ùISO8859-1%ß”.t-£Ñîi hvuß tU IÊ J 8_ D˜DÝ'"9J„¢½Ù!ô"99!s•#®6Ò: 5D9zD´ <ù!4 6"j k#; Ö$g %F z + Á í    :5 O …  Ÿsmtctl: Usage error: Usage: smtctl [ -m off | on [ -w boot | now]] smtctl [ -m recommended [ -w boot | now ]] smtctl [ -m suspend [ -w boot ]] smtctl [ -m limit [ -t #SMT ] [ -w boot ]] smtctl [ -t #SMT [ -w boot | now]] smtctl: This command requires root authority. smtctl: SMT is not supported on this system. smtctl: SMT is now enabled. smtctl: SMT is now disabled. smtctl: SMT will be disabled on the next reboot if you run the bosboot command before the next reboot. smtctl: SMT will be enabled on the next reboot if you run the bosboot command before the next reboot. smtctl: SMT is now disabled. It will persist across reboots if you run the bosboot command before the next reboot. smtctl: SMT is now enabled. It will persist across reboots if you run the bosboot command before the next reboot. smtctl: Enabling of SMT failed on some processors. Rerun this command. smtctl: Disabling of SMT failed on some processors. Rerun this command. smtctl: Unable to claim ODM lock. Rerun this command. smtctl: Cannot create SWservAt ODM attribute. Rerun this command. smtctl: Cannot change SWservAt ODM attribute. Rerun this command. smtctl: Cannot execute on this system. smtctl: Memory allocation problem. Rerun this command. This system is SMT capable. SMT is currently enabled. SMT is currently disabled. SMT boot mode is not set. SMT boot mode is set to enabled. SMT boot mode is set to disabled. This system supports up to %d SMT threads per processor. smtctl: Conflicting flags: -m -t %s has %d SMT threads. Bind processor %d is bound with %s SMT threads are bound to the same physical processor. SMT threads are not bound to the same physical processor. SMT threads are bound to the same virtual processor. SMT threads are not bound to the same virtual processor. smtctl: This command requires root authority or rbac authorization. smtctl: This command cannot be run in a workload partition. smtctl: The value given for the -t flag is invalid. smtctl: SMT will be suspended on the next reboot if you run the bosboot command before the next reboot. smtctl: The -w now flag is invalid while smt is suspended. smtctl: SMT will be limited on the next reboot if you run the bosboot command before the next reboot. smtctl: Dynamic SMT switches are not supported. Use '-w boot' option. Simultaneous Multi-Threading Processor ModeList SMT Mode SettingsChange SMT ModeSMT ModeEnable,Disable,Limit,SuspendSMT Change EffectiveNow and subsequent boots,Now,Only on subsequent bootsSet Number of SMT ThreadsNumber of SMT Threads