ISO8859-1x$k$B2gFF ( :8 3s * ('A:1|:/S0I A ,B n8 .  !N 2"3 #X $= % L&7 _'. ( )1 *) +y C,B -" .E #/> i0& 14 2;35@4Cv5-6*78'39[:w;$<4=f>DU?D@+AA B%MC/sD6E0F3 G1?HFqI:JCK27LCjM-NO<P*QHDR9SFTU)VcWX%Y%Z[_0\\]U^SC_S`+a<b3TcFdeFfD5gGzhFi? j9Ik5l8mEn;8o0tp2q%r,s8+t|ducvEw8dxRy3z)${ N| o}y~+2( ) =* g& ) ' 1! 1!=7!o8!6!The restore is complete. The number of archived files is %u. Ignoring data and continuing. restore: 0511-701 A unexpected end of file condition has occurred. There is no writer on the input pipe. restore: 0511-104 Cannot open file. restore: 0511-105 Cannot read the specified file. restore: 0511-106 The backup format does not contain a volume record. restore: 0511-107 Cannot read from pipe. There is an unpacking error. Checksum error Warning: Cluster size %1$d is too large; reduced to %2$d. Cluster size %1$d is too small; increased to %2$d. Cluster size is %1$d bytes (%2$d blocks). restore: 0511-702 Cannot open or create The backup date is: %sDisk %1$s, File system %2$s, User %3$s restore: 0511-108 There was an error during the unpacking of %s. restore: 0511-109 Reached the end of the backup. Extracting %s.Files are backed up from: %s.Files are backed up by inode. Files are backed up by name. The original size of %1$s is %2$d; restored size is %3$d. restore: 0511-110 There is an unpacking error. restore: 0511-111 Cannot read the FS_DS header. Files to be extracted: %d. restore: 0511-112 There is a write error on the internal temporary file. Inode number %u. restore: 0511-113 Internal error; the read request is too large. restore: 0511-114 There is an internal error on the input medium. restore: 0511-115 There is an internal unpacking error. restore: 0511-116 Cannot reverse tape record. %1$s is linked to %2$s. restore: 0511-117 Cannot restore %s. Minidisk format is no longer supported. restore: 0511-119 There is a missing header block. Mount volumes %1$d through %2$d on %3$s through %4$d. Press the Enter key to continue. Mount volume %1$d on %2$s. Press the Enter key to continue. New volume on %s: restore: 0511-120 The backup format is not recognized. restore: 0511-705 Cannot make directory '%s': restore: 0511-121 Out of space. restore: 0511-122 Cannot open temporary file %s. File does not exist on the backup media. restore: 0511-124 This is a Distributed Services remote backup. Cannot restore remotely. Enter to continue locally: restore: 0511-125 Only the first %d directories will be searched. restore: 0511-126 Cannot open %s: restore: 0511-127 Cannot specify the -%1$c flag with the -%2$c flag. restore: 0511-128 Cannot specify the %s flag and the -X flag. restore: 0511-129 Cannot create pipe. restore: 0511-130 Header type %d is not recognized. restore: 0511-131 There is no space for the output buffer. Sector limit %1$d is not a multiple of cluster %2$d. restore: 0511-132 Data read error on sector %lld; data is ignored. restore: 0511-133 There is a data read error.restore: 0511-704 Cannot restore the file Starting again at the bit map. Starting again at the clear inode map. Starting again at file %s. Starting again at inode %d. The number of restored files is %u. restore: 0511-134 Starting again at the file index. restore: 0511-135 Reached the user file size limit of %1$d blocks while trying to restore file %2$s. restore: 0511-136 Ran out of free space while trying to restore %s. restore: 0511-137 Trying to find the next header. Data may be lost. restore: 0511-138 Cannot write to file %s. Restore is searching directories. This may take several minutes. restore: 0511-139 Seek error wd = %d restore: 0511-141 Cannot attach shared memory. restore: 0511-142 Cannot get a shared memory segment. External interrupt received. Restore is ending. restore: 0511-140 Cannot get information about %s. restore: 0511-143 Cannot create a symbolic link. restore: 0511-703 Cannot open or create a temporary file to restore restore: 0511-118 An error occurred reading from the tty. restore: 0511-144 Header type %d is not recognized and is ignored. restore: 0511-145 File type %o is not recognized. restore: 0511-146 Header type %d is not recognized and is ignored. restore: 0511-147 Unpacking file size error. The user is %s. restore: 0511-123 The volume on %s is not in backup format. The volume number is %d. restore: 0511-103 The volume is not correct. Restore expects volume %d. restore: 0511-102 Import of Access Control Lists failed. restore: 0511-101 Import of Process Control Lists for file %s failed. Usage for Backup by Name: restore -x[MODnqveQ] [-b Number] [-f Device] [-s Number] [-E{force|ignore|warn}] [-L label] [-I label] [File ...] Extracts files by name. restore -T|-t [-alnqvQ] [-b Number] [-f Device] [-s Number] [File ...] Lists a table of contents. restore -X Number [-MOdnqveQ] [-b Number] [-f Device] [-s Number] [-E{force|ignore|warn}] [-L label] [-I label] File ...] Extracts beginning at a specified volume number. Usage for Version 2 Backup by Inode: restore -r[d] [-f Device] [File ...] Usage for Backup by Inode: restore -t[Balhnvy] [-b Number] [-f Device] [-s Number] [File ...] Lists a table of contents. restore -x[BOhmnvy] [-b Number] [-f Device] [-s Number] [File ...] Extracts files by name. restore -i[hmnvyO] [-b Number] [-f Device] [-s Number] Restores files interactively restore -r[BOnvy] [-b Number] [-f Device] [-s Number] Restores full file systems. restore -R[BOnvy] [-b Number] [-f Device] [-s Number] Restores full file systems. restore: 0511-100 Cannot skip tape record. restore: 0511-148 There is no space for an internal buffer. restore: 0511-149 %d exceeds maxmimum path length. restore: 0511-700 Diskette capacity must be consistent for all drives The total size is %llu bytes. restore: 0511-706 There is an internal unpacking error: close failure restore: 0511-707 There is an internal unpacking error: bad pipe id restore: 0511-708 There is an internal unpacking error: decode failure restore: 0511-709 There is an internal unpacking error: write failure restore: 0511-710 There is not sufficient data for decryption. restore: 0511-711 Could not find the specified key file. restore: 0511-712 Could not read data from key file. restore: 0511-713 Key file data not verified correctly. restore: 0511-714 Not able to obtain memory for key file processing. restore: 0511-715 File is not a valid SDCS encrypted file. restore: 0511-716 Decryption has been disabled. restore: 0511-717 Decryption handle is not valid. restore: 0511-718 Cannot statvfs %s restore: 0511-719 Invalid extent option: %s Version 2 backup format. Cannot restore ACL attributes. restore -P String [-BdqvQ] [-b Number] [-f Device] [-s Number] [-L label] [-I label] [File...] Restores file attributes. restore -P String [-hqvQ] [-b Number] [-f Device] [-s Number] [File...] Restores file attributes. Extracting attributes for %s. File or directory %s does not exist in the target path. restore: 0511-720 File or directory pointed to by the symbolic link %s not found. restore: 0511-721 Could not set attributes for %s. Warning: One or more files are modified. Out of memory, malloc() failed. Exiting. Cannot identify group for %s Cannot identify owner for %s restore: Unable to switch to PD_REAL mode. restore: Unable to set security attributes on %s. restore: Unable to set PDIR flag on %s. restore: Unable to set PSDIR flag on %s. restore: Unable to set PSSDIR flag on %s. restore: Label initialization failed. restore: Invalid Sensitivity Label : %s. restore: Invalid Integrity Label : %s. restore: -L option is valid only on Trusted AIX. restore: -I option is valid only on Trusted AIX. restore: Not enough authorization to run this command. restore: This archive is supported only on Trusted AIX. %s:Non default system attributes can not be restored.