ùISO8859-1<NAO@‘EÒ#+<hx • ¦ 0´ å .)F$p!•(·9à8'S({@¤Bå&(O5l'¢'Ê'ò$ '?!9g"6¡#:Ø$%*,&:W'’(3°)ä*– +” ›,@ 0-X q.³ Ê/> ~0& ½1 ä2$ 3P %4* v5@ ¡6> â7P !88 r9 «:‚ Ì;rO<™Â/unix does not match the executing kernel. Cannot load perfvmmstat extension. Memory size Avg. Pageins Avg. Response Time Avg. Pagein Rate (megabytes) (sec.) (pageins / sec.) Number of iterations per memory size = 1 warmup + %d measured = %d. Simulated memory size is %.12g Mb. Simulated memory size changed to %.12g Mb. Hostname: %s Real memory size: %.12g Mb Time of day: %sCommand: %s Simulated memory size initialized to %.12g Mb. Simulated final memory size. rmss interrupted. Failure: Another rmss with pid %d is running. Failure: Could not get data from kernel. Failure: insufficient free frames. Failure: too many pinned pages. Failure: insufficient unusable frames. Failure: VMM unable to free enough frames for stealing. Failure: Could not initialize memory size to %.12g Mb. Choose a larger simulated memory size. Choose a smaller simulated memory size. Choose a larger memory size or retry with less system activity. Choose a larger starting size or retry with less system activity. Choose a larger starting memory size. Unidentified error in rmss. Could not exec %s. Enter Interrupt (ctrl-C) to exit. -s flag requires numerical parameter. -f flag requires numerical parameter. -d flag requires numerical parameter. -n flag needs numerical parameter. -c flag requires numerical parameter. Starting memory size must be between %.12g and %.12g Mb. Final memory size must be between %.12g and %.12g Mb. Simulated memory size must be between %.12g and %.12g Mb. Delta must be positive. Number of iterations must be at least %d. -c, -r, or -p options cannot be mixed with other options. Could not allocate new argv. %s does not exist or isn't executable. Exiting... Could not open output file %s. Unable to simulate %.12g Mb because of lack of stealable memory. The results are valid, but you may want to try a larger final memory size next time. Unable to simulate %.12g Mb because of excess of pinned pages. The results are valid, but you may want to try a larger final memory size next time. Unable to simulate %.12g Mb because of lack of unusable frames. Unable to simulate %.12g Mb because the VMM could not free enough frames for stealing. usage: rmss [-s startmemsize] [-f finalmemsize] [-d deltamemsize] [-n numiterations] [-o outputfile] command rmss -c memsize rmss -r rmss -p Failure: Dynamic reconfiguration is running. Try again later. Error in rmss: use rmss -r to reset. Unable to calloc in touch. Could not get address for symbol %s WARNING: Bad kernel extension still loaded! Reboot before using rmss or svmon. Please supply an integer number of pages. Unable to crush %d pages. Insufficient address space available. Failure: Insufficient privileges for the attempted operation. Number of iterations per memory size = 1 warmup + %d measured x %d times = %d. Failure: Not enough memory available in the kernel heap rmss: Not supported inside WPAR Warning: This operation might impact the system environment. Please refer vmo documentation to resize the appropriate parameters. Warning: AME is currently enabled on this system. This will affect AME statistics related commands output fields. usage: rmss [-s startmemsize] [-f finalmemsize] [-d deltamemsize] [-n numiterations] [-o outputfile] command rmss -c memsize rmss -r rmss -p Note that the rmss command is incompatible with the AIX DLPAR component, and its usage may result in a hung system. The drmgr command provides a safe memory removal function in a DLPAR environment.