ISO8859-196(2*(]f:8( 6a # D 5 775ospell: 1001-101 The -v choice is not supported on pdp11. spell: 1001-102 All but the last options are ignored. spell: 1001-103 Cannot find or open %s. spell: 1001-104 Cannot identify local spell file. spell: 1001-105 %s is not a valid flag. Usage: spell [-v] [-b] [-x] [-l] [-i] [+Wordlist] [-d Hashlist] [-s Hashstop] [-h Historylist] [File] spell: 1001-106 All but the last -i/-l flags are ignored. spellin: 1001-002 Cannot find or open the List file %s. spellin: 1001-001 The parameter count is not correct. spellin: expected code widths = %f spellin: %1$ld items, %2$d ignored, %3$d extra, %4$u words occupied spellin: %1$f table bits/item, %2$f table+index bits spellout: 1001-201 The parameter count is not correct. spellout: 1001-202 Cannot initialize the hash table.