapfname=[on|off] default off. Turn on the line wrap of the long function name. This option is used with -l option, when used function names are line wrapped. -p Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those process whose names are supplied in the the processlist. -P Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those PIDs which are supplied in the pids list. To turn on the process level details for all the process running in the system, specify 'all' for the pidslist. -r Specifies the rootstring. tprof input and report files all have names in the form of rootstring.suffix. -R Use PURR time instead of TimeBase in percent calculation. -s Turn on shared library profiling. -S Used to specify the search path list. This search path list is used to find any binaries (executable, library or kernel extension) for profiling. -t Turn on thread level details. -T Used to specify Trace Buffer size (used in Realtime or Automated offline mode). -u Turn on user application profiling. -v Turn on verbose mode. -V Specifies verbose file. -x Used to specify the command that need to be executed by tprof. '-x' should always be placed after all the flags. -X Call tprof2xml when profling is completed. xmloptions: options should be passed to tprof2xml: timedata buckets=N -y Turn on event based profiling only for the specified command and its descendents. -z Turn on ticks report. Report in numbers for process summary section instead of percentages, when used with -a . -Z Turn on ticks report and split reports by function names when -m or -L are used -@ Turn on WPAR information in the generated reports. ALL list all WPARs specifies a comma-separated list of WPARs of interest. Note: 1. All the list type inputs are separated by comma except for pathlist, pathlists are separated by colon. 2. Multicpu profiling mode will be automatically disabled while running in realtime mode. 3. Microprofiling will be automatically disabled if Multicpu profiling turned on. 4. Specified Log Buffer size will be omitted while running in realtime mode. 5. If -x option is specified without -A option, then tprof runs in realtime mode. 6. If -x option is specified with -A option, the tprof runs in Automated offline mode. 7. If -x option is omitted then tprof runs in post processing mode or manual offline mode. 8. -I and -N can be used wihtout restriction, -X option should only be used in automated offline mode or manual offline mode, not in realtime mode and posprocess mode. 9. -X can have two parameters: timedata and buckets, the syntax is: -X timedata or -X timedata,buckets=1800 10. -u, -s, -k, -e and -j options are all meaningless when used with -X 11. -O showaddrbytes=on option is meaningless when used with -z 12. -O wrapfname=on option should be used with -l option 13. -G option can be used only in post processing mode. Total (%s) %% For Processes (%s) = %.2f Total (%s) Ticks For All Processes (%s) = %.0f Total %% For Processes(%s) (%s) = %.2f Total Ticks For Processes(%s) (%s) = %.0f Total (%s) %% For Processeslist = %.2f Total (%s) Ticks For Processeslist = %.0f Usage: tprof [ -c ] [ -C { all | cpuidslist } ] [ -d ] [ -D ] [ -e ] [ -@ [ ALL | wparnamelist ] ] { [ -E { ALIGNMENT | EMULATION | ISLBMISS | DSLBMISS | PM_ } ] [ -f interval ] } [ -F ] [ -j ] [ -J profilehook ] [ -k ] [ -l ] [ -L objectslist ] [ -m objectslist ] [ -M sourcepathlist ] [ -p processlist ] [ -P { all | pidslist } ] [ -s ] [ -S searchpathlist ] [ -t ] [ -T buffersize ] [ -u ] [ -v ] [ -V verbosefilename ] [ -I ] [ -N ] [-g] { [-z] [-Z] | -R } [-G start=mmddhhmmssyy,end=mmddhhmmssyy ] [-O options] { { -r rootstring } [ -X { xmloptions } ] | { { [ -A { all | cpuidslist } ] [-n] } [ -r rootstring ] { { -x command } | { -y command } } } } { -a [-A [ all ] ] [ -f interval ] [ -F ] [ -v ] [ -z ] [ -V verbosefilename ] [ -T buffersize ] { { [ -r rootstring ] -y command } | { -r rootstring } } } -A Turn on Automated Offline mode. No argument turns off multicpu tracing, all or cpuidslist turns on multicpu tracing. -a Turn on large page analysis -c Turn on Cooking. -C Turn on the multicpu mode, either 'all' or a list of cpuids must be provided. -d Turn on Deferred Mode trace. -D Turn on detailed profiling (displays cpu usage by instruction offset). -e Turn on Kernel Extension profiling. -E Turn on event based profiling. PM_ Specify the hardware event to profile. Default event is processor cycles (PM_CYC). EMULATION Turn on the emulation profiling mode. ALIGNMENT Turn on the alignment profiling mode. ISLBMISS Turn on the Instruction Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode. DSLBMISS Turn on the Data Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode. -f Specify the sampling interval to use: from 1 to 500 ms for the Processor cycles, EMULATION, ALIGNMENT, ISLBMISS and DSLBMISS events (default = 10 ms). from 10000 up to MAXINT events occurrences for others Performance Monitor events (default = 10000). (when used with -y) from 1 up to MAXINT occurrences for other Performance Monitor events (default = 10000 events). -F Turn on overwrite mode (overwrites the cooked files, if they exist). If used without -x option, forces the manual offline mode. -g Do not demangle symbol names. -G start=mmddhhmmssyy,end=mmddhhmmssyy where mmddhhmmssyy(month, day, hour, minute, second, and year) start - When set, trace processing start from the specified start date string end - When set, trace processing stops at the specified end date string. -I Turn on binary instructions collection. -j Turn on java profiling. -J Used to specify the kernel profile trace hook. -k Turn on kernel profiling. -l Turn on long listing (none of the names will be truncated). -L Turn on listing annotation, a list of objects for which listing files need to be annotated must be supplied. Use a.lst for IPA listing. -m Turn on microprofiling, a list of objects which needs source level profiling need to be supplied. -M Used to specify the source path list. This source path list is used to find the source during microprofiling. -n Turn off postprocessing. With this flag, -u, -s, -k, -e and -j are ignored. -N Turn on source line number info collection. -O Option=value,..... showaddrbytes=[on|off] default off. Turn on the Address and Bytes columns in subroutine reports. wrapfname=[on|off] default off. Turn on the line wrap of the long function name. This option is used with -l option, when used function names are line wrapped. pdetails=[on|off] default off. Turn on the process name details for the given processlist -p Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those process whose names are supplied in the the processlist. -P Turn on the process level details. Process Level details will be turned on only for those PIDs which are supplied in the pids list. To turn on the process level details for all the process running in the system, specify 'all' for the pidslist. -r Specifies the rootstring. tprof input and report files all have names in the form of rootstring.suffix. -R Use PURR time instead of TimeBase in percent calculation. -s Turn on shared library profiling. -S Used to specify the search path list. This search path list is used to find any binaries (executable, library or kernel extension) for profiling. -t Turn on thread level details. -T Used to specify Trace Buffer size (used in Realtime or Automated offline mode). -u Turn on user application profiling. -v Turn on verbose mode. -V Specifies verbose file. -x Used to specify the command that need to be executed by tprof. '-x' should always be placed after all the flags. -X Call tprof2xml when profling is completed. xmloptions: options should be passed to tprof2xml: timedata buckets=N -y Turn on event based profiling only for the specified command and its descendents. -z Turn on ticks report. Report in numbers for process summary section instead of percentages, when used with -a . -Z Turn on ticks report and split reports by function names when -m or -L are used -@ Turn on WPAR information in the generated reports. ALL list all WPARs specifies a comma-separated list of WPARs of interest. Note: 1. All the list type inputs are separated by comma except for pathlist, pathlists are separated by colon. 2. Multicpu profiling mode will be automatically disabled while running in realtime mode. 3. Microprofiling will be automatically disabled if Multicpu profiling turned on. 4. Specified Log Buffer size will be omitted while running in realtime mode. 5. If -x option is specified without -A option, then tprof runs in realtime mode. 6. If -x option is specified with -A option, the tprof runs in Automated offline mode. 7. If -x option is omitted then tprof runs in post processing mode or manual offline mode. 8. -I and -N can be used wihtout restriction, -X option should only be used in automated offline mode or manual offline mode, not in realtime mode and posprocess mode. 9. -X can have two parameters: timedata and buckets, the syntax is: -X timedata or -X timedata,buckets=1800 10. -u, -s, -k, -e and -j options are all meaningless when used with -X 11. -O showaddrbytes=on option is meaningless when used with -z 12. -O wrapfname=on can be used only with -l option 13. -G option can be used only in post processing mode. 14. -O pdetails=on can be used only with -p option PMU access is disabled in the system. No Authorization to run tprof. WPAR root path: %s Failed to open %s file. Cannot lock %s file. Cannot unlock %s file.