ISO8859-1^# ~1 6 + 2 ,F <s*15 .C;r8:8"8[9=Y 2 f( 3  1 L @ 3 !% "U #2 =$% p%/ &" '< ( &)0 E*9 v+* ,+ -$ .8 ,/A e00 1. 2D3'L4't5(6#71829.N:$};:<6=>(2?)[@AA&B)C&D9?EyF7G-H"I/!J#QKuLI|MWN?O^P)~QRS&TU&V*W;XBY4^Z4[\?]?"^b"B \g 9.()Hr  &  &  10b0|E I=!^!"4# $ & w'  ( )*t+-.t/01C2bv35]A HANG PRIORITY PROBLEM IS DETECTEDSYSTEM OVERLOADREDUCE THE SYSTEM LOADCREATE A SYSTEM DUMP AND REBOOTWEAKEST DISPATCHED PRIORITYPRIORITY THRESHOLDTIME OUT DETECTION1735-020 Usage: %1$s -d %1$s -R -l Name %1$s {-D [-O]| -E [-O]} -l Name [-H] %1$s -l Name [-a Attribute=Value]... 1735-021 %1$s: Error in retrieve SWservAt attributes. 1735-022 %1$s: Configuration method error. 1735-023 %1$s: Priority Problem Conf has changed. 1735-024 %1$s: Terminating signal received. 1735-025 %1$s: Priority Problem attribute '%2$s' not found. 1735-026 %1$s: Reset Configuration error. 1735-027 %1$s: Default Problem Conf is restored. 1735-028 %1$s: Process Priority Problem is disabled. 1735-029 %1$s: Check your SWservAt Data Base. 1735-030 %1$s: Only disable or enable states are expected. 1735-031 %1$s: The range value available is [1..50000]. 1735-032 %1$s: The range priority expected is [1..PIDLE]. 1735-033 %1$s: Unable to configure the emergency login. 1735-034 %1$s: System error occurred accessing console. 1735-035 %1$s: Failure accessing the sys0 object in ODM. 1735-036 %1$s: Could not modify the CuAt Database for getty. 1735-037 %1$s: WARNING: Priority Problem Detection is enabled with all actions disabled. 1735-038 %1$s: The attribute '%2$s' is not valid. 1735-039 %1$s: ODM CONFIG_LOCK refused. 1735-040 %1$s: Could not initialize ODM Data Base. 1735-041 %1$s: '%2$s'. 1735-042 %1$s: Attribute format is "attr=value". 1735-043 %1$s: The expected terminals are: /dev/console or a tty available. 1735-044 %1$s: Cannot access: '%2$s' Errno: '%3$d' 1735-045 %1$s: Cannot execute '%2$s' 1735-046 %1$s: The selected path must be valid with right permissions for the owner. 1735-047 %1$s: Error in retrieve CuDv attributes. 1735-048 %1$s: Not a valid terminal. 1735-049 %1$s: Cannot allocate buffer for ACL. 1735-050 %1$s: Cannot find '%2$s' 1735-051 %1$s: Effective user ID needs to be the root user. 1735-060 %1$s: Error in ODM. 1735-061 %1$s: ODM attribute '%2$s' not found. 1735-062 Usage: %1$s [ -test ] [ { -d | -d10 } ] 1735-063 %1$s: No problem class enabled. 1735-064 %1$s: Memory allocation problem. 1735-065 %1$s: Cannot lock '%2$s'. 1735-066 %1$s: Priority problem has been detected.%c 1735-067 %1$s: The weakest dispatch priority is %2$d (decimal). 1735-068 %1$s: The system will be re-booted.%c 1735-069 %1$s: The 'reboot()' does not work. 1735-070 %1$s: Cannot set priority 0 / Round Robin dispatch class. 1735-071 %1$s: Command '%2$s' failed: 1735-072 %1$s: Error has been logged. 1735-073 %1$s: Error cannot be logged. 1735-074 %1$s: Cannot stat '%2$s' 1735-075 %1$s: '%2$s' is not a character device 1735-076 %1$s: Cannot lock myself in the memory. 1735-077 %1$s: 'ttyname()' failed for '%2$s' 1735-078 %1$s: Cannot open '%2$s'. 1735-079 %1$s: A special login session will be started 1735-080 %1$s: to allow manual intervention. Login: 1735-081 %1$s: Cannot fork. 1735-082 %1$s: Cannot execute: '%2$s'. 1735-083 %1$s: 'waitpid()' failed (%d). 1735-084 %1$s: 'ras_service(EVAL_PRI_WATCH, ...)' failed: %2$d. 1735-085 %1$s: Cannot create '%2$s'. 1735-086 %1$s: Error writing to '%2$s'. 1735-087 %1$s: Starting, PID = %2$d. 1735-088 %1$s: 'exit(%2$d)', signal = %3$d, PID = %4$d. 1735-089 %1$s: Initialised. 1735-090 %1$s: Warning: Cannot write log file '%2$s'. 1735-091 %1$s: Child's exit status: 0x%2$x. 1735-092 %1$s: Executing '%2$s'. 1735-093 %1$s: TEST RUN starting, PID = %2$d. 1735-094 %1$s: Executing: '%2$s'. 1735-099 %1$s: A priority problem has been detected. You have logged in to a special session that allows manual intervention to attempt to repair this problem. You can find some further details in '%s'. This login session runs at the dispatch priority 0, in the Round Robin class. The usual services are not likely to be available, use just simple commands (e.g. init is probably blocked, avoid using shutdown, try halt or reboot instead). Note: This is an automatically generated file, named '%s', do not modify it. 1735-052 %1$s: '%2$s' is not an expected value for the attribute '%3$s'. 1735-053 %1$s: Login attribute of the terminal '%2$s' is configured with delay option. 1735-054 %1$s: Configuration is refused. Try another terminal. Enable Process Priority ProblemRecord error events in the Error Log fileDetection Time-outProcess PriorityDisplay a warning message on a consoleTerminal DeviceLaunch a recovering login on a consoleLaunch a commandScriptAutomatically REBOOT system1735-100 %1$s: Lost I/O attribute '%2$s' not found. 1735-101 %1$s: Lost I/O Detection Conf has changed. Enable Lost I/O Detection1735-120 %1$s: 'ras_service(CHK_LOST_I_O, ...)' failed: %2$d. 1735-121 %1$s: Lost I/O has been detected on device %2$llx. 1735-055 Usage: %1$s -d %1$s -R -l Name %1$s {-D [-O]| -E [-O]} -l Name [-H] %1$s -l Name -a Attribute=Value [-a Attribute=Value]... A LOST I/O HANG IS DETECTEDI/O DEVICE DRIVERCREATE A SYSTEM DUMP AND REBOOTMAJOR/MINOR DEVICE NUMBERTIME STAMPNUMBER OF LOST I/O ON DEVICESManage System Hang DetectionSystem Hang Detection StatusChange/Show Characteristics of Priority Problem DetectionRestore Default Priority Problem ConfigurationEnable Process Priority ProblemRecord error events in the Error Log file Detection Time-out Process PriorityDisplay a warning message on a console Terminal DeviceLaunch a recovering login on a consoleLaunch a command ScriptAutomatically REBOOT systemChange/Show Characteristics of Lost I/O DetectionEnable Lost I/O DetectionRestore Default Lost I/O Detection ConfigurationManage System Hang Detection: The System Hang Detection alerts the administrator and allows the system to perform several actions when a hang is suspected. A hang is defined as a situation where no process at or below the threshold priority has been scheduled during the specified timeout. Possible actions are: - Record error events in the Error Log file, - display a warning on a console with or without reboot, - start an interactive command interpreter, and, - execute a shell script. Associated with these actions, the user is able to program a priority level and a time-out detection value (in minutes). IMPORTANT: Once an action has been launched due to a hang, the same action cannot be launched for the same type of hang as long as this action is in progress or the hang has not been recovered. Actions and associated default values are: - to log error in errlog, disable, priority 60, time-out 2, - to display a warning message, disable, priority 60, time-out 2, - to give a recovering getty to log in, enable, priority 60, time-out 2, - to launch a command, disable, priority 60, time-out 2, and, - to reboot the system, disable, priority 39, time-out 5. Indicates whether or not the system is running with Process Priority Detection enabled. This value is changed by the root user. The possible values are enable or disable, with disable being the default. The changed value is persistent across system restarts. Process Priority Detection is represented in the Software Service Aid configuration data base by a set of configurable parameters. These parameters appear as attributes to this Process Priority feature. The user administrator can view and modify these parameters, if desired. Restores the Default Process Priority Problem Configuration. Indicates whether or not the action Record error events in the Error Log file is enabled. This value is changed by the root user. The default is disable. Any change between enable to the state disable will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts. Indicates the detection threshold (or detection time-out) associated with the action error logging. The default is 2 minutes. The valid range of values is [1..50000]. Any change will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts. Indicates the Program Priority level at which an error will be logged. The default Priority Level is the Priority level 60. The valid range of values is [1..255] which represents the operating system process priority. Any change will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts. Indicates whether or not the action Display a warning message on a console is enabled. This value is changed by the root user. The default is disable. Any change between enable to the state disable will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts. Indicates the detection threshold (or detection time-out) associated with the action Dispaly a warning. The default is 2 minutes. The valid range of values is [1..50000]. Any change will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts. Indicates the Program Priority levels at which the detection will be started. This level is associated to the action Display a warning. The default Priority Level is the Priority level 60. The valid range of values is [1..255] which represents the operating system process priority. Any change will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts. Indicates on which Terminal Device the Warning message will be displayed. The default terminal is the console.The selected terminals could be the console or an available tty. Any change will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts. Indicates whether or not the action Launch a recovering login on a console is enabled. This value is changed by the root user. The default is disable. Any change between enable to the state disable will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts. Indicates the detection threshold (or detection time-out) associated with the action Launch a login. The default is 2 minutes. The valid range of values is [1..50000]. Any change will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts. Indicates the Program Priority levels at which the detection will be started. This level is associated to the action Launch a getty. The default Priority Level is the Priority level 56. The valid range of values is [1..255] which represents the operating system process priority. Any change will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts. Indicates whether or not the action Launch a command is enabled. This value is changed by the root user. The default is disable. Any change between enable to the state disable will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts. Indicates the detection threshold (or detection time-out) associated with the action Launch a command. The default is 2 minutes. The valid range of values is [1..50000]. Any change will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts. Indicates the Program Priority levels at which the detection will be started.This level is associated to the action Launch a command. The default Priority Level is the Priority level 60. The valid range of values is [1..255] which represents the operating system process priority. Any change will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts. Indicates the path for the script recovery. This script will do not have parameters. Any change will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts. Indicates whether or not the action Automatically REBOOT the system after Detection is enabled. This value is changed by the root user. The default is disable. Any change between enable to the state disable will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts. Indicates the detection threshold (or detection time-out) associated with the action Reboot the system. The default is 5 minutes. RECOMMENDATION: This detection time-out needs to be at least twice the time-out value of all the other actions configured. The valid range of values is [1..50000]. Any change will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts. Indicates the Program Priority levels at which the detection will be started.This level is associated to the action Reboot the system. The default Priority Level is the Priority level 39. The valid range of values is [1..255] which represents the operating system process priority. Any change will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts. Indicates on which Terminal Device the Emergency Login will be displayed. The default terminal is /dev/tty0. The selected terminals could be any available tty. Any change will take effect immediatly. The change is persistent across system restarts.