ISO8859-1ZG8Xs$7 )( )R | ) +'#'5#].+"&5&6\56$;<`4# -!,$"'Q#y$.%$&&'$ ( 7) R*' p+ , - . /% 0% 21 X2 v3# 4 5% 6 7. 8& 19 X:) y; <$ =' >' ?% 2@? XA0 B C% D E: -F+ hG H& I& J2 K+"L,NM!{N)O"P-Q0R3IS }T-U+VW-X=<YazZ2Usage: mkfilt [-v <4|6>] [-d] [-u] [-i] [-z ] [-g ] Only superuser can run mkfilt. Bad IP version number %s. Invalid IP version number. Invalid option supplied with -z: %s Invalid -g option (%1$s) - only start or stop allowed. ioctl failed on SIOCGFWTBL. ioctl return error code = %d. -g and -c options are mutually exclusive -i and -c options are mutually exclusive Option needed with -z -u and -c options are mutually exclusive -d option mutually exclusive of all others Error on ioctl call (SIOCSFWCLR): %1$s.Filter deactivation not performed. Error on ioctl call (SIOCSFWDBG): %1$s.Logging flag update not performed. Warning -- no storage for deferred log queues.Filter support deactivated at %1$s on %2$s Setting default action failed: %s Successfully set default action to %s Status of packet logging set to %1$s at %2$s on %3$s Status of packet logging set to %1$s at %2$s on %3$s. Error opening file %1$s: %2$s.Filter status will not propagate over system reboot. Logging status will not propagate over system reboot. -i option found but not -u This program must be run from root. Sysconfig call to query kernel extension %1$s failed: %2$s. Kernel extension %1$s not loaded -- can't continue. Socket creation call failed: %1$s. Netinet device driver not at required level. Can't allocate storage for work area: %1$s. Error on ioctl call (SIOCGFWTBL): %1$s.Cannot get current rule set. Error return from SIOCSFWTBL ioctl call: %1$s.Unexpected error exit with rc %1$d. Cannot get IPv%d default filter rule. Cannot access IPv%d filter rule %d. Cannot initialize ODM. %s Cannot open ODM files %s. %s Error on ioctl call (SIOCSFWTBL): %1$s.Rules update not performed. Invalid data ptr supplied.Invalid data length supplied.Invalid index value supplied.New index value equals current value.Permanent I/O error referencing data.Insufficient memory for copy.Insufficient user authority.Insufficient paging space for copy.Unexpected return code.Filter rules updated at %1$s on %2$s rules updateToo many rules (max is %1$d) - aborting %2$s. Rule errors detected - aborting %1$s. No rules found : aborting %1$s. Unexpected branch with reason code %1$d. Error on open %1$s: %2$s.Filter support verification failed. Error on ioctl call (SIOCGFWLVL): %1$s.Error on ioctl call (SIOCSFWINI): %1$s.Filter initialization not performed. Filter support (level %1$d.%2$02d) initialized at %3$s on %4$s Error trying to start logging daemon %1$s: %2$s.Packet logging not available. Check status of logging daemon %1$s. Error reading file %1$s: %2$s.Error converting ascii pid number (%1$s) to decimal: %2$s.Error sending SIGUSR1 signal to %1$s: %2$s.%s %s%s%s%s Cannot init ODM: using default rules. Cannot open ODM: using default rules. Too many rules (max = %1$d): using default rules. Rule errors detected: using default rules. No rules found in ODM: using default rules. Cannot init ODM - aborting %1$s. Unable to open ODM file - aborting %1$s. Evaluation expires in %1$ld days. Cannot change default rule for IPv%d in ODM. Default rule for IPv%d in ODM has been changed. Cannot change filter rule %1$d for IPv%2$d in ODM. Device %s is in Defined status. Filter deactivation for IPv%d not performed. Filter activation for IPv%d not performed. Device %s not found. Memory allocation failure. Aborting update. Unable to update IPv%d default record in filter database. %s The cryptographic routines did not load properly. Check the level of the bos.crypto* filesets. Only superuser or authorized user can run mkfilt.