ùISO8859-15È"Û)þ&(JO1š)Ì!ö  6 IT ž  /½(í99P3Š;¾ú%454jŸ?¶?ö*6AaA£:å/ P!0i"3š#Î$ë%!&1%'W(1g)™*³+Ç,Ý-ô.* / 10 M1 k2" s3 –42 ¥5/ Øadddirb: nDb = %d storestring: allocate new buffer. 0506-106 %d is not a valid inode number. 0506-107 The superblock is not valid. 0506-108 %s is not a valid value. Values for option %c must not be zero. 0506-631 JFS filesystem, invalid version number. 0506-626 Cannot get inode for inode map. 0506-629 Cannot read superblock. 0506-630 Corrupt superblock. the directory data block list%u bytes of memory are available. Program needs are estimated to be %d. ?0506-627 The inode is zero. current inode = %d, name = `%s', parent = `%d' 0506-628 Cannot get block for inode %d. 0506-109 The seek call failed for block %d. errno is %d. 0506-110 The read call failed for block %d. errno is %d. 0506-111 The program is approaching memory limits. 0506-112 The program limit of %d has been exceeded for %s. the linked file list0506-113 The malloc(%d) call failed. Dd: %5d (%5d bytes) Link: %5d (%5d bytes) Ireq: %5d (%5d bytes) Db: %5d (%5d bytes) xdname: `%s' is dots. 0506-114 There is not enough memory available for the Db area. 0506-115 There is not enough memory available for the Dd area. 0506-116 Cannot get information about %s. 0506-117 There is not enough memory available for the Ireq area. 0506-118 There is not enough memory available for the Link area. 0506-119 There is not enough memory available. Giving up. 0506-120 There is not enough memory available. No files were selected. 0506-621 Input device %s is not a special file. 0506-622 A NULL pointer was passed to storestring. %d link names were detected %d files were selected 0506-623 Cannot find or open %s. NOTE! %d pathnames were only partially resolved. path componentsreaddirs(): blk = %d, j = %d, cnt = %d, tot = %d i: %3d sz: %5d ln: %2d reading superblock saveinod: nireq = %d the selected file listshort block, j=0 0506-625 Cannot get information about %s. nLink=%d nIreq=%d nDb=%d lstblk:%d bsize:%d inopb:%d ??errno0506-632 Unknown filesystem type. ??unresolved??calling xdname: inum = %d, name = `%s', len = %d xdname: adding: inode %d, name = %s, parent %d